Kavanaugh Sobers Up

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Maybe you shouldn't throw shit around then. Cuz the wind direction can change. This isn't about playing at lawyering, this is about what's fair and honest. Which the Democrats have not been through this whole sad saga.
I AM being honest; that is what I think. You don't agree, fine.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
Blah, blah, blah. Answer my question, do you believe in the American concept of justice, innocent until proven guilty or not?
Anyone want to speak to his ability to be impartial, now that he has admitted he crossed the line in his testimony?
That was what the thread was for.
You recently said RBG was not biased and should not recuse herslef on cases involving Trump, even when presented with this:

I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” Ginsburg told the Times' Adam Liptak. “For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Ginsburg also recalled something her late husband said about such matters: "Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand."

If you consider the above an example of impartiality, you should be just fine with Kav.
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Blah, blah, blah. Answer my question, do you believe in the American concept of justice, innocent until proven guilty or not?
Anyone want to speak to his ability to be impartial, now that he has admitted he crossed the line in his testimony?
That was what the thread was for.
as your subject line so clearly stated how objective you are.
This is not about MY objectivity. His op ed is right there, first post. Read it and reply.
He needs to sit on the High Court.
His op ed insists he is fair minded and does not let politics interfere with his decisions. Do you feel that is possible now, after the treatment he and his family have received? Will that genuine emotion you all feel was so appropriate at his hearing disappear now? All that overwhelming frustration and that chagrin over the insults and threats to his wife and children? The embarrassment of his parents?
How does that evaporate?
You might not be able to fathom this but not everybody responds to ordeals by becoming so consumed by rancor that they are bent on revenge towards anything or anyone remotely connected to it. In other words, he could still do his job as an impartial judge.
I AM being honest; that is what I think. You don't agree, fine.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
There were ZERO witnesses because this shit never happened you loon. :spinner:
Yeah, she made it up in 2012.
Through psychotherapy hypnosis. Why didn’t she say something when Kavanaugh was up for Appellate Court? She sure as the fuck made it up and it fit nicely into her scrambled eggs brain and it’s memory recall.
And she won’t hand over the therapy notes.
I AM being honest; that is what I think. You don't agree, fine.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
Blah, blah, blah. Answer my question, do you believe in the American concept of justice, innocent until proven guilty or not?
Anyone want to speak to his ability to be impartial, now that he has admitted he crossed the line in his testimony?
That was what the thread was for.
You recently said RBG was not biased and should not recuse herslef on cases involving Trump, even when presented with this:

I can’t imagine what this place would be — I can’t imagine what the country would be — with Donald Trump as our president,” Ginsburg told the Times' Adam Liptak. “For the country, it could be four years. For the court, it could be — I don’t even want to contemplate that.” Ginsburg also recalled something her late husband said about such matters: "Now it’s time for us to move to New Zealand."

If you consider the above an example of impartiality, you should be just fine with Kav,
here's where "but it's different for our side" comes into play.
I AM being honest; that is what I think. You don't agree, fine.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
Blah, blah, blah. Answer my question, do you believe in the American concept of justice, innocent until proven guilty or not?
Anyone want to speak to his ability to be impartial, now that he has admitted he crossed the line in his testimony?
That was what the thread was for.
Your thread title does not reflect a serious attempt to discuss Kavs impartiality, but rather to continue to paint him as an alcoholic, drunk lady.
I don't even bother to reply to her any more. I just funny her posts cuz thats all she is. A clown. Funny.
He claims to be independent and impartial, yet he was selected for the SC by a far right special interest group specifically because he is NOT independent or impartial
Hello liar, he has a history of following the constitution which is why he's there. Grow up.
How to Stop Lying
He’s there because he’s spent his life participating in partisan conservative hackery, which is to the liking of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, who put him on a list of names that Trump is allowed to choose from in exchange for their support.

Because the Democrats have never appointed a partisan liberal. Lol! That is pretty funny.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
Anyone want to speak to his ability to be impartial, now that he has admitted he crossed the line in his testimony?
That was what the thread was for.
as your subject line so clearly stated how objective you are.
This is not about MY objectivity. His op ed is right there, first post. Read it and reply.
He needs to sit on the High Court.
His op ed insists he is fair minded and does not let politics interfere with his decisions. Do you feel that is possible now, after the treatment he and his family have received? Will that genuine emotion you all feel was so appropriate at his hearing disappear now? All that overwhelming frustration and that chagrin over the insults and threats to his wife and children? The embarrassment of his parents?
How does that evaporate?
You might not be able to fathom this but not everybody responds to ordeals by becoming so consumed by rancor that they are bent on revenge towards anything or anyone remotely connected to it. In other words, he could still do his job as an impartial judge.
You'll have to forgive me for questioning that, based on his very surprising reaction during his testimony. However, for everyone's sake, I hope you are right.
Hello liar, he has a history of following the constitution which is why he's there. Grow up.
How to Stop Lying
He’s there because he’s spent his life participating in partisan conservative hackery, which is to the liking of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, who put him on a list of names that Trump is allowed to choose from in exchange for their support.

