Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
Ford's not going to show up...that's what this is all about.

The money ain't worth it to her.

The problem is, if she doesn't show up...Kavanaugh will be
confirmed. Those Red State Dem Senators will have to go
on record, and if they vote "No" most of them will be history.

An FBI investigation is worthless because there is nothing
to investigate. There are no witnesses, not for the gals...
nobody to back up their stories and it was planned like that.

You can't get people to lie for you if it can be proven they were
lying. You have to create a scenario where the Judge would
never be indicted but the accuser would also never be charged
with perjury.

They wanted to delay the vote is all. Keep those red state dems from
going on the record. It failed.

Tough shit
Ford's not going to show up...that's what this is all about.

The money ain't worth it to her.

The problem is, if she doesn't show up...Kavanaugh will be
confirmed. Those Red State Dem Senators will have to go
on record, and if they vote "No" most of them will be history.

An FBI investigation is worthless because there is nothing
to investigate. There are no witnesses, not for the gals...
nobody to back up their stories and it was planned like that.

You can't get people to lie for you if it can be proven they were
lying. You have to create a scenario where the Judge would
never be indicted but the accuser would also never be charged
with perjury.

They wanted to delay the vote is all. Keep those red state dems from
going on the record. It failed.

Tough shit

They are offering these women $10,000 a piece to do this. Since there are no legal repercussions anymore for lying under oath, why would this Social Justice Whore not show?

They should have set a hard deadline this past Friday and voted to confirm yesterday. The DNC Corporate Lawyers are out recruiting people to come forward and paying them big dollars to say anything no matter how incredible.

This is what Weimar Democratic Republic looked like before the Democratic Socialists, AKA Nazi Party took power in Germany.
I don't
My Suggestion is not to give an INCH to these Son of a Bitches. She has 35 years to come forward, and her own witnesses are stating that this NEVER OCCURRED.

A President Tweet from Donald J Trump on this:

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump 22m22 minutes ago
Rush Limbaugh to Republicans: “You can kiss the MIDTERMS goodbye if you don’t get highly qualified Kavanaugh approved.”

President Trump gets it, so does the Maha Rushdie himself. Will the GOP senators get it this week.
Ford's not going to show up...that's what this is all about.

The money ain't worth it to her.

The problem is, if she doesn't show up...Kavanaugh will be
confirmed. Those Red State Dem Senators will have to go
on record, and if they vote "No" most of them will be history.

An FBI investigation is worthless because there is nothing
to investigate. There are no witnesses, not for the gals...
nobody to back up their stories and it was planned like that.

You can't get people to lie for you if it can be proven they were
lying. You have to create a scenario where the Judge would
never be indicted but the accuser would also never be charged
with perjury.

They wanted to delay the vote is all. Keep those red state dems from
going on the record. It failed.

Tough shit
Why won't The Maryland Department of Justice, The District Attorney, local police, county police or State Police Investigate this since The Statute of Limitations has not run out?
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The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
but you find someone who can't remember where and when and who credible? Is that really what you're saying?
You’re missing the obvious. There is a huge difference between the two. He is a Republican
well actually, I'd like one of these whack jobs to tell me how that is credible. cause when I use logic, it doesn't fit.
Not all of us were busy bumping uglies before we got pubes. Some of us waited.
I even turned down offers because I didn't want to have to explain to my parents why I knocked somebody up before marriage. Some of us are able to control ourselves. This is a great defense, because sex was the last thing Judge Kavanaugh or myself was thinking about in a relationship.

It’s a good defense because no one is going to claim to be a virgin if it’s not true when it’s easily disprovable

And if someone steps forward to say that she had sex with Kav when they were 18, everyone will say she's a lying slut who doesn't know who she fucked because she was drunk.

No one will. Aside from the accuser every woman he has know who has come forward says he was a gentleman

Perhaps not all. Starting to get a better picture on this Debbie Ramirez. At first her story didn't really add up to me. I was worried it was just a pile-on because the descriptions have been pretty odd, and I haven't given it any credence so far. But it turns out that Ramirez wasn't the one who even came forward. The origin is a group of Yale alumni who were talking about the incident back in July and eventually brought it to the New Yorker.

