Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

I repeat. Sexual assault is not a "childish prank"

However making unproven claims are not either. Destroying a man and his family for political expediency is no joke. It's a serious issue and should not be the future norm for our country.
Ya know what is no joke?

Sexual assault

neither is this

Woman accused of making up rape allegations in Connecticut will go on trial this week - Los Angeles Times

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?

His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.
And what does the "F" in FBI represent?
We have had 6 Federal investigations already.
Nothing found

New information, dope.

The new information should be looked at by the FBI. Just as it was when the allegations against Thomas were made. That took three days in 91. It could have been done this week in time for testimony on Monday.

The fbi, or any LEO must have probable cause. What is it?

None? Carry on fool.

The allegation is all that is necessary.
Only for douchebags like you.

For anyone.
Would you ignore it from your daughter?
Her friend?
A co-worker?
An employee?

Would you ignore it from your Son?

Mother of son who hanged himself after being accused of rape commits suicide a year later

His Friend:

Man killed himself after false rape claim despite 'texts proving sex was consensual'

A Co-worker:

26 Years Later, Justice for Men Imprisoned for a Bogus Rape

An employee:

KZN man wrongfully accused of rape free after 14-years

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?
Actually...if the allegations are fraudulent...he should WANT to have them clear his name

Must be why HE has no problem with the hearing.
He does seem to have a problem with the FBI investigating this though...doesn't he.

I wonder why...
The fbi did six rounds on him. You’re confused

In which round did the interview the accuser?
It was not addressed. Background investigations are done for a reason. This very serious allegation has not been a part of that investigation.
It was addressed and Ford does not want to testify in front of congress. There must be a reason.

It could not have been addressed in the background investigation as the allegation was not known at the time, fool.

Whether or not she will testify is not known at this time.

Actually, it was. It was known by Diane Frankenfeinstein and that politician chick in California. They just didn't bother to tell anyone about it.

Not known publicly and not by the FBI, dope.
If it was known by Frankenstein, then it could have been address in the background investigation, numskull.

Withholding evidence is not a minor crime in and of itself.
Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?
Actually...if the allegations are fraudulent...he should WANT to have them clear his name

Must be why HE has no problem with the hearing.
He does seem to have a problem with the FBI investigating this though...doesn't he.

I wonder why...
The fbi did six rounds on him. You’re confused

In which round did the interview the accuser?

In the round that she had a chance to come forward. She missed her opportunity, even though she had SIX OPPORTUNITIES.

Let THAT sink in.
You realize that after Kavanaugh is confirmed, he's going to take his revenge out on you liberals for the next 30 years right.
he can be impeached and as trumps pick the pos was going against anything dems want anyway

No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

The American people disagree with you.
you think american people like rapists and perverts running our highest court in the land ??Guess what That makes you a republican

No just Dem's do, Bill Clinton is proof. :itsok:
However making unproven claims are not either. Destroying a man and his family for political expediency is no joke. It's a serious issue and should not be the future norm for our country.
Ya know what is no joke?

Sexual assault

neither is this

Woman accused of making up rape allegations in Connecticut will go on trial this week - Los Angeles Times

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?

His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.
/——/ Not even you are dumb enough to believe that.
However making unproven claims are not either. Destroying a man and his family for political expediency is no joke. It's a serious issue and should not be the future norm for our country.
Ya know what is no joke?

Sexual assault

neither is this

Woman accused of making up rape allegations in Connecticut will go on trial this week - Los Angeles Times

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?

His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.
You are probably feeling a little foolish with what came out about her demands, huh?
It's okay, but let this be a lesson for you in the future.
You realize that after Kavanaugh is confirmed, he's going to take his revenge out on you liberals for the next 30 years right.
he can be impeached and as trumps pick the pos was going against anything dems want anyway

No SCOTUS justice has ever been impeached and removed from the bench. :itsok:
true not yet but this pos and thomas deserves it

The American people disagree with you.

More Americans say Kavanaugh should be rejected than confirmed: poll

Your fake news poll of liberal pukes means nothing.
And the only one who has taken a lie detector test..and passed it

inadmissible in any court.

she passed a test on an event as she remembers it...

not on how it happened.

