Kavanaugh Sobers Up

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There were ZERO witnesses because this shit never happened you loon. :spinner:
Yeah, she made it up in 2012.
Through psychotherapy hypnosis. Why didn’t she say something when Kavanaugh was up for Appellate Court? She sure as the fuck made it up and it fit nicely into her scrambled eggs brain and it’s memory recall.
And she won’t hand over the therapy notes.

Do you understand these Jerry Springer war games,Tilly?
if this is springer, we need some lesbians in here.

I'd be more concerned if he had been from his mid 20's and onwards. When he should have known what he was doing.

How old was Bill Clinton when he.....you know what? :boobies:

OTOH, what can you do against Jezebels?

Even the praying mantis thinks it is worth it.
Because the Democrats have never appointed a partisan liberal. Lol! That is pretty funny.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
This is not about MY objectivity. His op ed is right there, first post. Read it and reply.
He needs to sit on the High Court.
His op ed insists he is fair minded and does not let politics interfere with his decisions. Do you feel that is possible now, after the treatment he and his family have received? Will that genuine emotion you all feel was so appropriate at his hearing disappear now? All that overwhelming frustration and that chagrin over the insults and threats to his wife and children? The embarrassment of his parents?
How does that evaporate?
You might not be able to fathom this but not everybody responds to ordeals by becoming so consumed by rancor that they are bent on revenge towards anything or anyone remotely connected to it. In other words, he could still do his job as an impartial judge.
You'll have to forgive me for questioning that, based on his very surprising reaction during his testimony. However, for everyone's sake, I hope you are right.
What reaction would he have had to display for you to consider that he isn't a monster?
I didn't say he was a monster. Ever. Anywhere.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.
She claimed her best friend was there, which does not remember such a gathering.
You guys have all been playing "lawyer" too long. I don't need fucking PROOF to comment on his behavior during the testimony. I already told you what I did and did NOT mean by it and if you ask me, you guys are all overreacting almost as much as Kavanaugh did. Stop the tears. I honestly don't like to see it.

Maybe you shouldn't throw shit around then. Cuz the wind direction can change. This isn't about playing at lawyering, this is about what's fair and honest. Which the Democrats have not been through this whole sad saga.
I AM being honest; that is what I think. You don't agree, fine.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
I'm not here to argue the whole thing again. Can he be impartial in view of the strong statements he made about Democrats generally at his hearing? I don't suppose it really matters, because he's going to be confirmed anyway, but that was what his op ed was about, what this thread was a comment on.
He needs to sit on the High Court.
His op ed insists he is fair minded and does not let politics interfere with his decisions. Do you feel that is possible now, after the treatment he and his family have received? Will that genuine emotion you all feel was so appropriate at his hearing disappear now? All that overwhelming frustration and that chagrin over the insults and threats to his wife and children? The embarrassment of his parents?
How does that evaporate?
You might not be able to fathom this but not everybody responds to ordeals by becoming so consumed by rancor that they are bent on revenge towards anything or anyone remotely connected to it. In other words, he could still do his job as an impartial judge.
You'll have to forgive me for questioning that, based on his very surprising reaction during his testimony. However, for everyone's sake, I hope you are right.
What reaction would he have had to display for you to consider that he isn't a monster?
I didn't say he was a monster. Ever. Anywhere.
OK. I'll rephrase. What reaction would he have had to make to allow you to believe that he wasn't responding incorrectly? In other words, what reaction would convince you that he could indeed be impartial?
Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.

I love your country, and I hate to see it descending into such sleazy depths as just lately.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.

I love your country, and I hate to see it descending into such sleazy depths as just lately.

And then there's this
The main reason they want Kavanaugh in now is because there is a case on the docket next month, Gamble vs US. What is at stake in this case is "separate but sovereigns" exception to double jeopardy. That means if Kavanaugh and the 4 other conservative justices vote to overrule it, people given Presidential pardons for federal crimes cannot be tried for that crime at the state level. This is a way for Trump to pardon everyone that has been charged and is cooperating in the Mueller investigation and for them to legally get off Scott free.
Please call all of your representation-call Mitch McConnell and tell them you know what they are doing and you will vote their corrupt butts out if they continue protecting elected felons at the behest of the American people.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.

I love your country, and I hate to see it descending into such sleazy depths as just lately.
Obama said, “Elections have consequences.” Democrats need to give it up. They lost fair and square in 2016.
Hello liar, he has a history of following the constitution which is why he's there. Grow up.
How to Stop Lying
He’s there because he’s spent his life participating in partisan conservative hackery, which is to the liking of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, who put him on a list of names that Trump is allowed to choose from in exchange for their support.

Because the Democrats have never appointed a partisan liberal. Lol! That is pretty funny.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
What phony Trumped up accusation will you sling out tomorrow?
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.

I love your country, and I hate to see it descending into such sleazy depths as just lately.

