Kavenaugh being a rapist adds to his appeal among conservatives
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation
You aren't disproving it.
The lack of evidence proves it
You are refusing to let the evidence be heard.


Everyone wants to see the evidence.

Accusations are not evidence
If they want evidence, why won't the committee meet with the accuser?
Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.

Then Barack Obama was an illegal Kenyan-born president. There is infinitely more evidence for the latter than the former, and since we are down to just taking people's words for things now, I will take Barry, Michelle and his publisher's words for it!
They are all in. It's been clear to me in my education of the U.S system how important your Supreme Court is, they will do any and ALL to ensure he doesn't get Confirmed.

As I said last week, and I stand by it, you will have a liberal judge in 2019. I felt early on that this push to deny him Confirmation will go to "all means necessary".

Now, if your elected government cannot stop the Global Socialists, and allow many men to be ruined (this guy isn't the first, think about the last year alone), what odds do any in the West have for fair and honest justice?

IF somehow the GOP get him across the line, it will be a boon for them in the Mid Terms. I doubt they succeed. This is a full court press and it's well beyond the borders of the U.S, I guarantee it.

You sure are a Debbie Downer.....

BK will be confirmed....

We are going to stomp the libtards in the mid-terms.

Life is good...………..
Why do you need to do a background check on a guy that’s not nominated for SCOTUS? Nobody is calling for a criminal investigation on Kav.
We need a proper FBI investigation to bring justice to Bill Clinton's rape and sexual assault victims.
Cool, keep calling for that
And why aren't Leftist phonies calling for it?
You know why. It’s been explained
Why don't all these fake, paid for "accusers" of Kavanaugh just go directly to the FBI or police? What's stopping them?
They aren’t trying to press criminal charges they are trying to block him from SCOTUS. They are however calling for an FBI investigation, so if they are fake and paid for as you accuse the FBI should be able to uncover that and arrest them. Right?
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Yeah, Avenatti is such a good lawyer he had his client swear to, at minimum being complicit and possibly being an accomplice to 10 gang rapes. Evidently she like playing wing chick to demented high schools kids a few years her junior, making it more comfortable for other girls to attend parties where they would be victimized. The MD State police should be wanting to have a chat with this demon.


In another thread it was posted that these two have a connection: they both have the same Lawyer. Turns out Swetnick and Ford both used the services of Katz. Funny how Kav claims to never have met this Swetnick before. Swetnick filed a suit against her employer for sexual harassment.
Forget the Judge. THIS COULD BE the HIT that takes BlowvJob down!!..maybe!

Her name is Leslie Millwee and she's accusing former President Bill Clinton of sexual assault in 1980. A former local news reporter in New York, but from Arkansas, claims that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her three times in 1980.

She claims that during two of those times Clinton was basically groping her and grinding himself against her and he ejaculated.

If that wasn't weird, then listen to this. She claims after the sexual assaults, that Bill Clinton came to her apartment and was knocking on the door trying to get in. She didn't respond and he left.

(Excerpt) Read more at trendingviews.co ...

DemonRAT response: Don’t believe women. Must be trailer trash. sic the IRS on her!

Give us a REAL SOURCE that someone, ANYONE on this board has heard from!
What is hilariously ironic is that TDS folks who deny the Obama Birth Certificate was faked, which it was using Photoshop, claim Brett Kavanaugh's 1982 calandar has been Photoshopped to cover up Monday night gang bang "parties."

I'd have sympathy for his family if Kavanaugh wasn't one of the conspiracy nuts who went after Clinton and anyone he knew! That Star report was one of the most disgusting legal document produced and it was all Kavanaugh! It's poetic justice and Karma that his life is being turned upside down over accusations from years before! "How ya like that Brett?" :19: :21: :lol:

So what you are saying is that's the reason Democrats created this entire phony story?
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Yeah, Avenatti is such a good lawyer he had his client swear to, at minimum being complicit and possibly being an accomplice to 10 gang rapes. Evidently she like playing wing chick to demented high schools kids a few years her junior, making it more comfortable for other girls to attend parties where they would be victimized. The MD State police should be wanting to have a chat with this demon.


In another thread it was posted that these two have a connection: they both have the same Lawyer. Turns out Swetnick and Ford both used the services of Katz. Funny how Kav claims to never have met this Swetnick before. Swetnick filed a suit against her employer for sexual harassment.

Yep, she's a freaking nut job, stalked her ex and threatened him and his family, he had to take out a TRO,

Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.

Then Barack Obama was an illegal Kenyan-born president. There is infinitely more evidence for the latter than the former, and since we are down to just taking people's words for things now, I will take Barry, Michelle and his publisher's words for it!
I'm glad Democrats are finally defining what they stand for. Porn stars, party whores and illegals. And they love to perform character assassinations on good men like Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas and Brent Kavanaugh.

prolly better a character assassination than the real assassination the GOP did on JFK
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Yeah, Avenatti is such a good lawyer he had his client swear to, at minimum being complicit and possibly being an accomplice to 10 gang rapes. Evidently she like playing wing chick to demented high schools kids a few years her junior, making it more comfortable for other girls to attend parties where they would be victimized. The MD State police should be wanting to have a chat with this demon.


In another thread it was posted that these two have a connection: they both have the same Lawyer. Turns out Swetnick and Ford both used the services of Katz. Funny how Kav claims to never have met this Swetnick before. Swetnick filed a suit against her employer for sexual harassment.

Yep, she's a freaking nut job, stalked her ex and threatened him and his family, he had to take out a TRO,


This is the first I heard of this, but it doesn't surprise me. She said she's willing to testify, but her story has so many holes in it, a lawyer out of law school could shoot her down like a kite.
Well if Rosenstein resigns tomorrow and starts rolling over everyone in sight that will include many D leaders in congress and especially their big rain makers. Other collateral damage to the Ds could be massive.

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