Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Who the hell is Avanatti to warn the President of the United States? As far as I can determine he has never been elected to freaking dog catcher much less a federal office.
Who the hell is Avanatti to warn the President of the United States? As far as I can determine he has never been elected to freaking dog catcher much less a federal office.

He has visions of grandeur and is an ambulance chaser. He sees this as his BIG case.

He's got a third woman who is supposed to appear in 48 hours. He needs those two days to coach her on what she needs to say.

I'm thinking this happened 40 years ago and no one saw anything. LOL
As if you didn't expect this. They will continue to object and to stall, until Grassely and The GOP stand their ground and just get on with it.

Kavanaugh hearing once again in question as Christine Ford raises new concerns

An attorney for the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her decades ago has raised fresh concerns about the format for Thursday's highly anticipated hearing with her and the Supreme Court nominee.

The letter raising those issues once again could throw into doubt the scheduled hearing, which has been the subject of ever-changing negotiations since Christine Blasey Ford first went public.

In the message, sent to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley late Monday and obtained by Fox News, her attorney took issue with apparent plans for an outside counsel to ask questions -- as well as fiery comments made by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., accusing Democrats of a "smear campaign."

“We are finding it difficult to reconcile your letter and [staff member Mike Davis'] note with the Majority Leader’s speech this afternoon on the Senate floor. As Dr. Blasey Ford has been clear since her experience was first made public, she came forward because she believes it is her civic duty to tell the truth about the sexual assault she experienced,” wrote Michael Bromwich, her attorney and a former Justice Department inspector general.

“You said in your letter that you intend to provide a ‘fair and credible’ process ... Yet earlier today, the Majority Leader dismissed Dr. Ford’s experience as a ‘smear campaign,’ claiming mistakenly that the witnesses’ statements to the Committee constitute ‘a complete lack of evidence,’ implying that there has been a thorough investigation,” the letter read.


Bromwich specifically raised concerns with an email from Davis that apparently suggested an outside counsel would question Ford.

“This hearing plan that Mr. Davis described does not appear designed to provide Dr. Blasey Ford with fair and respectful treatment,” Bromwich wrote. “In our view, the hiring of an unnamed ‘experienced sex crimes prosecutor,’ as Mr. Davis described in his email, is contrary to the Majority’s repeated emphasis on the need for the Senate and this Committee’s members to fulfill their constitutional obligations.”

He added: “It is also inconsistent with your stated wish to avoid a ‘circus,’ as well as Dr. Blasey Ford’s requests through counsel that senators conduct the questioning. This is not a criminal trial for which the involvement of an experienced sex crimes prosecutor would be appropriate.”

He went on to request the prosecutor's resume "immediately" and asked to meet with her Tuesday.
Ummmm, yes it probably does.

But why quibble

Not even remotely. Just because he wasn't a successful rapist doesn't mean he didn't try when the opportunity presented itself or when he was grossly intoxicated (as it is rumored he had a tendency to become).

The Dirty Democrats can't win fairly so they use hate and fear and smear.
Kavanaugh is innocent.
Ford is a liar.
How low can the Troglocrats go.

Likely payback for Merrick Garland.
There's no guarantee that Garland was a shoe-in.

We'll never know because he wasn't even given a hearing. Spineless weasel McConnell saw to that.
I think once the FBI fully investigated Justice Scalia's death, he should have gotten a hearing. Might take a year tho.
My question is why doesn't Ford want to face the man she's accusing of groping her 36 years ago at a party she can't remember??

Hell I'd face him if it were me. But then I would have reported it 36 years ago.

This whole thing is a he said. She said. No proof and no one remembers anything and it stinks to high heaven.

If I were Grassly I'd forget this whole mess and get the vote going at get Kav on the SC post haste.

Really would you of?

You goddamned right I would have.

So you were never assaulted and we do not know if you would of reported it or not, do we?

Nope. I've never been assaulted but at fifteen I sure wouldn't have been at that party either.

You can also bet your ass if I had been assaulted I would have reported it to my parents. They would have reported it to the police if my Dad didn't go looking for the assaulter.

Nope. Ford is full of shit or she has her own agenda.

Well we'll never know, will we.
The lawyer also told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that “at least one” new accuser of the Supreme Court nominee will come forward within the next 48 hours. - Attorney Michael Avenatti has issued a stark warning to those attempting to discredit a new accuser of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

On Monday night, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that the woman was “both” a witness and a victim of Kavanaugh’s who “had a number of security clearances issued by the federal government over a number of years.” He also claims she will publicly come forward within 48 hours.

