She can’t give anything exact because she is lying.

If there was this traumatic moment,in her life, of course she would remember when and where.

She doesn’t want to give any details, lest she be proven a liar.

She has been coached by scumbag lying left wing lunatics,
i just googled Kavanaugh 1982 calender, lol,,its all there, go look if u havent yet, Ford is gonna look like a fool now. i wonder what the loony senators are gonna say now that he has records,,,its racist!!!

OK: now Ford will be able to identify the party; place and time. .


She can’t give anything exact because she is lying.

If there was this traumatic moment,in her life, of course she would remember when and where.

She doesn’t want to give any details, lest she be proven a liar.

She has been coached by scumbag lying left wing lunatics,

Well said

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Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.
Sad that your anonymous letter isn't getting more play? Try again. The democrats have officially jumped the shark with their rape train allegations. There ARE a lot of stupid people that might believe that crap however they all already vote democrat.

And there are a number of other people who don't already vote democrat and are getting fed up with this bullshit. I don't know how this is all going to turn out, but I sincerely hope the Dems pay dearly for this unscrupulous crap in november.
The only thing he nailed is his client to the cross by stating she was a gang rape watching groupie

I don't know what's crazier, the fact that she repeatedly attended high school Rape Train parties when she was 20- or the fact that the parents and the neighbors of a snooty suburb didn't get curious and say anything when the young people were having these events on a weekly basis.

I'd love to hear from some of the neighbors and the other kids about this. Just seems odd.
Like I said in another post I would have used the Skull and Cross bones Angel if I was on the left. That's much scarier Than Slutty little 20yr old at high school party watching girls endure Gang rape by her friends. (9TIMES) He was top of class at Yale "Bonesman" no doubt! perfect "tap" for them High level lawyer Groomed no Scandals etc. HE WILL BE CONFIRMED.
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

What a fucking moron... Tell me Moron how do you rape 10 women and not have multiple police reports, multiple witnesses, actual dates of occurrence and times of occurrence and have these people coming out of the woodwork corroborating your story?

You have NO WITNESSES, NO DATES OF OCCURRENCE, NO TIMES OF OCCURRENCE or any other corroborating evidence of ANY KIND...

Your a fucking dupe....
Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.
Sad that your anonymous letter isn't getting more play? Try again. The democrats have officially jumped the shark with their rape train allegations. There ARE a lot of stupid people that might believe that crap however they all already vote democrat.

This should prove something to the GOP. They went with a guy they thought was a safe pick. Even so, the guy is accused of drugging women in rape trains.

If the GOP has to go through all this BS to get their pick confirmed, why not go with a hard right pick? Could that person really expect worse treatment than Kavanaugh? They need to stop trying to appease these people. In fact, Trump should consider a recess appointment if necessary and really play hard ball. I am assuming that would be a possibility.
A male has now come forward and stated that HE not Kavanaugh had a sexual encounter with FORD in 1982.. He has been interviewed TWICE now and is seen as CREDIBLE as he described the event in DETAIL!

This is a Sworn under oath statement...

This bomb will sink the Dems tomorrow...

source is FOX News...
Kavanaugh is a gang rapist.
Sad that your anonymous letter isn't getting more play? Try again. The democrats have officially jumped the shark with their rape train allegations. There ARE a lot of stupid people that might believe that crap however they all already vote democrat.

And there are a number of other people who don't already vote democrat and are getting fed up with this bullshit. I don't know how this is all going to turn out, but I sincerely hope the Dems pay dearly for this unscrupulous crap in november.
Agree. They figured that this would bring them women's votes but I think women are angrier over this than men. Years of effort reinforcing a woman's credibility in reporting sexual abuse destroyed by obviously false and salacious accusations is just the start. Liberals also forgot that normal women see the threat democrats pose to our sons, husbands, fathers and uncles. I'll NEVER vote for a democrat again, EVER
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
In Which States do I Have a Duty to Help?

No Duty to Rescue

At common law and in most states, people, generally, have no duty to help or rescue another person. You would only have a duty to help if you created the peril, you started trying to rescue or help, or you have a special relationship, such as parent-child, with the person in need.

State Exceptions

However, some states have laws that do impose a duty to assist people in need. These laws do vary from state to state:

  1. Wisconsin -- In Wisconsin, if you know that a crime is being committed, and that a victim has suffered or may suffer bodily harm, you have a duty to call police or provide assistance
  2. Minnesota -- If you are at the scene of an emergency and you know that someone has suffered grave physical harm, or could be hurt, you have a duty to give "reasonable assistance." Reasonable assistance can mean calling or attempting to call police or medical personnel.
  3. Rhode Island -- If you know that person is a victim of sexual assault, murder, manslaughter, or armed robbery and you were at the scene of the crime, then you need to report the crime to law enforcement. Failure to do so is punishable by up to six months in jail or a fine of $500 to $1,000.
  4. California -- When you reasonably know or believe that a child under 14 years of age has been a victim of murder, rape, or lewd and lascivious acts, you must notify law enforcement. Failure to do so is excused if you feared for your own safety, or you are related to either the victim or the offender.
  5. Florida -- In Florida, if you witness a sexual battery, you need to immediately report the offense to law enforcement. Violation of this law is a first degree misdemeanor.
Thanks for the info.

It sounds good though so they are going to run with it. In my opinion, there should be a duty to report crimes like this though. Predators exist because they can control their victims through shame and/or threats. Start jailing their friends and you will see a shift in that culture so fast your head will spin. Of course, trying to apply this to the victim is astoundingly asinine.

It is of note though that she claims to have attended more than one of these parties IIRC. I cant imagine what was going through her head after she seen and knew what was going on that would have brought her back.
Another 21 threads merged for Wednesday... We're starting to warn the chronic offenders who INSIST on starting 2 or 3 a day on this topic that are ALREADY covered, explicitly DUPLICATED or just comments that should be in EXISTING convos.

Use these "daily merges" for comments, opinions, breaking gossip or predictions. Or you will get warned. We've merged or closed over 200 threads in the past 4 days. This is not TWITTER. It's for discussions.

This is the official discussion thread until the THURSDAY edition comes out tomorrow. USE IT !!!
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

When I see a post like this with no link to corroborate, I don't waste my time reading it.

WTF, you need evidence?

i wonder if all networks are gonna show the hearing, CNN/MSNBC are gonna look like fools if Ford also looks like a fool when she cant give a straight answer, well aside from "I Dont Recall"
i wonder if all networks are gonna show the hearing, CNN/MSNBC are gonna look like fools if Ford also looks like a fool when she cant give a straight answer, well aside from "I Dont Recall"

I wouldn't be half surprised to see a performance like Frank Pentangeli's testimony in the Godfather. Explaining that the liberals offered her a book deal and heroine status, so when they asked if Kavanaugh did this, she said "sure".

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