Kavanuagh LIED About Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.
You people are so stupid.

You are charged with stealing a woman's purse. You deny it. I say I saw you do it. Does that make you a liar?

That has nothing to do with thread, troll.

Go & TROLL some other thread, if you cannot contribute anything other than bullshit.

Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.
You people are so stupid.

You are charged with stealing a woman's purse. You deny it. I say I saw you do it. Does that make you a liar?

That has nothing to do with thread, troll.

Go & TROLL some other thread, if you cannot contribute anything other than bullshit.

Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

Not trolling at all. Really think about it. This isn’t a political thing. If I had an axe to grind with you I need only accuse you of raping someone. That person need not even come forward either. All I have to do is toss the accusation out and I sink you. Is that fair?
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.
You people are so stupid.

You are charged with stealing a woman's purse. You deny it. I say I saw you do it. Does that make you a liar?

That has nothing to do with thread, troll.

Go & TROLL some other thread, if you cannot contribute anything other than bullshit.

Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

That's your defense? Everyone's a troll?

If you are a man, or identify as a man this needs to disturb you. An accusation carries more weight then evidence? Is that okay?
You people are so stupid.

You are charged with stealing a woman's purse. You deny it. I say I saw you do it. Does that make you a liar?

That has nothing to do with thread, troll.

Go & TROLL some other thread, if you cannot contribute anything other than bullshit.

Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

That's your defense? Everyone's a troll?

If you are a man, or identify as a man this needs to disturb you. An accusation carries more weight then evidence? Is that okay?

I agree.
You people are so stupid.

You are charged with stealing a woman's purse. You deny it. I say I saw you do it. Does that make you a liar?

That has nothing to do with thread, troll.

Go & TROLL some other thread, if you cannot contribute anything other than bullshit.

Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

Not trolling at all. Really think about it. This isn’t a political thing. If I had an axe to grind with you I need only accuse you of raping someone. That person need not even come toward either. All I have to do is toss the accusation out and I sink you. Is that fair?

you post had nothing to do with the thread & you know that.

Trolling is a USMB family value, it sure looks like that.
Why not answer his very reasonable question? Because you know your biased as fuck and full of shit. OF COURSE it's not fair to condemn a man based merely on an accusation!
This thread is based on desperation, ignorance, and partisan wishful thinking.

The thread is based on observations by a former classmate of Kavanaugh
Wrong. It is based on the WORDS of a classmate. You can not prove those are actual observations anymore that I can prove you stole that poor old ladies purse
He stole her purse. I saw it. Caddo robs old ladies.

more trolling
More inability to see the irony right smack in your face.

I'll let you off for now. Tomorrow I might have a new allegation though so just be prepared to defend your integrity.

You bet. I'm sure Hannity can come up with some new allegation for you to try to defend by tomorrow. If not, check with Alex Jones.
You people are so stupid.

You are charged with stealing a woman's purse. You deny it. I say I saw you do it. Does that make you a liar?

That has nothing to do with thread, troll.

Go & TROLL some other thread, if you cannot contribute anything other than bullshit.

Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

Not trolling at all. Really think about it. This isn’t a political thing. If I had an axe to grind with you I need only accuse you of raping someone. That person need not even come toward either. All I have to do is toss the accusation out and I sink you. Is that fair?

you post had nothing to do with the thread & you know that.

Trolling is a USMB family value, it sure looks like that.

It has everything to do with the thread. You are a rapo and a sodomite. It’s now on you to prove you have never done this.

It means nothing here, but just imagine if it happened where you work.
Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

Not trolling at all. Really think about it. This isn’t a political thing. If I had an axe to grind with you I need only accuse you of raping someone. That person need not even come toward either. All I have to do is toss the accusation out and I sink you. Is that fair?

you post had nothing to do with the thread & you know that.

Trolling is a USMB family value, it sure looks like that.
Why not answer his very reasonable question? Because you know your biased as fuck and full of shit. OF COURSE it's not fair to condemn a man based merely on an accusation!

troll, troll, troll your boat; please stay on topic
Deflect, deflect, deflect. You have no faith in your own argument, so you're avoiding simple questions like they are the plague.
That has nothing to do with thread, troll.

