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Here it is -- the fresh daily merge of all opinion, comments, on Kavanaugh/Ford. Closing MOST of the new ones being generated. Chronic offenders who don't get this will be warned. Put ALL comments, opinions, projections, breaking gossip on the topic HERE !!!

Well they can say Biden refused to bring in the other 6 WOMEN ready to talk about THOMAS. After all if Biden did it 33 years ago, who says we have to learn a GD thing. Of course Biden remarked many times over the years it was one of his biggest regrets.

Grassley's committee missed ALL THE APPOINTMENTS set up I assume by her lawyer!!

Judiciary Committee refuses to meet with second Kavanaugh accuser: report


25 SEP 2018 AT 19:00 ET

Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh (Photo: Screenshot)

Deborah Ramirez is the second woman to accuse Supreme Court nominee Brett Kanguh of sexual assault.

Despite coming forward and breaking her silence, the Senate Judiciary Committee has ignored her request to a hearing.

Ramirez attorney, John Clune, wrote in a thread on Twitter that, “Ms. Ramirez is ready to swear to the FBI under penalty of perjury. Why won’t the Senate Judiciary Committee welcome that?”

John Clune@CluneEsq

· 3h

and they have refused to meet all scheduled appointments. We have officially requested an FBI investigation and our client remains adamant that is the appropriate venue for her to discuss her trauma. 3/4

John Clune@CluneEsq

Ms. Ramirez is ready to swear to the FBI under penalty of perjury. Why won’t the Senate Judiciary Committee welcome that? 4/4

He claimed that the Senate Judiciary Committee “refused to meet all scheduled appointments.
” Clune said that he will be on CNN’s Anderson Cooper to talk more about his case.

John Clune@CluneEsq


John Clune@CluneEsq

I’m looking forward to speaking to Anderson Cooper tonight on @ac360 to discuss Deborah Ramirez’s claim. We have been working hard to cooperate with the Senate Judiciary Committee, but at this point have to point out some hard truths. 1/4

6:06 PM - Sep 25, 2018
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Deborah Ramirez only came forward after being contacted by Ronan Farrow and carefully working through her memories only to ensure her accuracy. We reached out to the Senate Judiciary Committee to schedule a call to discuss how best to bring them that information 2/4

John Clune@CluneEsq

and they have refused to meet all scheduled appointments. We have officially requested an FBI investigation and our client remains adamant that is the appropriate venue for her to discuss her trauma. 3/4

I am watching CNN, Dr, Ford's (the accuser's testimony.) What struck me was when she was asked what is this that has stayed with you. Dr. Ford's statement the laughter that was coming out of Kavanaugh & Mark Judge, while Kavanaugh had her pinned on the bed, and he had his hand over her mouth so tight that she thought he was going to "accidentally" kill her.

The "laughter part" is what has stayed in her mind since that day--and that is very indicative of what someone who was tramatized and held in a helpless--(they can't control the situation) will remember.

So Dr. Ford has my vote that she is telling the truth.

Republicans would be committing political suicide if they were to go ahead and confirm Kavanaugh at this time.


With this kind of force showing up in Washington D.C. on a cold January morning for the last 2 years, it is astounding to me that Republicans did NOT pick a woman nominee as the next SCOTUS.

Blue wave coming this November 2018

A sleeping giant has been awoken

Kavanaugh has the witness from hell in Mark Judge. He will not be testifying for a reason. You may want to read this article.
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery
Kavenaugh being a rapist adds to his appeal among conservatives
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation

He's such a lefty loon he doesn't know the difference between rape and groping.

He's been using the rape word all through these threads.

Just shows what a jackass and liar he is.

Women who are unwantingly being groped are being "criminally" sexually assaulted, and typically rape comes next-- DUMB ASS.

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Bill Clinton is a typical dumb liberal sleazeball

There is one sitting in the Oval office right now.

Do you believe this woman now, or do you still think she was too UGLY for Trump?


Natasha Stoynoff--People Magazine writer
Physically Attacked by Donald Trump - a PEOPLE Writer's Own Harrowing Story


Michael D. Cohen, Trump’s Longtime Lawyer, Says He Paid Stormy Daniels Out of His Own Pocket
Former Playboy model claims she had an affair with Trump, report says

Still don't agree with this guy on the powers of the potus and the government, but as for being an upright dude, I'm with him. She can take her lefty ass and jump into the Potomac.
Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.
Sad that your anonymous letter isn't getting more play? Try again. The democrats have officially jumped the shark with their rape train allegations. There ARE a lot of stupid people that might believe that crap however they all already vote democrat.

And there are a number of other people who don't already vote democrat and are getting fed up with this bullshit. I don't know how this is all going to turn out, but I sincerely hope the Dems pay dearly for this unscrupulous crap in november.
Agree. They figured that this would bring them women's votes but I think women are angrier over this than men. Years of effort reinforcing a woman's credibility in reporting sexual abuse destroyed by obviously false and salacious accusations is just the start. Liberals also forgot that normal women see the threat democrats pose to our sons, husbands, fathers and uncles. I'll NEVER vote for a democrat again, EVER

I'm on the same line of thought with the GOP because of Trump.