And then there's this
The main reason they want Kavanaugh in now is because there is a case on the docket next month, Gamble vs US. What is at stake in this case is "separate but sovereigns" exception to double jeopardy. That means if Kavanaugh and the 4 other conservative justices vote to overrule it, people given Presidential pardons for federal crimes cannot be tried for that crime at the state level. This is a way for Trump to pardon everyone that has been charged and is cooperating in the Mueller investigation and for them to legally get off Scott free.
Please call all of your representation-call Mitch McConnell and tell them you know what they are doing and you will vote their corrupt butts out if they continue protecting elected felons at the behest of the American people.
The reason Kavanaugh needs a yes vote is because he is a highly qualified jurist.
He’s there because he’s spent his life participating in partisan conservative hackery, which is to the liking of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, who put him on a list of names that Trump is allowed to choose from in exchange for their support.

Because the Democrats have never appointed a partisan liberal. Lol! That is pretty funny.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
What phony Trumped up accusation will you sling out tomorrow?
Kavanaugh wrote “principal eats poop” on bathroom stall door in grade school. :21:
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.

I love your country, and I hate to see it descending into such sleazy depths as just lately.
Obama said, “Elections have consequences.” Democrats need to give it up. They lost fair and square in 2016.

They don't think they did. Hillary went on the rampage in the UK, appearing on every TV show going, with it 'was the Russians'.

As if the Brits could have cared less.
He’s there because he’s spent his life participating in partisan conservative hackery, which is to the liking of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, who put him on a list of names that Trump is allowed to choose from in exchange for their support.

Because the Democrats have never appointed a partisan liberal. Lol! That is pretty funny.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
What phony Trumped up accusation will you sling out tomorrow?
did you read post 250?
He needs to sit on the High Court.
His op ed insists he is fair minded and does not let politics interfere with his decisions. Do you feel that is possible now, after the treatment he and his family have received? Will that genuine emotion you all feel was so appropriate at his hearing disappear now? All that overwhelming frustration and that chagrin over the insults and threats to his wife and children? The embarrassment of his parents?
How does that evaporate?
You might not be able to fathom this but not everybody responds to ordeals by becoming so consumed by rancor that they are bent on revenge towards anything or anyone remotely connected to it. In other words, he could still do his job as an impartial judge.
You'll have to forgive me for questioning that, based on his very surprising reaction during his testimony. However, for everyone's sake, I hope you are right.
What reaction would he have had to display for you to consider that he isn't a monster?
I didn't say he was a monster. Ever. Anywhere.
Is he qualified?
I guess it's as close as we'll get to an "I'm sorry" for all the disrespectful, flippant responses to questions and angry shouting at last week's hearing. Just remember, he's really impartial.

  • I Am an Independent, Impartial Judge

Yes, I was emotional last Thursday. I hope everyone can understand I was there as a son, husband and dad.
Brett M. Kavanaugh
Oct. 4, 2018 7:30 p.m. ET

I was deeply honored to stand at the White House July 9 with my wife, Ashley, and my daughters, Margaret and Liza, to accept President Trump’s nomination to succeed my former boss and mentor, Justice Anthony Kennedy, on the Supreme Court. My mom, Martha—one of the first women to serve as a Maryland prosecutor and trial judge, and my inspiration to become a lawyer—sat in the audience with my dad, Ed.

That night, I told the American people who I am and what I believe. I talked about my 28-year career as a lawyer, almost all of which has been in public service. I talked about my 12 years as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, often called the second most important court in the country, and my five years of service in the White House for President George W. Bush. I talked about my long record of advancing and promoting women, including as a judge—a majority of my 48 law clerks have been women—and as a longtime coach of girls’ basketball teams.

As I explained that night, a good judge must be an umpire—a neutral and impartial arbiter who favors no political party, litigant or policy. As Justice Kennedy has stated, judges do not make decisions to reach a preferred result. Judges make decisions because the law and the Constitution compel the result. Over the past 12 years, I have ruled sometimes for the prosecution and sometimes for criminal defendants, sometimes for workers and sometimes for businesses, sometimes for environmentalists and sometimes for coal miners. In each case, I have followed the law. I do not decide cases based on personal or policy preferences. I am not a pro-plaintiff or pro-defendant judge. I am not a pro-prosecution or pro-defense judge. I am a pro-law judge.
As Justice Kennedy showed us, a judge must be independent, not swayed by public pressure. Our independent judiciary is the crown jewel of our constitutional republic. The Supreme Court is the last line of defense for the separation of powers, and for the rights and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution.

The Supreme Court must never be viewed as a partisan institution. The justices do not sit on opposite sides of an aisle. They do not caucus in separate rooms. As I have said repeatedly, if confirmed to the court, I would be part of a team of nine, committed to deciding cases according to the Constitution and laws of the United States. I would always strive to be a team player.

During the confirmation process, I met with 65 senators and explained my approach to the law. I participated in more than 30 hours of hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee, and I submitted written answers to nearly 1,300 additional questions. I was grateful for the opportunity.

After all those meetings and after my initial hearing concluded, I was subjected to wrongful and sometimes vicious allegations. My time in high school and college, more than 30 years ago, has been ridiculously distorted. My wife and daughters have faced vile and violent threats.

