Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

They do when they feel as though the duty to warn takes ethical precedence. And they arent technically diagnosing him anyway, but merely warning people that he is exhibiting the symptoms of some clinical, mental illnesses.

Maybe you would like to use your expertise in this field to argue against their points.

Translation: By Any Means necessary means ethics don't matter.

That may fool morally bankrupt Progs, but Normal People see your corruption.
The natural solution to this is find some "conservative psychologists" to give their own diagnosis.
The core rule of science is to keep personal opinions from affecting the work, including medical science, and especially behavioral science.

No, it's not. The proper solution is to not diagnose people when one is not their health care professional.

non-professionals can see that one, its so obvious.

Slurred speech is another sign.

The brain controls the body. When the brain has a problem, the rest of the body does too.

Or not. My mom never had slurred speech. Slurred speech can be a sign of many thing.
I never denied it, just that you couldnt know cause youve not spent anytime with him

and I'm not a repube and didnt vote for trump

what he is is a big government progressive that has trouble keeping his words straight due to his/their deceitful agenda

I never said I spent time with him. I clearly said from what I've observed of him from 2015.

I've seen the signs before. They're too obvious to someone who has seen them before.

You don't have to agree with me. I don't care if you do or not. I'm stating what I see and what I know. I know you don't want to believe it. No one wants to believe that. I certainly don't but the signs are just too obvious for me to ignore it.

From what I've seen of him he has that disease.

So you tell me, what are the reasons why he doesn't know where his dad was born? What are the reasons why he used the word oranges over and over when the word should have been origins? What is the reason for him having to clutch that podium to keep his balance? What is the reason for him to be walking down stairs from a plane with a car directly in front of him but he turns and goes a different direction and needs to be directed back to the car? What are the reasons for his scattered speech when he goes off script? Why isn't he able to give a speech with his thoughts being gathered and coherent? Why can't he speak without forgetting words? Why is he up in the middle of the night? Alzheimers patients don't sleep well. Like all body functions, the disease has destroyed the brain's ability to secrete melatonin and sleep. They stay awake for days then all of a sudden collapse asleep for days but that comes later in the disease. Right now at his age it's sporadic and considered to be insomnia but it's not. It's the Alzheimers.

You can deny things all you want but denying them isn't going to make it go away.

Me pointing out what is very obvious to me isn't a lie nor is it incorrect. It's my opinion from taking care of 2 Alzheimer patients in my life. From beginning to end.

key words being,,,"IN YOUR LIFE"

Yes. Have you taken care of any Alzheimers patients in your life?

I have. My grandmother and my mother.

I watched it first hand from beginning to end with both women.

My oldest sister has the gene and I will watch her go through it from beginning to end.

My oldest sister is a doctor. In fact, my family has several doctors, nurses and people who work in the heath care industry. We all were forced to learn about the disease because it was in our family. We now know it's a gene and the gene has been isolated. It's the APOE E gene. There are 4 of them. 1-4. If you have numbers 1&2 you will never get the disease. If you have number 3 you can get the disease or dementia. If you have number 4 you will get the disease. But there are 4 places for them so you need more than one of the number 4 genes to get the disease. If you have only 1 in the number 4 area, you have a slight chance to get it but most likely you won't. The first born child will always have that gene. If the children are born right after one another the second and third child will not have the gene. But if there's a couple years or more between births that gene will be in the next child born. trump's sister just before him was born in 1942. trump was born in 1946. So there's more than 3 years between births. Scientific fact dictates that trump has that gene and will get that disease.

I've researched and learned about the disease. Both from the medical side and the experience side. I know what it is and know what I'm talking about.
never said you didnt,,,just that you have never spent time with him and are going off of a few videos,,,

if you were a doctor you would be laughed out of the profession

I got that from more than a few videos. I got that from daily video of him for the last 4 years.

Why does he walk so slow and slightly bent forward? Alzheimers patients walk slow and bent forward. He will walk slower and more bent forward as time goes on.

You can try to argue with me all you want. It's not going to change anything.

I've asked you questions yet you refuse to answer. Which tells me you don't know much of anything about that disease. So you're not in a position to comment on it.

I do. I've taken care of 2 Alzheimers patients. I spent a lot of time in the 90s learning about it when my grandmother had it. I spent more time in the 2000s learning more about it. My mom had it. She died in 2015 from it. My grandmother died from it. I'm watching my sister now in the first of it showing, she's in her early 60s. It will get more and more obvious as time goes on. Just as it will with trump.

