Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

There is no single diagnostic test that can determine if a person has Alzheimer’s disease.
I'm not claimimg trump has alzheimers. Nor has one single professional diagnosed him from afar as having alzheimers. Irrelevant red herring,ignored.

I am talking about the outward symptoms, as described by professionals of malignant narcissism, sociopathy, and mental decline. Please stay on topic.

So what you're saying is that no single professional diagnosed him from afar as having alzheimers but that they HAVE diagnosed him with "malignant narcissism, sociopathy, and mental decline"? Gee, nice to see that they're acting SO professionally! (eye roll)
Trump’s granddad came to the US when he was 16 in 1885. Trump’s dad was born in 1905.

You just won the award for the dumbest fucking moron on the forum.

Please accept a sincere and heartfelt oopsie.

Thanks for admitting that you just pulled some bullshit out of your ass trying to sound like you knew what you were talking about. That helps to explain why you are such a Trump ass licker.

Why would Trump lie about his daddy being born here? Makes no sense to me at all.

People of German ancestry aren't the least bit loyal to the Fatherland. At all. Not like the Irish or Italians. Or Mexicans or Ricans or French or whatever tribe is in vogue this year.

Why do compulsive liars lie? Who knows, it is just what they do. Not unlike kleptomaniacs steal

Oh yeah, I forgot.

He's suffering from dementia.

I have already said I do not think that is the case, he is just a liar. Not all that complicated.

Does pretty good considering. He's president and you're delivering flowers :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

pulling more shit out of your ass...again no wonder you are a Trump ass licker.
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The way he commonly and randomly outbursts in fits of cussing I'd say he has a touch of the Assburger's too, aka Aspergers Syndrome.

Don't you mean tourrette's? If you're going to accuse someone of being sick, you should know what you're talking about.
Alzheimers AND DEMENTIA which the OP alludes to.
But the only claim professionals have made regarding dementia is that trump shows some early symptoms of progressive dementia. And those professionals argued those points using their knowledge and actual examples from trump.

So, are you going to sit there and whine all night, or do you plan to argue against their points?

Or, you could admit that they are experts, that you know jack shit about their profession, and that you dont have any good arguments against their points.
So what you're saying is that no single professional diagnosed him from afar as having alzheimers but that they HAVE diagnosed him with "malignant narcissism, sociopathy, and mental decline"?
No,i said they identified possible symptoms of those disorders. Pay attention!

But, several have indeed said that, should a patient present to them symptoms trump presents, they would diagnose that patient with narcissistic personality disorder (possibly malignant), sociopathy, and possible early signs of dementia.

So, are you gonna sit there and cry all night, or would you like to argue against their actual points, instead of shit you are making up?
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The top democrat candidate has become a joke as "America's dirty old uncle" and the left found some pop-psychologists who criticize the President. No surprises here. I wonder what psychologists have to say about Hollywood types who think it's funny to hold up a facsimle of the President's bloody head and pretend they killed him. Hell, you can't even find a pop psychologist who wants to tackle the case of the Vegas shooter who was obviously filled with the same hatred toward rednecks and Trump supporters as the H'wood babe.
I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.

I watched and took care of my mom that died 2 years ago from Alzheimer's, and what you are posting is bs.
She most certainly had no seizures, nor did she lose all control of body functions, unless maybe when she was in bed actually dying.
It is mean, and it is cruel for you people to try and throw this on Trump just because you can't stand him. Maybe he has it, and maybe not, but one thing for sure, we ALL are declining, and we ALL will die.

I didn't say loss of all body functions. I just say loss of body functions.

My mom and grandmother lost control of body waste function. Not at first. It took a while for that to happen. All the people in the facility and group home my mom and grandmother were in lost control of their body waste functions. It's comes later after the age of 75.

My mom didn't have the brain seizures. My grandmother did. My grandmother was afraid of death so she lived until she was 83. My mom wasn't afraid of death. She died at age 78. She was very afraid of the disease. Her whole body shut down and she died before the seizures happened.

Not everyone with the disease has the exact same symptoms or side effects from the disease. So if your mom didn't lose control of her body waste functions great. If she was like my mom and checked out before the seizure I'm so glad she was able to do that.

