Kellyanne's husband and Kristol warn that Trump is getting worse

Well let's see, no new wars and a better economy.

Seems like we need to start electing idiot crazy people to achieve this kind of success.

Who knew?

Better economy? 2.2% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018...and Trump promised 4% GDP growth.
The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
And the current Atlanta Fed estimate of Q1 GDP growth is lousy - 0.4%.
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

- The DOW was down for the year in 2018 for the first time since the end of the Great Recession. Nothing to brag about there.
- Trump is currently running over $900 billion for current FY deficit...which is pathetic. And his budget is calling for over a $900 billion deficit for the next a best case scenario. Which is again pathetic. Page 119
- Trump promise 'America First'...but actually increased the numbers of troops in Afghanistan.
- promised a huge infrastructure program...nope.
- promised an Obamacare replacement...nope.
- and forget bragging about the unemployment rate as Trump rightly called that - during the campaign - a 'hoax'.
Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
- the LARGEST goods trade deficit in HISTORY.
The U.S. Now Has the Largest Trade Deficit In the History of the Country

Soooo more US involvement overseas, an economy stuck under 3% real GDP growth, a stagnating stock market (it is lower now then it was last August), a GIANT budget deficit (an idiot can spend more then he brings in), a record BAD goods trade deficit...oh, and no wall.

Yeah...he is friggin' brilliant.

We can argue the things you typed. But he tried to get things done. He was stymied by both parties. Obamacare should have been removed and new options proposed. Infrastructure could have been done easily. These are not extreme conservative positions.

Argue what? These are all proven facts or from government sources. DOW performance - fact. GDP numbers - fact. Trade deficit - fact. More troops in Afghanistan - fact. MASSIVE budget deficits - fact. No Obamacare replacement - fact. No huge infrastructure plan - fact.
What facts are you arguing about?

And you have NO IDEA WHATSOEVER how hard he tried. No one does but him. And the guy plays a shit load of time on the golf course and it is common knowledge that he rarely reads anything that is given to him. I don't hear much effort at all. I see a fat, lazy guy who watches a shit load of tv and does far less then any POTUS in recent history.

And save the excuses - he had both houses for 2 years and promised he could get things done. He got almost nothing done.

And the economy is NOT doing great.
Please! the Repubs have their share of the swamp in many issues. And the Progs have pure hatred for him. A true insfrastructure plan as an example would have given voters of the Black Caucus high paying jobs and Minority Contractors great business. They sat with their hands beneath their azzes when Trump proposed it. Obamacare removed with private insurance options is a step that whether works or does not. Then we move to the options you like. You forget the infratstructure plan of Obama that did nothing. And the Auto bailout that was nothing but a payoff to the auto industry unions and retirees. And the quantitive easings....oh the quantitive easings...

I was no fan of Obama as POTUS.

I will ask again...which things that I listed above are arguable in that they are erroneous?
I told you what I saw by the politicians in Washington. Trump is not an extreme conservative. What we have is political party over the people.
At least Trump knows what sex he is and knows how to use e-mail.
Ah yes, all the qualifications we want in a president. What a spirited defense of dear leader.

Well let's see, no new wars and a better economy.

Seems like we need to start electing idiot crazy people to achieve this kind of success.

Who knew?

Better economy? 2.2% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018...and Trump promised 4% GDP growth.
The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
And the current Atlanta Fed estimate of Q1 GDP growth is lousy - 0.4%.
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

- The DOW was down for the year in 2018 for the first time since the end of the Great Recession. Nothing to brag about there.
- Trump is currently running over $900 billion for current FY deficit...which is pathetic. And his budget is calling for over a $900 billion deficit for the next a best case scenario. Which is again pathetic. Page 119
- Trump promise 'America First'...but actually increased the numbers of troops in Afghanistan.
- promised a huge infrastructure program...nope.
- promised an Obamacare replacement...nope.
- and forget bragging about the unemployment rate as Trump rightly called that - during the campaign - a 'hoax'.
Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
- the LARGEST goods trade deficit in HISTORY.
The U.S. Now Has the Largest Trade Deficit In the History of the Country

Soooo more US involvement overseas, an economy stuck under 3% real GDP growth, a stagnating stock market (it is lower now then it was last August), a GIANT budget deficit (an idiot can spend more then he brings in), a record BAD goods trade deficit...oh, and no wall.

Yeah...he is friggin' brilliant.


