Kelly Is Back And Still Stands Behind Her Insane Comments

No one should really give a damn what she things. If she wants to create her own black Kwanza Klaws why doesn't she just do and run an article in whatever it is blacks read and leave the rest of us alone.
To paraphrase?

I did read her essay. If you want me to quote her, I can. Did YOU read her essay? Or are you too busy spouting off talking points?

In hindsight, I see this explanation as the great Hollywood spec script it really is. (Just picture the past-their-prime actors who could share the role. Robert De Niro! Eddie Murphy! Jackie Chan! I smell a camp classic.) But at the time, I didn't buy it. I remember feeling slightly ashamed that our black Santa wasn't the "real thing." Because when you're a kid and you're inundated with the imagery of a pale seasonal visitor - and you notice that even some black families decorate their houses with white Santas - you're likely to accept the consensus view, despite your parents' noble intentions.

Two decades later, America is less and less white, but a melanin-deficient Santa remains the default in commercials, mall casting calls, and movies. Isn't it time that our image of Santa better serve all the children he delights each Christmas? Yes, it is. And so I propose that America abandon Santa-as-fat-old-white-man and create a new symbol of Christmas cheer. From here on out, Santa Claus should be a penguin.

That's right: a penguin.

Why, you ask? For one thing, making Santa Claus an animal rather than an old white male could spare millions of nonwhite kids the insecurity and shame that I remember from childhood. Whether you celebrate the holiday or not, Santa is one of the first iconic figures foisted upon you: He exists as an incredibly powerful image in the imaginations of children across the country (and beyond, of course). That this genial, jolly man can only be seen as white - and consequently, that a Santa of any other hue is merely a "joke" or a chance to trudge out racist stereotypes - helps perpetuate the whole "white-as-default" notion endemic to American culture (and, of course, not just American culture).

It's time to give Santa Claus a makeover - Aisha Harris

I read it. She was not offended. She did not say she was offended. Her discussion was reasoned and calm....without expressing angst other than being confused as a child.

Until she started in with the penguin shit, that is. That was just stupid.

Paraphrasing is fine.....but you need to do so accurately. She was not offended.

Ashamed, offended... Normally I associate being ashamed with 'offended.' Unless the English language has changed in the last 15 minutes. Given the way she lambasted the commonly accepted image of Santa Claus, she was indeed offended, not just ashamed. I study the nuances of the English language, including deriving the emotions of the author in this case. Ashamed yes, also offended. She was taking offense to the portrayal of a mythical figure as white, on top of being ashamed that she saw black families accepting him as White, not Black.

So, is there still a problem? Just a side note, if she was indeed 'not offended;' then why are all the liberals I run into screaming bloody murder over what Megyn Kelly said? If that's the case, why are people wasting their breath?
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I did read her essay. If you want me to quote her, I can. Did YOU read her essay? Or are you too busy spouting off talking points?

It's time to give Santa Claus a makeover - Aisha Harris

I read it. She was not offended. She did not say she was offended. Her discussion was reasoned and calm....without expressing angst other than being confused as a child.

Until she started in with the penguin shit, that is. That was just stupid.

Paraphrasing is fine.....but you need to do so accurately. She was not offended.

Ashamed, offended... Normally I associate being ashamed with 'offended.' Unless the English language has changed in the last 15 minutes. Given the way she lambasted the commonly accepted image of Santa Claus, she was indeed offended, not just ashamed. I study the nuances of the English language, including deriving the emotions of the author in this case. Ashamed yes, also offended. She was taking offense to the portrayal of a mythical figure as white, on top of being ashamed that she saw black families accepting him as White, not Black.

So, is there still a problem?

We disagree. Get out your dictionary and look up "empathy". Can you not understand why she would have those feelings as a child? I invite you to take a few minutes and really try to put yourself in her shoes. Also, consider that her focus was on how children view the world.....not adults. Her essay was not intended to force any adults to act in any way.
Let's just cut to the chase. We can have an Hispanic Santa, a paraplegic Santa, a gay Santa, a Muslim Santa, a Hispanic paraplegic lesbian Santa, a Hispanic Muslim paraplegic lesbian Santa - I don't care, just stop the whining!
I read it. She was not offended. She did not say she was offended. Her discussion was reasoned and calm....without expressing angst other than being confused as a child.

Until she started in with the penguin shit, that is. That was just stupid.

Paraphrasing is fine.....but you need to do so accurately. She was not offended.

Ashamed, offended... Normally I associate being ashamed with 'offended.' Unless the English language has changed in the last 15 minutes. Given the way she lambasted the commonly accepted image of Santa Claus, she was indeed offended, not just ashamed. I study the nuances of the English language, including deriving the emotions of the author in this case. Ashamed yes, also offended. She was taking offense to the portrayal of a mythical figure as white, on top of being ashamed that she saw black families accepting him as White, not Black.

So, is there still a problem?

We disagree. Get out your dictionary and look up "empathy". Can you not understand why she would have those feelings as a child? I invite you to take a few minutes and really try to put yourself in her shoes. Also, consider that her focus was on how children view the world.....not adults. Her essay was not intended to force any adults to act in any way.

Given that children are easily impressionable, I take the influence of adults into account. I did put myself in her shoes, and there is no way in h-e double hockey sticks she could perceive the nuances of racial adversity, unless such attitudes were gleaned upon her by her parents, who more likely than not might have been witnesses to the civil rights movement.

