Kelly and Barr attack Trump

General Kelly is pretty fed up:

Joe: Thank you to General Kelly for telling the truth

and today Bill Barr went on TV to complain that Trump's tweets about judges and active court cases is making his job very difficult. Poor souless snowflake.

Waiting for the cult to turn on him in 5, 4, 3, 2 . . .
This was a brilliant move by Trump. Barr knew weeks ago his own opinion. It came out and Trump responded. The HEAD JUROR was triggered and shot her mouth off how biased she was. We need a new trial.

The 4 Prosecutors ran because their F in the ass. Now this total abortion will be aborted out.

Can't you see this????.
Trump's butt kissing, yes men are getting tired of the butt kissing and saying yes to the almighty Trump.

Barr says Trump tweets 'make it impossible to do my job' amid Roger Stone drama.

Are trump's butt kissing, minion supporters getting tired of defending his lies. Even rats get tired of being rats once in a while.

Fuck 'em. There's always someone else who can do a better job, waiting in the wings.
Must be over 1000 gone from the WH under Fat Donnie. Were they all the best, or just bad picks?

Like they say, "Good help is hard to find." Especially in the public sector field.

Well Donnie isn't looking for "good people". He's looking for liars, cheats and thieves who will let him do what he wants. "Good people" won't put up with his corruption and abuse. That's why all so many of his staffers end up in jail. When you're a criminal, honest people make you nervous.
General Kelly is pretty fed up:

Joe: Thank you to General Kelly for telling the truth

and today Bill Barr went on TV to complain that Trump's tweets about judges and active court cases is making his job very difficult. Poor souless snowflake.

Waiting for the cult to turn on him in 5, 4, 3, 2 . . .
This was a brilliant move by Trump. Barr knew weeks ago his own opinion. It came out and Trump responded. The HEAD JUROR was triggered and shot her mouth off how biased she was. We need a new trial.

The 4 Prosecutors ran because their F in the ass. Now this total abortion will be aborted out.

Can't you see this????.

No we can't because that's not what happened at all.

Roger Stone was indicted by a Grand Jury, tried in front of a judge and jury, and found guilty based on the evidence. He harassed and threatened witnesses, threatened the judge, forged documents, and that's in addition to lying to Congress about his role in the Russian interference.

No matter how you liars try to spin this, the Trump campaign was involved with WikiLeaks and Roger was their point man. He has publically admitted as much and his emails proved it. So just stop with the gaslighting bullshit. I'm not that gullible.
Barr hasn't failed to do exactly as Trump wanted in every action he has taken, but Trump's constant public tweeting of instructions makes it hard to pretend there is any kind of independence or fairness in his actions. Barr didn't say he had a problem taking instructions from the president, but he preferred the instructions didn't come in the form of a public tweet. Barr doesn't realize it's a little late to try to look independent in the way he does his job.

Is that anything like Obama publicly announcing "The Cambridge police acted stupidly" in the Henry Gates trial, and "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin" in the Zimmerman trial?

So it was just fine and dandy with you idiots for Obama to interject himself into two ongoing cases, but wrong when Trump tweets something about the Roger Stone sentencing?

Do you understand the term "two-faced"? Know thyself.

Did the AG overrule the prosecutions decisions under instructions from the president in the cases you mention?

Added to which, Obama didn't question the outcome of the Zimmerman trial or call it "unfair". He just commented that he had great sorrow for the family who lost a good kid for no reason. He didn't continue to pursue and humiliate Zimmerman.

And again in the Gates trial, he didn't comment until it was over. Nor did he question the outcome.
Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors. Republican Senators won't dare criticize Trump but they are going after Barr over these resignations. Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

This is banana republic level corruption.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors.

Political prosecutors made a political recommendation and resigned to make a political statement.

Good riddance.

Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

Oh no! So what?

They're not "political prosecutors" and their sentencing recommendation had to have approved by their superiors before it was filed, but nice try Sparky.

