Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Yeah, Avenatti is such a good lawyer he had his client swear to, at minimum being complicit and possibly being an accomplice to 10 gang rapes. Evidently she like playing wing chick to demented high schools kids a few years her junior, making it more comfortable for other girls to attend parties where they would be victimized. The MD State police should be wanting to have a chat with this demon.


In another thread it was posted that these two have a connection: they both have the same Lawyer. Turns out Swetnick and Ford both used the services of Katz. Funny how Kav claims to never have met this Swetnick before. Swetnick filed a suit against her employer for sexual harassment.

Yep, she's a freaking nut job, stalked her ex and threatened him and his family, he had to take out a TRO,

On THIS is what the dimocraps expect to hang their hats...

IMHO, the President is in total control of the this. Avenatti is IMHO a mole on the inside of the coupsters. Probably Daniels too.

There could be others who are working on the inside. Swetnick is just a Burkett type loose cannon.

I see this as a Killain Document type operation, where the left will be discredited and decimated again, just like when Rove had the Killian letters passed to Dan Rather. Rove knew that Rather and Mapes couldn't resist putting them on 60 Minutes without vetting them. W and Rove were giggling like school girls that Sunday evening in the WH as they knew about the damn fonts already.

This is the same kind of thing.
One good thing is that these women are stupid and haven't thought out their lies carefully. The first can't tell us where or when it happened, the second's lie is so bad, she has gone from sight and the third tells us she went to these parties 10 times while girls were being raped. Also the time line puts her at 21 years old partying with high schoolers.
The only thing he nailed is his client to the cross by stating she was a gang rape watching groupie
Think about it….

Trump will more than likely have two or more

appointments on the Supreme Court in the

next six years…

How will they try to stop them?

Will they use the same Scum Bag tactics?

I have a feeling the picks are going to get more Conservative…….

The libtards are no doubt in deep deep Shit…..

Is life good or what………………

I think Trump's next SCOTUS nominee will be ......... Amy Coney Barrett.
Think about it….

Trump will more than likely have two or more

appointments on the Supreme Court in the

next six years…

How will they try to stop them?

Will they use the same Scum Bag tactics?

I have a feeling the picks are going to get more Conservative…….

The libtards are no doubt in deep deep Shit…..

Is life good or what………………

I think Trump's next SCOTUS nominee will be ......... Amy Coney Barrett.

If they derail this nomination, this has to be the choice. They can complain that she is too religious as they were trying before, but the same smear tactics won't work.
:1peleas: I made a thread regarding the Kava Wherabouts of 1982/83. And here we are about a week later, and the story has come out. Kava kept a calender/record of where he was at least through the summer of 1982. Now can you imagine if Christine and Stienfien just found out as we are nearing the hearing?
:abgg2q.jpg: :huh1: :oops-28:
now does anyone want to be a fly in the room when the Attorney asks Mz Ford for the date of the alleged rape?
Something that really struck me was the removal of the presumption of innocence. Democrats are all yelling at the top of their collective lungs that Kavanaugh must prove his innocence to charges that can not be corroborated, no witnesses can be called, no investigation can be mounted because there are insufficient facts to do them. Have we returned to the time of the Salem Witch Trials...??

SO Democrats have shredded the US Constitution and its rule of law. They have no pretense that they want facts out and they want just unfounded accusations to destroy a man who has a spotless reputation and that is what is driving them mad.. Stark Raving MAD...

Now they have unveiled themselves as lawless and corrupt pieces of shit. How any one can vote democrat after this freak show is beyond me..
Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.
You're an idiot He went to Yale Law School Top of His Class (does "The skull and Cross Bones mean anything to ya'll) You'll never prove it, noooobody will ever, ever, ever, admit It, but he's more than likely a "bonesman". And,Our next Supreme Court Justice!!! I'd have gone the Secret Society route If I were on the left much scarier than Dirty little white girl who can't remember who felt her up at a party 36 yrs ago. Or Ms. I was really drunk and took six days to be told what to say. Or Ms. I saw young girls being gang raped while I was at high school parties when I was an adult in College and did'n't say anything because I was stupid and went back the 10th time. Sounds like the girls were taking turns like it was a right of passage or some shit to me!
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
In Which States do I Have a Duty to Help?

No Duty to Rescue

At common law and in most states, people, generally, have no duty to help or rescue another person. You would only have a duty to help if you created the peril, you started trying to rescue or help, or you have a special relationship, such as parent-child, with the person in need.