The seizures come without warning so when the first one happened no one was expecting it and my grandmother bit off her lower lip. We had to keep a mouth guard in her mouth so she wouldn't bit off more of her mouth with the seizures. There wasn't anything we could do to stop it, the whole body and the tears going down her cheeks. It was horrible for her and those of us who were with her those last weeks.

It's an evil disease. I don't want trump to have it. I don't want anyone to have it. However it's impossible for me to ignore what I've been seeing for the last 4 years. You don't have to believe it or agree with me. I don't care what you think or believe. You're doing the same thing everyone else does with that disease, deny what's happening. My siblings were deep in denial with my mom until it was impossible to ignore. trump is not at that point yet but he's getting close. He's got a few more years before he will need 24-7 care in a locked facility for his own protection.

Alzheimers patients wonder off. They can disappear for hours. There have been reports in the news that some have gotten confused and disorientated and ended up trying to enter the wrong house thinking it's theres. One man was in the news in the last decade because he was killed that way. Went to the wrong house and was shot. The disappearing can start as early as when the person is in their 50s. I know it started in my mom in her late 50s. She would just disappear and not tell anyone. Not show up at her business she had. My grandmother did the same thing but not as much. Some patients can become violent. They all see things that aren't there. I would go to see my mom, she would run to me saying she had just seem me or one of my siblings killed and was very happy to see me alive.

You might think what I've been posting is evil but it's just facts that I know from dealing with the disease with my mom and grandmother.

You're preaching to the choir.

I totally agree that it is an evil gut wrenching (for those of us that watch or care for them) disease. I do know the ins and outs.
However, I would never be so cruel as to say someone that I do not really know, that I have never met, had it.

No it's not.

In fact the same thing was said about Reagan in his second term. Was that cruel? Especially when it turned out he did have alzheimers.

You can disagree with me all you want. What is wrong is to say that it's cruel to say someone has that disease. It's not cruel. It's my opinion and the opinion of many other people. Including the doctors in the OP.

What I find cruel is to deny what's going on. Denying it won't make it go away. In fact, denying it will allow things to get worse. Facing it head on and dealing with the disease is the proper and responsible response.

Disgusting, you are. Why would I deny anything? I went through it. Duh. I have already said that maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't have it. One thing I know as a fact....YOU do not know. :lol: :lol: :lol:

So you're denying that you said I was cruel for saying trump has Alzheimers?

So you're saying people can have an opinion on it but can't voice that opinion? Or that it's cruel to voice that opinion?

You keep changing what you say. It's obvious to me that you're not being honest here.

I'm done with you. I don't waste my time with people who can't be honest. Post a reply to this all you want. I won't read it so you're ranting to no one.
The top democrat candidate has become a joke as "America's dirty old uncle" and the left found some pop-psychologists who criticize the President. No surprises here. I wonder what psychologists have to say about Hollywood types who think it's funny to hold up a facsimle of the President's bloody head and pretend they killed him. Hell, you can't even find a pop psychologist who wants to tackle the case of the Vegas shooter who was obviously filled with the same hatred toward rednecks and Trump supporters as the H'wood babe.

But it appears that Trump is showing signs of mental illness.
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I watched and took care of my mom that died 2 years ago from Alzheimer's, and what you are posting is bs.
She most certainly had no seizures, nor did she lose all control of body functions, unless maybe when she was in bed actually dying.
It is mean, and it is cruel for you people to try and throw this on Trump just because you can't stand him. Maybe he has it, and maybe not, but one thing for sure, we ALL are declining, and we ALL will die.

I didn't say loss of all body functions. I just say loss of body functions.

My mom and grandmother lost control of body waste function. Not at first. It took a while for that to happen. All the people in the facility and group home my mom and grandmother were in lost control of their body waste functions. It's comes later after the age of 75.

My mom didn't have the brain seizures. My grandmother did. My grandmother was afraid of death so she lived until she was 83. My mom wasn't afraid of death. She died at age 78. She was very afraid of the disease. Her whole body shut down and she died before the seizures happened.

Not everyone with the disease has the exact same symptoms or side effects from the disease. So if your mom didn't lose control of her body waste functions great. If she was like my mom and checked out before the seizure I'm so glad she was able to do that.

