Keith Ellison The New DNC Chair

Ellison looks like he'll be the next DNC chairman.
All my dreams are coming true!
A follower of Farrakhan. A muslim. A Whitey hater.
The 'trifecta' will be Ellison as chairman. Bernie Sanders Presidential candidate. Although once again the DNC will NEVER allow that to happen! So let it be 'Pocahontas'. And Nancy controlling the purse strings from her mansion in S.F.
Maybe 'Babes' will sign at the DEM convention?
Ellison holds edge in DNC race survey
Dems don't need whites or the middle class, Hillarys victory proved that
Democrats are doubling down on their loosing streak. Maxine Waters referred to the Trump administration as "scum bags" today.
Name one "good" DEM? Besides Joe Webb , maybe? I mean I don't really "follow" them, unless MSM shoves them in our face. I've never found a decent one? Bernie? Socialism? Ugh......yet to many even he gets a free pass? Who could they choose?

Omalley is so brain-dead he wanted to "add" a Tax...on rain. After almost destroying Baltimore.

woo-wee......just made the "edit window". is hard enough to find any good RePube....
Webb stated in an interview last week that he doesn't side with the left anymore. When asked who he voted for he would only say not Hillary. Sensible Dems are going the way of the dodo
Name one "good" DEM? Besides Joe Webb , maybe? I mean I don't really "follow" them, unless MSM shoves them in our face. I've never found a decent one? Bernie? Socialism? Ugh......yet to many even he gets a free pass? Who could they choose?

Omalley is so brain-dead he wanted to "add" a Tax...on rain. After almost destroying Baltimore.

woo-wee......just made the "edit window". is hard enough to find any good RePube....
Webb stated in an interview last week that he doesn't side with the left anymore. When asked who he voted for he would only say not Hillary. Sensible Dems are going the way of the dodo
I'm sorry to see that. The party needs more serious, sane people, not fewer.
Bernie did great and Hillary won the popular vote, where's the downside in coming out as America Hating Socialists
What will happen now is that the Democratic Party will disappear, and the Republican Party will break into pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions, and those will be the two new political parties.
Ellison looks like he'll be the next DNC chairman.
All my dreams are coming true!
A follower of Farrakhan. A muslim. A Whitey hater.
The 'trifecta' will be Ellison as chairman. Bernie Sanders Presidential candidate. Although once again the DNC will NEVER allow that to happen! So let it be 'Pocahontas'. And Nancy controlling the purse strings from her mansion in S.F.
Maybe 'Babes' will sign at the DEM convention?
Ellison holds edge in DNC race survey
Good for Keith. I kind of miss not having a black Muslim to kick around. Is he gay?
My father supported Henry "Scoop" Jackson for President in 1972. The Democrats threw Mayor Daley's delegation off the floor of the convention, and nominated anti-war extreme leftist George McGovern. My father became one of millions of "Democrats for Nixon" and put that bumper sticker on his Rambler.

But eventually, he gave up and re-registered as a Republican and so did my mother. They were conservative Catholics, but they voted Democrat because they lived in Chicago and were part of the Daley machine, and everyone in Chicago voted Democrat.

My parents did not leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left them.

Now, the Democrats have taken a baseball bat and hit white folks over the head so many times that they have driven almost all of them into the hands of the Republicans. I'm not sure why they thought it would be an intelligent idea to beat up on white folks, but they did, especially white males.

It makes no sense at all because we're still a white majority nation and white males are still a huge percentage of the population.

And there's not enough blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and gays in the country to make up for the loss of the white vote.
What will happen now is that the Democratic Party will disappear, and the Republican Party will break into pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions, and those will be the two new political parties.

You are a dreamer, aren't you darling?
What will happen now is that the Democratic Party will disappear, and the Republican Party will break into pro-Trump and anti-Trump factions, and those will be the two new political parties.

You are a dreamer, aren't you darling?
It might happen. If Hillary had been smart and moved to the right, she might have been leader of the anti-Trump Republicans. But she was stupid and veered sharply to the left. I know that I was looking for a way to hold my nose and vote for her, but after her promise to appoint Supreme Court Justices that would uphold Roe v. Wade, I knew I had to vote for Trump.
My father supported Henry "Scoop" Jackson for President in 1972. The Democrats threw Mayor Daley's delegation off the floor of the convention, and nominated anti-war extreme leftist George McGovern. My father became one of millions of "Democrats for Nixon" and put that bumper sticker on his Rambler.

But eventually, he gave up and re-registered as a Republican and so did my mother. They were conservative Catholics, but they voted Democrat because they lived in Chicago and were part of the Daley machine, and everyone in Chicago voted Democrat.

My parents did not leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left them.

Now, the Democrats have taken a baseball bat and hit white folks over the head so many times that they have driven almost all of them into the hands of the Republicans. I'm not sure why they thought it would be an intelligent idea to beat up on white folks, but they did, especially white males.

It makes no sense at all because we're still a white majority nation and white males are still a huge percentage of the population.

And there's not enough blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, and gays in the country to make up for the loss of the white vote.
Blacks who?
They have now become a footnote in US political history.
The DEMs will never again assume they have the 'Black Wall' voting block.
Every 'Latino' in the country who is hardworking now votes REP. These Latinos want illegals willing to work for half what a legal Latina makes like they want a fucking abscess.
The only 'gay votes' that count anywhere are in S.F..........home of the LIBs 'Dementia Party' leader
Pelosi breakdown? Repeats words, tells audience to clap, Kasich 'gov of Illinois' - The American Mirror

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