Now it makes sense why Ramirez would have given these weird "I vaguely remember something like this, something like that" statements. The reporters came to her, not the other way around. The Ramirez story suddenly appears much more credible. And clearly, not everyone who knew Kav back in the day thought he was much of a gentleman.

The first source of the New Yorker bombshell wasn’t Deborah Ramirez. It was Yale alumni.

No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.
less credible? did you really post that? there isn't enough stupid in the world for the Ramirez story.
There needs to be an FBI Investigation of all of the charges before the hearing.

As for the other witnesses, if they don’t remember about that party, perhaps it’s because nothing memorable happened to THEM at that party.

And they didn’t say it didn’t happen, they said they don’t remember it. Kavenaugh’s buddy, Mark, didn’t say “It didn’t happen”, he said he was really drinking a lot and doesn’t remember.

With all due respect.


Dimm assholes will roll out 1 woman every 3 days until the election and demand each allegation be investigated.

We all know what this is.
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Oh look, a progressive doesn't find Kavanaigh credible.

Nobody has ever suggested progressives are intellectually honest or can formulate a critical opinion. Even if they do it's an emotional response.
right? the progressives think not knowing what where when and who about an incident is credible. if you follow logic at all, there isn't enough stupid in this world to understand that position.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
If he was lying, it would only take five minutes for a woman who had sex with him to prove him wrong.

It's quite possible he really was a virgin until his late twenties.

But that does not preclude him from grabbing pussies.
No. That makes the Ramirez story less credible.

Why? Because you don't like it?

No. Because people don’t usually have to be solicited to remember sexual trauma let alone turn around and ask all their friends whether it happened to them

Ok. Cool story. Let's now discuss the Debbie Ramirez allegations.

She states that she was drunk, Kav did something crude, and she did not like it. The only one talking about sexual trauma is you.
naw, that isn't the story, she doesn't recall anything cause she admits being drunk.
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There needs to be an FBI Investigation of all of the charges before the hearing.

As for the other witnesses, if they don’t remember about that party, perhaps it’s because nothing memorable happened to THEM at that party.

And they didn’t say it didn’t happen, they said they don’t remember it. Kavenaugh’s buddy, Mark, didn’t say “It didn’t happen”, he said he was really drinking a lot and doesn’t remember.

With all due respect.


Dimm assholes will roll out 1 woman every 3 days until the election nad demand each allegation be investigated.

We all know what this is.
That is exactly what they are doing, hence the last minute '2 months old' revelation by Feinstein, and subsequent stall tactics to stretch this out past the midterms in order to generate as many false allegations as they could.

Seriously, THE FBI has done 6 complete background checks on this guy. There is nothing there. They won't even look in to this accusation.
‘Horrible, hurtful taunts’ towards schoolgirl in Brett Kavanaugh's high school yearbook revealed

You got to read this article. It seems that one of the girls who defended him was actually smeared in his yearbook. They suggested that the football team passed her around. Kavanaugh said in his interview that he kissed her. When she was asked, she said she never kissed him not once not ever. And in the article it says that they felt that any girl that wouldn’t date them was probably gay.

And this came from one of his defenders.

I bet she doesn’t defend him now.

What a ridiculous article. It asserts nothing.
Too late dum dum. Looks like the articles already gone mainstream.

The woman that initially supported him says she is hurt and hopes that other men from that yearbook don’t treat their daughters the way they treated her.

God these right wingers are so fuked up in their heads. They actually think that men harassing and molesting women is normal behavior. The sign of a “strong man”.
absolutely no logic in this post.
Did you see his lower lip tremble while his face did a scrunch cry?

And yet when the guy whose daughter died tried to shake his hand he gave the guy a fuk you a$$hole, why are you even trying to touch me cuz I wouldn’t touch you to scratch you.

The guy is a typical Republican who has no empathy or feelings for anybody else. I’m sure when he was going off on those women he felt he had every right because he’s the right kind of person.
That’s how the Republicans justify their evil behavior. Because they feel they have the right. White makes right.

Wow what a fucking retard you are. Probably don’t spend any time with actual Republicans but know just what goes through their heads, right? “White makes right”? So there are no black rapists?

You’re a truly dumb individual if you believe any of the hogwash I’m replying to.

To be fair he probably doesn’t spend any time with anyone outside his mother’s basement
You’re kind always attacks the truth.
what truth are you referring to?

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