When Justice isn't blind, it's dead. Trump is still pushing for investigations and charges against Bolton, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and Hillary Clinton. This despite no investigation recommending charges against any of them, after investigations by Durham, Huber, the Senate Judiciary Committee, two or three IG Reports, and no evidence against them.

This is banana republic bullshit. Welcome to the dictatorship. Criticize Trump and you're punished, fired, humiliated and publically shamed, at the President's pleasure. Congratulations. The Republic is dead.

This goes against everything the Consti

They're not "political prosecutors"

Aaron Zelinsky - deputy of Mueller
Jonathan Kravis - former associate White House counsel to Obama
Adam Jed - on Mueller's team

and their sentencing recommendation had to have approved by their superiors before it was filed,

Word is they lied to their superiors.

Trump is still pushing for investigations and charges against Bolton, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and Hillary Clinton.

McCabe lied to federal investigators four times.
Clapper and Brennan lied to Congress under oath about surveillance.
They shouldn't be charged?

And no, McCabe didn't lie to investigators. He violated rules about talking to reporters.

There was no surveillance of Trump. NONE. That's a lie that Trump made up. Barr has yet to find a single piece of evidence to support Trump's claims of surveillance.

When you repeat Trump's talking points, remember that he lies - about everything, and that nothing he says about his "enemies" is true.
General Kelly is pretty fed up:

Joe: Thank you to General Kelly for telling the truth

and today Bill Barr went on TV to complain that Trump's tweets about judges and active court cases is making his job very difficult. Poor souless snowflake.

Waiting for the cult to turn on him in 5, 4, 3, 2 . . .
This was a brilliant move by Trump. Barr knew weeks ago his own opinion. It came out and Trump responded. The HEAD JUROR was triggered and shot her mouth off how biased she was. We need a new trial.

The 4 Prosecutors ran because their F in the ass. Now this total abortion will be aborted out.

Can't you see this????.

No we can't because that's not what happened at all.

Roger Stone was indicted by a Grand Jury, tried in front of a judge and jury, and found guilty based on the evidence. He harassed and threatened witnesses, threatened the judge, forged documents, and that's in addition to lying to Congress about his role in the Russian interference.

No matter how you liars try to spin this, the Trump campaign was involved with WikiLeaks and Roger was their point man. He has publically admitted as much and his emails proved it. So just stop with the gaslighting bullshit. I'm not that gullible.
So what you are saying is that Stone lied and witness tampered in a total bogus investigation full of liars, leakers, and witness tamperers? Never said you were ever gullible. I was just giving you a theory of mine since you are the OP
Doubt any PR can help his credibilty, as well. When Trump spits you out it usually turns out bad. Who gets out the quickest has the better odds.

Assessing the efficiency of PR you have to look at the audience. So, look around at our Trumpletons, who are the PR's target audience. Now, what say you?

If Barr still has his job next week, you know the whole "stop tweeting" exercise was just a fig leaf behind which Barr is now cowering.
General Kelly is pretty fed up:

Joe: Thank you to General Kelly for telling the truth

and today Bill Barr went on TV to complain that Trump's tweets about judges and active court cases is making his job very difficult. Poor souless snowflake.

Waiting for the cult to turn on him in 5, 4, 3, 2 . . .
This was a brilliant move by Trump. Barr knew weeks ago his own opinion. It came out and Trump responded. The HEAD JUROR was triggered and shot her mouth off how biased she was. We need a new trial.

The 4 Prosecutors ran because their F in the ass. Now this total abortion will be aborted out.

Can't you see this????.

No we can't because that's not what happened at all.

Roger Stone was indicted by a Grand Jury, tried in front of a judge and jury, and found guilty based on the evidence. He harassed and threatened witnesses, threatened the judge, forged documents, and that's in addition to lying to Congress about his role in the Russian interference.

No matter how you liars try to spin this, the Trump campaign was involved with WikiLeaks and Roger was their point man. He has publically admitted as much and his emails proved it. So just stop with the gaslighting bullshit. I'm not that gullible.

Roger Stone was indicted by a Grand Jury, tried in front of a judge and jury,

Yeah, that was an awesome jury forewoman, eh?

the Trump campaign was involved with WikiLeaks and Roger was their point man.