State Exceptions

However, some states have laws that do impose a duty to assist people in need. These laws do vary from state to state:

  1. Wisconsin -- In Wisconsin, if you know that a crime is being committed, and that a victim has suffered or may suffer bodily harm, you have a duty to call police or provide assistance
  2. Minnesota -- If you are at the scene of an emergency and you know that someone has suffered grave physical harm, or could be hurt, you have a duty to give "reasonable assistance." Reasonable assistance can mean calling or attempting to call police or medical personnel.
  3. Rhode Island -- If you know that person is a victim of sexual assault, murder, manslaughter, or armed robbery and you were at the scene of the crime, then you need to report the crime to law enforcement. Failure to do so is punishable by up to six months in jail or a fine of $500 to $1,000.
  4. California -- When you reasonably know or believe that a child under 14 years of age has been a victim of murder, rape, or lewd and lascivious acts, you must notify law enforcement. Failure to do so is excused if you feared for your own safety, or you are related to either the victim or the offender.
  5. Florida -- In Florida, if you witness a sexual battery, you need to immediately report the offense to law enforcement. Violation of this law is a first degree misdemeanor.
She can’t give anything exact because she is lying.

If there was this traumatic moment,in her life, of course she would remember when and where.

She doesn’t want to give any details, lest she be proven a liar.

She has been coached by scumbag lying left wing lunatics,
It's also strange to me that these women don't say anything about knowing each other. This much gang banging going on and they don't know each other? Maybe they do but they haven't said, We went to school together and partied together and We knew what was going on and none of us thought it was wrong at the time but now we do. I think a 17 yr old Virgin would have been like the ultimate prize for one or more of these hoes The big fish that got away!
Mod Message:

Here it is -- the fresh daily merge of all opinion, comments, on Kavanaugh/Ford. Closing MOST of the new ones being generated. Chronic offenders who don't get this will be warned. Put ALL comments, opinions, projections, breaking gossip on the topic HERE !!!
She can’t give anything exact because she is lying.

If there was this traumatic moment,in her life, of course she would remember when and where.

She doesn’t want to give any details, lest she be proven a liar.

She has been coached by scumbag lying left wing lunatics,
i just googled Kavanaugh 1982 calender, lol,,its all there, go look if u havent yet, Ford is gonna look like a fool now. i wonder what the loony senators are gonna say now that he has records,,,its racist!!!
Think about it….

Trump will more than likely have two or more

appointments on the Supreme Court in the

next six years…

How will they try to stop them?

Will they use the same Scum Bag tactics?

I have a feeling the picks are going to get more Conservative…….

The libtards are no doubt in deep deep Shit…..

Is life good or what………………

I think Trump's next SCOTUS nominee will be ......... Amy Coney Barrett.

If they derail this nomination, this has to be the choice. They can complain that she is too religious as they were trying before, but the same smear tactics won't work.
I don't Think he will put a 4th Woman on the court. Putting her on the shortlist was PC for the base.
Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.
Sad that your anonymous letter isn't getting more play? Try again. The democrats have officially jumped the shark with their rape train allegations. There ARE a lot of stupid people that might believe that crap however they all already vote democrat.
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
In Which States do I Have a Duty to Help?

No Duty to Rescue

At common law and in most states, people, generally, have no duty to help or rescue another person. You would only have a duty to help if you created the peril, you started trying to rescue or help, or you have a special relationship, such as parent-child, with the person in need.

State Exceptions

However, some states have laws that do impose a duty to assist people in need. These laws do vary from state to state:

  1. Wisconsin -- In Wisconsin, if you know that a crime is being committed, and that a victim has suffered or may suffer bodily harm, you have a duty to call police or provide assistance
  2. Minnesota -- If you are at the scene of an emergency and you know that someone has suffered grave physical harm, or could be hurt, you have a duty to give "reasonable assistance." Reasonable assistance can mean calling or attempting to call police or medical personnel.
  3. Rhode Island -- If you know that person is a victim of sexual assault, murder, manslaughter, or armed robbery and you were at the scene of the crime, then you need to report the crime to law enforcement. Failure to do so is punishable by up to six months in jail or a fine of $500 to $1,000.
  4. California -- When you reasonably know or believe that a child under 14 years of age has been a victim of murder, rape, or lewd and lascivious acts, you must notify law enforcement. Failure to do so is excused if you feared for your own safety, or you are related to either the victim or the offender.
  5. Florida -- In Florida, if you witness a sexual battery, you need to immediately report the offense to law enforcement. Violation of this law is a first degree misdemeanor.
wasting your time. They don't care for facts on this subject
In Order to obtain a warrant you MUST have a date and time of occurrence or the judge will laugh you out of his chambers. None of the claims have a credible date or time to investigate...

Then you have Fienstine who withheld the information for 6-8 weeks. This behavior has no excuse. NONE!

It is my understanding that the Secret Service can investigate matters of Congressional Misconduct. I suggest that the President task them with looking into this misconduct and taking appropriate legal remedies against those who are found to be in the colluding mess.
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