Kelly and Barr attack Trump

I can’t keep up, are you left wing assholes calling for Barr to resign or are you fellating him?

Don’t you guys get tired of stroking Trump?

Poor things are so triggered because any criticism of Trump is like an assault on their respective egos which to say ain’t much.

Barr should do his fucking job is my answer to your witless question.

Stick to the OP if you can.
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Everything in this play is designed to trigger a media response. And it does. :113:
Being someone’s buttboy like Barr is to Trump takes its toll. Even Barr has to get up and use the ass cream on occasion.
It's just for show. Barr will.keep kissing tRump ass like a good little sycophant.
Everything in this play is designed to trigger a media response. And it does. :113:

They are so dumb that they don't realize Barr and Trump are actually giving them rope to hang themselves over it, the due date is March 21 comes around:

The Last Refuge

Excellent News – HJC Chairman Jerry Nadler Demands Testimony From AG Bill Barr – Scheduled Hearing March 31st…
Posted on February 12, 2020 by sundance


Now this is what we call almost too much winning…. The House Judiciary Committee is demanding testimony from U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr and specifically identifying three issues they wish to target. AG Bill Barr has agreed to testify to their concerns on Tuesday March 31st, 2020.

Considering the issues outlined by the Democrats; and knowing the rabid nature of their base of resistance that demands HJC action; this is the biggest briar patch in recent congressional history & AG Barr is one big rabbit proclaiming: ‘don’t throw me in’. When you read the issues of concerns, you realize this is going to be epic.

Chairman Nadler says in his letter: “we have repeatedly warned you and your predecessors that the misuse of our criminal justice system for political purposes is both dangerous to our democracy and unacceptable to the House Judiciary Committee.” Oh my!

The HJC goes on to say: “In your tenure as Attorney General, you have engaged in a pattern of conduct in legal matters relating to the President that raises significant concerns for this Committee. In the past week alone, you have taken steps that raise grave questions about your leadership of the Department of Justice.”… Oh dear!

So what are the three pressing issues that Chairman Nadler says “are enough to require our immediate attention”?


Read the letter in the link, why it is truly stupid is explained in the commentary that follows.

Chairman Nadler the gift that keeps coming......
Being someone’s buttboy like Barr is to Trump takes its toll. Even Barr has to get up and use the ass cream on occasion.

That's funny. We used to say the same thing about Eric Holder. :21:
Trump's butt kissing, yes men are getting tired of the butt kissing and saying yes to the almighty Trump.

Barr says Trump tweets 'make it impossible to do my job' amid Roger Stone drama.

Are trump's butt kissing, minion supporters getting tired of defending his lies. Even rats get tired of being rats once in a while.

Fuck 'em. There's always someone else who can do a better job, waiting in the wings.

The tenor of the post is fake
Everything in this play is designed to trigger a media response. And it does. :113:

They are so dumb that they don't realize Barr and Trump are actually giving them rope to hang themselves over it, the due date is March 21 comes around:

The Last Refuge

Excellent News – HJC Chairman Jerry Nadler Demands Testimony From AG Bill Barr – Scheduled Hearing March 31st…
Posted on February 12, 2020 by sundance


Now this is what we call almost too much winning…. The House Judiciary Committee is demanding testimony from U.S. Attorney General Bill Barr and specifically identifying three issues they wish to target. AG Bill Barr has agreed to testify to their concerns on Tuesday March 31st, 2020.

Considering the issues outlined by the Democrats; and knowing the rabid nature of their base of resistance that demands HJC action; this is the biggest briar patch in recent congressional history & AG Barr is one big rabbit proclaiming: ‘don’t throw me in’. When you read the issues of concerns, you realize this is going to be epic.

Chairman Nadler says in his letter: “we have repeatedly warned you and your predecessors that the misuse of our criminal justice system for political purposes is both dangerous to our democracy and unacceptable to the House Judiciary Committee.” Oh my!

The HJC goes on to say: “In your tenure as Attorney General, you have engaged in a pattern of conduct in legal matters relating to the President that raises significant concerns for this Committee. In the past week alone, you have taken steps that raise grave questions about your leadership of the Department of Justice.”… Oh dear!

