4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

When I see a post like this with no link to corroborate, I don't waste my time reading it.
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
what world do you people live in?
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Who hasn't nailed Stormy? That's not a boast; it's an admission of slutocracy!!

tell us greg what you'd do if some pos waved his dick in your daughters face ? vote for him for SC or even President? And I don't give 2 shits what stormy or you, do for a living

What a stupid question. It would be IN COURT you dopey twit! And the jerk would be incapable of Standing for the Judge!!:290968001256257790-final:

Avenatti just another hack liberal desperate for attention. :icon_rolleyes:
yeah with a great rep ,,,you repub lovers try to mock ,bash and lie about all who disagree with you

I hate liberals, they are traitors who ally with America's enemies.
who's putins best friend ? WHO helped get dump elected ?? Who bailed Trump out with RE money laundering schemes?? come on blues ,,,,,get a clue

Hillary. Next!!!

Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."
Liberals: A disease that must be eradicated.
Avenatti just another hack liberal desperate for attention. :icon_rolleyes:
yeah with a great rep ,,,you repub lovers try to mock ,bash and lie about all who disagree with you
I want a cage match between Avenatti and Giuliani. That would be good.

You libs are violent and bloodthirsty.
Oh, poop. I don't mean them hitting each other. Screaming insults at each other would be really funny, though--they're both NY masters of the art.
The onetime girlfriend of Mark Judge, (35 years ag!) who is alleged by Christine Blasey Ford to have been present while Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in the 1980s, has emerged as a pivotal if hidden figure in this whole affair — and now she’s prepared to speak to the FBI and the Judiciary Committee about what she knows, according to a letter from her lawyer that I’ve obtained.

Judge’s college girlfriend, Elizabeth Rasor, is represented by lawyer Roberta Kaplan, who sent a letter to the Judiciary Committee today. The letter, which was provided to me by a senior Senate Democratic aide on the committee, says that Rasor “would welcome the opportunity” to speak to “agents of the FBI as part of a reopened background investigation” into Kavanaugh’s conduct.

(Excerpt) Read more at washingtonpost.com ...

So the question of Kavanaugh’s judicial qualification has turned into a referendum on the sexual morals of a peripherally related high school classmate??

Hearsay, and perhaps a little bragadous! Rasor claims Mr. Judge told her he did engage in group sex activities with a drunk woman. Rasor has nothing to say directly about Kavanaugh.

Sorry, Ms Rasor, the FBI is NOT reopening an investigation. You may speak to the committee investigators, if you like, but you better hurry.
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Please run him for president, ed. Please.
be nice getting a president with brains after 4 years of the vile bullying pos
i would not even consider that guy for president.....
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

He's a clown and a leech. If you hire an ass like him to represent you you're rolling the dice.
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
The drama just got turned up to eleven. There is such a thing as going way over the top guys. Something like what Swetnick allerges against someone who has been a public figure for so long could not have stayed buried until now. It completely defies belief to a rational being. I'm a liberal-minded guy and I hate to say it, but Trump and Republicans are starting to look like the adults in the room here.

It is strange to me that every report I have read of Swetnick's affidavit contains the disclaimer "under the penalty of perjury." There is no court of law, there is no trial, and there never will be because the statute of limitations ran out 30 or so years ago. Is this somehow supposed to make anyone believe it more?
Yeah I made a comment elsewhere that this reminds me of the Episode of
"How I met your Mother" where Barney's friends out him for always taking his stories to far thus exposing it as bogus. This Avenatti witness has taken her story so far, that it's exposed herself in the process and beat herself up with her own claims.
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
what world do you people live in?
Thay are just floating around in the Twilight Zone, regurgitating what they are fed by the right wing media.
Avenatti responded to Trump's comments on Twitter minutes later.

" 'False accusations?' Like those crimes your fixer Cohen pled to?" the lawyer wrote, referring to Trump's former personal attorney Michael Cohen.

"You are an habitual liar and complete narcissist who also is a disgrace as a president and an embarrassment to our nation. You are so inept that your 'best and brightest' are Cohen and [Rudy] Giuliani. Let’s go."

Please run him for president, ed. Please.
be nice getting a president with brains after 4 years of the vile bullying pos
i would not even consider that guy for president.....
but you like the pos there now Congrats you join the FUBAR club
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
Lol you rubes
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

When I see a post like this with no link to corroborate, I don't waste my time reading it.
Yep no link to Julie Swetnick's claim, thanks for settling that for us. *L*
Ohh so Swetnick got her story from what she read in the now discredited New Yorker magazine. That makes sense. Rasor appears ready to exonerate Kavanaugh.
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
what world do you people live in?
Thay are just floating around in the Twilight Zone, regurgitating what they are fed by the right wing media.
CNN is right wing media? Wow, just wow.
Avenatti just another hack liberal desperate for attention. :icon_rolleyes:
yeah with a great rep ,,,you repub lovers try to mock ,bash and lie about all who disagree with you
I want a cage match between Avenatti and Giuliani. That would be good.

You libs are violent and bloodthirsty.
yes blues we need a cleansing period ,,,get rid of repub traitors BUT not you You have a big brain like Trump lol
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.

When I see a post like this with no link to corroborate, I don't waste my time reading it.
Yep no link to Julie Swetnick's claim, thanks for settling that for us. *L*
Trump cult members continue to grow more bizarre.
4:28 pm eastern time on CNN Michael Avenatti inadvertantly admits his client Julie Swetnick should be arrested for being in the same parties she claims these line rapes took place that she admits knowing about and thus being a silent accomplice to the acts she is claiming
happened. Avenatti claimed even if Brett and Mark was merely present at such a party that it would make him an accomplice, something that makes his own client guilty of as per accessory before the fact laws, which in this case of her claimed pre-knowledge of, is considered a conspirator. ... A person who learns of these crimes after it is committed and protects the behavior or fails to report the crime, is known as an "accessory after the fact".

This is also why they created those "duty to rescue violations" that requires bystanders to help out in such a situation as made famous on Seinfeld's last episode.
what world do you people live in?
Thay are just floating around in the Twilight Zone, regurgitating what they are fed by the right wing media.
CNN is right wing media? Wow, just wow.
They are lying media, so why would you believe them?

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