Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
There needs to be an FBI Investigation of all of the charges before the hearing.

As for the other witnesses, if they don’t remember about that party, perhaps it’s because nothing memorable happened to THEM at that party.

And they didn’t say it didn’t happen, they said they don’t remember it. Kavenaugh’s buddy, Mark, didn’t say “It didn’t happen”, he said he was really drinking a lot and doesn’t remember.
You are of the idiot group. This is not an FBI matter. SHe needs to file in Maryland where an investigation can begin. They have said it didn't happen.

Clearly, you hate women.
great way to smear w/o a link or reference as to where this nugget came from.

His interview last night. Claims he was a virgin for all of high school and "many years" afterward.

Perhaps he had more important things on his mind, like . . . I don't know, a life plan that led to becoming a Supreme Court Justice?

Yeah, that's totally it. He was a wholesome and pure Ned Flanders. Even as he was underage binge drinking.
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

If you're talking about 14 and 15 year old kids, then sure. But seems to be saying that he was a virgin, and that he didn't do anything, well into adulthood. So he's either the biggest square to ever live, or he was a huge loser who just couldn't get laid to save his life.

....or, he's lying.

Or maybe not everyone in the world is a slut.

That's your argument, that anyone who has sex is a slut?
great way to smear w/o a link or reference as to where this nugget came from.

His interview last night. Claims he was a virgin for all of high school and "many years" afterward.

Perhaps he had more important things on his mind, like . . . I don't know, a life plan that led to becoming a Supreme Court Justice?

Yeah, that's totally it. He was a wholesome and pure Ned Flanders. Even as he was underage binge drinking.
no one ever said that of him either. the liberals are so incapable of thought they must "binary" everything into ME GOOD YOU BAD and go from there.
Payback is a bitch.

False allegations can swing both ways numbnuts.

I don't give a shit either way. It's merely my opinion on why the Kavenaugh shit show is happening. Both parties are to blame.
Yeah, blame the victims.
That's the Democrat way.

Both political parties, nitwit.
Fuck you, shit for brains.

Both parties aren't to blame for this.
That's what liberals do when they realize that Democrats are fucking up. They try to blame THE GOP along with them to ease their guilt.

This shit is purely Democrats' fault, because they can't win with their ideas. They have to lie, cheat, destroy lives, and ruin the economy. This is what they always have done....and it's only gonna get worse for them. The more of these underhanded stunts they pull, the more underhanded they will become.

Fuck you right back, cock gobbler. Both parties do this. Tit for tat. It's why I hate extremists and true believers. They're usually the most full of shit people in any political environment. Don't try and dazzle me with your partisan BS.
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

If you're talking about 14 and 15 year old kids, then sure. But seems to be saying that he was a virgin, and that he didn't do anything, well into adulthood. So he's either the biggest square to ever live, or he was a huge loser who just couldn't get laid to save his life.

....or, he's lying.

Or maybe not everyone in the world is a slut.

That's your argument, that anyone who has sex is a slut?
your argument seems to be anyone who's a virgin after high school is a loser who can't get any.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
/----/ Kavanaugh wasn't a predator like Billy Clintoon. And that is the major issue you have with him.
by the left's logic, if you're male and your mother nursed you, you committed sexual assault.
And if you are a girl who kisses her dad or sits on his lap after you reach a certain height, that means they're having sex.

Because the left sexualizes children. That's why Bulldog always has a picture of young Ivanka hugging her dad or sitting on his lap as his avatar. He's a pervert, so he perverts that which arouses him. The left's racists do the same...when they have racist thoughts inappropriately, they blame the people who inadvertently trigger them. So when they think that blacks are criminals, they immediately want to make it illegal for anybody to talk about the criminality of the black culture, because it's HATE SPEECH.

The hate is in themselves. The perversion is in themselves. They just want to stop all mention of it, and to do that they paint everybody else as perverts.

The left is steeped in the sex trafficking trade, including child sex trafficking. It is their bread and butter. The sex trafficking trade is dependent upon Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood funnels money into the Democratic Party...

THAT is why they don't want judges who abide by the constitution. THAT is why they have a giant stable of madams, porn stars, attorneys, artists, and academics who are on the string...whose ONLY purpose is to bring false witness and degrade the culture, the economy, and destroy anybody who attempts to bring the law to bear.
False allegations can swing both ways numbnuts.

I don't give a shit either way. It's merely my opinion on why the Kavenaugh shit show is happening. Both parties are to blame.
Yeah, blame the victims.
That's the Democrat way.

Both political parties, nitwit.
Fuck you, shit for brains.

Both parties aren't to blame for this.
That's what liberals do when they realize that Democrats are fucking up. They try to blame THE GOP along with them to ease their guilt.

This shit is purely Democrats' fault, because they can't win with their ideas. They have to lie, cheat, destroy lives, and ruin the economy. This is what they always have done....and it's only gonna get worse for them. The more of these underhanded stunts they pull, the more underhanded they will become.

Fuck you right back, cock gobbler. Both parties do this. Tit for tat. It's why I hate extremists and true believers. They're usually the most full of shit people in any political environment. Don't try and dazzle me with your partisan BS.

No, it's a Dem thing.
No, everybody isn't equally to blame for the sad and criminal state of our politics.
False allegations can swing both ways numbnuts.

I don't give a shit either way. It's merely my opinion on why the Kavenaugh shit show is happening. Both parties are to blame.
Yeah, blame the victims.
That's the Democrat way.

Both political parties, nitwit.
Fuck you, shit for brains.

Both parties aren't to blame for this.
That's what liberals do when they realize that Democrats are fucking up. They try to blame THE GOP along with them to ease their guilt.

