Kellyanne Conway tears Clinton campaign communications director a new one!

The reverse is accurate; Kelleyanne got verbally slap and asskiced by the Clinton director of communications.

KC wanted to punk Clinton, so the director punked KC.
LOL.Screaming RACISTRACISTRACISTRACIST isn't verbally slapping anyone.
That's what you do, marty, and not what she did.

That doesn't even make sense. Show one post where I show any actual racist tendencies (and don't count the ones where I am trying to get CloseCaption'ed and Ascplias's goat up, that directed trolling, not racism)

So find the posts where you were racist just dont use the posts where you were being racist?

You are confusing using racist words for trolling with actually being a racist. I also call guys who cut me off with their cars and have those Italian flags on the back "Goombah guinea greasball wops", and I'm 1/2 Italian. The other 1/2 is potato eating mick.

Sounds like xenophobia to me.
The reverse is accurate; Kelleyanne got verbally slap and asskiced by the Clinton director of communications.

KC wanted to punk Clinton, so the director punked KC.

Yep, Kellyane Conjob didn't have a good response to Robby Mook's factual statement that Hillary won the vote by over 2,000,000. And SO FREAKIN' Freudian that Conjob brought up the white supremacist subject! So telling...

Just can't accept this tacky, gaudy, cheesy guy as POTUS, or his soft-porn Stepford wife, nor his sons, Uday and Qusay Hussein.

I think his oldest daughter Ivanka is on some major anti-depressants, ergo the preternatural calm and obvious cognitive dissonance. And I feel sorry for little Damon, I mean, Barron, too.

And the furniture in the living room of their apartment looks like Louis XVII knock-offs. The camera shots are always facing out towards the windows but rest assured, there are probably a lot of paintings on red and black velvet on the walls and lava lamps on the end tables.

But I could go on....
Man I hope you stick around here for the full four years. Your unhinged ranting makes me happy.

I suspect you're a big fan of the Duck Dynasty dicks and the Kardashians, too.
Eleven million people voted against him more than those who voted for him.
So much winning!!!

For winning!!:deal:

Life is good s0ns!!:bye1:

PS.....Trump won 3,000 + counties.............Hilda carried..........ready for this...........57!:blowup:

Counties don't vote. People do.
And those people don't wish to live in the boonies of Nebraska, or Oklahoma, et al.
I'm sure you're also one of those people who says something similar about guns and people, too.
So much winning!!!

For winning!!:deal:

Life is good s0ns!!:bye1:

PS.....Trump won 3,000 + counties.............Hilda carried..........ready for this...........57!:blowup:
Yeah butt......whataboutthepopularvote????

Since it doesn't seem to matter to you anymore, may I suggest you burn your voter registration card? Be the first one. Man up, little boy.
FIREWORKS: Kellyanne Conway vs. Clinton Camp's Palmieri: Trump Gave Alt-Right, White Supremacists A Platform

Remember ALL them black,Cuban,Latino,homosexual etc people that voted for Trump are SECRET White Supremacists! LMAO!

34% of all LATINOS who voted cast their vote for TRUMP.

It's amazing how many SELF HATING LATINOS there are in the's incredible.!!

Hillary Clinton won Latino vote but fell below 2012 support for Obama

Hillary Clinton won 66% of Latino voters on Election Day, according to updated National Election Pool exit poll data, a level of Democratic support similar to 2008, when 67% of Hispanics backed Barack Obama. However, Clinton’s share of the Latino vote was lower than in 2012, when 71% of Latinos voted to re-elect Obama.
If you were to ONLY absorb the FAKE NEWS (NBC, CNN, NYT, WAPO....) you would think that NO HISPANICS VOTED FOR TRUMP BECAUSE OF THE WALL....

YET....34% of HISPANICS that voted in the election actually cast their vote for TRUMP.
RWnuts love that county count thing because no one explained to them that a county with a million people isn't exactly the same as a county with 100 people in it.
The 'New Populist Conservative', when it comes to the looney leftist Dems, is like 'John Wayne' toilet paper........DON'T TAKE NO SHIT! Not like the lay-down Rinos', eh?

Conway made them suck balls at Hahvarrd when they played the false race card.......I actually jizzed myself when I heard the playback.
Kelly Ann should of said to the dumb bitch,,,"hey fat ass,,,you say only white racists and white nationalists went to the Trump rallies? do you have any video footage of these thousands of KKK members in the crowds with their KKK outfits on? and burning torches???

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