Kavanaugh/Ford Opinion Thread Merge -- Tuesday Sept 25th 2018

Are Establishment GOP Operatives Throwing The Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination?

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • No

    Votes: 13 40.6%
  • I am undecided, but they are turning this in to a circus.

    Votes: 13 40.6%

  • Total voters
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
So, which is it? Are guys like Kavanaugh the cool, ladies man that the leftist commies are making him out to be or was he the nerdy, lame, square guy the leftist commies are making him out to be???

It's funny when the Rules for Radicals DON'T work.

If you pay attention you'd see that he is the one who is claiming he's the nerdy, lame square. I'm saying I think he's full of shit.

No, he's just claiming he refrained from having sex. YOU are the one putting a negative spin on it, while simultaneously ALSO trying to tell us you don't believe it, because EVERYONE passes their genitals around like party favors, right?

Tells us volumes about you, but not about Brett Kavanaugh.

And just like that you're right back to saying that the only two options are virginity or slut shaming.

No, the only two options are virginity and BEING a slut. Whether or not you're ashamed of being a slut is entirely up to you.

Don't blame me if you don't like people seeing what you reveal about yourself.
Who doesn't get laid in High School or by Junior year in college????? What 10-15%. The guy was not physically unatractive, had a party life, had money, Why???

Was he getting drunk so he would be attracted to girls????? Maybe Mike Pence should reconsider his pick?

AC Green, Lolo Jones, Tim Tebow, Russell Wilson, Jessica Simpson, Jordin Sparks, Tina Fey, Phillip Rivers, Ricardo Kaká Leite, Michael Redd, Prince Amukamara,

There ya go.

Were they drunken partiers too?

I don't know much about most of them, but I know for a fact that Tina Fey's own admission is that she waited until she was married because of her own lack of self esteem. She's only had one relationship in her life, which is with her now husband. And to this day she insists it's because nobody else would want her.

Maybe that's Kav's excuse. He was insecure about Brett Jr. being man enough to please a woman and he was too shy and embarrassed to be interested in getting down. Maybe that's why he drank so much and was apparently such an aggressive drunk. He was full of self loathing.

You know, I started off joking, but that sounds more and more like a sexual predator in the making.

Yes, it HAD to have been because fucking anything that moves is the sign of smart, well-adjusted people, and virginity is all about lack of self-esteem. Never mind that psychological studies show the exact opposite, and Tina Fey isn't a good example of breathing and walking at the same time, let alone anything else.

Maybe JUDGE KAVANAUGH is a devout Catholic, and felt that refraining from sex was in keeping with his religious views, as well as being a good way to avoid distractions and catastrophes while working toward academic and professional success.

Consider the possibility that other people don't make the same choices you did because they think your choices were shitty.
No, the there is no legal presumption of innocence anywhere except criminal law. No one is making false accusations.
It is a sacred American value that everyone is considered innocent. That is why the burden of proof lays with the accuser. That is also why we have slander laws.

It is unAmerican to presume guilt on the basis of an unfounded accusation.
Isn't that exactly what you are doing to Ford and Ramirez?
No. I am responding to their lies.

They can put it all to rest today. Just provide hard evidence of the event.
Hypocrisy, the conservative's standby.

Experts on hypocrisy, they name is democrat/progressive.

Tell Me, where is the outrage for the Democrat chair Keith Ellison who beat his wife -- and she has it on videotape -- will he be stopped from running for office?
He should be. Don't assume I'm ok with that from anyone.
Because they do the background investigations, dope.

They have done their background investigations, 6 of them....dumbass.

Just not on these allegations, dope.
Not a single person allegedly involved has been interviewed.
I don't even know what that means. if they weren't found they didn't exist. what do you not understand about investigation? they didn't find the allegations. they didn't exist. they still don't exist. no local report exists and because of that there is nothing to find and exactly what the FBI found, nothing. they don't need to go look for nothing a seventh time. sorry, we weren't born yesterday disturbed!!!
I don't even know what that means

Because you're dumb as shit.

They found nothing on Clarence Thomas either, dope.
They did follow up and investigated the new information when the allegations were made.

It's not a difficult concept.
and they found nothing.

The difference being, that committee and that president did their due dilligence.

This republican led committee and president did not take even that most basic step.
If you pay attention you'd see that he is the one who is claiming he's the nerdy, lame square. I'm saying I think he's full of shit.
So, he's cool, like Boogie Nights Bill Clinton?
How many sexual partners have you had stormy You probably need more hands and feet I would guess
/----/ As any truck driver will tell you, you can get anything you want from Stormy - but you have to go to the doctor to get rid of it.
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..

This isn't criminal law. No presumption of innocence is required.
More ABNORMAL thinking...I can smell rubber burning!
Legal thinking. I realize it's a foreign topic to conservatives but there it is.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
Underage sex is not cool.
That he (allegedly) didn’t indulge may be simply an indication that he was a little more mature than some.
Kids like this DO exist, there were plenty at my school, but clearly you didn’t encounter them at yours.
Or possibly, you're just a dumbass who believes he was underage binge drinking because you WANT to believe it.

