Kellyanne Conway needs to be subpoenaed by the House

Don't be stupider than you have to be. She said that right at the beginning of the *administration* when confronted with the truth about inaugural attendance vs Spicer's painfully delivered blatant lies. Live on "CBS this morning" I believe.

Certainly, she wasn't saying that which you allege.

You enemies of America frequently lie or twist the truth or tell half-truths and pretend to be ignorant (a VERY believable ploy because we all know how incompetent you all are).

When Trump announced his candidacy you lying liars on the Left made it seem like he was calling ALL Mexicans bad people.

No one trusts you because you foolishly waste your credibility on things that don't matter.

So, now I am comfortable doubting you got what she said right.

Hey everybody, do not take ANYTHING these Lying Leftist Losers say at face value.

Challenge anything and everything they assert, unless you already know the assertion to be true.
Here's the video you brainwashed tRumpkin, not that it will make any difference.


I got wood.

You need to raise your standards, she's nasty looking.

I think she is exquisite. Slim trim body. Full breasts. Always immaculately groomed. Gracious. Deferential to her boss. Playful. Smarter than me. Tough minded. Self controlled. Sexy. Loves America. She has a number of outfits and hair styles and ways of wearing her war paint that are a pleasant change up of images.

Notice how she put CNN reporter, Jim Acosta in his place with a comment that would not have made anyone else back down, but it so effectively Smacked him down that we haven't seen or heard much from him since this very incident.

You can't be serious.
Certainly, she wasn't saying that which you allege.

You enemies of America frequently lie or twist the truth or tell half-truths and pretend to be ignorant (a VERY believable ploy because we all know how incompetent you all are).

When Trump announced his candidacy you lying liars on the Left made it seem like he was calling ALL Mexicans bad people.

No one trusts you because you foolishly waste your credibility on things that don't matter.

So, now I am comfortable doubting you got what she said right.

Hey everybody, do not take ANYTHING these Lying Leftist Losers say at face value.

Challenge anything and everything they assert, unless you already know the assertion to be true.
Here's the video you brainwashed tRumpkin, not that it will make any difference.


I got wood.

You need to raise your standards, she's nasty looking.

I think she is exquisite. Slim trim body. Full breasts. Always immaculately groomed. Gracious. Deferential to her boss. Playful. Smarter than me. Tough minded. Self controlled. Sexy. Loves America. She has a number of outfits and hair styles and ways of wearing her war paint that are a pleasant change up of images.

Notice how she put CNN reporter, Jim Acosta in his place with a comment that would not have made anyone else back down, but it so effectively Smacked him down that we haven't seen or heard much from him since this very incident.

You can't be serious.

I'm in my early 60's.

Women like her appeal to every category of man.

I bet little boys are crazy for her.

I can imagine myself as a guy in my twenties not understanding why an older woman like her would turn me on.

Then as a 40 year old I could imagine her to be my ideal MILF.

Funny, if she was my age I would be aloof with her til she became intrigued, then enamoured and then... Then I would try not to embarrass myself by being a hopeless fan (boy) guy.

But, as I think I'm older than she, there are some games I would try with her.

Man, the only unattractive thing about her is her choice of husband.

And THAT'S why I would think I had a chance.

I'm smarter than him and probably better in bed, too.

Why is that Kellyanne working for the President and earning money....while at the same time being married to a scum who hates the President???????????and insults the President all the time??? What is wrong with you Kellyanne?????

Explain that to us Kelly! .......................because I for one do not understand your double faced situation!

Because the Conways lived in Trump Tower and he use to be PRO TRUMP.
Kellyanne Conway will say nothing about the administration. However, over a span of several months, Mueller will question her, make up statements supposedly said by others and ask for confirmation. Some of these questions will be innocuous or trivial. He will ask "did you have a tuna salad at that meeting because other witnesses say it was a BLT. Mueller will create more process crimes.

After watching two years of process crime creation it is clear that a criminal sentence is not Mueller's goal. That's only for threat. His punishment is to drag the process out until the accused is bankrupt. Then hit them with a ten day sentence.

I really do hate Democrats.

He doesn't' need to make stuff up, he has recouped more than enough money to carry on for 2 more years. For 8 years the GOP investigated Obama and his people , 8 years of crap , and no indictments. Not one. The Benghazi investigation was just to lower Clintons status in people's eyes.
Here's the video you brainwashed tRumpkin, not that it will make any difference.


I got wood.

You need to raise your standards, she's nasty looking.

I think she is exquisite. Slim trim body. Full breasts. Always immaculately groomed. Gracious. Deferential to her boss. Playful. Smarter than me. Tough minded. Self controlled. Sexy. Loves America. She has a number of outfits and hair styles and ways of wearing her war paint that are a pleasant change up of images.

Notice how she put CNN reporter, Jim Acosta in his place with a comment that would not have made anyone else back down, but it so effectively Smacked him down that we haven't seen or heard much from him since this very incident.

