"My question for Julie Swetnick: Approximately how many of these high school gang rape parties did you attend while in college?"

According to the Creepy Porn Lawyer ten such gang bang "parties." Sweat neck apparently stopped going after the tenth gang bang "party" because she inadvertently drank the Kool Aid and got gang banged by unknown party goers, although not the accused. Maybe she was in line in the previous nine with a strap on?
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."
Doesn't look like trump got under his skin or in his head at all.

His next accusations will likely be serial murder and necrophilia.
Nothing like you having a polygraph test by someone YOU hired to give you the test.....Only ABNORMAL socialist/DemonRATS were born in the dark!

Lawyers for Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her when they were both in high school, released the results of a polygraph test she passed in August on Wednesday, one day before she is scheduled to publicly testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee alongside Kavanaugh.

Almost immediately after the results’ release, inconsistencies in Ford’s testimony were pointed out. The written statement used as the basis for the polygraph test said there were “four people” present at the party where the alleged assault occurred but, at some point, “four people” was crossed out and replaced with “four boys and a couple of girls.”

Both of these versions of events are inconsistent with the letter Ford sent in July to Senator Dianne Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, in which she described the party attendees as consisting of “me and four others.” They also clashed with what Ford’s statement to the Washington Post that there were “four boys” present at the party, a claim she has since retracted, saying instead that her friend Leland Keyser also attended the party but did not know of the assault.

So MUCH MORE Christine Blasey Ford Polygraph Results Reveal Inconsistencies in Testimony | National Review

How ironic that they send out a polygraph result claiming she’s telling the truth, and her statement is different than what sh told her therapist and Feinstein!
Surprise, surprise!!
What is hilariously ironic is that TDS folks who deny the Obama Birth Certificate was faked, which it was using Photoshop, claim Brett Kavanaugh's 1982 calandar has been Photoshopped to cover up Monday night gang bang "parties."
But we do need an FBI investigation.
Why do you need to do a background check on a guy that’s not nominated for SCOTUS? Nobody is calling for a criminal investigation on Kav.
We need a proper FBI investigation to bring justice to Bill Clinton's rape and sexual assault victims.
Cool, keep calling for that
And why aren't Leftist phonies calling for it?
You know why. It’s been explained
Why don't all these fake, paid for "accusers" of Kavanaugh just go directly to the FBI or police? What's stopping them?
According to her she has witnesses and proof.

No witnesses or proof with the Judge.

Statute of Limitations ran out long, long ago.
Bill Clinton's nomination for the Supreme Court appointment should be immediately terminated.
More like Bill and Hillary should be behind bars where they belong, a long time ago.
Forget the Judge. THIS COULD BE the HIT that takes BlowvJob down!!..maybe!

Her name is Leslie Millwee and she's accusing former President Bill Clinton of sexual assault in 1980. A former local news reporter in New York, but from Arkansas, claims that Bill Clinton had sexually assaulted her three times in 1980.

She claims that during two of those times Clinton was basically groping her and grinding himself against her and he ejaculated.

If that wasn't weird, then listen to this. She claims after the sexual assaults, that Bill Clinton came to her apartment and was knocking on the door trying to get in. She didn't respond and he left.

(Excerpt) Read more at trendingviews.co ...

DemonRAT response: Don’t believe women. Must be trailer trash. sic the IRS on her!
I guess Bill’s a candidate for the next SC spot that opens up under Trump.

So only hold those to account who is being nominated by the GOP to SCOTUS

Sounds about right.

After all, who would be talking about Kav had he not been nominated.

No one would care.
In other news, most of today's qualified men (and women) for higher office have gotten drunk, or high, or tried to get laid while drunk, so that makes ALL of them potential rape and / or sexual assault suspects.

Leftist logic at its best.

Liberalism, where fun goes to die.
Seriously, if Kavanaugh were an ordinary person and these same allegations were made against him, the vast majority of people would judge the accusations to be flimsy, suspicious, and unbelievable, not to mention extremely belated. Ramirez's tale is so absurd, and so suspect, that even the New York Times said it didn't pass their smell test, and now we have a third lady whose attorney is a pornstar's lawyer and who says Kavanaugh participated in gang rapes!

What next? Is some lady, after spending many hours with her lawyer, gonna come forward and swear that she now remembers that Kavanaugh is the Zodiac Killer?
What is hilariously ironic is that TDS folks who deny the Obama Birth Certificate was faked, which it was using Photoshop, claim Brett Kavanaugh's 1982 calandar has been Photoshopped to cover up Monday night gang bang "parties."

I'd have sympathy for his family if Kavanaugh wasn't one of the conspiracy nuts who went after Clinton and anyone he knew! That Star report was one of the most disgusting legal document produced and it was all Kavanaugh! It's poetic justice and Karma that his life is being turned upside down over accusations from years before! "How ya like that Brett?" :19: :21: :lol:
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Yeah, Avenatti is such a good lawyer he had his client swear to, at minimum being complicit and possibly being an accomplice to 10 gang rapes. Evidently she like playing wing chick to demented high schools kids a few years her junior, making it more comfortable for other girls to attend parties where they would be victimized. The MD State police should be wanting to have a chat with this demon.


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