KellyAnne Conway will be adviser to President Trump

Trump names Kellyanne Conway as presidential counsel

Great news. Hopefully between her and Bannon they can keep the establishment garbage away from Trump since Reibus will be there as well.

What does this role entail? Basically, keeping Trump on the straight and narrow, and making sure those with intentions that were in opposition to his own campaign promises don't get his ear?

If so, she is great for this role as she is certainly not afraid to voice her opinions as she did when speaking out against Romney as possible SOS. Also, I've said even before Trump was elected, that she was doing a fabulous job at getting Trumps campaign focused and successful.

Godspeed Kellyanne! Well deserved I might add.
The way it appears that Trump likes to hire and fire when these announcements come out I wonder who'll be the first one canned? It ought to be refreshing when somebody royally screws up or is deemed to be over their head that Trump won't be shy in taking quick action rather than the usual Washington foot dragging caused by being concerned with the politics of the matter.
Trump names Kellyanne Conway as presidential counsel

Great news. Hopefully between her and Bannon they can keep the establishment garbage away from Trump since Reibus will be there as well.
When you figure out that always-establishment-elbow-rubbing billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump is himself "establishment garbage", let us know, OK?

In real estate, with the permitting required and a million miles of red tape to overcome to make a buck, especially the types of projects old Donnie did, kissing establishment ass is a requirement. You don't get your projects passed without it. Telling people "I'd never do that!" is the political side of "I'll-say-anything-to-get-what-I-want" Trump.

If you're mystified about why, when the ink isn't even dry on the ballots that elected him, Trump is immediately fornicating with all the establishment types he swore to put on on the curb, just plug in what I just told you. See how nicely it fits?

Enjoy the monster you put in Office.
Uncle Ferd says dat'll prob'ly work out...

... she's a honey...

... helped him get elected...

... so's he can...

... Make America Great Again.
The way it appears that Trump likes to hire and fire when these announcements come out I wonder who'll be the first one canned? It ought to be refreshing when somebody royally screws up or is deemed to be over their head that Trump won't be shy in taking quick action rather than the usual Washington foot dragging caused by being concerned with the politics of the matter.
Hope that smarmy, snarky Preibus is the first to go. There's something about that guy I just want to SHAKE.
The way it appears that Trump likes to hire and fire when these announcements come out I wonder who'll be the first one canned? It ought to be refreshing when somebody royally screws up or is deemed to be over their head that Trump won't be shy in taking quick action rather than the usual Washington foot dragging caused by being concerned with the politics of the matter.
Hope that smarmy, snarky Preibus is the first to go. There's something about that guy I just want to SHAKE.
We agree. I wish he had never been made COS. Thankfully there are 2 people that actually helped Trump win in Bannon and Conway in there as well. Should keep him on the straight and narrow.
What does this role entail? Basically, keeping Trump on the straight and narrow, and making sure those with intentions that were in opposition to his own campaign promises don't get his ear?
That would be my guess. His campaign (more importantly, his behavior) pretty much turned on a dime on the day that lady showed up. She should be considered the MVP of the GOP, because she somehow got his ear.
What's a Presidential Counselor? Hangs around and gives him advice? What a boring job

How come you never asked that question re: Valarie Jarrett? Oh yea, you are a hypocrite that's why...
Never heard of her or the position. I'm not a politics nerd.
Valerie Jarrett is Obama's long time friend and Oval Office Consigliere, beyond that she's pretty much a ruthless little dweeb that has no scruples when it comes to getting her way, think John Erhlichman in a skirt. ;)

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