Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Wow so you think Clinton shouldn't be held accountable? Christ.
If you want to continue this 2-way conversation with yourself, douche - which is what you are doing by trying to claim I said something I did not - I will let the '2' of you be alone together. :p
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..


this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around,

What legal system would that be?
systems from the old Monarch days where you had to prove your innocent or die.
Bullshit, sparky. Details have changed several times. SHE identified the witnesses as having been there, even said one pulled kavanaugh off of her - all, including her hero, said it did not happen, they have no clue what she is talking about.

'Innocent until proven guilty', douche. Someone so ignorant of that fact should not be allowed to comment on the USSC or the basic workings of law or the legal system.
Multipke assault accusations. For a Judge, your rapist has terrible judgement.

People here accuse you all day of being an Asshole, a Troll, and a Pole Smoker.

Are you ready to admit to all of this? Are you a proud Pole Smoker ready to come out of the closet?
You have no evidence of those things, therefore I should be a mod. Right?

Fucking idiot.
So in answer to TOT's question, "Are you ready to admit to all of this? Are you a proud Pole Smoker ready to come out of the closet?", the answer is a 'No', then....?!
If I were, it's lightyears better than being a rape endorser like yourself

No wonder you are on IGNORE.

You are an "Accuser of the Brethren"
That is a Biblical Reference to a Child of Hell, of which you are one of many bound for eternal perdition.

You are a Hater.

And a Liar.

I am sorry about your experience being abducted by Aliens and then having Michael Avenatti rape and probe you. Then to have that followed up by The DNC Grays Brainwashing your primitive mind must have been traumatic for you.

Even worse for you must have been the accompanying Memory Loss after The Alien Probing. You can't even remember what year this happened. But you know your throbbing sore anus tells you it must have happened.

Ass Sore? You bet it is....more like BUTT HURT!

Am I right?

That is no reason for you to take your hatred and venom out on others who weren't raped by Aliens like you were.

Too Soothe your pain:

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Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

If you're talking about 14 and 15 year old kids, then sure. But seems to be saying that he was a virgin, and that he didn't do anything, well into adulthood. So he's either the biggest square to ever live, or he was a huge loser who just couldn't get laid to save his life.

....or, he's lying.

Or he was a mature young man
He and his many friends were scholars and boys and girls of faith.
And still are.

Unlike the hookers, traffickers and racketeers that make up the democratic party.
He and his many friends were scholars and boys and girls of faith.
And still are.

:laugh2:......Also proud members of the 100 keg club. :beer: :boobies::booze::cheers2::cul2:
does Ford The Slut have a boyfriend at the time? maybe she cheated on her boyfriend who is now her husband with Kavanaugh and is covering it up by claiming she was raped!
Ummmm, yes it probably does.

But why quibble

Not even remotely. Just because he wasn't a successful rapist doesn't mean he didn't try when the opportunity presented itself or when he was grossly intoxicated (as it is rumored he had a tendency to become).

The Dirty Democrats can't win fairly so they use hate and fear and smear.
Kavanaugh is innocent.
Ford is a liar.
How low can the Troglocrats go.

Likely payback for Merrick Garland.
There's no guarantee that Garland was a shoe-in.

We'll never know because he wasn't even given a hearing. Spineless weasel McConnell saw to that.
Mitch was just applying the Biden Rule.
There's no guarantee that Garland was a shoe-in.

We'll never know because he wasn't even given a hearing. Spineless weasel McConnell saw to that.

That's enough reason to do the slimball thing the cucks in the Democratic party is doing now? Man, that says everything I need to know about you.

Payback is a bitch.

False allegations can swing both ways numbnuts.

I don't give a shit either way. It's merely my opinion on why the Kavenaugh shit show is happening. Both parties are to blame.
Yeah, blame the victims.
That's the Democrat way.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

Your definition of "loser" sounds to me like you have lousy priorities in life.

If Brett Kavanaugh was not a "loser" by your definition, he wouldn't have a hope in Hell of defending against these charges and making it on the Supreme Court. Ponder what an "advantage" it would have been for him to be a "winner" by your laughable standards.
We'll never know because he wasn't even given a hearing. Spineless weasel McConnell saw to that.