Against that backdrop, I testified before the Judiciary Committee last Thursday to defend my family, my good name and my lifetime of public service. My hearing testimony was forceful and passionate. That is because I forcefully and passionately denied the allegation against me. At times, my testimony—both in my opening statement and in response to questions—reflected my overwhelming frustration at being wrongly accused, without corroboration, of horrible conduct completely contrary to my record and character. My statement and answers also reflected my deep distress at the unfairness of how this allegation has been handled.

I was very emotional last Thursday, more so than I have ever been. I might have been too emotional at times. I know that my tone was sharp, and I said a few things I should not have said. I hope everyone can understand that I was there as a son, husband and dad. I testified with five people foremost in my mind: my mom, my dad, my wife, and most of all my daughters.

Going forward, you can count on me to be the same kind of judge and person I have been for my entire 28-year legal career: hardworking, even-keeled, open-minded, independent and dedicated to the Constitution and the public good. As a judge, I have always treated colleagues and litigants with the utmost respect. I have been known for my courtesy on and off the bench. I have not changed. I will continue to be the same kind of judge I have been for the last 12 years. And I will continue to contribute to our country as a coach, volunteer, and teacher. Every day I will try to be the best husband, dad, and friend I can be. I will remain optimistic, on the sunrise side of the mountain. I will continue to see the day that is coming, not the day that is gone.

I revere the Constitution. I believe that an independent and impartial judiciary is essential to our constitutional republic. If confirmed by the Senate to serve on the Supreme Court, I will keep an open mind in every case and always strive to preserve the Constitution of the United States and the American rule of law.

Judge Kavanaugh has been nominated as an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Appeared in the October 5, 2018, print edition.
Opinion | I Am an Independent, Impartial Judge

Let me get this straight. This man has been dragged through months of childish nonsense, culminating in weeks of being vilified in front of the whole world as a RAPIST based on nothing more than partisan bullshit, and you think you're entitled to an APOLOGY from him because you got YOUR wittle feewings hurt that he had the bad grace to get angry about it instead of thanking you for the opportunity to be targeted with a character assassination? Is that ACTUALLY what your self-absorbed, tone-deaf, snowflake ass just suggested?!

The only reason you got ANYTHING is because Kavanaugh is a far, FAR better human being than you ever dreamed of being on your best day, NOT because you deserve anything but a swift kick up the ass.
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.

I love your country, and I hate to see it descending into such sleazy depths as just lately.

And then there's this
The main reason they want Kavanaugh in now is because there is a case on the docket next month, Gamble vs US. What is at stake in this case is "separate but sovereigns" exception to double jeopardy. That means if Kavanaugh and the 4 other conservative justices vote to overrule it, people given Presidential pardons for federal crimes cannot be tried for that crime at the state level. This is a way for Trump to pardon everyone that has been charged and is cooperating in the Mueller investigation and for them to legally get off Scott free.
Please call all of your representation-call Mitch McConnell and tell them you know what they are doing and you will vote their corrupt butts out if they continue protecting elected felons at the behest of the American people.
Your seeing a whole team of doctors aren’t you? :banana:
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.

I love your country, and I hate to see it descending into such sleazy depths as just lately.

And then there's this
The main reason they want Kavanaugh in now is because there is a case on the docket next month, Gamble vs US. What is at stake in this case is "separate but sovereigns" exception to double jeopardy. That means if Kavanaugh and the 4 other conservative justices vote to overrule it, people given Presidential pardons for federal crimes cannot be tried for that crime at the state level. This is a way for Trump to pardon everyone that has been charged and is cooperating in the Mueller investigation and for them to legally get off Scott free.
Please call all of your representation-call Mitch McConnell and tell them you know what they are doing and you will vote their corrupt butts out if they continue protecting elected felons at the behest of the American people.
You protect Democrat felons. Fair is fair.
The one take away from this entire spectacle is exposing the shift in democrat thinking. Democrats as policy have removed the presumption of innocence as a policy of jurisprudence. If this is examined further, additional exposure will reveal that this change is only applicable to white people.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.

So it's patently dishonest?
The Democrats smear campaign is dishonest, disgraceful, disgusting, and reprehensible.

I love your country, and I hate to see it descending into such sleazy depths as just lately.

And then there's this
The main reason they want Kavanaugh in now is because there is a case on the docket next month, Gamble vs US. What is at stake in this case is "separate but sovereigns" exception to double jeopardy. That means if Kavanaugh and the 4 other conservative justices vote to overrule it, people given Presidential pardons for federal crimes cannot be tried for that crime at the state level. This is a way for Trump to pardon everyone that has been charged and is cooperating in the Mueller investigation and for them to legally get off Scott free.
Please call all of your representation-call Mitch McConnell and tell them you know what they are doing and you will vote their corrupt butts out if they continue protecting elected felons at the behest of the American people.
You protect Democrat felons. Fair is fair.
BS stop BSing me You own congress the presidency and the supremes How TF ,can we protect them?
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