Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
ā€˜Horrible, hurtful tauntsā€™ towards schoolgirl in Brett Kavanaugh's high school yearbook revealed

You got to read this article. It seems that one of the girls who defended him was actually smeared in his yearbook. They suggested that the football team passed her around. Kavanaugh said in his interview that he kissed her. When she was asked, she said she never kissed him not once not ever. And in the article it says that they felt that any girl that wouldnā€™t date them was probably gay.

And this came from one of his defenders.

I bet she doesnā€™t defend him now.

What a ridiculous article. It asserts nothing.
Too late dum dum. Looks like the articles already gone mainstream.

The woman that initially supported him says she is hurt and hopes that other men from that yearbook donā€™t treat their daughters the way they treated her.

God these right wingers are so fuked up in their heads. They actually think that men harassing and molesting women is normal behavior. The sign of a ā€œstrong manā€.
absolutely no logic in this post.
It's rderp, biggest fucking tard on this site.
The leftist, democrat, pattern is absolutely bizarre. The men that democrats find the most reprehensible are the men who refuse to be politically correct sexually active. The perverts are men like Mike Pence, Brett Kavanaugh and Tim Tebow before them. What happened to make sexual responsibility a form of perversion?
As if you didn't expect this. They will continue to object and to stall, until Grassely and The GOP stand their ground and just get on with it.

Kavanaugh hearing once again in question as Christine Ford raises new concerns

An attorney for the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her decades ago has raised fresh concerns about the format for Thursday's highly anticipated hearing with her and the Supreme Court nominee.

The letter raising those issues once again could throw into doubt the scheduled hearing, which has been the subject of ever-changing negotiations since Christine Blasey Ford first went public.

In the message, sent to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley late Monday and obtained by Fox News, her attorney took issue with apparent plans for an outside counsel to ask questions -- as well as fiery comments made by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., accusing Democrats of a "smear campaign."

ā€œWe are finding it difficult to reconcile your letter and [staff member Mike Davis'] note with the Majority Leaderā€™s speech this afternoon on the Senate floor. As Dr. Blasey Ford has been clear since her experience was first made public, she came forward because she believes it is her civic duty to tell the truth about the sexual assault she experienced,ā€ wrote Michael Bromwich, her attorney and a former Justice Department inspector general.

ā€œYou said in your letter that you intend to provide a ā€˜fair and credibleā€™ process ... Yet earlier today, the Majority Leader dismissed Dr. Fordā€™s experience as a ā€˜smear campaign,ā€™ claiming mistakenly that the witnessesā€™ statements to the Committee constitute ā€˜a complete lack of evidence,ā€™ implying that there has been a thorough investigation,ā€ the letter read.


Bromwich specifically raised concerns with an email from Davis that apparently suggested an outside counsel would question Ford.

ā€œThis hearing plan that Mr. Davis described does not appear designed to provide Dr. Blasey Ford with fair and respectful treatment,ā€ Bromwich wrote. ā€œIn our view, the hiring of an unnamed ā€˜experienced sex crimes prosecutor,ā€™ as Mr. Davis described in his email, is contrary to the Majorityā€™s repeated emphasis on the need for the Senate and this Committeeā€™s members to fulfill their constitutional obligations.ā€

He added: ā€œIt is also inconsistent with your stated wish to avoid a ā€˜circus,ā€™ as well as Dr. Blasey Fordā€™s requests through counsel that senators conduct the questioning. This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate.ā€

He went on to request the prosecutor's resume "immediately" and asked to meet with her Tuesday.
If she shows up she can talk. She is not allowed to give the conditions. If she doesn't show, take the vote in the following 10 minutes and vote him in. Once that is done, go after this clown for the time and money she has cost.
Ford's not going to show up...that's what this is all about.

The money ain't worth it to her.

The problem is, if she doesn't show up...Kavanaugh will be
confirmed. Those Red State Dem Senators will have to go
on record, and if they vote "No" most of them will be history.

An FBI investigation is worthless because there is nothing
to investigate. There are no witnesses, not for the gals...
nobody to back up their stories and it was planned like that.

