Kelly Ayotte (R) staffer (R) resigns after prostitution arrest

The most powerful man in the world cons a young vulnerable intern into a BJ by telling her he loves her and is going to divorce his wife and spend the rest of his life with her. The common accepted belief at the time was that there was no such thing as consensual sex between a CEO and an underling. Tthis was the epitome of that, the most powerful man in the world and the least powerful under his authority and you sorry hypocritical pos Democrats defended Clinton like he was the victim.
Liberals are disgusting!!
Yup, I know some on this Board who are, sexually, in there with Clinton, Frank, Vitter, Craig, and this rest.

Yeah, it's wrong, because it can open a guy or gal to blackmail. In our company, adulterers knew they would be let go if the problem became known. For my wife it was the morals in part (cheat on the spouse, cheat on the company); for my brothers and sister, the possibility of disruption in company morale and possible workplace violence.
Victimless crime

Except, its usually the woman and/or children who are victimized.

Prostitution should be legal and its practitioners protected.

Ayotte has no business being in office but not because she hired an ex-prostitute.

Hmmm, what about the 16 year old sex slaves held on Epstein Lolita Island? You know, the girls that Bill Clinton make 12 to 30 trips to go minister to?
Victimless crime

Except, its usually the woman and/or children who are victimized.

Prostitution should be legal and its practitioners protected.

Ayotte has no business being in office but not because she hired an ex-prostitute.

If the woman is under aged or doing it against her will, then she is a victim. If it is a consensual business transaction then we shouldn't be wasting our legal resources on it

Ayotte was not involved, it was a member of her staff
Victimless crime

Except, its usually the woman and/or children who are victimized.

Prostitution should be legal and its practitioners protected.

Ayotte has no business being in office but not because she hired an ex-prostitute.

Hmmm, what about the 16 year old sex slaves held on Epstein Lolita Island? You know, the girls that Bill Clinton make 12 to 30 trips to go minister to?
i see this story as just another day in the Clinton White House.
The most powerful man in the world cons a young vulnerable intern into a BJ by telling her he loves her and is going to divorce his wife and spend the rest of his life with her. The common accepted belief at the time was that there was no such thing as consensual sex between a CEO and an underling. Tthis was the epitome of that, the most powerful man in the world and the least powerful under his authority and you sorry hypocritical pos Democrats defended Clinton like he was the victim.
Liberals are disgusting!!
Monica seduced Clinton as she had numerous married men going back to high school. She was 23 when she seduced Clinton.
These things are entrapment anyway

They place an add, some poor guy answers it and there is outrage at the crime against society.

Nobody complained, no harm, no foul
Victimless crime

Except, its usually the woman and/or children who are victimized.

Prostitution should be legal and its practitioners protected.

Ayotte has no business being in office but not because she hired an ex-prostitute.

Hmmm, what about the 16 year old sex slaves held on Epstein Lolita Island? You know, the girls that Bill Clinton make 12 to 30 trips to go minister to?
i see this story as just another day in the Clinton White House.
I see your using that great sense of no personal responsibility for your side.....But I like hookers and like helping support their entrepreneurship...endeavors, and they never say no...So it's a safe bet for my money...

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