Keep Fighting

It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.

R.I.P. America!
Biden is the last president of the former great country.

Trump was our last legitimate president. America is no more.

That's nice, dear. Unfortunately for this unhinged wacko comic book fantasy eighty-one million patriotic citizens had checked the box on the ballot that read, 'GET THE FUCK OUT', and Orange Crash, having declared he would never give up or concede, floated away in a helicopter in abject disgrace --- just as four years ago he settled Fraud University for 25 million after vowing he'd never settle.


Don't cry, maybe you'll get to see him again at his impeachment. The second one.

R.I.P. America!
Biden is the last president of the former great country.

Correction--Trump was the last president of the USA. CCP and Biden took the country without firing a shot. The dismantling of a great nation started today.

Oh, the melodrama.

Shall we get you your feinting couch?

CCP troll.^^^^^
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.

But they told us to TRUST THE PLAN?

Who knew that the 'plan' involved so much Frank Sinatra and slinking away in humiliating defeat.

A random wordpress blog drops another pseudo-legal deuce on how Trump can somehow be declared president after LOSING the election?

You guy are STILL sucking on that conspiracy binkie?

Man the fuck up already. You lost. This reliance on yet another delusion and fantasy rather than facing reality is embarassing to watch.
There was and is a conspiracy. With the censorship and MSM hate fest it is very hard to deny. There was massive fraud and now a massive cover up repetition of lie after lie. You are an enabler of criminals and one sad human being.

R.I.P. America!
Biden is the last president of the former great country.

Trump was our last legitimate president. America is no more.

Do you know a legitimate communist ruler?
All commies, democrats, lefts, 'progressives' are envious insane lying thieves who believing in their Marxist utopia finally die in poverty.

A random wordpress blog drops another pseudo-legal deuce on how Trump can somehow be declared president after LOSING the election?

You guy are STILL sucking on that conspiracy binkie?

Man the fuck up already. You lost. This reliance on yet another delusion and fantasy rather than facing reality is embarassing to watch.
There was and is a conspiracy. With the censorship and MSM hare fest it is very hard to deny. There was massive fraud and now a massive cover up repetition of lie after lie. You are an enabler of criminals and one sad human being.

The normal and honest people shall throw tubes in trash bins and never read papers of MS presstitutes.

R.I.P. America!
Biden is the last president of the former great country.

Trump was our last legitimate president. America is no more.

That's nice, dear. Unfortunately for this unhinged wacko comic book fantasy eighty-one million patriotic citizens had checked the box on the ballot that read, 'GET THE FUCK OUT', and Orange Crash, having declared he would never give up or concede, floated away in a helicopter in abject disgrace --- just as four years ago he settled Fraud University for 25 million after vowing he'd never settle.


Don't cry, maybe you'll get to see him again at his impeachment. The second one.

There's a significant portion of the conservative movement that have gone full snowflake. Where reality itself must cater to their feelings, beliefs and desires.

If it doesn't, they will make up their own reality.....based on whatever conspiracy, hair-brained theory, or psuedo-legal gibberish soothes the cognitive dissonance in their heads.

As this thread demonstrates elegantly.

A random wordpress blog drops another pseudo-legal deuce on how Trump can somehow be declared president after LOSING the election?

You guy are STILL sucking on that conspiracy binkie?

Man the fuck up already. You lost. This reliance on yet another delusion and fantasy rather than facing reality is embarassing to watch.
There was and is a conspiracy. With the censorship and MSM hare fest it is very hard to deny. There was massive fraud and now a massive cover up repetition of lie after lie. You are an enabler of criminals and one sad human being.

The normal and honest people shall throw tubes in trash bins and never read papers of MS presstitutes.

And by 'normal and honest', you mean the poor hapless fucks who gobbled every lie, conspiracy theory and empty promise made by OANN, the Epoch Times, and NewsMax TV....that assured them of a Trump victory even after he lost the election?

How did that work again? Because from where I'm sitting, it doesn't look like the comforting lies those poor souls desperately gobbled had a thing to do with reality.

A random wordpress blog drops another pseudo-legal deuce on how Trump can somehow be declared president after LOSING the election?

You guy are STILL sucking on that conspiracy binkie?

Man the fuck up already. You lost. This reliance on yet another delusion and fantasy rather than facing reality is embarassing to watch.
There was and is a conspiracy. With the censorship and MSM hare fest it is very hard to deny. There was massive fraud and now a massive cover up repetition of lie after lie. You are an enabler of criminals and one sad human being.

The normal and honest people shall throw tubes in trash bins and never read papers of MS presstitutes.

And by 'normal and honest', you mean the poor hapless fucks who gobbled every lie, conspiracy theory and empty promise made by OANN, the Epoch Times, and NewsMax TV....that assured them of a Trump victory even after he lost the election?

How did that work again? Because from where I'm sitting, it doesn't look like the comforting lies those poor souls desperately gobbled had a thing to do with reality.

Just remember your statement in two years when you will sleep down the bridge ( in the best case ) after communist 'rulership' of creepy Joe.
Idiots in many former communists countries believed promises of commies too.