That's enough reason to do the slimball thing the cucks in the Democratic party is doing now? Man, that says everything I need to know about you.

Payback is a bitch.

False allegations can swing both ways numbnuts.

I don't give a shit either way. It's merely my opinion on why the Kavenaugh shit show is happening. Both parties are to blame.
Yeah, blame the victims.
That's the Democrat way.

Both political parties, nitwit.
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.

I will give you props for at least recognizing that there's nothing wrong with the life choice to remain a virgin.
The one used by Congress....this too hard for ABNORMAL thinking?

Which is what?
What is being turned
"completely around"?
Truly one of the ABNORMALS geniuses!

In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, “equal protection under the law.”

The judge is being ACCUSED...now go back to your 5th grade class!

This isn't a legal proceeding, dope.

It's a job interview.
Then why the FBI?....

Because they do the background investigations, dope.
They did it 6 times already asswipe!... What do you think they can find with a 36 year old case with NO CRIME SCENE, as she doesn't know where it took place...MORE STUPIDITY PLEASE!
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

Your definition of "loser" sounds to me like you have lousy priorities in life.

If Brett Kavanaugh was not a "loser" by your definition, he wouldn't have a hope in Hell of defending against these charges and making it on the Supreme Court. Ponder what an "advantage" it would have been for him to be a "winner" by your laughable standards.
one can't defend against a lie.
The problem here is not the Democrats, it's Collins, Flake, and Murkowski. The one thing the Repubs cannot do is lose this confirmation vote it the full Senate, which was in some doubt after the Ford allegation came out. Yes, it was partly a problem with the public's perception of the GOP, but they only have a 50-49 edge in the Senate, and if any one of those 3 or someone else votes NO, then they're fucked and the Dems win. So, Grassley and the rest had to handle this case with kid gloves even though it's fraught with absolute bullshit. She doesn't even know exactly where or when, there are no corroborating witnesses and in fact the witnesses she claimes were there have all said under penalty of perjury that it didn't happen. And in addition to that, her story has changed a few times too. Even Feinstein herself has said she doesn't know if Ford's account is truthful.

But despite all that, Grassley still had to handle this carefully to avoid losing any votes in the full Senate Confirmation process and losing the Senate to the Dems in November.
'Guilty Until Proven Innocent' - The new 'NORM' according to Liberals / snowflakes.

Copy that:

Obama is a terrorist sympathizer and facilitator, and he allowed Russia to target and work against the US since he 1st found out about it back in 2014...unless he can completely prove all allegations against him are false.

Mueller, Oher, Steele, and Mueller's Russian comrade Deripaska worked together since early 2016 - before Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel - according to Oher...so the DOJ needs to step in, relieve him of his Special Counsel duties until he can probe he is innocent.

Feinstein is a traitor who knowingly worked for the Chicom govt and facilitated Chinese espionage for 20 years. All of her accounts and assets should be frozen and she should be removed from the Senate until she can 100% prove this is not true.....
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..

so what he is saying is - the next time the left gets to make an appointment we can harass the process, protest it, bring in people to make unfounded / no witness accusations and then it's incumbent on the nominee to prove their innocence.

something tells me they'd cry foul if you told THEM this.
we already cried foul with the bullshit republicans pulled with on obamas choice for SC Not even a hearing by the repub scum
Biden rule from the 90's why is it you all are so fking uneducated?

So again, you all set precedence and can't back it up. wow. you are indeed losers.
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does Ford The Slut have a boyfriend at the time? maybe she cheated on her boyfriend who is now her husband with Kavanaugh and is covering it up by claiming she was raped!

Is it necessary to call her a slut? Her previous sexual activity is he relevant to the accusations.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
So, which is it? Are guys like Kavanaugh the cool, ladies man that the leftist commies are making him out to be or was he the nerdy, lame, square guy the leftist commies are making him out to be???

It's funny when the Rules for Radicals DON'T work.

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