But that whole penguin schtick was stupid, as you said. The term 'empathy' nor any attitudes of empathy appear in the essay, just a rant, a tirade, a lamentation. If she wasn't telling other adults what to do, then what was this?

So let's ditch Santa the old white man altogether, and embrace Penguin Claus - who will join the Easter Bunny in the pantheon of friendly, secular visitors from the animal kingdom who come to us as the representatives of ostensibly religious holidays.

It's time to hand over the reins to those deer and let the universally beloved waddling bird warm the hearts of children everywhere, regardless of the color of their skin.
Santa has no real color. He is the color of the beholder. It's a Christmas magic thing.

Kelly's next husband will be a black man!

Santa Claus is patterned after St Nicholas a Greek Bishop. The celebration of St Nick was mostly in Scandinavia. It is of European origin, so of course Santa Claus was white.

I think if we learn to accept the race of others we can better learn to blend in with them. Trying to pattern Santa Claus in whatever race you choose does nothing but reinforce separating races.

If you want something similar to Santa Claus in your race find someone in your history that fits, otherwise changing his skin color is just racism. Raising children not to accept whites.
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"Screaming bloody murder," yup.

So, why is everyone attacking Megyn Kelly? So what if Rachel Maddow, Joy Behar or some other liberal woman TV personality made such a comment? Would I be seeing some of the reactions I'm seeing in this thread? Of course it's 'screaming bloody murder,' that is unless someone can prove otherwise. I would never have dreamed that people would get so upset over an off the cuff remark. I also find it ironic that some people on the left would all of a sudden care what Jesus' skin color was.
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People are people, but black kids, Hispanic kids, whatever, are often taught to separate themselves from other races. And the very fact that we want to keep Santa white must mean "WE" are being racists.

This is yet another wedge-issue that the left loves throwing up in our faces. Funny, it probably was invented by white liberals as well.

Christ, if you want Santa to be Magenta, go for it if it makes you happy.
It was not off the cuff. It was a scripted segment on her show....with three panelists. The jeebus add-on may have been off the cuff.....but none of it was meant to be a joke.

Sorry.......Kelly was just tossing out some red meat for attention. In the end, it probably upped her speaking fees. Twenty percent of 220 million is still a lot of people to whom she can market her books and coffee mugs. It's all good.
It was not off the cuff. It was a scripted segment on her show....with three panelists. The jeebus add-on may have been off the cuff.....but none of it was meant to be a joke.

Sorry.......Kelly was just tossing out some red meat for attention. In the end, it probably upped her speaking fees. Twenty percent of 220 million is still a lot of people to whom she can market her books and coffee mugs. It's all good.

How evil of her to promote her show.

It was part of a discussion. She gave her opinion. Is that a crime?

Apparently so.
It was not off the cuff. It was a scripted segment on her show....with three panelists. The jeebus add-on may have been off the cuff.....but none of it was meant to be a joke.

Sorry.......Kelly was just tossing out some red meat for attention. In the end, it probably upped her speaking fees. Twenty percent of 220 million is still a lot of people to whom she can market her books and coffee mugs. It's all good.

So Aisha Harris' OpEd is considered a joke, but not what Megyn Kelly said? Interesting double standard. :eusa_whistle:
It was not off the cuff. It was a scripted segment on her show....with three panelists. The jeebus add-on may have been off the cuff.....but none of it was meant to be a joke.

Sorry.......Kelly was just tossing out some red meat for attention. In the end, it probably upped her speaking fees. Twenty percent of 220 million is still a lot of people to whom she can market her books and coffee mugs. It's all good.

So Aisha Harris' OpEd is considered a joke, but not what Megyn Kelly said? Interesting double standard. :eusa_whistle:

Harris' essay was not a joke. Who said it was? She was commenting on a subject that has meaning to her.
Prove Christ doesn't. Your opinion only. Give me proof that heaven doesn't exist.

Nutters are always asking people to prove negatives.

Prove that unicorns don't exist. Same thing.

And, as always, conveniently ignoring that they can't prove Jesus/God/Christ exist.

And, ignoring the point - that Kelly and the rw's are hysterical over imaginary creatures.

Good grief. They can make them any color they want. WHO CARES????

You still can't prove evolution, global warming, or equal treatment of women by this bigoted administration.......doesn't stop you from your belief in that bullshit.
It was not off the cuff. It was a scripted segment on her show....with three panelists. The jeebus add-on may have been off the cuff.....but none of it was meant to be a joke.

Sorry.......Kelly was just tossing out some red meat for attention. In the end, it probably upped her speaking fees. Twenty percent of 220 million is still a lot of people to whom she can market her books and coffee mugs. It's all good.

So Aisha Harris' OpEd is considered a joke, but not what Megyn Kelly said? Interesting double standard. :eusa_whistle:

Harris' essay was not a joke. Who said it was? She was commenting on a subject that has meaning to her.

Why does it have meaning?

Because she was confused when her parents made up some stuff about Santa changing colors. She became bewildered, so she decided to remove her bewilderment by eliminating the source.

Kids are colorblind from birth but learn to be prejudice from their parents or others around them. Her parents taught her to be upset when she saw a white Santa. Megan Kelly couldn't say anything right in this situation in Harris's mind.

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