Kavanaugh allies think latest victim "spells trouble for the Trump nominee" (request to be DEPOSED)


Gold Member
Mar 3, 2018
I believe this is woman #2. I believe this is the one, WHILE IN COLLEGE, Kavanaugh stuck his penis in her face.

SHE HAS requested to be DEPOSED under oath to tell what happened to her.

Even Kavanaugh allies think Deborah Ramirez spells trouble for the Trump nominee: New Yorker’s Jane Mayer


24 SEP 2018 AT 13:28 ET

New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer, who together with Ronan Farrow broke the story of Deborah Ramirez, the second woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Monday that even Kavanaugh’s allies say that Ramirez has a reputation as “a very truthful person”, potentially spelling trouble for the nominee. Ramirez claims that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her during a college drinking game, pushing his penis in her face while other classmates told her to “kiss it.”

“Everybody who I have interviewed about her, including people who the Kavanaugh team sent to me to talk to, to try to knock her down, all of them have said Deborah Ramirez is a very truthful person,” Mayer said. This includes, she added, “people who knew her way back at Yale who are now on the Kavanaugh side of the confirmation battle.”

Mayer also highlighted the contrast between Ramirez and Kavanaugh’s defenders, including presumably Republicans on the Judiciary Committee.Don’t forget, she is the one who has been calling for the FBI to come in and take sworn statements under threat of perjury from all of the witnesses including herself,” Mayer said. “It is the other side that is resisting having the FBI come in, so I think that, to me, is somewhat important in evaluating this.”...

Even Kavanaugh allies think Deborah Ramirez spells trouble for the Trump nominee: New Yorker's Jane Mayer
Ramirez doesn't remember anything that lawyers haven't told her. The NY Times sent an army of reporters to find corroborating witnesses and could not find one.
I believe this is woman #2. I believe this is the one, WHILE IN COLLEGE, Kavanaugh stuck his penis in her face.

SHE HAS requested to be DEPOSED under oath to tell what happened to her.

Even Kavanaugh allies think Deborah Ramirez spells trouble for the Trump nominee: New Yorker’s Jane Mayer


24 SEP 2018 AT 13:28 ET

New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer, who together with Ronan Farrow broke the story of Deborah Ramirez, the second woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Monday that even Kavanaugh’s allies say that Ramirez has a reputation as “a very truthful person”, potentially spelling trouble for the nominee. Ramirez claims that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her during a college drinking game, pushing his penis in her face while other classmates told her to “kiss it.”

“Everybody who I have interviewed about her, including people who the Kavanaugh team sent to me to talk to, to try to knock her down, all of them have said Deborah Ramirez is a very truthful person,” Mayer said. This includes, she added, “people who knew her way back at Yale who are now on the Kavanaugh side of the confirmation battle.”

Mayer also highlighted the contrast between Ramirez and Kavanaugh’s defenders, including presumably Republicans on the Judiciary Committee.Don’t forget, she is the one who has been calling for the FBI to come in and take sworn statements under threat of perjury from all of the witnesses including herself,” Mayer said. “It is the other side that is resisting having the FBI come in, so I think that, to me, is somewhat important in evaluating this.”...

Even Kavanaugh allies think Deborah Ramirez spells trouble for the Trump nominee: New Yorker's Jane Mayer
You are insane. The New York Times has already called it B.S. Are you really this ate up with hatred that you cant use common sense or are you just stupid?
Ramirez doesn't remember anything that lawyers haven't told her. The NY Times sent an army of reporters to find corroborating witnesses and could not find one.

And yet she is willing UNDER OATH to tell them what they told her?? You better hope like hell she doesn't offer to take a polygraph!

Are you guys really this stupid? (I think I need to check in on FOX and WINGER talking points each AM to see what is coming down the shit chute, though admittedly I'd have to check in more than once a day in the current environment).
And the white knighting of men who sexually assault women continues.

Well there is no proof of sexual anything.

No witnesses. No proof. Judge was there but he was so drunk he doesn't remember anything.

If that's your idea of someone defending a sexual assault then you don't know anything about sexual assault.

Carry on dumbass.
She's not a victim. At this point she is only an accuser.

Yup and accuser who waited 36 years to say anything about a supposed groping.

No witnesses, no proof of anything yet the Lefty Loons think she's a victim.

Gotta laugh at how gullible they all are.
Ramirez doesn't remember anything that lawyers haven't told her. The NY Times sent an army of reporters to find corroborating witnesses and could not find one.

ABC said it was not believable either.

Ramirez took six days to decide what she thought she knew.

She's about as believable as Ford and the idiot accusing him of gang rape.

Good Lord could these idiots be any more transparent??
Ramirez doesn't remember anything that lawyers haven't told her. The NY Times sent an army of reporters to find corroborating witnesses and could not find one.

And yet she is willing UNDER OATH to tell them what they told her?? You better hope like hell she doesn't offer to take a polygraph!

Are you guys really this stupid? (I think I need to check in on FOX and WINGER talking points each AM to see what is coming down the shit chute, though admittedly I'd have to check in more than once a day in the current environment).
I haven't read where she is willing to testify. She can offer a polygraph all she wants. it isn't admissible.
I agree. Let her testify if she has the balls for it. Let her produce witnesses and proof of the bullshit she's spouting.

Don't hold your breath though.

Please merge this (Kavanaugh) thread into the other 13 (Kavanaugh) threads that were merged.

She's not a victim. At this point she is only an accuser.

Yup and accuser who waited 36 years to say anything about a supposed groping.

No witnesses, no proof of anything yet the Lefty Loons think she's a victim.

Gotta laugh at how gullible they all are.
I've been searching for a word that describes them properly, but one doesn't exist I'm afraid.

Half cocked?
off their rockers?
beyond imagination?
fking nuts?
Out of touch?
fked up?
without conscience?
I believe this is woman #2. I believe this is the one, WHILE IN COLLEGE, Kavanaugh stuck his penis in her face.

SHE HAS requested to be DEPOSED under oath to tell what happened to her.

Even Kavanaugh allies think Deborah Ramirez spells trouble for the Trump nominee: New Yorker’s Jane Mayer


24 SEP 2018 AT 13:28 ET

New Yorker reporter Jane Mayer, who together with Ronan Farrow broke the story of Deborah Ramirez, the second woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct, told MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell on Monday that even Kavanaugh’s allies say that Ramirez has a reputation as “a very truthful person”, potentially spelling trouble for the nominee. Ramirez claims that Kavanaugh exposed himself to her during a college drinking game, pushing his penis in her face while other classmates told her to “kiss it.”

“Everybody who I have interviewed about her, including people who the Kavanaugh team sent to me to talk to, to try to knock her down, all of them have said Deborah Ramirez is a very truthful person,” Mayer said. This includes, she added, “people who knew her way back at Yale who are now on the Kavanaugh side of the confirmation battle.”

Mayer also highlighted the contrast between Ramirez and Kavanaugh’s defenders, including presumably Republicans on the Judiciary Committee.Don’t forget, she is the one who has been calling for the FBI to come in and take sworn statements under threat of perjury from all of the witnesses including herself,” Mayer said. “It is the other side that is resisting having the FBI come in, so I think that, to me, is somewhat important in evaluating this.”...

Even Kavanaugh allies think Deborah Ramirez spells trouble for the Trump nominee: New Yorker's Jane Mayer

Republicans desire to rush the process along so, that NO MORE accusers can come forward before a vote. :206:

Not gonna happen; not gonna.

I already stated here, over a week ago, TWICE, that Mr. Molester Kavanugh would eventually withdraw his name from the nomination.

There; I said a third time, now. I am standing by my prediction.

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