Go & TROLL some other thread, if you cannot contribute anything other than bullshit.
Yet another Kavanaugh thread....

These LOSERS never stop.

Thread closed.

Am I doing it right trollboi?

go **** yourself
Awwwe, is the wannabe hall monitor getting pissy?
Do you deny stealing the purse or not? Continuing to ignore the question makes you look guilty.
Denying it would CLEARLY be a lie.
And getting angry about it makes you appear hostile and unfit to hold your job.

He is getting angry and belligerent, that is more proof of his guilt. He totally stole the purse!
Belligerent people are also clearly angry drunks. he should lay off the booze too.
Had a LCDR in a squadron I was in....we called him Psycho...it totally depended on whether he go his booze or not as to how any interaction such as just saying "hello" went with him.
Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

Not trolling at all. Really think about it. This isn’t a political thing. If I had an axe to grind with you I need only accuse you of raping someone. That person need not even come toward either. All I have to do is toss the accusation out and I sink you. Is that fair?

you post had nothing to do with the thread & you know that.

Trolling is a USMB family value, it sure looks like that.

It has everything to do with the thread. You are a rapo and a sodomite. It’s now on you to prove you have never done this.

It means nothing here, but just imagine if it happened where you work.

So, you think it's funny to reflect so negatively on the USMB membership & to crap all over this forum like you are doing?

That is shameful.

More like crapping all over you. I think Gramps is a dickhead, but his point is valid. Is it okay for a person to trash your whole life on a simple accusation? Simple question.
Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

That's your defense? Everyone's a troll?

If a member has no content & is clearly trolling, then that is trolling.

What would you call that?

Well, since most of your comments in this thread are calling others trolls, then you must be a troll...dumbass.

I believe the rules of USMB & the mods would consider nearly every post in this thread trolling/no content.

I am here to discuss topics of individauls threads; not to sling poop.

Gramps wasn’t slinging poop, he made a valid argument, can you answer him or are you going to continue to dodge?
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.

Yeah, she's one of a couple dozen Kav classmates who have stated unequivocally that he was a serious lush and staggering - embarrassing - fall down - barfing drunk.
His Fox interview in which he painted himself as a choirboy pissed a lot of people off -
INCLUDING several who had already endorsed him.
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.
You people are so stupid.

You are charged with stealing a woman's purse. You deny it. I say I saw you do it. Does that make you a liar?

So Kavanaugh stole women's purses too? He was a nasty little thug, wasn't he?
You arent one to talk. I found a womans clothes in your car, covered in blood. The police need to investigate you.

So I loaned my car to Kavanaugh, and Ted Cruz's father. Ask them about it.
Sadly it does. It’s a good excample. You Caddo Kid raped and sodimized 26 woman 5 years ago. You drugged them and raped them.

Now, say you are going for that awesome job, interviewer checks you on social media, and finds that? Should that one claim made by a no one on USMB wreck your life if you can’t disprove it? Keep in mind, I won’t give a when or where, just that you did it. You cool with that?

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

That's your defense? Everyone's a troll?

If a member has no content & is clearly trolling, then that is trolling.

What would you call that?

Well, since most of your comments in this thread are calling others trolls, then you must be a troll...dumbass.

I believe the rules of USMB & the mods would consider nearly every post in this thread trolling/no content.

I am here to discuss topics of individauls threads; not to sling poop.

Yes, and I believe everyone with any common sense would see the Dr. Ford story has zero facts and zero evidence.
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.

Yeah, she's one of a couple dozen Kav classmates who have stated unequivocally that he was a serious lush and staggering - embarrassing - fall down - barfing drunk.
His Fox interview in which he painted himself as a choirboy pissed a lot of people off -
INCLUDING several who had already endorsed him.

Thank you. I appreciate your valuable contribution to this thread.

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