You can't be serious.

I'm in my early 60's.

Women like her appeal to every category of man.

I bet little boys are crazy for her.

I can imagine myself as a guy in my twenties not understanding why an older woman like her would turn me on.

Then as a 40 year old I could imagine her to be my ideal MILF.

Funny, if she was my age I would be aloof with her til she became intrigued, then enamoured and then... Then I would try not to embarrass myself by being a hopeless fan (boy) guy.

But, as I think I'm older than she, there are some games I would try with her.

Man, the only unattractive thing about her is her choice of husband.

And THAT'S why I would think I had a chance.

I'm smarter than him and probably better in bed, too.


I'm in my 50s, she's nasty.
she needs to tell what she knows under oath. She also needs to be questioned about her ethics activities as well.
She'll just say "Executive Privilege" the whole way.

She is not part of the executive branch, and it will be about the campaign so no executive privilege there.

Yes, she is, dumbass!

My God, you people are stupid!

It will be about the campaign, she was the last campaign manager.
I got wood.
You need to raise your standards, she's nasty looking.

I think she is exquisite. Slim trim body. Full breasts. Always immaculately groomed. Gracious. Deferential to her boss. Playful. Smarter than me. Tough minded. Self controlled. Sexy. Loves America. She has a number of outfits and hair styles and ways of wearing her war paint that are a pleasant change up of images.

Notice how she put CNN reporter, Jim Acosta in his place with a comment that would not have made anyone else back down, but it so effectively Smacked him down that we haven't seen or heard much from him since this very incident.

You can't be serious.

I'm in my early 60's.

Women like her appeal to every category of man.

I bet little boys are crazy for her.

I can imagine myself as a guy in my twenties not understanding why an older woman like her would turn me on.

Then as a 40 year old I could imagine her to be my ideal MILF.

Funny, if she was my age I would be aloof with her til she became intrigued, then enamoured and then... Then I would try not to embarrass myself by being a hopeless fan (boy) guy.

But, as I think I'm older than she, there are some games I would try with her.

Man, the only unattractive thing about her is her choice of husband.

And THAT'S why I would think I had a chance.

I'm smarter than him and probably better in bed, too.


I'm in my 50s, she's nasty.

She is only 52 and looks so much older. Too much sun I think.
Translation: Let's expand our fruitless fishing expedition to every person Trump has ever known until we find something, anything, we can use against him in any way we can.
LMAO "Fruitless Expedition"? Are you kidding? One crook after another among Trump associates. What is fruitless about it? He's a crook and all his buddies are crooks. Fruitless my ass.
Let the investigations begin and make sure the Dems are investigated, too.

For each R they should also name a D to be investigated.

Guess what?

The Dems would block the tribunals.

Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk
This is truly hilarious. On what basis should the 'Dems' be investigated? Clinton was investigated over and over again and you guys didn't even consider that Republicans should be investigated on an equal basis; you assumed they weren't doing anything wrong. Well, you were wrong, so very, very wrong. LOL

Let's start with Benghazi.

How did the military NOT send anything to help the poor bastards in Benghazi?

They told a Senate investigation that none of their military assets that might have saved lives could get there in time.

Let's examine that statement.

There is no way to know how long a battle will last in that circumstance, is there?

So, unless they sent no help because they expected them to die beforehand and this was actually an execution of our people, orchestrated by our people, I can't think of another good reason to explain the fact that nothing was sent to help them.

Can you?

'You didn't know how long the battle would last.'

Start @ 2:30

And what POTUS would do what BHO did when a dogged battle was just commenced and he withdrew to his quarters said, 'see ya'?

Explain that for us.

Benghazi has been investigated, up the kazoo. You people must live with blinders on. Too funny. Wanting to re-do what has already been done.

You know it has,'s why we found out about Hillary's emails and how she was running the State Department on a "pay for play" basis through the two illegal servers she had hidden away in her home! What's "funny" is that Clinton and all of her minions that were in on that scam were given a pass by the FBI...allegedly because she isn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was breaking the law...something that I've always found AMAZING because you on the left have touted her as "the most qualified candidate EVER!!!"

So while the FBI treated Clinton and every single person associated with her with kid gloves...they're raiding Roger Stone's house in the dark with assault weapons and perp walking him in handcuffs in front of CNN's cameras!
she needs to tell what she knows under oath. She also needs to be questioned about her ethics activities as well.
She'll just say "Executive Privilege" the whole way.

She is not part of the executive branch, and it will be about the campaign so no executive privilege there.

Yes, she is, dumbass!

My God, you people are stupid!

It will be about the campaign, she was the last campaign manager.