(If Kavanaugh took a test, and it proved he DIDN'T do it, would you believe it?)
Has he volunteered to take a lie detector test?

Why not?
Prove yourself innocent
Does not work that way here
Go where it does
Prove yourself innocent
Does not work that way here
Go where it does

I see the problem with that.

It's just like trying to prove yourself to have been assaulted. It doesn't work very well.

If only we had an impartial third party who could look into this to help them both out.
Then tell me, Hutch, what point would there be in bringing this up if the statutes of limitation have already expired? You can't charge him with a crime under state or federal law.

Honest question: What other reason would there be for it to be brought up? Political assassination perhaps?

WTF? Seriously?

You don't believe that if there is any validity to these claims that it would bring the character of the nominee into question at all?
None. The woman is obviously lying.
you're #1 ,,,and you don't know WTF you're talking about
Everyone knows she's lying. Even you. I admit that you're incredibly stupid, but you're not that stupid.

Great. Then let the FBI nail her ass to the wall.
/——/ You’re calling for a sexual assault on a woman? WOWZA
separate issues spanky. since when is a background check and an investigation the same? oh, since you need it to be.

game over, man.
Grassley Says He Won't Delay Kavanaugh Hearing As Moderate Republicans Fall In Line

A background check is an investigation, fool.

It's exactly what Trump had the FBI do when allegations against Rob Porter were made.
then in that case FOOL hes been investigated 6 times. gobthe fuck away now.

Not on this allegation, dope. It couldn't have been investigated if no one knew about it.

When Thomas was accused of sexual harrassment, the president directed the FBI to investigate the claims as a part of the background investigation.

How is this different?
If it was such a serious and believable allegation, why did Feinstein hold on to the letter for several months.
Why did she wait until the eve of the confirmation? Why didn't she question Kav about it when she had her
time with him?
You are a water carrying minion.

It's been explained in the world outside of Fox.

It wasn't released as the accuser wished to remain anonymous.we saw that when it broke. It only came out because of a leak.

None of that really matters anyway.
It's here now and needs to be dealt with.

Seriously? If she was really dumb enough to think she was going to remain anonymous, she has no business teaching at a university, or even a daycare.

And yeah, it matters. You don't get to just throw out this insane narrative and go, "Never mind, just accept all that and focus on what I WANT you to think."

Yes, Trump's investigators in Hawaii have reason to believe that letter is with Obama's "real" birth certificate. They will have big news very shortly.
Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorneys Lay Out Conditions For Senate Hearing

Some of the conditions included Kavanaugh not being present during Blasey’s testimony and for the committee to not turn the hearing into a “media circus.”


I agree that Kavanaugh should not be allowed in the same room while Dr. Ford is testifying.
once again the left is fine with re-writing our entire judicial and executive system in order to get their demands met. if the right tries it, they go ape-shit batty. then again so do i cause it's crap on a wicker stick.

Dems re-writing?

The Republicans haven't even followed the precedent used the last time this happened.
However making unproven claims are not either. Destroying a man and his family for political expediency is no joke. It's a serious issue and should not be the future norm for our country.
Ya know what is no joke?

Sexual assault

neither is this

Woman accused of making up rape allegations in Connecticut will go on trial this week - Los Angeles Times

Yeah, but Dr. Ford is the only one asking for an FBI investigation.

Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?

His memory of the event is irrelevant to the allegation, dope.

:haha: If he doesn't remember it, what good would a lie detector do?
Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorneys Lay Out Conditions For Senate Hearing

Some of the conditions included Kavanaugh not being present during Blasey’s testimony and for the committee to not turn the hearing into a “media circus.”


I agree that Kavanaugh should not be allowed in the same room while Dr. Ford is testifying.
once again the left is fine with re-writing our entire judicial and executive system in order to get their demands met. if the right tries it, they go ape-shit batty. then again so do i cause it's crap on a wicker stick.

Dems re-writing?

