Kavanaugh accuser wants FBI investigation before hearing

Fox really has Trumpdrones foaming under the armpits over this one dont they ?

EVery decent rational person is "foaming under the armpits" over this sleazy attempt to destroy a decent man. The people who support this maneuver are lying pieces of shit who have no honor, ethics or integrity. That means you, douchebag.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

Why should anyone "investigate" the claim of an obvious kookoo-bird who has no evidence of any kind to support it? I mean none. No witnesses. No physical evidence. No contemporaneous accounts. Nothing. Honor, ethics and integrity would dictate that this women be kicked to the curb.
Why should anyone "investigate" the claim of an obvious kookoo-bird

To make sure they aren't confirming someone who may have committed such an act, of course.
Hence the need for a investigative report from the FBI.


And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Are you sure that's what you want?

And by "correctly" do you mean "by any means necessary to derail the confirmation of Kavanaugh"?

No, dope.
By correctly I mean correctly. Like taking this allegation seriously and do the dilligence required to look into the allegation properly.
There is absolutely no reason to take this allegation seriously.

That's the view of a fool.
Just because she has not YET put forth any evidence that compels you, certainly does not mean it doesn't exist. The prudent thing to do is make sure before moving foreward.
That's because another nomination process will take this past midterms which is their goal.
That's because another nomination process will take this past midterms which is their goal.

So, you are willing to ignore such a serious allegation and grant a lifetime appointment for nothing more than political expediency?

Republicans have zero ethical standards.
so you are willing to take unfounded accusations against a man and destroy his life cause you don't like his politics?

I'm pushing for an investigation, dope.
Kavanaugh has been investigated, and you've been told that he's been investigated numerous times. Idiot. You're nothing but a propaganda parrot.

This allegation has not been investigated.
They couldn't have investigated an incident they knew nothing about, dope.
This allegation should be ignored and ridiculed. We both know what's really going on here. Lying Leftist trash.
And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Are you sure that's what you want?

And by "correctly" do you mean "by any means necessary to derail the confirmation of Kavanaugh"?

No, dope.
By correctly I mean correctly. Like taking this allegation seriously and do the dilligence required to look into the allegation properly.
There is absolutely no reason to take this allegation seriously.

That's the view of a fool.
Just because she has not YET put forth any evidence that compels you, certainly does not mean it doesn't exist. The prudent thing to do is make sure before moving foreward.

One would think that it would be a high priority for the accuser to present such evidence, in order to substantiate her claim instead of having it weaken as time goes by without it. Leads one to believe it doesn't exist.
Kavanaugh should ask for an investigation into an event he doesn't remember?

Is that Liberal Logic in action?
Actually...if the allegations are fraudulent...he should WANT to have them clear his name

Must be why HE has no problem with the hearing.
He does seem to have a problem with the FBI investigating this though...doesn't he.

I wonder why...

He never said squat. One more time: the FBI investigates federal crime, not house parties. It’s the FBI who said they have no interest in this case.

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/----/ Ray, you'll be reposting that for 10 years. That's how long it took Libs to finally understand the USSC didn't select GW Bush president.

It is like talking to a brick wall, isn’t it? Its like somebody standing in the rain telling you how much they are enjoying the sunshine. But then again, they are not considered the Uninformed Voters for nothing. You can’t teach somebody something they refuse to learn.

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And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.
Are you sure that's what you want?

And by "correctly" do you mean "by any means necessary to derail the confirmation of Kavanaugh"?

No, dope.
By correctly I mean correctly. Like taking this allegation seriously and do the dilligence required to look into the allegation properly.
There is absolutely no reason to take this allegation seriously.

That's the view of a fool.
Just because she has not YET put forth any evidence that compels you, certainly does not mean it doesn't exist. The prudent thing to do is make sure before moving foreward.
Why do you and other supposedly intelligent people play your silly game. You know the purpose here. You have nothing but smearing a good man. You're all sick and soooooo desperate. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Six investigations which did not uncover the slightest hint of this alleged sexual assault.

But now people are coming forward.

Time for a seventh.

One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.
One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.

Hmm...just like Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
The poster was talking about people who have come foreward to back up the accuser, dope.

Kav's buddy did the same thing.

Stop responding with retarded shit. Read and understand the conversation before posting.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.


Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
The FBI (first letter being Federal) only investigates Federal Crimes. They don't investigate house parties of teenagers. Civil rights is within their purview. A violation of Civil Rights is a federal crime.

Understand now???

the willful ignorant will never understand they refuse too

The FBI can investigate anything they want to.

"""In fact, the FBI could certainly investigate Ford's claim, but only if the White House asks the bureau to do so. She has no authority to request it. Neither does the Senate."""

Can the FBI investigate the allegation against Brett Kavanaugh?

But you know the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief is not going to allow it.


within their jurisdiction dummy

however ya turdbreath remain willfully ignorant

staying ignorant is important to ya

What We Investigate

The FBI Background Investigation Process - ClearanceJobs
hey fuckhead he has already been though that process --LOSER--

six times ya --LOSER--

Not on the subject of the allegation.
They couldn't investigate something they didn't know about, dope.
Sure there is. There has been an allegation of sexual assualt made. That alone requires further investigation.

The accuser is willing to work with the FBI. Why isn't Kavanaugh?

Lying to the FBI is a felony. Liars don't typically volunteer to talk to the FBI.

Nobody's going to waste a moment on an alleged event from 36 years prior when the accuser can't remember any details.