The seizures come without warning so when the first one happened no one was expecting it and my grandmother bit off her lower lip. We had to keep a mouth guard in her mouth so she wouldn't bit off more of her mouth with the seizures. There wasn't anything we could do to stop it, the whole body and the tears going down her cheeks. It was horrible for her and those of us who were with her those last weeks.

It's an evil disease. I don't want trump to have it. I don't want anyone to have it. However it's impossible for me to ignore what I've been seeing for the last 4 years. You don't have to believe it or agree with me. I don't care what you think or believe. You're doing the same thing everyone else does with that disease, deny what's happening. My siblings were deep in denial with my mom until it was impossible to ignore. trump is not at that point yet but he's getting close. He's got a few more years before he will need 24-7 care in a locked facility for his own protection.

Alzheimers patients wonder off. They can disappear for hours. There have been reports in the news that some have gotten confused and disorientated and ended up trying to enter the wrong house thinking it's theres. One man was in the news in the last decade because he was killed that way. Went to the wrong house and was shot. The disappearing can start as early as when the person is in their 50s. I know it started in my mom in her late 50s. She would just disappear and not tell anyone. Not show up at her business she had. My grandmother did the same thing but not as much. Some patients can become violent. They all see things that aren't there. I would go to see my mom, she would run to me saying she had just seem me or one of my siblings killed and was very happy to see me alive.

You might think what I've been posting is evil but it's just facts that I know from dealing with the disease with my mom and grandmother.

You're preaching to the choir.

I totally agree that it is an evil gut wrenching (for those of us that watch or care for them) disease. I do know the ins and outs.
However, I would never be so cruel as to say someone that I do not really know, that I have never met, had it.

No it's not.

In fact the same thing was said about Reagan in his second term. Was that cruel? Especially when it turned out he did have alzheimers.

You can disagree with me all you want. What is wrong is to say that it's cruel to say someone has that disease. It's not cruel. It's my opinion and the opinion of many other people. Including the doctors in the OP.

What I find cruel is to deny what's going on. Denying it won't make it go away. In fact, denying it will allow things to get worse. Facing it head on and dealing with the disease is the proper and responsible response.

Disgusting, you are. Why would I deny anything? I went through it. Duh. I have already said that maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't have it. One thing I know as a fact....YOU do not know. :lol: :lol: :lol:

So you're denying that you said I was cruel for saying trump has Alzheimers?

So you're saying people can have an opinion on it but can't voice that opinion? Or that it's cruel to voice that opinion?

You keep changing what you say. It's obvious to me that you're not being honest here.

I'm done with you. I don't waste my time with people who can't be honest. Post a reply to this all you want. I won't read it so you're ranting to no one.

Gosh you are dense. Pay close attention. That is not what I said. I absolutely said IT was cruel AND mean to say that without really knowing. I also said he may or may not have it.

You are done with me? You are a hoot. And yeah. Don't reply to me again. ;)
Let's get back on topic, and stop the personal comments. Including me.
5 pages in...and not one single Trump supporter has attempted any argument against the points being made by the professionals.

Doing so would be an attempt to actually comment "on topic".
5 pages in...and not one single Trump supporter has attempted any argument against the points being made by the professionals.

Doing so would be an attempt to actually comment "on topic".

I would be happy for a reasonable explanation for why Trump has told the story at least 3 times about his father being born in a small little village in Germany
Alzheimers AND DEMENTIA which the OP alludes to.
But the only claim professionals have made regarding dementia is that trump shows some early symptoms of progressive dementia. And those professionals argued those points using their knowledge and actual examples from trump.

So, are you going to sit there and whine all night, or do you plan to argue against their points?

Or, you could admit that they are experts, that you know jack shit about their profession, and that you dont have any good arguments against their points.
I wonder what those "experts" would have to say about you with just the cyber space to make an evaluation?????
I know you are not the same person in the real world, just like Trump isn't the same person behind the doors where he doesn't have to be on defense
constantly. Two different people....just like you and just like me.
They have to do an honest evaluation. and not using the tweets, or behind a microphone for an evaluation.
Give me a friggin' break
Wow yes sir we really really have him now! We absolutely have him!
We have a partisan person that wants someone else in his place who has done a long distance cognitive evaluation which has no meaning or basis in real medicine making bias assumptions. Oh yes we have him now! Please wait while I run off and masterbate. I am just so excited.