So what are the three pressing issues that Chairman Nadler says “are enough to require our immediate attention”?


Read the letter in the link, why it is truly stupid is explained in the commentary that follows.

Chairman Nadler the gift that keeps coming......

You mean the US House of Representatives? The same House that couldn't even impeach a president?

Trump's butt kissing, yes men are getting tired of the butt kissing and saying yes to the almighty Trump.

Barr says Trump tweets 'make it impossible to do my job' amid Roger Stone drama.

Are trump's butt kissing, minion supporters getting tired of defending his lies. Even rats get tired of being rats once in a while.

Fuck 'em. There's always someone else who can do a better job, waiting in the wings.
Must be over 1000 gone from the WH under Fat Donnie. Were they all the best, or just bad picks?
Trump's butt kissing, yes men are getting tired of the butt kissing and saying yes to the almighty Trump.

Barr says Trump tweets 'make it impossible to do my job' amid Roger Stone drama.

Are trump's butt kissing, minion supporters getting tired of defending his lies. Even rats get tired of being rats once in a while.

Fuck 'em. There's always someone else who can do a better job, waiting in the wings.
Must be over 1000 gone from the WH under Fat Donnie. Were they all the best, or just bad picks?

Like they say, "Good help is hard to find." Especially in the public sector field.
Barr hasn't failed to do exactly as Trump wanted in every action he has taken, but Trump's constant public tweeting of instructions makes it hard to pretend there is any kind of independence or fairness in his actions. Barr didn't say he had a problem taking instructions from the president, but he preferred the instructions didn't come in the form of a public tweet. Barr doesn't realize it's a little late to try to look independent in the way he does his job.

Is that anything like Obama publicly announcing "The Cambridge police acted stupidly" in the Henry Gates trial, and "If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon Martin" in the Zimmerman trial?

So it was just fine and dandy with you idiots for Obama to interject himself into two ongoing cases, but wrong when Trump tweets something about the Roger Stone sentencing?

Do you understand the term "two-faced"? Know thyself.

Did the AG overrule the prosecutions decisions under instructions from the president in the cases you mention?
Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge. Barr is "pretending" to push back, Trump will "pretend" to be upset.

Barr blasts Trump's tweets: 'Impossible for me to do my job': ABC News Exclusive

Barr is just blowing smoke. You can bet he coordinated all this with Trump*. Barr didn't suddenly grow a conscience, honor, and integrity. It's all bullshit to help reduce the pressure Barr is facing in the DOJ. Trump* will likely only "pretend" to be upset with what Barr said. I don't believe a word of what Barr said. He's still Trump's corrupt stooge.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors. Republican Senators won't dare criticize Trump but they are going after Barr over these resignations. Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

This is banana republic level corruption.

Barr has faced a firestorm on all sides for the resignations of the prosecutors.

Political prosecutors made a political recommendation and resigned to make a political statement.

Good riddance.

Barr is in serious danger of being impeached for this, and don't think the Dems won't do it.

Oh no! So what?

They're not "political prosecutors" and their sentencing recommendation had to have approved by their superiors before it was filed, but nice try Sparky.

When Justice isn't blind, it's dead. Trump is still pushing for investigations and charges against Bolton, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and Hillary Clinton. This despite no investigation recommending charges against any of them, after investigations by Durham, Huber, the Senate Judiciary Committee, two or three IG Reports, and no evidence against them.

This is banana republic bullshit. Welcome to the dictatorship. Criticize Trump and you're punished, fired, humiliated and publically shamed, at the President's pleasure. Congratulations. The Republic is dead.

This goes against everything the Consti

They're not "political prosecutors"

Aaron Zelinsky - deputy of Mueller
Jonathan Kravis - former associate White House counsel to Obama
Adam Jed - on Mueller's team

and their sentencing recommendation had to have approved by their superiors before it was filed,

Word is they lied to their superiors.

Trump is still pushing for investigations and charges against Bolton, Clapper, Comey, McCabe and Hillary Clinton.

McCabe lied to federal investigators four times.
Clapper and Brennan lied to Congress under oath about surveillance.
They shouldn't be charged?

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