Is there a law against being "involved with WikiLeaks"?
By all means, post that law.
Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors. Republican Senators won't dare criticize Trump but they are going after Barr over these resignations. Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

This is banana republic level corruption.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors.

Political prosecutors made a political recommendation and resigned to make a political statement.

Good riddance.

Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

Oh no! So what?

They're not "political prosecutors" and their sentencing recommendation had to have approved by their superiors before it was filed, but nice try Sparky.

When Justice isn't blind, it's dead. Trump is still pushing for investigations and charges against Bolton, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and Hillary Clinton. This despite no investigation recommending charges against any of them, after investigations by Durham, Huber, the Senate Judiciary Committee, two or three IG Reports, and no evidence against them.

This is banana republic bullshit. Welcome to the dictatorship. Criticize Trump and you're punished, fired, humiliated and publically shamed, at the President's pleasure. Congratulations. The Republic is dead.

This goes against everything the Consti

They're not "political prosecutors"

Aaron Zelinsky - deputy of Mueller
Jonathan Kravis - former associate White House counsel to Obama
Adam Jed - on Mueller's team

and their sentencing recommendation had to have approved by their superiors before it was filed,

Word is they lied to their superiors.

Trump is still pushing for investigations and charges against Bolton, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and Hillary Clinton.

McCabe lied to federal investigators four times.
Clapper and Brennan lied to Congress under oath about surveillance.
They shouldn't be charged?

And no, McCabe didn't lie to investigators. He violated rules about talking to reporters.

There was no surveillance of Trump. NONE. That's a lie that Trump made up. Barr has yet to find a single piece of evidence to support Trump's claims of surveillance.

When you repeat Trump's talking points, remember that he lies - about everything, and that nothing he says about his "enemies" is true.

And no, McCabe didn't lie to investigators.

You're lying.

There was no surveillance of Trump. NONE.

There was. But that's not the Clapper and Brennan lies I was talking about.
Ad so begins Barr's 24 hours of popularity with the moonbats.

Tomorrow, he'll go back to being the worse scourge the AG's office has ever had.

Barr was trump's lap dog until the heat got too much for this bum. On the scale of worst scum he's right on the same level as you.
Everyone complains about Trumps tweets but if he quits tweeting everything we hear is filtered through the lyin' liberal media. That's why his supporters love his tweets. He may cause some discomfort for some of his administration but the voters love it. It's the only way he can communicate with us.
Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge. Barr is "pretending" to push back, Trump will "pretend" to be upset.

Barr blasts Trump's tweets: 'Impossible for me to do my job': ABC News Exclusive


Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors. Republican Senators won't dare criticize Trump but they are going after Barr over these resignations. Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

This is banana republic level corruption.
You wish....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

You're being hugely played

Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors. Republican Senators won't dare criticize Trump but they are going after Barr over these resignations. Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

This is banana republic level corruption.

No he hasn't.... Most everyone understands what they looking at... For Obama appointees being outed for their part in the phony scandal.

Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors. Republican Senators won't dare criticize Trump but they are going after Barr over these resignations. Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

This is banana republic level corruption.

No he hasn't.... Most everyone understands what they looking at... For Obama appointees being outed for their part in the phony scandal.


The Grand Jury indicted Stone. The jury of 12 people, convicted him of 7 felonies, including threatening a witness with death, based on evidence you haven't seen. All of Trump's closest associates are being convicted of crimes against the USA, and here you are criticizing the prosecution.

MAGA wearing jurors have gone into these trials convinced they were witch hunts, and then saw the evidence and said the proof was overwhelming.

Either no one is above the law, or you have a lawless regime. "All of the animals are equal, but some are more equal than others", means you are sinking into totalitarianism, where people who are friends of the President can't be investigated or face the consequences for their crimes.

Barr is intervening on all of the Trump investigations and doing Trump's bidding by investigating Brennan, Comey, and the Biden's. This isn't an attorney general, this is Trump's revenge.

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