When he's out of office then the announcement will be made. Not before. Just like reagan.

Ohhhhhh now you went from "watched" to taken care of". Now you are an expert? LOL
He may have it, but you are in no [position to diagnose it. PLUS there are many forms of dementia, Alzheimer's being only one.

I "watched" many that had it, and I would never pretend I am an expert.
My point...which should be OBVIOUS to anyone who's not a political hack...is that everyone who speaks publicly long enough will make some faux pas...even someone like Barry who's major talent was reading from a teleprompter!

Telling the same story multiple times to different people with specific details is not a faux pas or a misspeak.

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'“The ‘Tim Apple’ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfather’s birthplace with his father’s, mispronouncing ‘oranges’ for ‘origins,’ and stating out of the blue, ‘I’m very normal,’” recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trump’s mental state for years. “There is no question he needs an examination.”

“I think he’s suffering from pre-dementia. And it’s only getting worse,” said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the president’s behaviors are on full view every single day. “The evidence is right in front of our eyes,” he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trump’s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the president’s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump “see his total command of complex issues” on a daily basis. “These ‘doctors’ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.”

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was “born in a very wonderful place in Germany.” In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the “oranges” of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant “origins.”

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple” ― but later claimed that he had, in fact, said “Tim Cook Apple,” but people missed “Cook” because he’d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

“That was real cognitive slippage,” Gartner said. “And then he tried to cover for it.”

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trump’s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimer’s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

“There aren’t a lot of people that can do that,” Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. “Ronny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ‘fit for duty’ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,” she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trump’s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. They’ve noted both the president’s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power can’t watch television if the wind doesn’t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ― if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? “Rrrrr, rrrrr” ― you know the thing that makes the ― it’s so noisy. And of course it’s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. It’s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ’em all out. It’s true. They wipe ’em out. It’s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasn’t ready for a deal but that’s OK because we get along great. He wasn’t ready. I told him, you’re not ready for a deal. That’s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobody’s ever left. But I said you’re not ready for a deal, but we’ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, “Is the wind blowing? I’d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasn’t blown for three days. I can’t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.” No, wind’s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. They’re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case you’re ― we don’t make ’em here, essentially. We don’t make ’em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then he’d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and he’d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

“He has been growing less and less coherent,” Lee said, pointing to Trump’s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. “His two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.”

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trump’s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ― exhibited by constant lying ― and sadism.

“He has been getting worse in the last few months,” Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trump’s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, “he not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.”

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. “Donald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,” he said. “We observe his behavior every day.”

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.

I watched and took care of my mom that died 2 years ago from Alzheimer's, and what you are posting is bs.
She most certainly had no seizures, nor did she lose all control of body functions, unless maybe when she was in bed actually dying.
It is mean, and it is cruel for you people to try and throw this on Trump just because you can't stand him. Maybe he has it, and maybe not, but one thing for sure, we ALL are declining, and we ALL will die.

I didn't say loss of all body functions. I just say loss of body functions.

My mom and grandmother lost control of body waste function. Not at first. It took a while for that to happen. All the people in the facility and group home my mom and grandmother were in lost control of their body waste functions. It's comes later after the age of 75.

My mom didn't have the brain seizures. My grandmother did. My grandmother was afraid of death so she lived until she was 83. My mom wasn't afraid of death. She died at age 78. She was very afraid of the disease. Her whole body shut down and she died before the seizures happened.

Not everyone with the disease has the exact same symptoms or side effects from the disease. So if your mom didn't lose control of her body waste functions great. If she was like my mom and checked out before the seizure I'm so glad she was able to do that.

The seizures come without warning so when the first one happened no one was expecting it and my grandmother bit off her lower lip. We had to keep a mouth guard in her mouth so she wouldn't bit off more of her mouth with the seizures. There wasn't anything we could do to stop it, the whole body and the tears going down her cheeks. It was horrible for her and those of us who were with her those last weeks.

It's an evil disease. I don't want trump to have it. I don't want anyone to have it. However it's impossible for me to ignore what I've been seeing for the last 4 years. You don't have to believe it or agree with me. I don't care what you think or believe. You're doing the same thing everyone else does with that disease, deny what's happening. My siblings were deep in denial with my mom until it was impossible to ignore. trump is not at that point yet but he's getting close. He's got a few more years before he will need 24-7 care in a locked facility for his own protection.