Wow yes sir we really really have him now! We absolutely have him!
We have a partisan person that wants someone else in his place who has done a long distance cognitive evaluation which has no meaning or basis in real medicine making bias assumptions. Oh yes we have him now! Please wait while I run off and masterbate. I am just so excited.
Yes, we have Trump now because we want Pence, we want Pence as our President! Yessiree, that's what we want! Don't you want Pence too?

I wonder what those "experts" would have to say about you with just the cyber space to make an evaluation?????
Again, not my evaluation. Please pay attention.

But, they would likely stop you and remind you that literally 1000s of hours of trump being trump on video exist, and ask why you would say something so dumb as you just said .

So, I guess your argument boils down to, "they arent entitled to these opinions"" because they haven't interviewed trump one on one. But the experts accounted for that,very clearly. And you have not accounted for their response to that point.
I wonder what those "experts" would have to say about you with just the cyber space to make an evaluation?????
Again, not my evaluation. Please pay attention.

But, they would likely stop you and remind you that literally 1000s of hours of trump being trump on video exist, and ask why you would say something so dumb as you just said .

So, I guess your argument boils down to, "they arent entitled to these opinions"" because they haven't interviewed trump one on one. But the experts accounted for that,very clearly. And you have not accounted for their response to that point.
They are entitled to any opinion they want, just like you are. That doesn't mean that they should go public with it
unless they had a proper controlled evaluation with the man.
You can't call in a psychiatric evaluation, just how unprofessional can that be?
They are entitled to any opinion they want, just like you are.
No, that makes no sense. They clearly are both more entitled and more qualified to an opinion on mental illness than you or I are, as that is their profession.

That doesn't mean that they should go public with it
unless they had a proper controlled evaluation with the man.
Which is not an option, so the ethical duty to warn compels them to inform the world that the american president is exhibiting signs of mental illness. And they argued this with knowledge from their field and examples. Which you have conveniently ignored, despite it being germane to the point.

i'm starting to think you dont actually have any good arguments against their points.
They are entitled to any opinion they want, just like you are.
No, that makes no sense. They clearly are both more entitled and more qualified to an opinion on mental illness than you or I are, as that is their profession.

That doesn't mean that they should go public with it
unless they had a proper controlled evaluation with the man.
Which is not an option, so the ethical duty to warn compels them to inform the world that the american president is exhibiting signs of mental illness. And they argued this with knowledge from their field and examples. Which you have conveniently ignored, despite it being germane to the point.

i'm starting to think you dont actually have any good arguments against their points.
You wouldn't know a good argument if it bitch slapped you in the face.

There is no defense for making a professional opinion without a REAL EVALUATION. None.
Just some goofballs trying to fire up their party.
I bet you call those phone mediums to find out a what's in your future, huh?
You wouldn't know a good argument if it bitch slapped you in the face.
Neato! But your whiny opinion is quite irrelevant to the fact that you seem completely unable to form one right now.

There is no defense for making a professional opinion without a REAL EVALUATION. None.
Wrong. Two defenses exist, in this case:

1) the copious amount of video of trump
2) the ethical duty to warn

And these points were all well argued, using professional knowledge and specific examples. And you, obviously, cant form any good argument against any of these points.

And, of course, I knew you couldn't, because you are an uneducated slob compared to people who have dedicated their lives to a scientific field. So you might as well throw your little hissy fit now and give up.
You wouldn't know a good argument if it bitch slapped you in the face.
Neato! But your whiny opinion is quite irrelevant to the fact that you seem completely unable to form one right now.

There is no defense for making a professional opinion without a REAL EVALUATION. None.
Wrong. Two defenses exist, in this case:

1) the copious amount of video of trump
2) the ethical duty to warn

And these points were all well argued, using professional knowledge and specific examples. And you, obviously, cant form any good argument against any of these points.

And, of course, I knew you couldn't, because you are an uneducated slob compared to people who have dedicated their lives to a scientific field. So you might as well throw your little hissy fit now and give up.
Good grief, you are truly one of the minions.
You can see this is politics and yet turn a blind eye to it. I laugh at you.

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