McR, you have several good points in your post:
1. The GDP has improved, and should stabilize around 3%, that's still a lot better than BO's 1.8% (coming out of a recession, w/low interest rates?!)
2. The 2017 GDP was 2.2%. 2018 was 2.9%, and 2019 is projected at 2.2% United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast (still better than 1.8%)

3. The DOW had a mini-crash due to the Fed raising rates too fast. That was not Trump's fault. Keep watching it...
4. The $900b budget deficit is my biggest disappointment with Trump/GOP. The top rate should have been raised, not cut
5. Obamacare was there to be removed, but McCain's ego got in the way, not Trump's fault

6. Infrastructure needs money, which we don't have, Trump wants more for Defense?! We'll see Nancy's Budget
7. The Trade Deficit is being worked on by Trump, its a work-in-progress. At least he is working to lower it compared to prior admins.
8. Its not just the unemployment rate, its the "labor participation rate", how many folks are working. Trump is doing very well, see graph below make some good points as well, IMO.
Second, I am NO FAN of Obama as POTUS. Check out these links, please:

I was DA60 (before I was banned) and you will see post after post of me knocking his Presidency...especially economically.
The numbers say that Obama is the best economic president in modern times. - Page 26
Jobs Report: U.S. Economy Added Just 142,000 Jobs In August, Unemployment Down To 6.1 - Page 3
Jobs Report: U.S. Economy Added Just 142,000 Jobs In August, Unemployment Down To 6.1

I admit the GDP is better under Trump generally then under Obama. But other then the tax cut (which I partly agreed with - the corporate tax cut yes. The wealthy income tax cut - no), he has done little to stop the cheap money sloshing around that he himself (rightly) insulted on the campaign trail.

You can argue he is trying to help trade. But one HAS to be held responsible for what he does. And so far - he has just made things MUCH worse. And he has had two years. I give NO politician the benefit of the doubt.

And I agree with you STRONGLY that the U-3 is silly and the employment-population ratio is a far better barometer on employment. But if you look at your own graph, it's still no where near what it was before the Great Recession.

Other then the tariffs - which I am 100% against - I don't think Trump is doing anything worse then Obama did on the economy.

But Trumpbots (not you) who say that it has hugely improved simply are wrong. It is just more of the same...the Fed is running the show and propping up this horrible, cheap debt, house of cards that is dangerous and began under GWB/Obama.

I DO appreciate that you appear to have a FAR clearer head then most Trump voters (I assume you voted for Trump).

1. Agree that the Corporate tax cut was needed to keep Corporations from fleeing the US, & the top rate should be raised.
2. The US manufacturing sector can't be turned on a dime. Factories were moved and started up overseas, it takes time to move or build factories here in the US. Two years is nothing, it may take 5-10 years to see a difference. The main takeaway is that jobs have stopped moving overseas. (yes it could have been much worse!!)
3. The Labor Participation rate went from 67% in 2007 to 63% now, it stopped falling under Trump, lets hope it can start going up.
4. Tariffs are the only club Trump has to get fair trade deals. I hope he does what's necessary to get more good jobs.
5. Agree the Fed is helping keep the US economy on a growth track with low interest rates, but their $50b a month "balance sheet unwinding" isn't helping the economy grow, but it is necessary to reduce their $4.5T balance sheet. Can you say "tenuous"?

Yep, voted for Trump in 2016, and will again in 2020.
Ah yes, all the qualifications we want in a president. What a spirited defense of dear leader.

Well let's see, no new wars and a better economy.

Seems like we need to start electing idiot crazy people to achieve this kind of success.

Who knew?

Better economy? 2.2% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018...and Trump promised 4% GDP growth.
The Strange Ups and Downs of the U.S. Economy Since 1929
And the current Atlanta Fed estimate of Q1 GDP growth is lousy - 0.4%.
GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

- The DOW was down for the year in 2018 for the first time since the end of the Great Recession. Nothing to brag about there.
- Trump is currently running over $900 billion for current FY deficit...which is pathetic. And his budget is calling for over a $900 billion deficit for the next a best case scenario. Which is again pathetic. Page 119
- Trump promise 'America First'...but actually increased the numbers of troops in Afghanistan.
- promised a huge infrastructure program...nope.
- promised an Obamacare replacement...nope.
- and forget bragging about the unemployment rate as Trump rightly called that - during the campaign - a 'hoax'.
Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"
- the LARGEST goods trade deficit in HISTORY.
The U.S. Now Has the Largest Trade Deficit In the History of the Country

Soooo more US involvement overseas, an economy stuck under 3% real GDP growth, a stagnating stock market (it is lower now then it was last August), a GIANT budget deficit (an idiot can spend more then he brings in), a record BAD goods trade deficit...oh, and no wall.

Yeah...he is friggin' brilliant.


