Kavanuagh LIED About Excessive Alcohol Consumption

Yet another TROLL.

I have to say, the membership here is full of shit.

That's your defense? Everyone's a troll?

If a member has no content & is clearly trolling, then that is trolling.

What would you call that?

Well, since most of your comments in this thread are calling others trolls, then you must be a troll...dumbass.

I believe the rules of USMB & the mods would consider nearly every post in this thread trolling/no content.

I am here to discuss topics of individauls threads; not to sling poop.

Yes, and I believe everyone with any common sense would see the Dr. Ford story has zero facts and zero evidence.

The thread is about Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, and her comments concerning Kavanaugh being a stumbling drunk when they were both classmates.

AFA Dr. Ford? I believe there are some (other) threads here about that, yep.
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.

Translation of OP post follows:

You want to believe Judge Kavanaugh is guilty regardless of common sense's voice telling you to shut up and sit down, so you can help the pro-abortion killers stand up for the right to kill babies, maim their remains, and sacrifice the Leftovers to Moloch, the dark god love of your life. Either that, or the blindfolds you wear are damn effectively obstructing your sight of the truth.

He said. She said. She said. He said. You believe whichsoever one's story feathers up your ideological meta-narrative. Go kickstart a few quarks on the face of a supernova. Quark Nova or bust.
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.

Yeah, she's one of a couple dozen Kav classmates who have stated unequivocally that he was a serious lush and staggering - embarrassing - fall down - barfing drunk.
His Fox interview in which he painted himself as a choirboy pissed a lot of people off -
INCLUDING several who had already endorsed him.

Thank you. I appreciate your valuable contribution to this thread.

Still can’t answer gramps I see. Yet you want others to believe you are serious?
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.

Translation of OP post follows:

You want to believe Judge Kavanaugh is guilty regardless of common sense's voice telling you to shut up and sit down, so you can help the pro-abortion killers stand up for the right to kill babies, maim their remains, and sacrifice the Leftovers to Moloch, the dark god love of your life. Either that, or the blindfolds you wear are damn effectively obstructing your sight of the truth.

He said. She said. She said. He said. You believe whichsoever one's story feathers up your ideological meta-narrative. Go kickstart a few quarks on the face of a supernova. Quark Nova or bust.

The OP requires no translation
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.

Yeah, she's one of a couple dozen Kav classmates who have stated unequivocally that he was a serious lush and staggering - embarrassing - fall down - barfing drunk.
His Fox interview in which he painted himself as a choirboy pissed a lot of people off -
INCLUDING several who had already endorsed him.

Thank you. I appreciate your valuable contribution to this thread.

Still can’t answer gramps I see. Yet you want others to believe you are serious?

I believe Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, is serious.

I was hoping others that participate would believe there may be some merit to her claim & would discuss that, instead of destroying the thread. That's all.
Holy crap. FIFTY ONE off topic flame and trolling posts removed. Multiple infractions have been handed out to those who contributed to this massive derailment or who’s only contribution to the thread was a drive by flame.

Thread DOES have a topic!
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.

That's perspective...

He was a light weight compared to the guys and me at the local tavern after work in Chicago or in Green Bay.

It's all personal opinion. Everyone handles booze in different ways and teenagers are clearly supposed to be pros if you listen to the left. How does one drunk child judge the level of intoxication of another?

Its absurd
Excuses Excuses Excuses
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.
So what? What person didn’t? And what person wouldn’t deny it on a job interview?
An alleged drinking problem that has apparently not followed Kavanaugh into adulthood.
I still drink heavily on the boat.

Last I checked alcohol was legal and not taboo.

I hope he does drink otherwise the sob will be on the court forever
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.

Sounds like a difference of opinion to me. Your opinion is irrelevant because you weren't there.

Yet another Kavanaugh thread....

These LOSERS never stop.

Thread closed.

Am I doing it right trollboi?

go **** yourself
Awwwe, is the wannabe hall monitor getting pissy?
Do you deny stealing the purse or not? Continuing to ignore the question makes you look guilty.
Denying it would CLEARLY be a lie.
And getting angry about it makes you appear hostile and unfit to hold your job.

He is getting angry and belligerent, that is more proof of his guilt. He totally stole the purse!
Belligerent people are also clearly angry drunks. he should lay off the booze too.
Had a LCDR in a squadron I was in....we called him Psycho...it totally depended on whether he go his booze or not as to how any interaction such as just saying "hello" went with him.
I have known people like that but as I said earlier everyone handles booze different. Some people become super friendly when drunk while others get triggered easily. You can not judge everyone by the standards of others.
For instance I am aggressive when sober but turn to a jokester when drunk. I'm more apt to buy everyone rounds when drunk than anything else.
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.
From a person I know can you define
An alleged drinking problem that has apparently not followed Kavanaugh into adulthood.
I still drink heavily on the boat.

Last I checked alcohol was legal and not taboo.

I hope he does drink otherwise the sob will be on the court forever
You are right...as adults, alcohol isn't illegal....it's what you may do when under the influence that you can be held responsible for. I hope you are not driving (sailing) your boat while under the influence.
Classmate: Kavanaugh drank heavily - CNN Video

Liz Swisher, former Yale classmate of Brett Kavanaugh, told CNN's Chris Cuomo she never saw Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh be sexually aggressive, but said that he lied to the Senate Judiciary Committee about his drinking habits.

Kavanaugh lied to the Senate committee about his drinking problem.

Sounds like PERJURY to me.

Here is a bio for Swisher

Elizabeth M. Swisher M.D.
I become a problem only when a Progressive drunk says that it is a problem./
Looks like the GOP is evolving to "depends on what the definition of 'drunk' is"....or devolving....

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