Avenatti isn’t very smart if he thinks everyone at a party, with no dates given, are guilty of “rape”, even though no rape was ever reported.

The desperation of these vile shitbags is reprehensible.
nice way to misrepresent his opinion

and he's an incredibly successful lawyer. Unlike many of Trump's cronies LOL

You do realize Avenatti has mob ties don't you?
The shutting down of their drug routes and mules and cracking down on criminals and their activities is driving the Mob crazy.
Avenatti is their puppet with his debt he dances when they tell him and jump when they
need him.
LoL - The Doctor is OUT after this certifiably retarded DENIAL.
Nite Tards! :D
Kavenaugh being a rapist adds to his appeal among conservatives
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation
You aren't disproving it.
The lack of evidence proves it
You are refusing to let the evidence be heard.


Everyone wants to see the evidence.

Accusations are not evidence
Think about it….

Trump will more than likely have two or more

appointments on the Supreme Court in the

next six years…

How will they try to stop them?

Will they use the same Scum Bag tactics?

I have a feeling the picks are going to get more Conservative…….

The libtards are no doubt in deep deep Shit…..

Is life good or what………………
They look ridiculous...they, as usual, over played it on Kavanaugh and any thinking person realizes the odds are astronomical of all this suddenly happening, allegations with absolutely no proof from three different individuals

Leftists are stupid bastards
Kavanaugh kicked a precious baby kitten in its poor sweet face.

If he gives me 50,000 bucks, I'll forget the whole thing.
It was Judge Kavanaugh, in the study with a candlestick.

Yeah.....that's basically what these women are saying.
Report: Kavanaugh accusers Julie Swetnick and Christine Blasey Ford have an interesting connection

well they share the same lawyer, so...

No, no, no. You don't get to make muddy insinuations and then go running off. Come on, out with it. You want to convince people of it, so say it. Tell us your hypothesis.

Lawyer Debra Katz is behind the whole thing. She manufactured the whole thing, tracked down women who were acquainted with Kavanaugh as teenagers, and after being shot down but at least 50 of them, she finally convinced both of these women to make these false claims.

Fucking ridiculous.

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