McR, you have several good points in your post:
1. The GDP has improved, and should stabilize around 3%, that's still a lot better than BO's 1.8% (coming out of a recession, w/low interest rates?!)
2. The 2017 GDP was 2.2%. 2018 was 2.9%, and 2019 is projected at 2.2% United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast (still better than 1.8%)

3. The DOW had a mini-crash due to the Fed raising rates too fast. That was not Trump's fault. Keep watching it...
4. The $900b budget deficit is my biggest disappointment with Trump/GOP. The top rate should have been raised, not cut
5. Obamacare was there to be removed, but McCain's ego got in the way, not Trump's fault

6. Infrastructure needs money, which we don't have, Trump wants more for Defense?! We'll see Nancy's Budget
7. The Trade Deficit is being worked on by Trump, its a work-in-progress. At least he is working to lower it compared to prior admins.
8. Its not just the unemployment rate, its the "labor participation rate", how many folks are working. Trump is doing very well, see graph below make some good points as well, IMO.
Second, I am NO FAN of Obama as POTUS. Check out these links, please:

I was DA60 (before I was banned) and you will see post after post of me knocking his Presidency...especially economically.
The numbers say that Obama is the best economic president in modern times. - Page 26
Jobs Report: U.S. Economy Added Just 142,000 Jobs In August, Unemployment Down To 6.1 - Page 3
Jobs Report: U.S. Economy Added Just 142,000 Jobs In August, Unemployment Down To 6.1

I admit the GDP is better under Trump generally then under Obama. But other then the tax cut (which I partly agreed with - the corporate tax cut yes. The wealthy income tax cut - no), he has done little to stop the cheap money sloshing around that he himself (rightly) insulted on the campaign trail.

You can argue he is trying to help trade. But one HAS to be held responsible for what he does. And so far - he has just made things MUCH worse. And he has had two years. I give NO politician the benefit of the doubt.

And I agree with you STRONGLY that the U-3 is silly and the employment-population ratio is a far better barometer on employment. But if you look at your own graph, it's still no where near what it was before the Great Recession.

Other then the tariffs - which I am 100% against - I don't think Trump is doing anything worse then Obama did on the economy.

But Trumpbots (not you) who say that it has hugely improved simply are wrong. It is just more of the same...the Fed is running the show and propping up this horrible, cheap debt, house of cards that is dangerous and began under GWB/Obama.

I DO appreciate that you appear to have a FAR clearer head then most Trump voters (I assume you voted for Trump).

1. Agree that the Corporate tax cut was needed to keep Corporations from fleeing the US, & the top rate should be raised.
2. The US manufacturing sector can't be turned on a dime. Factories were moved and started up overseas, it takes time to move or build factories here in the US. Two years is nothing, it may take 5-10 years to see a difference. The main takeaway is that jobs have stopped moving overseas. (yes it could have been much worse!!)
3. The Labor Participation rate went from 67% in 2007 to 63% now, it stopped falling under Trump, lets hope it can start going up.
4. Tariffs are the only club Trump has to get fair trade deals. I hope he does what's necessary to get more good jobs.
5. Agree the Fed is helping keep the US economy on a growth track with low interest rates, but their $50b a month "balance sheet unwinding" isn't helping the economy grow, but it is necessary to reduce their $4.5T balance sheet. Can you say "tenuous"?

Yep, voted for Trump in 2016, and will again in 2020.

There is not ONE trade expert or ONE respected Wall Street big shot who thinks tariffs are a good idea. NOT ONE. Even the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - which would have the most to gain if tariffs worked - were DEAD SET against the tariffs. No offense - but neither you nor Trump knows REMOTELY as much about trade as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
Chamber of Commerce warns Trump against China tariffs | Reuters

I warned years ago that tariffs are stupid (as did many). They are NOTHING but a tax that Americans have to pay. And the RECORD trade deficit proves that tariffs are MASSIVELY failing. I knew they would and they are.

The trade deficit is part of life. If one country makes things cheaply and one makes them expensively - it's a slam dunk that the former will have a trade surplus with the latter.
What's wrong with that?
Almost all the jobs the Chinese take are shitty jobs. Drone-like, production line job that almost no one likes and one day will ALL be done by robot anyway.
And the unemployment rate is WAY down anyway - so it's not jobs.
Cheap Chinese imports are GREAT for America consumers. Poor/seniors can buy goods FAR cheaper then they can if they were made in America. That helps American's and means taxpayers have to give less money to welfare individuals.
The ONLY thing the Chinese are doing badly is copyright infringement. And that was slowly working it's way through the international courts.

And if you think the Chinese are going to give Trump a ton of stuff in a trade deal - you and he are dreaming.
1) the Chinese leader has recently been confirmed as (basically) leader for life. So he could care less about popularity. SO he cannot be pressured.
2) Trump is down in the polls and the Chinese know it. They also know that NO major candidate on either side will want to continue Trump's tariffs. So why the hell would they give away the farm when they just have to stall for time until Trump loses?

I guarantee you that if Trump gets a deal - he will make a HUGE deal about it. But when you look at it - you will see that it makes almost no difference. But most of his supporters know nothing of such things - so they will believe him.
He will remove the tariffs and declare victory. And I GUARANTEE you the trade deficit will be just as big as when Trump took office.
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