4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

Avenatti isn’t very smart if he thinks everyone at a party, with no dates given, are guilty of “rape”, even though no rape was ever reported.

The desperation of these vile shitbags is reprehensible.
According to the logic of Avenatti and the MSM giving him his second round of 15 minutes of fame, everyone in NY on 911 is guilty of Terrorism because they were there in the same city during the terrorist event. *forehead slap*
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

When I see a post like this with no link to corroborate, I don't waste my time reading it.

WTF, you need evidence?
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

Avenatti isn’t very smart if he thinks everyone at a party, with no dates given, are guilty of “rape”, even though no rape was ever reported.

The desperation of these vile shitbags is reprehensible.
According to the logic of Avenatti and the MSM giving him his second round of 15 minutes of fame, everyone in NY on 911 is guilty of Terrorism because they were there in the same city during the terrorist event. *forehead slap*
you really need an intervention
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

Avenatti isn’t very smart if he thinks everyone at a party, with no dates given, are guilty of “rape”, even though no rape was ever reported.

The desperation of these vile shitbags is reprehensible.
I contend that it’s more than reprehensible.. It’s dangerous. Once Kavanaugh is confirmed the only thing holding them in check will be the hope of a Blue Wave that isn’t coming. And when it fails to arrive... Meltdown!
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

Yep, if you need an adult wing chick for an underage rape party Julie is definitely your girl. Underage girls will let their guard down with any older female around, good job Julie. I wonder if she stays out of prison, much less keep her security clearance.

We need to get rid of the FBI. They tried six times to do a background check on Kavanaugh and could not get it right. If you are that incompetent then no reason to have them.

Or perhaps they are unable to read the minds of crazy left women that will make up anything.
They didn’t know to look for a rapist. Nobody did.

“Brett was a sloppy drunk, and I know because I drank with him. I watched him drink more than a lot of people. He'd end up slurring his words, stumbling,” said Ms Swisher, chief of the gynecologic oncology division at the University of Washington School of Medicine.

“He's trying to paint himself as some kind of choir boy,” said Ms Brookes, a Republican and former pharmaceutical executive who recalled an encounter with a drunken Mr Kavanaugh at a fraternity event.

“He hung out with the football players and soccer players, and they drank a lot and were bros,” Mr Roche, who briefly shared a room with Mr Kavanaugh during their freshman year, said in an interview this month. In a statement Tuesday, after the Fox interview, Roche described Mr Kavanaugh as a “notably heavy drinker” who “became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk.”​

Former classmates of Brett Kavanagh call him a ‘sloppy, stumbling drunk’ after ‘choir boy’ interview

And NOW, sit back, relax and enjoy the statement from his COLLEGE ROOMMATE!!!

Full statement from Roche:

"I was Brett Kavnanaugh's roommate at Yale University in the Fall of 1983. We shared a two-bedroom unit in the basement of Lawrence Hall on the Old Campus. Despite our living conditions, Brett and I did not socialize beyond the first few days of freshman year. We talked at night as freshman roommates do and I would see him as he returned from nights out with his friends.

"It is from this experience that I concluded that although Brett was normally reserved, he was a notably heavy drinker, even by the standards of the time, and that he became aggressive and belligerent when he was very drunk. I did not observe the specific incident in question, but I do remember Brett frequently drinking excessively and becoming incoherently drunk.

"I became close friends with Debbie Ramirez shortly after we both arrived at Yale. She stood out as being exceptionally honest, with a trusting manner. As we got to know one another, I discovered that Debbie was very worried about fitting in. She felt that everyone at Yale was very rich, very smart and very sophisticated and that as a Puerto Rican woman from a less privileged background she was an outsider. Her response was to try hard to make friends and get along.

"Based on my time with Debbie, I believe her to be unusually honest and straightforward and I cannot imagine her making this up. Based on my time with Brett, I believe that he and his social circle were capable of the actions that Debbie described.

"I do not consider myself to be a political person and I have no political agenda. I have shared this information with a small number of reporters who reached out to me directly because Debbie has a right to be heard and I believe her.

"I have been asked for more details and additional stories, but this is all that I am comfortable sharing. If I could contribute more first-hand information, I would, but I will not be granting any more interview or answering any more questions at this time."​
Oh shit! He drank a lot in college guys! Thats sooo embarrassing.
Yeah that info of her being college age hanging with high schoolers is something the Dems and MSM and the lawyer conveniently failed to disclose.
She might have disclosed her illegal behavior that opens up her for DC investigations. Another reason Avenatti is leading his client into possible charges, obviously his political affiliation is greater then her best interest.
Avenatti isn’t very smart if he thinks everyone at a party, with no dates given, are guilty of “rape”, even though no rape was ever reported.

The desperation of these vile shitbags is reprehensible.
nice way to misrepresent his opinion

and he's an incredibly successful lawyer. Unlike many of Trump's cronies LOL


Yeah, he's 10 million in debt with the IRS on his heels. Great success. LMAO

If Trump had any thought of having mercy or compassion, of sparing a single one of them -- fuck it; that's done
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

Avenatti isn’t very smart if he thinks everyone at a party, with no dates given, are guilty of “rape”, even though no rape was ever reported.

The desperation of these vile shitbags is reprehensible.
According to the logic of Avenatti and the MSM giving him his second round of 15 minutes of fame, everyone in NY on 911 is guilty of Terrorism because they were there in the same city during the terrorist event. *forehead slap*
you really need an intervention
ad hominem responses=no rebutal.
You got nothing, just like the party you support has nothing.
Seriously, if Kavanaugh were an ordinary person and these same allegations were made against him, the vast majority of people would judge the accusations to be flimsy, suspicious, and unbelievable, not to mention extremely belated. Ramirez's tale is so absurd, and so suspect, that even the New York Times said it didn't pass their smell test, and now we have a third lady whose attorney is a pornstar's lawyer and who says Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes!

What next? Is some lady, after spending many hours with her lawyer, gonna come forward and swear that she now remembers that Kavanaugh is the Zodiac Killer?
Because goddam liberal scum are anything BUT Rational, Sincere, Fair Persons

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