The accuser remembers quite a few details., dope. More than enough for the FBI to interview several people.

Which brings us back to WHY the FBI would interview anyone, given that this is not their job.

The appropriate investigative body, whose job this ACTUALLY is - the Senate Judiciary Committee - would like to interview people . . . starting with Dr. Ford, just as soon as she decides this is really as important as she claims it is, and agrees to do so.

It is their job. The FBI conducted the background investigations. This is a question regarding his background.


Yes, and the extent to which it affects his background check is the FBI saying, "There was an allegation that he did this, it was never reported to law enforcement and never pursued." And they've done that. So there you go.


Now it has been reported and needs to be pursued, dope.

We just ignore any new information?
One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.
One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.

Hmm...just like Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
The poster was talking about people who have come foreward to back up the accuser, dope.

Kav's buddy did the same thing.

Stop responding with retarded shit. Read and understand the conversation before posting.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.


Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
Are purposefully using old debunked information because you know this is bullshit?

She removed that claim then said she didn’t know anything and people should stop asking her about it.
It is a federal issue, fool. Kavanaugh has been nominated for a seat on the supreme court.
And what does the "F" in FBI represent?
We have had 6 Federal investigations already.
Nothing found

New information, dope.

The new information should be looked at by the FBI. Just as it was when the allegations against Thomas were made. That took three days in 91. It could have been done this week in time for testimony on Monday.

The fbi, or any LEO must have probable cause. What is it?

None? Carry on fool.

The allegation is all that is necessary.
Only for douchebags like you.

For anyone.
Would you ignore it from your daughter?
Her friend?
A co-worker?
An employee?
EVery decent rational person is "foaming under the armpits" over this sleazy attempt to destroy a decent man. The people who support this maneuver are lying pieces of shit who have no honor, ethics or integrity. That means you, douchebag.
Honor,ethics and integrity?

Like confirming someone accused of sexual assault without any investigation at all?

Too funny.

If there's not enough to investigate, sure. Is she testifies with specifics that can be checked out, by all means check it out. I'd she won't, ignore it and vote.
I heard that is the republican stance. If by tomorrow morning she doesn't agree to the monday hearing, they will have a vote monday afternoon.

Now her claim is that she will attend the hearing provided it's fair (by her standards) and she is kept safe. Gee, I wonder what she will consider fair and how will she evaluate that?
No questions from Republicans. That's my prediction. I can't wait to see what her conditions are. I'm sure the entire country will be laughing.

Or not.

More Americans say Kavanaugh should be rejected than confirmed: poll
One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.
One person came out and no evidence to backup her claim.

Hmm...just like Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
The poster was talking about people who have come foreward to back up the accuser, dope.

Kav's buddy did the same thing.

Stop responding with retarded shit. Read and understand the conversation before posting.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.


Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident

So bring that person to the Senate, put them under oath and get their testimony. What's hard about that?
Hmm...just like Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
Kavanaugh hasn't made a claim. He denied a claim. Only fools think you can prove a negative. Oh, wait! Forgot who I was talking to! I guess we have that covered, don't we?
The poster was talking about people who have come foreward to back up the accuser, dope.

Kav's buddy did the same thing.

Stop responding with retarded shit. Read and understand the conversation before posting.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.
Nobody has come forward to back her up. Not one single witness.


Accuser's schoolmate: I recall hearing of alleged Kavanaugh incident
Are purposefully using old debunked information because you know this is bullshit?

She removed that claim then said she didn’t know anything and people should stop asking her about it.

Just a slight correction, because it's important. The Senate Committee did try to contact her, she has refused to respond.

Nuff said
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.

Why slow down when the accusers won't cooperate?
Correct, likely because it lacked even the tiniest shred of evidence. The only piece she had was notes from her therapist, which both she and her husband declared to be bogus.


So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Ms/Mrs/Comrade Ford do you have any corroborating evidence of your charges?

Yes Senator...I have notes I myself dictated to a therapist.


If we dont mercilessly put these people down now this degeneration towards Bolshevism will go too far.

So in this new system we face? Where notes written by the accuser are taken as evidence of accusations? Seems a little circular to me...and a lot evil.

Hence the need for a investigative report from the FBI.


And how many of you now whinging for an FBI investigation would accept it if it concluded nothing happened? Would you say, "yup, he's good. Go ahead and vote", or would it just be on top another faux scandal?

I would accept the findings either way. The goal for me is to have this done correctly rather than quickly.

Oh, I don't doubt for a second that "quickly" is not any part of your goal.

Conversely, we see that is your only goal.
Well, there's a credible allegation of sexual assault as well. That needs to be addressed.

Credible? In what way?

How is it not?
Where has it been disproven?

It doesn't have to be. It is assumed to not have happened until proven.

Hence the need for an investigation.


Hence the need for the alleged victim to talk to the investigative body.


Who says she won't?
right now america is losing and I don't like it

We Americans did that to you.

And your response to our votes...your insane fits, rants against the Constitution and the electoral college, riots, snobby celebrities lecturing us...have convinced even more that we made the right decision.

You turds are petrified that you'll lose the Senate in November and you'll lose your chance to pack the SC with uber conservatives if you don't jam this creep through in days
You're petrified that Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed before January. That's when the new Senators are sworn in, not the day after the election. Moron.

Then why not slow down and do the investigation? You'll still have the votes until then.

Your pleading would only have merit if the Senate Democrats brought this to light during the hearings. Since they did not, and we know they had the information, the request is without base.

But keep crying about it, I have stock in Kleenex.

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