Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Do Democrats really hate the US to the point they want to fundamentally transform it as an example here put forth by Blumenthal? Guilt before Innocence? Next thing, he will be saying that legislation needs to be passed so we can see what is in it.
He already di it was called O bomb a care remember The quote by Nancy "well we'll have to get it passed so we can see what's in it"!
Has Stormy come up with the age one must be to have sex and be considered cool?
Just like with these Bimbos accusing Kavanaugh, The Democrat Party is paying their legal fees just like they are paying Stormy Daniels' and this is why Avenatti is one of the attorneys, the other works for George Soros, and the third one is Joe Biden's DNC assigned Attorney for all three so called last minute accusers.


Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

If you're talking about 14 and 15 year old kids, then sure. But seems to be saying that he was a virgin, and that he didn't do anything, well into adulthood. So he's either the biggest square to ever live, or he was a huge loser who just couldn't get laid to save his life.

....or, he's lying.

Or maybe not everyone in the world is a slut.

That's your argument, that anyone who has sex is a slut?

No, actually, my argument is that YOUR argument makes YOU look like a slut.

Sorry I didn't make that clearer.

In other words, you have nothing except an ad hominem.
How many of those thugs ended up in jail?
Central Park jogger case - Wikipedia

On May 1, 1989, real estate magnate Donald Trump called for the return of the death penalty when he took out full-page advertisements in all four of the city's major newspapers. Trump said he wanted the "criminals of every age" who were accused of beating and raping a jogger in Central Park 12 days earlier "to be afraid". The advertisement, which cost an estimated $85,000, said, in part, "Mayor Koch has stated that hate and rancor should be removed from our hearts. I do not think so. I want to hate these muggers and murderers. They should be forced to suffer .


After the city announced in June 2014 that they would settle with the defendants for more than $40 million, Trump wrote an opinion article for the New York Daily News. He called the settlement "a disgrace" and said that the group's guilt was still likely: "Settling doesn't mean innocence. ... Speak to the detectives on the case and try listening to the facts. These young men do not exactly have the pasts of angels."

Karma's a bitch.
How many of the thugs were arrested after release?
these kind of accusations will spread like wildfire. famous people are gonna have to get "sexual assault accusation insurance"
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
So, which is it? Are guys like Kavanaugh the cool, ladies man that the leftist commies are making him out to be or was he the nerdy, lame, square guy the leftist commies are making him out to be???

It's funny when the Rules for Radicals DON'T work.

If you pay attention you'd see that he is the one who is claiming he's the nerdy, lame square. I'm saying I think he's full of shit.

No, he's just claiming he refrained from having sex. YOU are the one putting a negative spin on it, while simultaneously ALSO trying to tell us you don't believe it, because EVERYONE passes their genitals around like party favors, right?

Tells us volumes about you, but not about Brett Kavanaugh.

And just like that you're right back to saying that the only two options are virginity or slut shaming.
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

Ummmm, yes it probably does.

But why quibble

Not even remotely. Just because he wasn't a successful rapist doesn't mean he didn't try when the opportunity presented itself or when he was grossly intoxicated (as it is rumored he had a tendency to become).

According to the stories that have been told so far, Ford and Kennedy were the drunk ones, which they want to make clear to explain their lack of detail.
You can see why The Porn Industry no longer employs Daniels. She is starting to get Rolly Polly.

Plus, she has had more holes filled than an Ohio Road.
Who doesn't get laid in High School or by Junior year in college????? What 10-15%. The guy was not physically unatractive, had a party life, had money, Why???

Was he getting drunk so he would be attracted to girls????? Maybe Mike Pence should reconsider his pick?

AC Green, Lolo Jones, Tim Tebow, Russell Wilson, Jessica Simpson, Jordin Sparks, Tina Fey, Phillip Rivers, Ricardo Kaká Leite, Michael Redd, Prince Amukamara,

There ya go.

Were they drunken partiers too?
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.
In fact, he is innocent of the accusations until such time as he is convicted.
This isn't criminal law, there is no presumption of innocence.
There is ALWAYS a presumption of innocence.

Accusations that are false for the purpose of interfering with the government ARE criminal. The special council just recently filed conspiracy charges for just that sort of thing.
No, the there is no legal presumption of innocence anywhere except criminal law. No one is making false accusations.

However, slander is actionable.
No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.

Why? Because you don't like it?
Actually James Roche, Brett’s roommate from Yale said he believes the Ramirez story even though he didn’t see it just because Brett was such a drunk.

Remember Brett said he never got drunk.

And obviously he has video of this, because hell, it happened so damn often?

Did we have camera phones in the 80s?

No, but many rich Yale kids had video tape cameras, and drunks were drawn to em like flies to shit. I'm not seeing anyone with any video of Kav in any state of disorder.
So,. we had thisshit in the early 80's????
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
/----/ Kavanaugh wasn't a predator like Billy Clintoon. And that is the major issue you have with him.
by the left's logic, if you're male and your mother nursed you, you committed sexual assault.
And if you are a girl who kisses her dad or sits on his lap after you reach a certain height, that means they're having sex.

Because the left sexualizes children. That's why Bulldog always has a picture of young Ivanka hugging her dad or sitting on his lap as his avatar. He's a pervert, so he perverts that which arouses him. The left's racists do the same...when they have racist thoughts inappropriately, they blame the people who inadvertently trigger them. So when they think that blacks are criminals, they immediately want to make it illegal for anybody to talk about the criminality of the black culture, because it's HATE SPEECH.

The hate is in themselves. The perversion is in themselves. They just want to stop all mention of it, and to do that they paint everybody else as perverts.

The left is steeped in the sex trafficking trade, including child sex trafficking. It is their bread and butter. The sex trafficking trade is dependent upon Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood funnels money into the Democratic Party...

THAT is why they don't want judges who abide by the constitution. THAT is why they have a giant stable of madams, porn stars, attorneys, artists, and academics who are on the string...whose ONLY purpose is to bring false witness and degrade the culture, the economy, and destroy anybody who attempts to bring the law to bear.
What ind of father tells a radio host that is daughter is hot & talked about dating her?
Then why the FBI?....

Because they do the background investigations, dope.

They have done their background investigations, 6 of them....dumbass.

Just not on these allegations, dope.
Not a single person allegedly involved has been interviewed.
I don't even know what that means. if they weren't found they didn't exist. what do you not understand about investigation? they didn't find the allegations. they didn't exist. they still don't exist. no local report exists and because of that there is nothing to find and exactly what the FBI found, nothing. they don't need to go look for nothing a seventh time. sorry, we weren't born yesterday disturbed!!!
I don't even know what that means

Because you're dumb as shit.

They found nothing on Clarence Thomas either, dope.
They did follow up and investigated the new information when the allegations were made.

It's not a difficult concept.
and they found nothing.

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