Because the Democrats have never appointed a partisan liberal. Lol! That is pretty funny.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
There were ZERO witnesses because this shit never happened you loon. :spinner:
Yeah, she made it up in 2012.
Through psychotherapy hypnosis. Why didn’t she say something when Kavanaugh was up for Appellate Court? She sure as the fuck made it up and it fit nicely into her scrambled eggs brain and it’s memory recall.
And she won’t hand over the therapy notes.

Do you understand these Jerry Springer war games,Tilly?
as your subject line so clearly stated how objective you are.
This is not about MY objectivity. His op ed is right there, first post. Read it and reply.
He needs to sit on the High Court.
His op ed insists he is fair minded and does not let politics interfere with his decisions. Do you feel that is possible now, after the treatment he and his family have received? Will that genuine emotion you all feel was so appropriate at his hearing disappear now? All that overwhelming frustration and that chagrin over the insults and threats to his wife and children? The embarrassment of his parents?
How does that evaporate?
You might not be able to fathom this but not everybody responds to ordeals by becoming so consumed by rancor that they are bent on revenge towards anything or anyone remotely connected to it. In other words, he could still do his job as an impartial judge.
You'll have to forgive me for questioning that, based on his very surprising reaction during his testimony. However, for everyone's sake, I hope you are right.
What reaction would he have had to display for you to consider that he isn't a monster?
He’s there because he’s spent his life participating in partisan conservative hackery, which is to the liking of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, who put him on a list of names that Trump is allowed to choose from in exchange for their support.

Because the Democrats have never appointed a partisan liberal. Lol! That is pretty funny.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
true and then you have thomas who you know will never go the correct way and the others vote the way Repubs want 99.9% of the time
Seriously? Oh my, you have it bad.
Soooo, because your mom took them, you assume Kavanaughs’s wife does...
How do I know you aren’t lying about taking them yourself, now? Oh, you want us to believe you, even though there IS no evidence of such.
Unlike Kavanaugh, who had numerous people deny there was such a gathering that Ford claimed were there...
Sure... his wife’s tranquilizers? Do you have experience with them?
I am really surprised at what a strong reaction Kavanaugh's kind-of-apology thread is getting. I figured it would sink to page 3 on the Active List within in an hour, like most of my threads do.


I respect USMB rules and I was not trying to trigger just more comments on whether Kavanaugh is a good guy or a bad guy. I would have stuck it in the daily thread on the subject if I had that in mind. I guess just saying the name is going to trigger this crowd, though, and set them going like an overused answering machine message.

Yeah, I think he was under the influence of something when he testified and who cares; I'm NOT saying the guy is an alcoholic or that he was shitfaced when he testified. A bit buzzed, though. He probably thought it would relax him to have a couple drinks or one of his wife's tranquilizers, and I'm not saying the guy is an alcoholic. ALL I'm saying is ... he seems to have sobered up and perhaps is not quite so rabid as he acted last week, which is probably a good thing and I'd think everyone would be quite happy for that.
As a matter of fact, yes. My mom slipped me a Valium before a wake and it made me MORE tearful and then I wanted to eat a whole pan of brownies. And then I needed a nap. I would never take one of them things again. It just made me stupid and leaky.
They denied nothing...they said they don't remember. Those are not the same thing, you know.
meanwhile OT Trump DOW NAZ getting killed Think China has anything to do with it??
She claimed her best friend was there, which does not remember such a gathering.
3 points:

1. Kavanaugh was nominated to the DC Court of Appeals back in 2004, but got filibustered by the Dems and didn't get confirmed. Bush renominated him again in 2006, and after a difficult and bruising fight got confirmed that time. And yet there is no case or example that shows partiality by him against the Dems. There is no case where his decision was overturned by the SCOTUS. So when you say his deep disaffection for the Dems means he can't be impartial then I have to ask on what do you base that opinion on.

2. Not sure if he has actually said that the Democrats staged this whole thing to stop him, but Good Lord how can you blame him for thinking that? You don't see the timing of all these allegations and calls for investigations as somewhat suspect? You say you have eyes an common sense, but it does not appear that is the case. This has been one long delay and deny tactic on the part of the Democrats, which is fine but not when you set out ahead of time to viciously smear the reputation of a nominee for no other reason than political objectives. They had already said they would do anything to stop the confirmation of Trump's nominee no matter who it was.