This shit is purely Democrats' fault, because they can't win with their ideas. They have to lie, cheat, destroy lives, and ruin the economy. This is what they always have done....and it's only gonna get worse for them. The more of these underhanded stunts they pull, the more underhanded they will become.

Fuck you right back, cock gobbler. Both parties do this. Tit for tat. It's why I hate extremists and true believers. They're usually the most full of shit people in any political environment. Don't try and dazzle me with your partisan BS.
Sorry, crotch muncher.

I tested out as a moderate, slightly left of center.
Which is what?
What is being turned
"completely around"?
Truly one of the ABNORMALS geniuses!

In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, “equal protection under the law.”

The judge is being ACCUSED...now go back to your 5th grade class!

This isn't a legal proceeding, dope.

It's a job interview.
Then why the FBI?....

Because they do the background investigations, dope.
They did it 6 times already asswipe!... What do you think they can find with a 36 year old case with NO CRIME SCENE, as she doesn't know where it took place...MORE STUPIDITY PLEASE!

They did it 6 times already asswipe!.

In which one did they interview the accusers or anyone else involved, dope?
Truly one of the ABNORMALS geniuses!

In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, “equal protection under the law.”

The judge is being ACCUSED...now go back to your 5th grade class!

This isn't a legal proceeding, dope.

It's a job interview.
Then why the FBI?....

Because they do the background investigations, dope.
They did it 6 times already asswipe!... What do you think they can find with a 36 year old case with NO CRIME SCENE, as she doesn't know where it took place...MORE STUPIDITY PLEASE!

They did it 6 times already asswipe!.

In which one did they interview the accusers or anyone else involved, dope?

Wait. The accusers NEVER Pressed charges for these vicious, life changing sexual assaults??????
The one used by Congress....this too hard for ABNORMAL thinking?

Which is what?
What is being turned
"completely around"?
Truly one of the ABNORMALS geniuses!

In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, “equal protection under the law.”

The judge is being ACCUSED...now go back to your 5th grade class!

This isn't a legal proceeding, dope.

It's a job interview.
Then why the FBI?....

Because they do the background investigations, dope.

They have done their background investigations, 6 of them....dumbass.
Dimms, those are your leaders.

Don't forget it.

All men are guilty all women tell the truth

I don't give a shit either way. It's merely my opinion on why the Kavenaugh shit show is happening. Both parties are to blame.
Yeah, blame the victims.
That's the Democrat way.

Both political parties, nitwit.
Fuck you, shit for brains.

Both parties aren't to blame for this.
That's what liberals do when they realize that Democrats are fucking up. They try to blame THE GOP along with them to ease their guilt.

This shit is purely Democrats' fault, because they can't win with their ideas. They have to lie, cheat, destroy lives, and ruin the economy. This is what they always have done....and it's only gonna get worse for them. The more of these underhanded stunts they pull, the more underhanded they will become.

Fuck you right back, cock gobbler. Both parties do this. Tit for tat. It's why I hate extremists and true believers. They're usually the most full of shit people in any political environment. Don't try and dazzle me with your partisan BS.
Sorry, crotch muncher.

I tested out as a moderate, slightly left of center.

Neat. No one gives a shit.
This isn't a legal proceeding, dope.

It's a job interview.
Then why the FBI?....

Because they do the background investigations, dope.
They did it 6 times already asswipe!... What do you think they can find with a 36 year old case with NO CRIME SCENE, as she doesn't know where it took place...MORE STUPIDITY PLEASE!

They did it 6 times already asswipe!.

In which one did they interview the accusers or anyone else involved, dope?

Wait. The accusers NEVER Pressed charges for these vicious, life changing sexual assaults??????

What does that have to do with the FBI investigating this allegation just as they did with the Hill allegations?
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..


this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around,

What legal system would that be?
systems from the old Monarch days where you had to prove your innocent or die.

The Spanish Inquisition, meet The DemNazi Inquisition.

Opinion: Democrats’ Own Spanish Inquisition Could Burn Party
the most disturbed group of humans since the Spanish inquisition, that is for sure. DISTURBED!!!!
Which is what?
What is being turned
"completely around"?
Truly one of the ABNORMALS geniuses!

In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, “equal protection under the law.”

The judge is being ACCUSED...now go back to your 5th grade class!

This isn't a legal proceeding, dope.

It's a job interview.
Then why the FBI?....

Because they do the background investigations, dope.

They have done their background investigations, 6 of them....dumbass.

Just not on these allegations, dope.
Not a single person allegedly involved has been interviewed.
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..

This isn't criminal law. No presumption of innocence is required.

What is sexual assault if not criminal, I hear and see attempted rape bandied about what is attempted rape if not criminal, some have even gone so far as to
cry rape what is rape if not criminal? Stop displaying your ignorance and stfu.
Yeah, blame the victims.
That's the Democrat way.

Both political parties, nitwit.
Fuck you, shit for brains.

Both parties aren't to blame for this.
That's what liberals do when they realize that Democrats are fucking up. They try to blame THE GOP along with them to ease their guilt.

This shit is purely Democrats' fault, because they can't win with their ideas. They have to lie, cheat, destroy lives, and ruin the economy. This is what they always have done....and it's only gonna get worse for them. The more of these underhanded stunts they pull, the more underhanded they will become.

Fuck you right back, cock gobbler. Both parties do this. Tit for tat. It's why I hate extremists and true believers. They're usually the most full of shit people in any political environment. Don't try and dazzle me with your partisan BS.
Sorry, crotch muncher.

I tested out as a moderate, slightly left of center.

Neat. No one gives a shit.
Especially you..... must be why you're full of shit.

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