The Republicans haven't even followed the precedent used the last time this happened.
cause the left keeps changing it to suit their needs at the time then they get all bent-ass-stupid when the right does it in return. it's like STOP COPYING OUR CHEATING DAMNIT! IT'S OURS!!!
name any other woman who had less details on a sexual assault than her.

That means nothing. The allegation needs to be investigated.
no it doesn't. It was, the FBI did a background check it didn't come up. so it didn't exist. that's simple

There was no investigation in to this allegation, liar.

You're right. There was no investigation because SHE DIDN'T TELL ANYONE. This isn't Minority Report, and Tom Cruise isn't going to investigate based on what the psychics tell him. In the real world, if you want people to know that a crime has been committed against you, you have to actually open your mouth and say something.

There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
There was, however, an FBI background check, which did not turn up this allegation because IT HAD NEVER BEEN MADE. I do hope you're not trying to deny that the FBI did a background check, or that Dr. Ford never gave anyone anything to find before this moment.
That is exactly what I have been saying throughout the entirety of this thread.

That is exactly why it needs to be investigated now.

No, what you've been saying in this thread is that EVERYTHING means we "need to investigate now", including the fact that there isn't enough evidence to investigate.
Christine Blasey Ford’s Attorneys Lay Out Conditions For Senate Hearing

Some of the conditions included Kavanaugh not being present during Blasey’s testimony and for the committee to not turn the hearing into a “media circus.”


I agree that Kavanaugh should not be allowed in the same room while Dr. Ford is testifying.
once again the left is fine with re-writing our entire judicial and executive system in order to get their demands met. if the right tries it, they go ape-shit batty. then again so do i cause it's crap on a wicker stick.

Dems re-writing?

The Republicans haven't even followed the precedent used the last time this happened.

The last time this 'happened', there were fresh memories, witnesses, and evidence.

and the candidate was confirmed anyway.
So, you are willing to ignore such a serious allegation and grant a lifetime appointment for nothing more than political expediency?

Republicans have zero ethical standards.
so you are willing to take unfounded accusations against a man and destroy his life cause you don't like his politics?

I'm pushing for an investigation, dope.
Kavanaugh has been investigated, and you've been told that he's been investigated numerous times. Idiot. You're nothing but a propaganda parrot.

This allegation has not been investigated.
They couldn't have investigated an incident they knew nothing about, dope.
and it won't be if she's not going to take it seriously. give it up homeslice. no one is biting into this shit sammich. all the 2 year old foot stomping followed by cries of outrage followed by calling the right heartless won't change a thing that there are more holes in her story than there are craters on the moon.

the left pushed it too far and what we've got here is a case of backlash by disbelief.

feel free to keep eating that sammich.

You have no idea of what "holes" are in her story. You have no testimony and no investigative information. You have news reports and dopey conjecture. You certainly don't have anything that is conclusive.
Investigate the allegations, of course, dope.

I tend to ignore retarded questions.
BTW, the first line of investigation is to talk to the person with the accusation. yet she won't talk. so, why waste any effort on anything further. no cooperation means no investigation. and six background checks are completed on kavanaugh and this didn't come up. so there is no allegation out there.
BTW, the first line of investigation is to talk to the person with the accusation. yet she won't talk.

Not true, liar.

It is her who is asking for the FBI to investigate, dope.
well it's obvious you have no idea what investigation means. I'm sorry, but since you refuse to understand that word, it makes it difficult to have a discussion with you. What do you think the first thing the cops do on a domestic dispute? If you can't answer that question, I stand on my position of no longer needing a dialog with you.

LOL. I think it's obviously you who are clueless. It's not a difficult concept. It's was done during the Thomas confirmation.

Obviously Ford is willing to talk to the FBI as she's asking for the investigation.

She's asking for an investigation into Kavanaugh, not her. Her story has so many holes in it the FBI will be able to catch her in a lie within two minutes and she knows it. The DNC didn't plan this out very well.

Sure they did. After all, they really don't give a crap what happens to her in the long run. All they want is to drag out the confirmation until after the midterms, so all they provided was something - anything! - around which they could produce a storm of sound and fury, signifying nothing. (That's a literary quote, for the leftists in the audience. It comes from one of those book things.)

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