3. "Happily he's sobered up". That's really low, OL. You got any reason to support your contention that he was under the influence of anything? No, you don't, and that is pretty reprehensible on your part.
You guys have all been playing "lawyer" too long. I don't need fucking PROOF to comment on his behavior during the testimony. I already told you what I did and did NOT mean by it and if you ask me, you guys are all overreacting almost as much as Kavanaugh did. Stop the tears. I honestly don't like to see it.

Maybe you shouldn't throw shit around then. Cuz the wind direction can change. This isn't about playing at lawyering, this is about what's fair and honest. Which the Democrats have not been through this whole sad saga.
I AM being honest; that is what I think. You don't agree, fine.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
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There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
There were ZERO witnesses because this shit never happened you loon. :spinner:
Yeah, she made it up in 2012.
Through psychotherapy hypnosis. Why didn’t she say something when Kavanaugh was up for Appellate Court? She sure as the fuck made it up and it fit nicely into her scrambled eggs brain and it’s memory recall.
And she won’t hand over the therapy notes.

Do you understand these Jerry Springer war games,Tilly?
if this is springer, we need some lesbians in here.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
There were ZERO witnesses because this shit never happened you loon. :spinner:
Yeah, she made it up in 2012.
Through psychotherapy hypnosis. Why didn’t she say something when Kavanaugh was up for Appellate Court? She sure as the fuck made it up and it fit nicely into her scrambled eggs brain and it’s memory recall.
And she won’t hand over the therapy notes.
Because then we could read how she also said aliens land in her front yard every 3rd Tuesday of the month...and that she knows who really killed JFK because she transported back to Daley Plaza November 22nd, 1963.:21:
I guess it's as close as we'll get to an "I'm sorry" for all the disrespectful, flippant responses to questions and angry shouting at last week's hearing.

Oh good lord, look Kavanaugh does not owe asshole Democrats an apology just the opposite. Goddamn the left are screwed up in the head. :cuckoo:
She claimed her friend was there, which does not remember such a gathering.
You guys have all been playing "lawyer" too long. I don't need fucking PROOF to comment on his behavior during the testimony. I already told you what I did and did NOT mean by it and if you ask me, you guys are all overreacting almost as much as Kavanaugh did. Stop the tears. I honestly don't like to see it.

Maybe you shouldn't throw shit around then. Cuz the wind direction can change. This isn't about playing at lawyering, this is about what's fair and honest. Which the Democrats have not been through this whole sad saga.
I AM being honest; that is what I think. You don't agree, fine.
Not one person corroborated Ford's story. So you don't believe in the American concept of justice, Innocent until proven guilty.
There were only two witnesses--Kavanaugh who of course would deny it, and his friend Mark Judge who said he does not recall it and wrote a book about his life at the time being full of black outs.
As with most sexual assaults, they don't happen in the view of many others. It's kind of illegal, you know?
and her friend also said they told her what to say. oldlady didn't want to pay for wall street journal but at least she knows the story is running there. here is more info from ZH - but now she'll likely bitch about the site.

Blasey Ford's FBI "Polygraph" Buddy Pressured Woman From Mystery Groping Party To Change Story
He’s there because he’s spent his life participating in partisan conservative hackery, which is to the liking of the Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society, who put him on a list of names that Trump is allowed to choose from in exchange for their support.

Because the Democrats have never appointed a partisan liberal. Lol! That is pretty funny.
were they installed for the primary purpose to save a president who might be indicted?

Again, do you have proof? Because what I read he clarified his position quite while, however bigotry and hate may have clouded your view.
pap I don't get you Yeah he clarified a while ago that he doesn't believe a president can be indicted No other candidate has stated such, that I know of Trump is looking for an ass saving Justice
That is a head scratcher, how people are saying don't vote for him because of that. Like you just pointed out, he is only ONE justice. His opinion does not a decision make.
It’s all politically motivated...Hillary lost in 2016.
as your subject line so clearly stated how objective you are.
This is not about MY objectivity. His op ed is right there, first post. Read it and reply.
He needs to sit on the High Court.
His op ed insists he is fair minded and does not let politics interfere with his decisions. Do you feel that is possible now, after the treatment he and his family have received? Will that genuine emotion you all feel was so appropriate at his hearing disappear now? All that overwhelming frustration and that chagrin over the insults and threats to his wife and children? The embarrassment of his parents?
How does that evaporate?
You might not be able to fathom this but not everybody responds to ordeals by becoming so consumed by rancor that they are bent on revenge towards anything or anyone remotely connected to it. In other words, he could still do his job as an impartial judge.
You'll have to forgive me for questioning that, based on his very surprising reaction during his testimony. However, for everyone's sake, I hope you are right.
He has a right as a man to defend his family and himself against false accusations.
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