The GOP had what, 16 candidates but the best they could do was Trump? :290968001256257790-final:

The GOP went with a serial liar, a con man, a draft dodger, a racist, an admitted sexual pervert, a multi adulterer, and a psychopath.

Why in Hell did you people vote for such crap? :1peleas:

Never a reason to vote GOP after Trump.
/—-/ Trump was the best compared to the 16 career politicians
Still don't agree with this guy on the powers of the potus and the government, but as for being an upright dude, I'm with him. She can take her lefty ass and jump into the Potomac.

Well regardless of whether or not you believe her, the Republican party has major issues with women. That's more than evident, and it's showed up in January for the last 2 years and there will be a 3rd, 4th and consequtive years.


For more pictures go to this link on this board, and scroll through the many pages, you may find your home state there.
Woman's march pictures

As an example here is a recent FOX NEWS poll. Now this should scare the BG's out of you.

Women are more likely to believe Ford by 10 points, and among suburban women that jumps to 17. Men side with her by just 1 point. White voters divide by education: those with a college degree believe Ford by a 14-point margin, while those without a degree side with Kavanaugh by 17.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination

This recent GALLOP poll.
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

I think sometimes that the Republcian party, especially the men in that party FORGET that women vote in this country. Women are the largest voting block in this country. They are the powerhouse in the voting booth. In fact, they also vote more often that men do.

So I really don't care if Kavanaugh is confirmed--but by confirming Kavanuagh, Republicans are indicating that they don't give a rats ass about women's claims of sexual assault or harrassment, and they're playing right into the opposition's hands by confirming him, coming into a midterm election cycle. I imagine Democrats running for races all across this country are hoping that Republicans confirm Kavanaugh--because they will have just been handed a weapon of mass destruction. Democrats are going for the Senate, and the House already looks to be turning blue in November. Click this link to redirect to another thread on this board for an explanation.
Blue wave coming this November 2018

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Kavenaugh being a rapist adds to his appeal among conservatives
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation

He's such a lefty loon he doesn't know the difference between rape and groping.

He's been using the rape word all through these threads.

Just shows what a jackass and liar he is.

Women who are unwantingly being groped are being "criminally" sexually assaulted, and typically rape comes next-- DUMB ASS.

Yes but there is only an accusation there is no evidence that it happened
Kavanaugh won’t answer the question.

Do you want Mark judge to be here in front of the committee?
Mark judge wrote a book and he just used his friends names. I happened to be the one where he said I was so drunk I barfed all over his car. He never said it wasn’t him.

Does anyone believe this?
Are you a drunk?

His answer:

I play basketball

I went to church

we got together with our friends

I wrote it in the yearbook

I play tiddlywinks
Kavenaugh being a rapist adds to his appeal among conservatives
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation

He's such a lefty loon he doesn't know the difference between rape and groping.

He's been using the rape word all through these threads.

Just shows what a jackass and liar he is.

Women who are unwantingly being groped are being "criminally" sexually assaulted, and typically rape comes next-- DUMB ASS.

Yes but there is only an accusation there is no evidence that it happened

You don't seem to understand that women are "yuuge problem" for the Republican party today. They are the largest voting block in this country today, and they vote more often than men. The overwhelming majority of women in this country believe Dr. Ford and we have a midterm election coming up.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

Men do not assault women in public view, they always look for privacy before attacking a woman. So it's always a she said--he said scenario.

BUT women are historically noted for protecting their families.
She knew very well before she came forward that she and her family would be attacked by her coming out. In fact she stated she preferred an investigation first of Kavanaugh before her identity was released to the public. We are talking about an intelligent, highly educated, career orientated woman making this accusation. Not some under educated woman that just walked out of a trailer park.

She is very believeable if you listen to her testimony.
I'm in awe that the Democrats want to die on the hill of a high schooler drinking beer in the 80s
Kavenaugh being a rapist adds to his appeal among conservatives
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation

He's such a lefty loon he doesn't know the difference between rape and groping.

He's been using the rape word all through these threads.

Just shows what a jackass and liar he is.

Women who are unwantingly being groped are being "criminally" sexually assaulted, and typically rape comes next-- DUMB ASS.

Yes but there is only an accusation there is no evidence that it happened

You don't seem to understand that women are "yuuge problem" for the Republican party today. They are the largest voting block in this country today, and they vote more often than men. The overwhelming majority of women in this country believe Dr. Ford and we have a midterm election coming up.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

Men do not assault women in public view, they always look for privacy before attacking a woman. So it's always a she said--he said scenario.

BUT women are historically noted for protecting their families.
She knew very well before she came forward that she and her family would be attacked by her coming out. In fact she stated she preferred an investigation first of Kavanaugh before her identity was released to the public. We are talking about an intelligent, highly educated, career orientated woman making this accusation. Not some under educated woman that just walked out of a trailer park.

She is very believeable if you listen to her testimony.
Believable is not good enough.

I'm not repiblican so if they have problems so be it.

Men are known for defending their families as well and women may well be the largest voting Bloc but they are not uniform in their views.

I do not care of he is withdrawn or confirmed or not confirmed.

It is the witch hunt mentality which bothers me the most
Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .

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