Everyone knows about the calendar especially Avenatti and his accuser client because on the same day both the publicly showed calendar and the affidavit by Julie Swetnick by "coincidence" talk about the beach. I guess the accusers are going for a Jaws or From Here To Eternity type rape scene.
cdc2564d76279639a78e65c8ea44a11fe0a74cd.jpg hqdefault.jpg image.jpg DDx-qvrWsAAk9mX.jpg hydebeach.jpg
i wonder if all networks are gonna show the hearing, CNN/MSNBC are gonna look like fools if Ford also looks like a fool when she cant give a straight answer, well aside from "I Dont Recall"
Now that a man has come out and made a sworn statement that it was he and not Kavanaugh that had a consensual sexual contact, and did it in great detail, I'm betting Ford is a NO SHOW...
Wow this is crashing around the Dems fast, you'd think they'd be tired of being wrong all the time.
By the way fax-2, to help protect and stop abuse of woman, the victims need to consider others who can become victims by their silence, thus report it as soon as possible even if they were doing something wrong like drinking or drugs in the process. By not reporting it quickly they risk playing a part in future incidences liken to those quiet about a murder would risk future victims of murder, one must think of others not just themselves if one wants to claim protecting woman, oh and men too are victims of abusive acts by men(and woman), so they would best serve their cause if they stop the sexism act.
Fighting the Battle of ideas, and demanding Justice, and adherence to things like Due Process would be a good start before actual live fire. If our leadership would have some courage, and refuse to give the Radical Left even an inch, this never even gets to this point.

The GOP flinched and you cannot afford to flinch with sharks in the water. They smelled blood, they pumped more money in to the process and offered larger rewards for anyone who could whip up any accusation against Kavanaugh, and it matters not that none of them are credible. It serves as a platform for their propaganda war against The United States of America and our Democracy.
sharks at the beach
i wonder if all networks are gonna show the hearing, CNN/MSNBC are gonna look like fools if Ford also looks like a fool when she cant give a straight answer, well aside from "I Dont Recall"
Now that a man has come out and made a sworn statement that it was he and not Kavanaugh that had a consensual sexual contact, and did it in great detail, I'm betting Ford is a NO SHOW...
if the attorney really has that record of the 1982 where a bouts, whats Ford gonna do?
i wonder if all networks are gonna show the hearing, CNN/MSNBC are gonna look like fools if Ford also looks like a fool when she cant give a straight answer, well aside from "I Dont Recall"
Now that a man has come out and made a sworn statement that it was he and not Kavanaugh that had a consensual sexual contact, and did it in great detail, I'm betting Ford is a NO SHOW...
if the attorney really has that record of the 1982 where a bouts, whats Ford gonna do?
They will have raw egg on their faces... IF sources are correct they have exact dates and times of Ford's locations during this time... The Prosecutor will undoubtedly have this information tomorrow.. Questioning is going to be fun to watch.
Kavenaugh being a rapist adds to his appeal among conservatives
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation
You aren't disproving it.
The lack of evidence proves it
You are refusing to let the evidence be heard.


Everyone wants to see the evidence.

Accusations are not evidence
Then let's investigate. By refusing to you are refusing to see the evidence.

I'm not wrong.

Never am.
Can we now reopen and revisit the same con game abuse of power played on Roy Moore and have a AL election with him or a new candidate?
How dare Roy Moore introduce and support the Ten Commandments to the opposing party aka the lawless ones?
There goes Avenatti's presidential run....*L*
Guess he was living in a bubble in Cali when
Al Sharpton made the same blunder back east.
Which is a bald faced lie every time you make that accusation
You aren't disproving it.
The lack of evidence proves it
You are refusing to let the evidence be heard.


Everyone wants to see the evidence.

Accusations are not evidence
If they want evidence, why won't the committee meet with the accuser?
Because they don't really want evidence.
You aren't disproving it.
The lack of evidence proves it
You are refusing to let the evidence be heard.


Everyone wants to see the evidence.

Accusations are not evidence
If they want evidence, why won't the committee meet with the accuser?
Because they don't really want evidence.
Democrats are to busy to be concerned with investigating for facts like the Republicans are... Demorats are to busy making up lies and shredding the presumption of innocent until proven guilty to be worried about facts... like the old sale witch trials...
Everyone knows about the calendar especially Avenatti and his accuser client because on the same day both the publicly showed calendar and the affidavit by Julie Swetnick by "coincidence" talk about the beach. I guess the accusers are going for a Jaws or From Here To Eternity type rape scene.
See my great pictures at the top of this page. What happens at the beach...
So the 3rd accuser is a freak who had a restraining order placed against her, going insane and threatening her ex's wife and children...

The 2nd reportedly wasn't sure Kavanaugh touched her 'until talking with her lawyer's yesterday...

And Ford's story keeps changing, there is no evidence, & her 4 witnesses say what she claims never happened...

The lack of evidence proves it
You are refusing to let the evidence be heard.


Everyone wants to see the evidence.

Accusations are not evidence
If they want evidence, why won't the committee meet with the accuser?
Because they don't really want evidence.
Democrats are to busy to be concerned with investigating for facts like the Republicans are... Demorats are to busy making up lies and shredding the presumption of innocent until proven guilty to be worried about facts... like the old sale witch trials...
Investigation is needed.
Is it true that she has demanded she not be placed under oath?.....if that is true this is a circus....
200 threads merged in a couple days.

JHC the entire subject on Kav has become a complete meltdown for the trolls that keep opening duplicate threads with the delusional belief it will somehow effect the actual outcome.

The mob needs to get a life.

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