Or, ya know, the multiple sources attesting to the fact that Kav was in the habit of drinking heavily as a teenager.

Which would be whom, other than the chicks with the crazy, unbelievable tales of "abuse"?

His close friend Mark Judge. And his roommate from his freshman year in college. Haven't you been keeping up with the story?

That's two people. Most people don't use "multiple" for two people unless they're deliberately trying to be misleading. You don't want us to think THAT, do you?

Also, I don't recall Mark Judge EVER saying that Kavanaugh was in the habit of drinking heavily as a teenager.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.
You are a liar. I saw his so called interview and he said nothing of the sort. But I notice once again you lying scum do not provide a source.
I only caught a bit of the interview, and he seemed genuinely upset by the allegations.
...and save tons of money. No need for evidence, cross examination, discovery process, trials. By saying someone is a "survivor" that makes them one. Believe every accuser and let a person prove himself or herself innocent. If they can. It's their problem. May as well extend it to other crimes too.

This is the logical outcome of taking this position.

The left has gone full stupid. Even if you hate Trump, who could abide by this? How much lower can the Left Idiocracy go?

So you think telling women you dont believe them and you wont investigate rape claims is a winning strategy? I knew you repubs were ignorant but this takes the cake.
This isn't criminal law, there is no presumption of innocence.
There is ALWAYS a presumption of innocence.

Accusations that are false for the purpose of interfering with the government ARE criminal. The special council just recently filed conspiracy charges for just that sort of thing.
No, the there is no legal presumption of innocence anywhere except criminal law. No one is making false accusations.
It is a sacred American value that everyone is considered innocent. That is why the burden of proof lays with the accuser. That is also why we have slander laws.

It is unAmerican to presume guilt on the basis of an unfounded accusation.
Isn't that exactly what you are doing to Ford and Ramirez?

Has someone accused them of a crime?
The conservative kids are accusing them of slander and wanting to jail them.
The kid couldn't get laid to save his life. That's his defense. Somehow, I just don't find him credible.

With me the paradigm remains; if it was assault in 1982, it should have been reported in 1982. That it wasn’t reported lends credibility to whatever happened being so minor that it didn’t rise to the level of seriousness then so it can’t raise now. She apparently didn’t tell anyone; not the person whose house/building it was where the assault took place, no security guard, much less the local constabulary.

Now, that being said, hearing the brief clip this morning from Judge Kav put up a big red flag for me. He said that he was focused on "school work, captaining the basketball team"….and church! Church. Playing that card at this time is huge. It could be 100% legitimate. But if it were legitimate…he would know that you don’t trade on your service to God as some sort of pass in other areas of your life.
He listed the activities he was focused on, church being among that list.
How weird that you find that suspicious.
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..

This isn't criminal law. No presumption of innocence is required.
Kavenaugh is not being criminally prosecuted

He is applying for a job and details about his past have come forward
We are under no obligation to hire him
bur trump is Needs Kavanaugh to save his ass, from being indicted ,,,and to end Roe V Wade
Blow Job was indicted for lying underv oath... Trump?....LOLOL
Lol, tRump is such a shoe-in for perjury his attorneys won't even let him testify.
From someone that should have been prosecuted over his STOLEN VALOR claiming he served in Vietnam, this asswipe wants to turn our legal system completely around, just because of his terminal TDS!!!

SENATOR BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): We're talking about a lifetime appointment to the nation's highest court that will make a real difference in real people's lives for generations, literally generations to come with this appointment. And so we have a constitutional duty to get to the bottom of these allegations. They are serious, and credible, and now the person with the most knowledge about them, namely Judge Brett Kavanaugh has a responsibility to come forward with evidence to rebut them. They have control over whether to have an investigation...

NOAH ROTHMAN, COMMENTARY MAGAZINE: Senator, your colleague, Senator Mazie Hirono over the weekend was asked whether the presumption of innocence was due to Brett Kavanaugh. She replied by saying, 'I take his entire philosophy,' essentially saying his judicial philosophy also formed her opinion about whether or not these events occurred as alleged by these two accusers....

(Excerpt) Read more at realclearpolitics.com ..

This isn't criminal law. No presumption of innocence is required.
More ABNORMAL thinking...I can smell rubber burning!
Legal thinking. I realize it's a foreign topic to conservatives but there it is.
Legal thinking, eh? Bullshit. It isn't even logical thinking.

Prove you didn't molest a kid in your last year of high school.

See how that works?
Being a virgin doesn't make him a loser...but it also doesn't make him innocent of the accusations.
In fact, he is innocent of the accusations until such time as he is convicted.
This isn't criminal law, there is no presumption of innocence.

Thank you for sharing with us that you have no sense of decency without force of law compelling you.
What about your assumption that his accusers are committing slander?
Did you see his lower lip tremble while his face did a scrunch cry?

I’m really not a vindictive person, but I’m beginning to hope some woman with absolutley zero evidence destroys your life thus.
I’m sure you’d be more than a little upset too.
Trouble is you’re a nobody - so you’re safe.

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