‘Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower!’

Interesting to see you cheering the theft of a private citizen's property because he's running for POTUS.

May all the guilty parties to this act see justice, including those who support this.

I hope you aren't living in NYC because it's about to become a 3rd world country.
Businesses will be moving out in droves like rats leaving the Titanic.

Interesting to see you defending criminals like Donald Trump.
So NY will take over and manage Trump Tower until they can find someone stupid enough to purchase it:) Hell NY can’t even manage NY not less anything else. I guess they could turn it into section 8 housing and home for illegal immigrates. So what will happen when someone brings up the 8th amendment?
You are of course aware your political antics only galvanizes the very base that sees through your manipulation of the judiciary? Beware of the silent little man!
Now this! The rogue Judge Engoron in Trumps NY civil business case, has just ruled that Trump now must inform a court-appointed financial babysitter named Barbara Jones “IN ADVANCE, of all efforts to secure surety bonds.” The Trump company also must tell Jones about any claims the Trump Organization makes to obtain the bonds, any personal guarantees by Trump or other defendants, and any condition imposed on the company.* Jones is a retired Federal judge appointed by Judge Engoron, and she reports directly to him! * Trumps lawyers have said that more than 30 surety companies rejected writing a bond for Trump because they would not accept real estate as collateral.You know extortion & bribery plays a dark role in this ‘advance notice’ ruling! They’re desperate to stop Trump from securing a bond, so this ruling will enable Leticia James & Engoron to prey on Trumps potential bond companies!Beyond evil!

Now this! The rogue Judge Engoron in Trumps NY civil business case, has just ruled that Trump now must inform a court-appointed financial babysitter named Barbara Jones “IN ADVANCE, of all efforts to secure surety bonds.” The Trump company also must tell Jones about any claims the Trump Organization makes to obtain the bonds, any personal guarantees by Trump or other defendants, and any condition imposed on the company.* Jones is a retired Federal judge appointed by Judge Engoron, and she reports directly to him! * Trumps lawyers have said that more than 30 surety companies rejected writing a bond for Trump because they would not accept real estate as collateral.You know extortion & bribery plays a dark role in this ‘advance notice’ ruling! They’re desperate to stop Trump from securing a bond, so this ruling will enable Leticia James & Engoron to prey on Trumps potential bond companies!Beyond evil!
Umm… yeah.
He owes the state and they want to know how and when he intends on paying. Especially since the interest is like $122k a day.

Why does that seem dubious to you?
Donald Trump sent out a frantic fundraising plea centered around the possibility that Trump Tower might be seized as part of the massive New York fraud judgment leveled against him.

The former president's lawyers notified the court that none of 30 underwriting entities they approached would finance the half-billion bond he needs to pay as he appeals the fraud judgment, which means the New York attorney general's office could begin seizing his properties next week if he fails to pay by Monday's deadline.

"KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF TRUMP TOWER!" reads a fundraising email sent to supporters. "Insane radical Democrat AG Letitia James wants to SEIZE my properties in New York. THIS INCLUDES THE ICONIC TRUMP TOWER!"

"Democrats think this will intimidate me," the message adds. "They think that if they take my cash to stifle my campaign, that I'll give up! Here's one thing they don't know: WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!"

More at the line below...

‘Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower!’

Monday is the deadline before they start seizing Trump properties. Does Trump have a backup plan? Will Trump's fundraising pitch to his supporters be enough to get him bonded? What do you think?
I'm sure that the Orange Baboon-God will think of something at the last minute...

After all... he
IS a "stable genius"... :laughing0301:
Interesting to see you cheering the theft of a private citizen's property because he's running for POTUS.

May all the guilty parties to this act see justice, including those who support this.

I hope you aren't living in NYC because it's about to become a 3rd world country.
Businesses will be moving out in droves like rats leaving the Titanic.
Hopefully, James puts a lien on Trump's run down tower before anything else just to rattle his cage even more.

Trump is a shitbum who can't pay his judgements. Tough shit.
There were no charges in this case, asshole.
It's not a criminal judgement.
It is purely a civil action.
They found him liable to pay damages in excess of $365,000,000.00 over a non-crime with no victims.

