Kavanaugh is not an originalist, vote him down so Trump makes a better pick

and if this is true then it would be kennedy who picked kavanaugh now huh?


maybe people should wait for facts vs. make them up first.
I said perhaps, dipshit.

See post 75.
you are on ignore cause of crap like this reply. i took it off for a second and saw your txt that i replied to.

you are here to get your snark in and hate around. i got it. but you may be wrong here and i was simply pointing that out. sorry it upsets you.

I think it is possible Kennedy is playing both ends against the middle.

If Trump nominates someone he can live with, then Kennedy retires on schedule and his replacement is seated.

If Trump nominates someone he can't live with, Kennedy rescinds his retirement and throws everything to chance and the Democrats taking the Senate..

Trump made his nomination, and Kennedy hasn't rescinded anything.

So either Kennedy is pleased with Kavanaugh or your theory is all wet.
According to iceberg, Kennedy wanted Kavanaugh.

Looks like I nailed it and you are all wet.

and if this is true then it would be kennedy who picked kavanaugh now huh?


maybe people should wait for facts vs. make them up first.
Irony. You quoted a tweet and then said wait for facts. :lol:
and i'm still waiting for them - please show me where i've made my mind up on what has happened. my initial statement here said IF THIS IS TRUE - ie - we don't know yet.

you really need to slow down your insult machine, son.

BTW, if Kavanaugh isn't confirmed and the Dems seize the Senate, will they confirm Trump's picks next year- not just for the Kennedy replacement but for Breyer and Ruth Buzzy Ginsberg?
If the Democrats WIN the Senate, then they will have leverage with Trump. Trump will have to throw away the list given to him by Leonard Leo. He'll have to negotiate with his long time friend Chuck Schumer.

Irony. You quoted a tweet and then said wait for facts. :lol:
and i'm still waiting for them - please show me where i've made my mind up on what has happened. my initial statement here said IF THIS IS TRUE - ie - we don't know yet.

you really need to slow down your insult machine, son.
And I said perhaps, dipshit.

Don't you hate getting bitch slapped by your own benchmark? :lol:

If the Democrats win the Senate, Trump will have to negotiate with Schumer for SCOTUS appointments. And we will probably end up with single payer healthcare, since that is what Trump and the Democrats have wanted for a very long time.

and i'm still waiting for them - please show me where i've made my mind up on what has happened. my initial statement here said IF THIS IS TRUE - ie - we don't know yet.

you really need to slow down your insult machine, son.
And I said perhaps, dipshit.

Don't you hate getting bitch slapped by your own benchmark? :lol:
so you can't show me where i said that. thank you. all i needed to know.

back to the void for you.

yea, it's all pretty stupid. G baby comes along and just likes to play internet tough guy and insult people that i doubt seriously he'd do in person. i need to just leave ignored people on ignore.

Or maybe not "ignore" anyone with software, yet ignore them, anyways. ;)
heh - quite likely. but good call on the useless slapping back and forth - that's all that was going on and there's more than enough of that in here.
Why did he announce his retirement BEFORE the critical mid terms which could result in a Democratic Congress, and therefore ensure Trump and the GOP won't be able to be stopped?

The chance of the Democrat Party seizing the Senate this year is pretty slim.

But why would Kennedy wait until after the election, because if the Democrats were to win, and he leaves office, the seat will be vacant until the GOP regains the majority? Is that really responsible?

Or do you think that the Dems (in the majority) are going to confirm Trump's choices for the SCOTUS?
I think it is possible Kennedy is playing both ends against the middle.

If Trump nominates someone he can live with, then Kennedy retires on schedule and his replacement is seated.

If Trump nominates someone he can't live with, Kennedy rescinds his retirement and throws everything to chance and the Democrats taking the Senate.

You say the chances of the Democrats "seizing" (I see what you did there) the Senate are slim. Well, that whole dynamic would change if Kennedy rescinded his retirement. Then Democrats would turn out in droves to flip the Senate to stop a pro-life judge from getting seated.

Your fantasies aside, it doesnt work that way. Kennedy is gone
All you leftist experts on nothing might want to know Kennedy handed his resignation to Trump and Trump accepted it....he can't change his mind at this point. Why would he? He wanted Trump to name his replacement and suggested Kavanaugh....Kennedy got exactly what he wanted.
All you leftist experts on nothing might want to know Kennedy handed his resignation to Trump and Trump accepted it....he can't change his mind at this point. Why would he? He wanted Trump to name his replacement and suggested Kavanaugh....Kennedy got exactly what he wanted.

Actually there is nothing preventing him withdrawing his resignation prior to July 31st. The president can't compel him to retire.

If the Democrats win the Senate, Trump will have to negotiate with Schumer for SCOTUS appointments. And we will probably end up with single payer healthcare, since that is what Trump and the Democrats have wanted for a very long time.

that's a big IF, dude. not likely to happen. the blue wave went into the gutter.
To 99.99% of us it doesn't matter who sits on the supreme court. Its fun to debate it, but in real life it has zero affect on most of us.
All you leftist experts on nothing might want to know Kennedy handed his resignation to Trump and Trump accepted it....he can't change his mind at this point. Why would he? He wanted Trump to name his replacement and suggested Kavanaugh....Kennedy got exactly what he wanted.

Actually there is nothing preventing him withdrawing his resignation prior to July 31st. The president can't compel him to retire.

It's not going to happen
I'm totally disappointed. I hope the Republicans vote him down and force Trump to make a better pick. Being an originalist is not pick and choose, sometimes you are, sometimes you're not.


Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Penned Healthcare Dissent Focused On Tax

I get that the penalty is a tax. But Obamacare is SO much more than a penalty. His logic, which the ape Roberts parroted, was the penalty itself was a tax, therefore the entire Obamacare plan was fine. It's the other way around. There is no possible way to get that healthcare exchanges and healthcare payments to insurance companies are taxes.