A random wordpress blog drops another pseudo-legal deuce on how Trump can somehow be declared president after LOSING the election?

You guy are STILL sucking on that conspiracy binkie?

Man the fuck up already. You lost. This reliance on yet another delusion and fantasy rather than facing reality is embarassing to watch.
There was and is a conspiracy. With the censorship and MSM hare fest it is very hard to deny. There was massive fraud and now a massive cover up repetition of lie after lie. You are an enabler of criminals and one sad human being.

The normal and honest people shall throw tubes in trash bins and never read papers of MS presstitutes.

And by 'normal and honest', you mean the poor hapless fucks who gobbled every lie, conspiracy theory and empty promise made by OANN, the Epoch Times, and NewsMax TV....that assured them of a Trump victory even after he lost the election?

How did that work again? Because from where I'm sitting, it doesn't look like the comforting lies those poor souls desperately gobbled had a thing to do with reality.

Just remember your statement in two years when you will sleep down the bridge ( in the best case ) after communist 'rulership' of creepy Joe.
Idiots in many former communists countries believed promises of commies too.

Dude......look at the dipshit predictions your ilk have already made. A magic 8-ball is more accurate. You guys keep making shit up and it keeps NOT happening.

But with a laughable record of inept panty shitting hysterics offered as 'predictions' behind your guys, NOW you've got it all figured out?

Good luck with that.
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.
There was massive fraud. Period. The people did not elect Xiden. Fact.
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.
There was massive fraud. Period. The people did not elect Xiden. Fact.

Nope. You just gobbled yet another conspiracy rather than face the reality that Trump lost.

You, the Birthers, the Truthers, and the Flat Earthers have a lot to talk about.
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.
There was massive fraud. Period. The people did not elect Xiden. Fact.

Fact. There was no massive fraud. 65 lower court judges and 2 Supreme Court cases...all tossed.
Trump lost. Biden won. Fact.
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.
There was massive fraud. Period. The people did not elect Xiden. Fact.

Fact. There was no massive fraud. 65 lower court judges and 2 Supreme Court cases...all tossed.
Trump lost. Biden won. Fact.
These are the same hapless dipshits that are STILL waiting for Trump to release the results of his 'investigation' in Hawaii into Obama's birth certificate.

Trump was scheduled for a full court trial where he could present evidence, call witnesses, and make his case for voter fraud in court. A day before the trial was set to begin and Trump would have to put up or shut up.......Trump voluntarily dismissed his OWN lawsuit.

There's a reason why Trump's team refused to even ALLEGE in court that fraud had ever occurred.
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.
There was massive fraud. Period. The people did not elect Xiden. Fact.
What a crock of crap. Of course we elected President Biden. You hung out on the conspiracy blogs, too much. Move on with your life.
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.
There was massive fraud. Period. The people did not elect Xiden. Fact.
What a crock of crap. Of course we elected President Biden. You hung out on the conspiracy blogs, too much. Move on with your life.
No, you did not elect Biden. There was massive fraud. I really don't care how often you repeat the lie the election was stolen and the conspiracy is the cover up of that theft.

If Democrats and the Left had wished to reinvigorate the Trump legacy, they could have done no better than unleashing their unhinged and often repulsive hatred of the last two weeks.

The Washington Post’s Eugene Robinson recently boasted, “There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed.”

What method does Robinson advocate for the required mind-rinsing of these millions? The Chinese, Soviet, or North-Korean model?
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.
There was massive fraud. Period. The people did not elect Xiden. Fact.
What a crock of crap. Of course we elected President Biden. You hung out on the conspiracy blogs, too much. Move on with your life.
No, you did not elect Biden. There was massive fraud. I really don't care how often you repeat the lie the election was stolen and the conspiracy is the cover up of that theft.
You are just a jihadi moron by your own avatar. You just stay in the woods and wail into the night. The rest of us will go on with the nation.
It's over dude.
You are speaking of America. America is over. This is a post American presidency illegitimate as the day is long.

We're just coming back into the light after four years of darkness. Don't worry, you'll get used to it. A new day dawns in America. Lots of reasons to be hopeful.
Nope. Here is the new OFFICIAL Flag of the USSA:View attachment 445935
No. The guy that supported that flag lost and has gone home to Florida.
And the guy who could give a fuck about the flag (cheated) won.
No he didn't. He got on a plan and flew unceremoniously to his new life, out of power, a loser, in Florida, the retirement state.
There was massive fraud. Period. The people did not elect Xiden. Fact.
What a crock of crap. Of course we elected President Biden. You hung out on the conspiracy blogs, too much. Move on with your life.
No, you did not elect Biden. There was massive fraud. I really don't care how often you repeat the lie the election was stolen and the conspiracy is the cover up of that theft.

Nope. That's just the conspiracy binkie that you suck on to avoid the reality that Trump lost. Like a child clinging to a blankie to protect him from the monsters under the bed.

For an adult, its the ultimate snowflake move. As rather than face reality, you insist that reality is 'fake' unless it adheres to your feelings and desires. And cling to whatever hapless lie, batshit conspiracy theory, or pseudo-legal gibberish that lets you build a little delusion 'safe space'.

Man up, snowflake.

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