“So let this be a warning to Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh and other surrogates on the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Avenatti said. “Be very, very careful if you launch some smear campaign against my client because you will ultimately be shown to be a fraud.” - Source

Maybe I'm reading this wrong but is he talking about a third accuser?
The guy is a scumbag.
I'm sure he can find someone.
He's talking about gang rape accusations now.
The judge will probably end up suing his balls off for malicious slander.

Anybody who does not kiss trumps toe is an scumbag, just look at Cohen and Sessions, if you are not a worshipper, you are shit on a stick and he will get revenge.
Nobody has commented on James roaches comment the guy who is Brett’s roommate at Yale.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk. I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.”

Maybe because it came from a guy.
You are the only person to have mentioned Roache. You didn't even include a link to Daily Kos, Salon or Mother Jones.
You don't deserve a comment.
'Avenatti-Katz & DNC Attorneys Seek to Delay & Push Back Hearing and Confirmation Again'

NO! If they refuse to show it's over. Hold the vote. No more delays.
Cheese and Rice.

Hold the fucking vote on Thursday.

It’s a fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal.


Pubs look like morons.

Dims are shameless soulless whores and Pubs are feckless cvnts.
'Avenatti-Katz & DNC Attorneys Seek to Delay & Push Back Hearing and Confirmation Again'

NO! If they refuse to show it's over. Hold the vote. No more delays.

The GOP already blinked. They should have held fast to The Friday Deadline and then voted on Monday. Feinstein had two months to get this going.

No more delays.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
great way to smear w/o a link or reference as to where this nugget came from. and why do i not find it odd you'll find him *not* credible but someone who's had 5 witnesses say "uh, no" and can't name a single fact other than his name *IS* credible.

loose use of "facts" to suit an agenda. the hallmark of a peckerhead.

In an interview last night on FOX News, Cavenaugh claimed he was a virgin throughout high school and college and for many years thereafter. He also said he didn’t drink. None of this squares with the accounts of his best friend who is now in hiding and refusing to testify. I guess he doesn’t want to lie under oath and the truth won’t help his friend.
Nobody has commented on James roaches comment the guy who is Brett’s roommate at Yale.

“It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk. I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.”

Maybe because it came from a guy.
You are the only person to have mentioned Roache. You didn't even include a link to Daily Kos, Salon or Mother Jones.
You don't deserve a comment.

So anyone who refutes Kavenaugh’s lies, is undeserving on comment.
Grassly should tell Ford and Ramirez to shove it up their ass and have the vote.

There is also a third woman who's supposed to be seen and heard in 48 hours.

Wonder how long ago this one claims something happened??

Can't get any more transparent that what I'm seeing right now. Take the damned vote.
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The lawyer also told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that “at least one” new accuser of the Supreme Court nominee will come forward within the next 48 hours. - Attorney Michael Avenatti has issued a stark warning to those attempting to discredit a new accuser of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

On Monday night, Stormy Daniels’ lawyer told CNN’s Chris Cuomo that the woman was “both” a witness and a victim of Kavanaugh’s who “had a number of security clearances issued by the federal government over a number of years.” He also claims she will publicly come forward within 48 hours.

“So let this be a warning to Donald Trump, Brett Kavanaugh and other surrogates on the Senate Judiciary Committee,” Avenatti said. “Be very, very careful if you launch some smear campaign against my client because you will ultimately be shown to be a fraud.” - Source

Maybe I'm reading this wrong but is he talking about a third accuser?
There is no shortage of media glory seekers out there. God Bless America, Gloria Allred, Ann Coulter, Donald Trump and this guy!
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
great way to smear w/o a link or reference as to where this nugget came from. and why do i not find it odd you'll find him *not* credible but someone who's had 5 witnesses say "uh, no" and can't name a single fact other than his name *IS* credible.

loose use of "facts" to suit an agenda. the hallmark of a peckerhead.

In an interview last night on FOX News, Cavenaugh claimed he was a virgin throughout high school and college and for many years thereafter. He also said he didn’t drink. None of this squares with the accounts of his best friend who is now in hiding and refusing to testify. I guess he doesn’t want to lie under oath and the truth won’t help his friend.

More complete and total claptrap.

yes, he said he was a virgin.
Which is totally appalling to the perverted left. They don't believe it! Everybody knows that everybody starts fucking at 12, like they do!
More than 200 people, including 65 women, who knew him in school stepped up overnight to state that he absolutely was of sterling character and never engaged in such behavior.
There needs to be an FBI Investigation of all of the charges before the hearing.

As for the other witnesses, if they don’t remember about that party, perhaps it’s because nothing memorable happened to THEM at that party.

And they didn’t say it didn’t happen, they said they don’t remember it. Kavenaugh’s buddy, Mark, didn’t say “It didn’t happen”, he said he was really drinking a lot and doesn’t remember.

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