It was Judge Kavanaugh, in the study with a candlestick.

Yeah.....that's basically what these women are saying.
Report: Kavanaugh accusers Julie Swetnick and Christine Blasey Ford have an interesting connection

well they share the same lawyer, so...

No, no, no. You don't get to make muddy insinuations and then go running off. Come on, out with it. You want to convince people of it, so say it. Tell us your hypothesis.

Lawyer Debra Katz is behind the whole thing. She manufactured the whole thing, tracked down women who were acquainted with Kavanaugh as teenagers, and after being shot down but at least 50 of them, she finally convinced both of these women to make these false claims.

Fucking ridiculous.
no more so than "i remember it so clearly, except for what i dont.. "

you dont get to accuse someone with no proof and get away with it.

done with those days.
A fourth accuser just came forward and this accusation is from an incident years later. Like 1998.

And apparently there were witnesses. Seems he grabbed a woman threw her up against the wall and then acted sexy against her whatever that means. I’m sure the FBI could figure it out.
Just like Avanaties lie this one too has NO NAMES, DATES, TIMES, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO FOLLOW UP ON.. Hell its even HEARSAY from a 3rd party who "HEARD ABOUT IT"!

Left wing fucking liars!
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It was Judge Kavanaugh, in the study with a candlestick.

Yeah.....that's basically what these women are saying.
Report: Kavanaugh accusers Julie Swetnick and Christine Blasey Ford have an interesting connection

well they share the same lawyer, so...

No, no, no. You don't get to make muddy insinuations and then go running off. Come on, out with it. You want to convince people of it, so say it. Tell us your hypothesis.

Lawyer Debra Katz is behind the whole thing. She manufactured the whole thing, tracked down women who were acquainted with Kavanaugh as teenagers, and after being shot down but at least 50 of them, she finally convinced both of these women to make these false claims.

Fucking ridiculous.
no more so than "i remember it so clearly, except for what i dont.. "

you dont get to accuse someone with no proof and get away with it.

done with those days.

Testimony is a form of proof. But you don't actually want that.
Time to start charging these people with CRIMINAL DEFAMATION... FUCKEM! Throw these lying pieces of shit in jail!
I thought John Edwards was bad guy before any of his trash came out, & don't know what Bert did or did not do, but he for sure is a little creepy. just saying...
It was Judge Kavanaugh, in the study with a candlestick.

Yeah.....that's basically what these women are saying.
Report: Kavanaugh accusers Julie Swetnick and Christine Blasey Ford have an interesting connection

well they share the same lawyer, so...

No, no, no. You don't get to make muddy insinuations and then go running off. Come on, out with it. You want to convince people of it, so say it. Tell us your hypothesis.

Lawyer Debra Katz is behind the whole thing. She manufactured the whole thing, tracked down women who were acquainted with Kavanaugh as teenagers, and after being shot down but at least 50 of them, she finally convinced both of these women to make these false claims.

Fucking ridiculous.
no more so than "i remember it so clearly, except for what i dont.. "

you dont get to accuse someone with no proof and get away with it.

done with those days.

Testimony is a form of proof. But you don't actually want that.
pretty sure your side doesnt want that. read up on the vbackground of latest accuser

go ahead. stomp your little foot n get mad.

games are over.
We need to get rid of the FBI. They tried six times to do a background check on Kavanaugh and could not get it right. If you are that incompetent then no reason to have them.

Or perhaps they are unable to read the minds of crazy left women that will make up anything.
They didn’t know to look for a rapist. Nobody did.
They do not know to look for a bomber or plane hijacker. They seem to never know what they are looking for. They couldn't find a home brew server until it was pointed out. If someone looks into a background they should at least be looking into what they were doing during college years.

I think it is just a matter of not looking into the minds of the crazy left and realizing what lengths they will go to.
I'm glad Democrats are finally defining what they stand for. Porn stars, party whores and illegals. And they love to perform character assassinations on good men like Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Brent Kavanaugh.
It was Judge Kavanaugh, in the study with a candlestick.

Yeah.....that's basically what these women are saying.
Report: Kavanaugh accusers Julie Swetnick and Christine Blasey Ford have an interesting connection

well they share the same lawyer, so...

No, no, no. You don't get to make muddy insinuations and then go running off. Come on, out with it. You want to convince people of it, so say it. Tell us your hypothesis.

Lawyer Debra Katz is behind the whole thing. She manufactured the whole thing, tracked down women who were acquainted with Kavanaugh as teenagers, and after being shot down but at least 50 of them, she finally convinced both of these women to make these false claims.

Fucking ridiculous.
no more so than "i remember it so clearly, except for what i dont.. "

you dont get to accuse someone with no proof and get away with it.

done with those days.

Testimony is a form of proof. But you don't actually want that.
kavanaugh, judge n others will testify shes lying.

there. we have proof.
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Please run him for president, ed. Please.
be nice getting a president with brains after 4 years of the vile bullying pos
i would not even consider that guy for president.....
but you like the pos there now Congrats you join the FUBAR club
why dont you prove that ed....or else are you member of the " i have no idea what the fuck i am talking about" club...i suspect the latter....
sorry harry If I had a fuk I wouldn't give it
They are all in. It's been clear to me in my education of the U.S system how important your Supreme Court is, they will do any and ALL to ensure he doesn't get Confirmed.

As I said last week, and I stand by it, you will have a liberal judge in 2019. I felt early on that this push to deny him Confirmation will go to "all means necessary".

Now, if your elected government cannot stop the Global Socialists, and allow many men to be ruined (this guy isn't the first, think about the last year alone), what odds do any in the West have for fair and honest justice?

IF somehow the GOP get him across the line, it will be a boon for them in the Mid Terms. I doubt they succeed. This is a full court press and it's well beyond the borders of the U.S, I guarantee it.

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