If there was a severability clause, he could have struck down all the legislation other than the penalty, but there wasn't. And regardless, he voted that since the penalty was Constitutional, the rest of the Unconstitutional provisions were Constitutional


Kavanaugh: "The Fourth Amendment does not bar all searches and seizures. It bars only unreasonable searches and seizures."

How is metadata about our phone calls not unreasonable with no warrant? They're specifically taking information from private businesses about our phone calls. You can justify anything with that logic. Get a warrant!

Trump’s Supreme Court nominee opposes net neutrality, supports NSA bulk collection

The SCOTUS's job is to vigilantly protect our rights. These are two clear cases that he clearly didn't. Is he going to be Souter II? He may be, he's not a vigilant defender of Constitutionally protected freedom

There are better ones. It's quite possible that Trump put him out there so the left could launch their predicted attack. If he chooses a different one, the left will look foolish for launching the exact same attack a 2nd time. Of course, they would hold up the same signs and protest no matter who Trump picks.

In all honesty, you'd think they would like this guy. But, facts don't matter at all. It's about opposing anything and everything Trump does.

Unfortunately, time is of the essence, the fall schedule awaits and the court needs fully staffed.

Even if Kavanaugh isn't perfect, he's a reliable vote. Maybe you can suggest someone better when Ginsberg and Breyer are drummed out and replaced?

A "reliable vote"? The same way Breyer, O'Connor, Souter, and Kennedy himself were "reliable votes"? History has shown us what a disaster this sort of nominee becomes down the road.
This is a good choice. Trump will get at least one more in the next couple of years, Ginsburg could go any day, she cant even stay awake.

How in the world is the weakest, least-textualist candidate of the four a "good choice"?
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He’s going to catch a lot of heat from his base over this choice. Maybe an easy sacrifice for the opposition to shoot down, so his second pick (his real desire) gets fast tracked through...? Not sure. This choice is a head scratcher...

Sounds like Trump is throwing the globalists a bone.

I wonder where his position on the 2nd Amendment is.
He is good on the 2nd amendment.
If the Democrats win the Senate, Trump will have to negotiate with Schumer for SCOTUS appointments. And we will probably end up with single payer healthcare, since that is what Trump and the Democrats have wanted for a very long time.

that's a big IF, dude. not likely to happen. the blue wave went into the gutter.
You don't know that for a fact. That's just wishful thinking.
This is a good choice. Trump will get at least one more in the next couple of years, Ginsburg could go any day, she cant even stay awake.

How in the world is the weakest, least-textualist candidate of the four a "good choice"?
Because he is the only one who can make it through, and he is one who will make Democrats look the most foolish, while still being better than Kennedy.

Which situation would you rather have, Kavanaugh and most likely Barret later, or Trump’s 2nd Supreme Court pick going down like the health care law and Trump’s “winning” taking another hit?
This is a good choice. Trump will get at least one more in the next couple of years, Ginsburg could go any day, she cant even stay awake.

How in the world is the weakest, least-textualist candidate of the four a "good choice"?
Because he is the only one who can make it through, and he is one who will make Democrats look the most foolish, while still being better than Kennedy.

Which situation would you rather have, Kavanaugh and most likely Barret later, or Trump’s 2nd Supreme Court pick going down like the health care law and Trump’s “winning” taking another hit?
A better pick
The only blackmark of any kind on Kavanaugh's record is his dissent on Obamacare. He has a rock-solid record on everything else. He was the right pick for this moment in time.

If we get a few more Republican Senators in the midterms and there's another vacancy, that will be the time to nominate Amy Barrett.
You must live in a alternate reality. The "right" in this country is where the left was 20 years ago, so the country is still moving left even with all your faux-conservatives out there, or perhaps because of them.

True. Once the fringe left organized & seized control of the media, a couple of generations have been brainwashed to believe that basic morality is "bad".

But I have a feeling the pendulum will swing back, seeking a balance as it always does when the tension of the pivot point becomes undeniable.

No, there will be no swing back, especially not in the way you are hoping. Now that we have generations that have not been brainwashed by bronze age religious text, homophobes like you will eventually die out.

And the country will continue to move left politically (just for clarification, being anti-gay is not a political issue, it is a character one) as the central government takes more and more control over the economy and healthcare.
The country is as left wing as it is ever going to get.

Millennials are turning faster than baby boomers did away from the Democrats, and Gen Z is even more Republican friendly(despite being tide pod eating idiots), and more like Gen X than millennials from the offset.

Once the baby boomers die the foundation of the far left will fall out. Baby boomers dying causes short term damage to Republicans while causing permanent damage to the 60s culture war.

I work with a bunch of millennials(including myself) and Gen Zers, and nobody was freaking out over Trump picking someone last night. In fact it was the first time that I saw Fox News on the tv in the break room, despite the fact that I work for the Teamsters Union.
This is a good choice. Trump will get at least one more in the next couple of years, Ginsburg could go any day, she cant even stay awake.

How in the world is the weakest, least-textualist candidate of the four a "good choice"?
Because he is the only one who can make it through, and he is one who will make Democrats look the most foolish, while still being better than Kennedy.

Which situation would you rather have, Kavanaugh and most likely Barret later, or Trump’s 2nd Supreme Court pick going down like the health care law and Trump’s “winning” taking another hit?
A better pick
Which you wouldn’t get through even with McCain voting.

A pick going down just a month before the mid terms would be very bad for Trump, Republicans and the country at large.
I'm not sure that it's accurate to say that Kavanaugh upheld the individual mandate. I just posted a thread that presents evidence that he did not uphold the mandate.

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