You mean the campaign where Trump's opponents paid huge amounts of money to hire foreign agents to smear him with a series of phony "dossiers"? The campaign where a sitting US President used his Justice Department and FISA warrants obtained by deceiving a FISA court judge REPEATEDLY to spy on his political opposition? You mean the campaign where Clinton and the DNC conspired with a major network to get her the questions ahead of time in her debate against Bernie Sanders? Is THAT the campaign that you want to have investigated?
Holy smokes , you have a potus who is beholden to Russia, Israel,Saudi Arabia, and China and you are on Hillary's emails yet. Unbelievable. Wow!
Holy smokes , you have a potus who is beholden to Russia, Israel,Saudi Arabia, and China and you are on Hillary's emails yet. Unbelievable. Wow!

Yeah, what am I thinking about, Penny! What the Clinton campaign did was ancient history, right? And she lost anyways so why would you want to hold her and all of her sleazy minions responsible for making a mockery of our elections? Nah, lets investigate the campaign that was smeared by Clinton's campaign! Let's bring in Trump's campaign manager and grill her and see if we can find something...ANYTHING...on her! The hypocrisy of the left is palpable!
Trump is "beholden" to China? He just did something that Barry NEVER did...hit them with a trade embargo to rein in the cheating they've been doing for decades! Did you sleep through that?
You need to raise your standards, she's nasty looking.

I think she is exquisite. Slim trim body. Full breasts. Always immaculately groomed. Gracious. Deferential to her boss. Playful. Smarter than me. Tough minded. Self controlled. Sexy. Loves America. She has a number of outfits and hair styles and ways of wearing her war paint that are a pleasant change up of images.

Notice how she put CNN reporter, Jim Acosta in his place with a comment that would not have made anyone else back down, but it so effectively Smacked him down that we haven't seen or heard much from him since this very incident.

You can't be serious.

I'm in my early 60's.

Women like her appeal to every category of man.

I bet little boys are crazy for her.

I can imagine myself as a guy in my twenties not understanding why an older woman like her would turn me on.

Then as a 40 year old I could imagine her to be my ideal MILF.

Funny, if she was my age I would be aloof with her til she became intrigued, then enamoured and then... Then I would try not to embarrass myself by being a hopeless fan (boy) guy.

But, as I think I'm older than she, there are some games I would try with her.

Man, the only unattractive thing about her is her choice of husband.

And THAT'S why I would think I had a chance.

I'm smarter than him and probably better in bed, too.


I'm in my 50s, she's nasty.

She is only 52 and looks so much older. Too much sun I think.

Constantly lying wears on a person.
I think she is exquisite. Slim trim body. Full breasts. Always immaculately groomed. Gracious. Deferential to her boss. Playful. Smarter than me. Tough minded. Self controlled. Sexy. Loves America. She has a number of outfits and hair styles and ways of wearing her war paint that are a pleasant change up of images.

Notice how she put CNN reporter, Jim Acosta in his place with a comment that would not have made anyone else back down, but it so effectively Smacked him down that we haven't seen or heard much from him since this very incident.

You can't be serious.

I'm in my early 60's.

Women like her appeal to every category of man.

I bet little boys are crazy for her.

I can imagine myself as a guy in my twenties not understanding why an older woman like her would turn me on.

Then as a 40 year old I could imagine her to be my ideal MILF.

Funny, if she was my age I would be aloof with her til she became intrigued, then enamoured and then... Then I would try not to embarrass myself by being a hopeless fan (boy) guy.

But, as I think I'm older than she, there are some games I would try with her.

Man, the only unattractive thing about her is her choice of husband.

And THAT'S why I would think I had a chance.

I'm smarter than him and probably better in bed, too.


I'm in my 50s, she's nasty.

She is only 52 and looks so much older. Too much sun I think.

Constantly lying wears on a person.

It sure does!!!
she needs to tell what she knows under oath. She also needs to be questioned about her ethics activities as well.
She'll just say "Executive Privilege" the whole way.

She is not part of the executive branch, and it will be about the campaign so no executive privilege there.

Yes, she is, dumbass!

My God, you people are stupid!

It will be about the campaign, she was the last campaign manager.

Her conversations with the President of the United States are covered under executive privilege.

Also, what has Trump been accused of doing that bears investigation? Oh, that's right! Let's do it the way the Mueller has been doing it! Investigate, investigate, and investigate some more until someone makes a false statement and you can indict them for lying to you about something that was not a crime in the first place!

Have nice day, libtard!
Holy smokes , you have a potus who is beholden to Russia, Israel,Saudi Arabia, and China and you are on Hillary's emails yet. Unbelievable. Wow!

Beholden? Never heard of them. William Holden was great actor.

Care to explain yourself? Of course not, but all you have is your dopey libtard fantasies!
she needs to tell what she knows under oath. She also needs to be questioned about her ethics activities as well.

Kellyanne was involved in "ethics activities"? You sure about that? For to me that looks like fake news, and pretty much no matter what "ethics activities" are, exactly.

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