You can't get people to lie for you if it can be proven they were
lying. You have to create a scenario where the Judge would
never be indicted but the accuser would also never be charged
with perjury.

They wanted to delay the vote is all. Keep those red state dems from
going on the record. It failed.

Tough shit
Why won't The Maryland Department of Justice, The District Attorney, local police, county police or State Police Investigate this since The Statute of Limitations has not run out?
Because nothing happened. This clown should go down in flames.
Stop calling a man who attempts rape not a rapist. You piece of shit.
Stop calling an innocent man 'guilty', a 'rapist', YOU piece of sheep excrement

Kavnaugh has not been convicted of anything. His accuser has produced no evidence, her story keeps changing, and her 4 witnesses say it never happened....

..but on 2nd thought, don't let the facts stand in the way of you being a lying douche.
She has not changed her story and the ā€œwitnessesā€ didnā€™t know about it until a few days ago. Kavanaugh is not fit to serve on the SC.
Bullshit, sparky. Details have changed several times. SHE identified the witnesses as having been there, even said one pulled kavanaugh off of her - all, including her hero, said it did not happen, they have no clue what she is talking about.

'Innocent until proven guilty', douche. Someone so ignorant of that fact should not be allowed to comment on the USSC or the basic workings of law or the legal system.
Multipke assault accusations. For a Judge, your rapist has terrible judgement.

People here accuse you all day of being an Asshole, a Troll, and a Pole Smoker.

Are you ready to admit to all of this? Are you a proud Pole Smoker ready to come out of the closet?
You hit all three targets.
Stop calling a man who attempts rape not a rapist. You piece of shit.
Stop calling an innocent man 'guilty', a 'rapist', YOU piece of sheep excrement

Kavnaugh has not been convicted of anything. His accuser has produced no evidence, her story keeps changing, and her 4 witnesses say it never happened....

..but on 2nd thought, don't let the facts stand in the way of you being a lying douche.
She has not changed her story and the ā€œwitnessesā€ didnā€™t know about it until a few days ago. Kavanaugh is not fit to serve on the SC.
Bullshit, sparky. Details have changed several times. SHE identified the witnesses as having been there, even said one pulled kavanaugh off of her - all, including her hero, said it did not happen, they have no clue what she is talking about.

'Innocent until proven guilty', douche. Someone so ignorant of that fact should not be allowed to comment on the USSC or the basic workings of law or the legal system.
Multipke assault accusations. For a Judge, your rapist has terrible judgement.

People here accuse you all day of being an Asshole, a Troll, and a Pole Smoker.

Are you ready to admit to all of this? Are you a proud Pole Smoker ready to come out of the closet?
You have no evidence of those things, therefore I should be a mod. Right?

Fucking idiot.
Stop calling an innocent man 'guilty', a 'rapist', YOU piece of sheep excrement

Kavnaugh has not been convicted of anything. His accuser has produced no evidence, her story keeps changing, and her 4 witnesses say it never happened....

..but on 2nd thought, don't let the facts stand in the way of you being a lying douche.
She has not changed her story and the ā€œwitnessesā€ didnā€™t know about it until a few days ago. Kavanaugh is not fit to serve on the SC.
Bullshit, sparky. Details have changed several times. SHE identified the witnesses as having been there, even said one pulled kavanaugh off of her - all, including her hero, said it did not happen, they have no clue what she is talking about.

'Innocent until proven guilty', douche. Someone so ignorant of that fact should not be allowed to comment on the USSC or the basic workings of law or the legal system.
Multipke assault accusations. For a Judge, your rapist has terrible judgement.

People here accuse you all day of being an Asshole, a Troll, and a Pole Smoker.

Are you ready to admit to all of this? Are you a proud Pole Smoker ready to come out of the closet?
You have no evidence of those things, therefore I should be a mod. Right?

Fucking idiot.
So in answer to TOT's question, "Are you ready to admit to all of this? Are you a proud Pole Smoker ready to come out of the closet?", the answer is a 'No', then....?!
No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.

Why? Because you don't like it?

