Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .
Was the question about Kav's flatulation answered to your satisfaction?

Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .
Was the question about Kav's flatulation answered to your satisfaction?


It’s always fun to have Judges be judged . They are so arrogant. They can dish it out but can’t take it .
I'm in awe that the Democrats want to die on the hill of a high schooler drinking beer in the 80s

I don't think you're relating to this kind of partying. You may want to try reading this. There is a reason that Mark Judge will not testify on Kavanaugh's behalf.--:auiqs.jpg:
‘100 Kegs or Bust’: Kavanaugh friend, Mark Judge, has spent years writing about high school debauchery

I really don't know why Republicans want to throw themselves down on the sword for Brett Kavanuagh. Just click this link to redirect to another thread on this board for an explanation.
Why are Republicans so upset about Kavanaugh? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch are nothing special.
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Any question how Ben Sasse will vote was just answered

Proud of that Man
Wow, Blumenthal is really talking about credibility? He’s just tempting Kavanaugh to bring up his Vietnam “service” isn’t he?
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation

He's such a lefty loon he doesn't know the difference between rape and groping.

He's been using the rape word all through these threads.

Just shows what a jackass and liar he is.

Women who are unwantingly being groped are being "criminally" sexually assaulted, and typically rape comes next-- DUMB ASS.

Yes but there is only an accusation there is no evidence that it happened

You don't seem to understand that women are "yuuge problem" for the Republican party today. They are the largest voting block in this country today, and they vote more often than men. The overwhelming majority of women in this country believe Dr. Ford and we have a midterm election coming up.
Fox News Poll: Record number of voters oppose Kavanaugh nomination
Seven in 10 Women Have Unfavorable Opinion of Trump

Men do not assault women in public view, they always look for privacy before attacking a woman. So it's always a she said--he said scenario.

BUT women are historically noted for protecting their families.
She knew very well before she came forward that she and her family would be attacked by her coming out. In fact she stated she preferred an investigation first of Kavanaugh before her identity was released to the public. We are talking about an intelligent, highly educated, career orientated woman making this accusation. Not some under educated woman that just walked out of a trailer park.

She is very believeable if you listen to her testimony.
Believable is not good enough.

I'm not repiblican so if they have problems so be it.

Men are known for defending their families as well and women may well be the largest voting Bloc but they are not uniform in their views.

I do not care of he is withdrawn or confirmed or not confirmed.

It is the witch hunt mentality which bothers me the most

I really don't care. But if you expect to maintain the senate the best thing to do is to kick Kavanauagh to the curb--or give Democrats a weapon of mass destruction going into the midterm election cycle. There is really nothing special about Kavanaugh and the only reason Trump picked him was because he is on record stating Presidents shouldn't be prosectured while in office. Niether Niel Gorsuch nor Kavanaugh are Anthony Scalia's that's for certain. A better explanation of their history is on this board. Just click this link to redirect
Why are Republicans so upset about Kavanaugh? Brett Kavanaugh & Niel Gorsuch are nothing special.
Holy crap . Can the guy just admit that he liked to drink in college ???

Anyone buying this beer sipping tea tottler act?
Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .
Was the question about Kav's flatulation answered to your satisfaction?


It’s always fun to have Judges be judged . They are so arrogant. They can dish it out but can’t take it .
This has gone beyond being judged, you're a good egg T don't agree with you on much, but respect your ability to defend your side intelligently and that you are typically fair minded


BTW are you in the fired teacher thread? I've been preoccupied but I am about to jump in and hurt some conservative feelings
Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .
Was the question about Kav's flatulation answered to your satisfaction?


It’s always fun to have Judges be judged . They are so arrogant. They can dish it out but can’t take it .
This has gone beyond being judged, you're a good egg T don't agree with you on much, but respect your ability to defend your side intelligently and that you are typically fair minded


BTW are you in the fired teacher thread? I've been preoccupied but I am about to jump in and hurt some conservative feelings

I’m talking about his demeanor. Say Judge Kav has an innocent guy wrongly accused before him. Would he take the attitude? I doubt it .

What fired teacher thread? I love those !
Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .
Was the question about Kav's flatulation answered to your satisfaction?


It’s always fun to have Judges be judged . They are so arrogant. They can dish it out but can’t take it .
This has gone beyond being judged, you're a good egg T don't agree with you on much, but respect your ability to defend your side intelligently and that you are typically fair minded


BTW are you in the fired teacher thread? I've been preoccupied but I am about to jump in and hurt some conservative feelings

I’m talking about his demeanor. Say Judge Kav has an innocent guy wrongly accused before him. Would he take the attitude? I doubt it .

What fired teacher thread? I love those !
Dude, she lied at leat twice


He wzd credible and believable

This thing has hurt democrats in the midterms

Neither you nor I were the audience today, independent voters in purple states and districts were

I think Republicans won with that audience

We'll see soon enough
Did you see the way he acted? With the Eye rolling and the screaming and the ranting? This is what we want for a Supreme Court justice? Well it’s what Republicans want for a Supreme Court justice. Look at the mess they elected president.
Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .
Was the question about Kav's flatulation answered to your satisfaction?


It’s always fun to have Judges be judged . They are so arrogant. They can dish it out but can’t take it .
This one sure couldn’t. All the Eye rolling and the yelling and thescreaming. Sometimes even a little spit flew from his mouth. And then the over-the-top crying and snot dripping from his nose from his crying, so gross.
So the metric for sexual assault charges are if they are or if they aren't nominated to the USSC? You people are truly ill.

Nah.....it's whether they are Democrat or Republican.

When Democrats are actually guilty of raping a child.....they cheer him.

So the metric for sexual assault charges are if they are or if they aren't nominated to the USSC? You people are truly ill.

Nah.....it's whether they are Democrat or Republican.

When Democrats are actually guilty of raping a child.....they cheer him.

Why do you think democrats cheer rapists? You really think that many people are that fucked up in the head?
Last edited:
Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .
Was the question about Kav's flatulation answered to your satisfaction?


It’s always fun to have Judges be judged . They are so arrogant. They can dish it out but can’t take it .
This one sure couldn’t. All the Eye rolling and the yelling and thescreaming. Sometimes even a little spit flew from his mouth. And then the over-the-top crying and snot dripping from his nose from his crying, so gross.

And you still lost......


Ruth dies next and Susan Collins no longer matters.
Kav comes across as arrogant . Do you think he would put up with the same smart remarks in his courtroom?

“Do you drunk judge!? “

He’d find the guy in contempt .
Was the question about Kav's flatulation answered to your satisfaction?


It’s always fun to have Judges be judged . They are so arrogant. They can dish it out but can’t take it .
This one sure couldn’t. All the Eye rolling and the yelling and thescreaming. Sometimes even a little spit flew from his mouth. And then the over-the-top crying and snot dripping from his nose from his crying, so gross.

And you still lost......


Ruth dies next and Susan Collins no longer matters.

She doesn't actually have to die.....

The Supreme Court Tontine:

· Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice. since October 23, 1991. Age70.

· Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice. since August 10, 1993. Age85.

· Stephen Breyer, Associate Justice. since August 3, 1994. Age80.

· Samuel Alito, Associate Justice. since January 31, 2006. Age68.

Oh, Ruthie......


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