Keep in Mind

For god's sake !!
No fatalities and kids dying in Africa at one every few seconds . Should we have a new Topic every time there is a no fatalities incident ?
Actually a loss of a few million Chinese would help the planet's situation but I doubt that thought would please many -- particularly if you are Chinese .
I wonder how often the Chinese mourn the passing of people outside of China and/or the Far East who die in natural disasters? Not that often, if they do at all, I should imagine. And why should they?

Anyway, I'll pass, thanks.
Real nice responses, you pieces of shit. Real nice.
No fatalities yet, hopefully it stays that way.

Unfortunate for the many who's homes were destroyed or damaged.
Sorry if you think I'm being a piece of shit, but I'm just being honest. I just refuse to mourn complete strangers who mean absolutely nothing to me. Much the same as I don't mourn the passing of countless people who die around the world every day.
Nah I hear you and don't blame you one bit. I don't spend a lot of time mourning the millions who die in Africa from malnourishment or malaria.

But I'm part Chinese and have spent a lot of time in China, so it kinda has a thing with me.
While I understand, and respect their right to have, the perspectives expressed by both "blackcherry" and Swagger, I have to ask the question...

Why bother to express it here? Why not just skip the response and move on?
A bus full of Tamils just went over a cliff and killed 200. All those who give a crap, raise your hand.

That's what i thought. :D
While I understand, and respect their right to have, the perspectives expressed by both "blackcherry" and Swagger, I have to ask the question...

Why bother to express it here? Why not just skip the response and move on?

That's a very pertinent question, and something I took into brief consideration before submitting my first response on this thread. But that was overridden by the nead to question what I often regard as selective grief, and the emotive inducement imposed upon others to take part in it. Why should I, when the people suggesting my thoughts take into consideration the suffering of people I've never met the other side of the world couldn't give a tinker's cuss about the countless thousands who suffer and expire in anonymity every day?
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While I understand, and respect their right to have, the perspectives expressed by both "blackcherry" and Swagger, I have to ask the question...

Why bother to express it here? Why not just skip the response and move on?

That's a very pertinent question, and something I took into brief consideration before submitting my first response on this thread. But that was overridden by the nead to question what I often regard as selective grief, and the emotive inducement imposed upon others to take part in it. Why should I, when the people suggesting my thoughts take into consideration the suffering of people I've never met the other side of the world couldn't give a tinker's cuss about the countless thousands who suffer and expire in anonymity every day?

Fair enough.
Sorry if you think I'm being a piece of shit, but I'm just being honest. I just refuse to mourn complete strangers who mean absolutely nothing to me. Much the same as I don't mourn the passing of countless people who die around the world every day.

I'm sorry FOR you that you have to go through life being a piece of shit.
While I understand, and respect their right to have, the perspectives expressed by both "blackcherry" and Swagger, I have to ask the question...

Why bother to express it here? Why not just skip the response and move on?

That's a very pertinent question, and something I took into brief consideration before submitting my first response on this thread. But that was overridden by the nead to question what I often regard as selective grief, and the emotive inducement imposed upon others to take part in it. Why should I, when the people suggesting my thoughts take into consideration the suffering of people I've never met the other side of the world couldn't give a tinker's cuss about the countless thousands who suffer and expire in anonymity every day?

I'm not at all surprised that a little wannabe-Nazi cockroach like you doesn't understand humanity or morality, but bear in mind that you have made it plain by your attitude that you don't really care about even those closest to you. No, you really don't.
While I understand, and respect their right to have, the perspectives expressed by both "blackcherry" and Swagger, I have to ask the question...

Why bother to express it here? Why not just skip the response and move on?

That's a very pertinent question, and something I took into brief consideration before submitting my first response on this thread. But that was overridden by the nead to question what I often regard as selective grief, and the emotive inducement imposed upon others to take part in it. Why should I, when the people suggesting my thoughts take into consideration the suffering of people I've never met the other side of the world couldn't give a tinker's cuss about the countless thousands who suffer and expire in anonymity every day?

I'm not at all surprised that a little wannabe-Nazi cockroach like you doesn't understand humanity or morality, but bear in mind that you have made it plain by your attitude that you don't really care about even those closest to you. No, you really don't.

I've done no such thing.
That's a very pertinent question, and something I took into brief consideration before submitting my first response on this thread. But that was overridden by the nead to question what I often regard as selective grief, and the emotive inducement imposed upon others to take part in it. Why should I, when the people suggesting my thoughts take into consideration the suffering of people I've never met the other side of the world couldn't give a tinker's cuss about the countless thousands who suffer and expire in anonymity every day?

I'm not at all surprised that a little wannabe-Nazi cockroach like you doesn't understand humanity or morality, but bear in mind that you have made it plain by your attitude that you don't really care about even those closest to you. No, you really don't.

I've done no such thing.

You most certainly have. That you are too much of an amoral dim-wit to realize it does not change the fact.
I'm not at all surprised that a little wannabe-Nazi cockroach like you doesn't understand humanity or morality, but bear in mind that you have made it plain by your attitude that you don't really care about even those closest to you. No, you really don't.

I've done no such thing.

You most certainly have. That you are too much of an amoral dim-wit to realize it does not change the fact.

Someone dies every second, you can't spend your life in a state of constant mourning. Get a grip.

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