No. Because people donā€™t usually have to be solicited to remember sexual trauma let alone turn around and ask all their friends whether it happened to them

Ok. Cool story. Let's now discuss the Debbie Ramirez allegations.

She states that she was drunk, Kav did something crude, and she did not like it. The only one talking about sexual trauma is you.

Doesnā€™t matter what you call it, it doesnā€™t become any more credible

Ah, so it's like I said in the first place. You don't like it, so it's not credible.
thats how you are treating kavanaugh now isnt it? dont like him so hes a LOSER VIRGIN.

you got hypocrite down to a mastered art.
So Kavanaugh is a loser because he was thinking with his real head instead of his pecker head?

Look at the trouble that scumbag Slick Willy always got into by thinking with his pecker head.

This says a lot about you. You think sex is something that only happens when someone is out of control and are having their behavior dictated to them by their genitals. I think sex is something that happens as a result of willful decision making.
unless you choose not to. then you are a "loser"
There needs to be an FBI Investigation of all of the charges before the hearing.

As for the other witnesses, if they donā€™t remember about that party, perhaps itā€™s because nothing memorable happened to THEM at that party.

And they didnā€™t say it didnā€™t happen, they said they donā€™t remember it. Kavenaughā€™s buddy, Mark, didnā€™t say ā€œIt didnā€™t happenā€, he said he was really drinking a lot and doesnā€™t remember.
You are of the idiot group. This is not an FBI matter. SHe needs to file in Maryland where an investigation can begin. They have said it didn't happen.
She has not changed her story and the ā€œwitnessesā€ didnā€™t know about it until a few days ago. Kavanaugh is not fit to serve on the SC.
Bullshit, sparky. Details have changed several times. SHE identified the witnesses as having been there, even said one pulled kavanaugh off of her - all, including her hero, said it did not happen, they have no clue what she is talking about.

'Innocent until proven guilty', douche. Someone so ignorant of that fact should not be allowed to comment on the USSC or the basic workings of law or the legal system.
Multipke assault accusations. For a Judge, your rapist has terrible judgement.

People here accuse you all day of being an Asshole, a Troll, and a Pole Smoker.

Are you ready to admit to all of this? Are you a proud Pole Smoker ready to come out of the closet?
You have no evidence of those things, therefore I should be a mod. Right?

Fucking idiot.
So in answer to TOT's question, "Are you ready to admit to all of this? Are you a proud Pole Smoker ready to come out of the closet?", the answer is a 'No', then....?!
If I were, it's lightyears better than being a rape endorser like yourself

BTW, What's with all the DEMOTWAT Ads USMB is Pushing at us from some piece of shit "RESIST"

T-shirt making hippie commune?

Dirty Hippies!
No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.

Why? Because you don't like it?
Actually James Roche, Brettā€™s roommate from Yale said he believes the Ramirez story even though he didnā€™t see it just because Brett was such a drunk.

Remember Brett said he never got drunk.

And obviously he has video of this, because hell, it happened so damn often?

Did we have camera phones in the 80s?
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..


this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around,

What legal system would that be?
The one used by Congress....this too hard for ABNORMAL thinking?

Which is what?
What is being turned
"completely around"?
Truly one of the ABNORMALS geniuses!

In the United States, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty. The 14th amendment to the US Constitution guarantees to every person, aliens included, ā€œequal protection under the law.ā€

The judge is being ACCUSED...now go back to your 5th grade class!

This isn't a legal proceeding, dope.

It's a job interview.
Ummmm, yes it probably does.

But why quibble

Not even remotely. Just because he wasn't a successful rapist doesn't mean he didn't try when the opportunity presented itself or when he was grossly intoxicated (as it is rumored he had a tendency to become).

The Dirty Democrats can't win fairly so they use hate and fear and smear.
Kavanaugh is innocent.
Ford is a liar.
How low can the Troglocrats go.

Likely payback for Merrick Garland.
There's no guarantee that Garland was a shoe-in.

We'll never know because he wasn't even given a hearing. Spineless weasel McConnell saw to that.

That's enough reason to do the slimball thing the cucks in the Democratic party is doing now? Man, that says everything I need to know about you.

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