They want to throw Trump in jail over a civil case based on false rationale...........and knowing Trump won't allow himself to be imprisoned they've thrown out the 8th Amendment by putting irrational and extremely harsh penalties on him in an attempt to steal his properties.

And it's because Biden bribed the judge to the tune of $10,000,000.00 to do it.
Here's your boy with his sidekick Rudy before they both went brokers:


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Donald Trump sent out a frantic fundraising plea centered around the possibility that Trump Tower might be seized as part of the massive New York fraud judgment leveled against him.

The former president's lawyers notified the court that none of 30 underwriting entities they approached would finance the half-billion bond he needs to pay as he appeals the fraud judgment, which means the New York attorney general's office could begin seizing his properties next week if he fails to pay by Monday's deadline.

"KEEP YOUR FILTHY HANDS OFF TRUMP TOWER!" reads a fundraising email sent to supporters. "Insane radical Democrat AG Letitia James wants to SEIZE my properties in New York. THIS INCLUDES THE ICONIC TRUMP TOWER!"

"Democrats think this will intimidate me," the message adds. "They think that if they take my cash to stifle my campaign, that I'll give up! Here's one thing they don't know: WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER!"

More at the line below...

‘Keep your filthy hands off Trump Tower!’

Monday is the deadline before they start seizing Trump properties. Does Trump have a backup plan? Will Trump's fundraising pitch to his supporters be enough to get him bonded? What do you think?

Well, he's been playing with fire for a long time, he wanted to play the game, thought he'd found a cheat for it, now everything's falling about around him.... GAME OVER.
Well, he's been playing with fire for a long time, he wanted to play the game, thought he'd found a cheat for it, now everything's falling about around him.... GAME OVER.
You\'re theory is that running as a Republican is "playing with fire." Your just admitting that if you're a Republican that every government employee is your enemy.
There is nothing "honorable" about this piece of garbage.


He and Letitia both are nothing more than hired guns, paid to eliminate the political opposition.

Same goes for Fani and Alvin.

What amazes me is not only are the "progressive" leftists okay with this, they support and encourage it... in the name of "saving democracy".

What's so funny is, Trump's numbers just keep getting batter and better just the same... because not only does the majority of America see exactly what's happening, but because the progs have a feeble assed dementia patient for a candidate.
If the Democrat filth can take property away from Trump because he is their political opponent then they can oppress all of us Americans.

We let this country become a Banana Republic and the Leftest leaders will oppress anybody that opposes them. Look how they have illegally punished the Patriots that protested against their stolen election. They even murdered one of them.

Trump and the Patriots are now, we are next.
Meaningless background noise. Your Orange Baboon-God is in deep $hit now and squealing like a stuck pig.

Couldn't happen to a nicer Benedict Arnold. :auiqs.jpg:

Translation -- "You're scaring us heroic "progressives"! Quit it!".

Now this! The rogue Judge Engoron in Trumps NY civil business case, has just ruled that Trump now must inform a court-appointed financial babysitter named Barbara Jones “IN ADVANCE, of all efforts to secure surety bonds.” The Trump company also must tell Jones about any claims the Trump Organization makes to obtain the bonds, any personal guarantees by Trump or other defendants, and any condition imposed on the company.* Jones is a retired Federal judge appointed by Judge Engoron, and she reports directly to him! * Trumps lawyers have said that more than 30 surety companies rejected writing a bond for Trump because they would not accept real estate as collateral.You know extortion & bribery plays a dark role in this ‘advance notice’ ruling! They’re desperate to stop Trump from securing a bond, so this ruling will enable Leticia James & Engoron to prey on Trumps potential bond companies!Beyond evil!

Uh, yeah, you mean that given Trump's history of misrepresenting the values of his properties, he's not being allowed to scam bond companies?

30 companies are refusing to loan Trump the money because of his long history of not paying his bills and stiffing his business partners.

I'm not sure why anyone would loan money to someone who has racked up half a billion dollars in fines, has been caught committing fraud multiple times, and has filed bankruptcy multiple times.

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