“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“He hung out with the football players and soccer players, and they drank a lot and were bros,” Mr Roche, who briefly shared a room with Mr Kavanaugh during their freshman year, said in an interview this month. In a statement Tuesday, after the Fox interview, Roche described Mr Kavanaugh as a “notably heavy drinker” who “became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk.”​

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

And NOW, sit back, relax and enjoy the statement from his COLLEGE ROOMMATE!!!

Full statement from Roche:

"I was Brett Kavnanaugh's roommate at Yale University in the Fall of 1983. We shared a two-bedroom unit in the basement of Lawrence Hall on the Old Campus. Despite our living conditions, Brett and I did not socialize beyond the first few days of freshman year. We talked at night as freshman roommates do and I would see him as he returned from nights out with his friends.

"It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk. I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.

"I became close friends with Debbie Ramirez shortly after we both arrived at Yale. She stood out as being exceptionally honest, with a trusting manner. As we got to know one another, I discovered that Debbie was very worried about fitting in. She felt that everyone at Yale was very rich, very smart and very sophisticated and that as a Puerto Rican woman from a less privileged background she was an outsider. Her response was to try hard to make friends and get along.

"Based on my time with Debbie, I believe her to be unusually honest and straightforward and I cannot imagine her making this up. Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.

"I do not consider myself to be a political person and I have no political agenda. I have shared this information with a small number of reporters who reached out to me directly because Debbie has a right to be heard and I believe her.

"I have been asked for more details and additional stories, but this is all that I am comfortable sharing. If I could contribute more first-hand information, I would, but I will not be granting any more interview or answering any more questions at this time."​
Forget the Judge. THIS COULD BE the HIT that takes BlowvJob down!!..maybe!

Her name is Leslie Millwee and she's accusing former President Bill Clinton of sexual assault in 1980. A former local news reporter in New York, but from Arkansas, claims that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her three times in 1980.

She claims that during two of those times Clinton was basically groping her and grinding himself against her and he ejaculated.

If that wasn't weird, then listen to this. She claims after the sexual assaults, that Bill Clinton came to her apartment and was knocking on the door trying to get in. She didn't respond and he left.

(Excerpt) Read more at trendingviews.co ...

DemonRAT response: Don’t believe women. Must be trailer trash. sic the IRS on her!

This is from 2016.
Libs don't believe her any more than we do....but a lifetime of dishonesty and fabrications have scrambled their brains....two weeks ago I was beginning to think the GOP was in for a close race in November...this weeks nonsense has changed that....the libs will lose big....my friends are pumped up for the midterms....you libs don't know what you are facing....epic.....
typical MSM---BULLSHIT/no facts/no proof/--just myths and distortions
they write it like it's factual --when there are no facts
Biden is right, the FBI doesn't reach a conclusion on any case, they have to go to court or have a hearing, the FBI get facts and arrests people.
Demorats are pure pond scum .

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“He hung out with the football players and soccer players, and they drank a lot and were bros,” Mr Roche, who briefly shared a room with Mr Kavanaugh during their freshman year, said in an interview this month. In a statement Tuesday, after the Fox interview, Roche described Mr Kavanaugh as a “notably heavy drinker” who “became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk.”​

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

And NOW, sit back, relax and enjoy the statement from his COLLEGE ROOMMATE!!!

Full statement from Roche:

"I was Brett Kavnanaugh's roommate at Yale University in the Fall of 1983. We shared a two-bedroom unit in the basement of Lawrence Hall on the Old Campus. Despite our living conditions, Brett and I did not socialize beyond the first few days of freshman year. We talked at night as freshman roommates do and I would see him as he returned from nights out with his friends.

"It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk. I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.

"I became close friends with Debbie Ramirez shortly after we both arrived at Yale. She stood out as being exceptionally honest, with a trusting manner. As we got to know one another, I discovered that Debbie was very worried about fitting in. She felt that everyone at Yale was very rich, very smart and very sophisticated and that as a Puerto Rican woman from a less privileged background she was an outsider. Her response was to try hard to make friends and get along.

"Based on my time with Debbie, I believe her to be unusually honest and straightforward and I cannot imagine her making this up. Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.

"I do not consider myself to be a political person and I have no political agenda. I have shared this information with a small number of reporters who reached out to me directly because Debbie has a right to be heard and I believe her.

"I have been asked for more details and additional stories, but this is all that I am comfortable sharing. If I could contribute more first-hand information, I would, but I will not be granting any more interview or answering any more questions at this time."​
When has drinking heavily been the same as sexual assault or atttemted rape? Who uses the word bigly?
I don’t know about anyone else, but I find it very difficult to pay attention to anyone that uses the word “bigly”!

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