Kavanaugh LIAR

Yep..... and all those women who marched against him...they should be ashamed as they stand side by side with people like linda sarsour, an actual oppressor of women as she pushes Sharia Law, and pushes anti-semitism....
'''I don't understand'' how they do not understand innocent till proven guilty
....that would be like me going out in the streets and protesting against OJ or any other defendant BEFORE the trial--before any investigation--etc!!!!!!

..it's like the jackass BLM/blacks protesting against cops before an investigation--IDIOTS
THIS is nazi-like/saddam/third world shithole crap
Gee color me shocked.

And there goes you must believe the "victim " right out the window
she made up rape claims
that whole deal was so ridiculous
always a liberal ''activist''--she's a criminal now
Kavanaugh accuser to be investigated after confessing to making up rape claims | Daily Mail Online
Who was she?

Did any of us ever hear about her claims during the Kavanaugh hearings? I don't remember her as being part of the fiasco?

It said she was DECADES older than him??

She should be punished, if laws were broken, for SURE!
...this is more and more proof--which I've linked many times--that the MSM is an enemy/hates whites/etc = OMG, Kavanaugh ''''raping'''' someone was headlines--huge headlines for a long time
but now we see this story is nowhere close to being headlined in the MSM
she made up rape claims
that whole deal was so ridiculous
always a liberal ''activist''--she's a criminal now
Kavanaugh accuser to be investigated after confessing to making up rape claims | Daily Mail Online

What do you call it when the Republicans do it?
(1). Republicans do our best to elect positive and honest candidates who sense public needs and faithfully serve the people in their districts.
(2). Republicans discipline their ranks as best they can to right wrongs
(2). Republicans work to rehabilitate those who make errors of judgment
(3). Republicans understand when a public servant cannot redeem himself from wrongdoing and throw support behind someone who does right in the next election.
(4). Because of the above, it pisses off the hateful, scheming press that orchestrates lies with our loyal opposition who want instant gratification for their sundry hoodwinks of the public.​
Poor, dear Moonglow. Sometimes you can'not see the light of day when it's high noon. *sigh*
"A vicious accuser of Justice Kavanaugh has just admitted that she was lying, her story was totally made up, or FAKE! Can you imagine if he didn’t become a Justice of the Supreme Court because of her disgusting False Statements. What about the others? Where are the Dems on this?" - President Trump
"A vicious accuser of Justice Kavanaugh has just admitted that she was lying, her story was totally made up, or FAKE! Can you imagine if he didn’t become a Justice of the Supreme Court because of her disgusting False Statements. What about the others? Where are the Dems on this?" - President Trump
not a big deal to the Dems/etc --just like Bill Clinton's perjury
This crime is taken very seriously because the foundation of the legal system depends on trust and credibility.
Perjury - FindLaw
they don't care about law and order

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