Alzheimers patients wonder off. They can disappear for hours. There have been reports in the news that some have gotten confused and disorientated and ended up trying to enter the wrong house thinking it's theirs. One man was in the news in the last decade because he was killed that way. Went to the wrong house and was shot. The disappearing can start as early as when the person is in their 50s. I know it started in my mom in her late 50s. She would just disappear and not tell anyone. Not show up at her business she had. My grandmother did the same thing but not as much. Some patients can become violent. They all see things that aren't there. I would go to see my mom, she would run to me saying she had just seem me or one of my siblings killed and was very happy to see me alive.

You might think what I've been posting is evil but it's just facts that I know from dealing with the disease with my mom and grandmother.
Last edited:
'“The ‘Tim Apple’ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfather’s birthplace with his father’s, mispronouncing ‘oranges’ for ‘origins,’ and stating out of the blue, ‘I’m very normal,’” recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trump’s mental state for years. “There is no question he needs an examination.”

“I think he’s suffering from pre-dementia. And it’s only getting worse,” said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the president’s behaviors are on full view every single day. “The evidence is right in front of our eyes,” he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trump’s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the president’s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump “see his total command of complex issues” on a daily basis. “These ‘doctors’ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.”

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was “born in a very wonderful place in Germany.” In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the “oranges” of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant “origins.”

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple” ― but later claimed that he had, in fact, said “Tim Cook Apple,” but people missed “Cook” because he’d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

“That was real cognitive slippage,” Gartner said. “And then he tried to cover for it.”

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trump’s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimer’s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

“There aren’t a lot of people that can do that,” Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. “Ronny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ‘fit for duty’ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,” she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trump’s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. They’ve noted both the president’s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power can’t watch television if the wind doesn’t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ― if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? “Rrrrr, rrrrr” ― you know the thing that makes the ― it’s so noisy. And of course it’s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. It’s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ’em all out. It’s true. They wipe ’em out. It’s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasn’t ready for a deal but that’s OK because we get along great. He wasn’t ready. I told him, you’re not ready for a deal. That’s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobody’s ever left. But I said you’re not ready for a deal, but we’ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, “Is the wind blowing? I’d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasn’t blown for three days. I can’t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.” No, wind’s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. They’re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case you’re ― we don’t make ’em here, essentially. We don’t make ’em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then he’d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and he’d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

“He has been growing less and less coherent,” Lee said, pointing to Trump’s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. “His two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.”

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trump’s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ― exhibited by constant lying ― and sadism.

“He has been getting worse in the last few months,” Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trump’s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, “he not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.”

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. “Donald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,” he said. “We observe his behavior every day.”

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.

I watched and took care of my mom that died 2 years ago from Alzheimer's, and what you are posting is bs.
She most certainly had no seizures, nor did she lose all control of body functions, unless maybe when she was in bed actually dying.
It is mean, and it is cruel for you people to try and throw this on Trump just because you can't stand him. Maybe he has it, and maybe not, but one thing for sure, we ALL are declining, and we ALL will die.

I didn't say loss of all body functions. I just say loss of body functions.

My mom and grandmother lost control of body waste function. Not at first. It took a while for that to happen. All the people in the facility and group home my mom and grandmother were in lost control of their body waste functions. It's comes later after the age of 75.

My mom didn't have the brain seizures. My grandmother did. My grandmother was afraid of death so she lived until she was 83. My mom wasn't afraid of death. She died at age 78. She was very afraid of the disease. Her whole body shut down and she died before the seizures happened.

Not everyone with the disease has the exact same symptoms or side effects from the disease. So if your mom didn't lose control of her body waste functions great. If she was like my mom and checked out before the seizure I'm so glad she was able to do that.

The seizures come without warning so when the first one happened no one was expecting it and my grandmother bit off her lower lip. We had to keep a mouth guard in her mouth so she wouldn't bit off more of her mouth with the seizures. There wasn't anything we could do to stop it, the whole body and the tears going down her cheeks. It was horrible for her and those of us who were with her those last weeks.

It's an evil disease. I don't want trump to have it. I don't want anyone to have it. However it's impossible for me to ignore what I've been seeing for the last 4 years. You don't have to believe it or agree with me. I don't care what you think or believe. You're doing the same thing everyone else does with that disease, deny what's happening. My siblings were deep in denial with my mom until it was impossible to ignore. trump is not at that point yet but he's getting close. He's got a few more years before he will need 24-7 care in a locked facility for his own protection.

Alzheimers patients wonder off. They can disappear for hours. There have been reports in the news that some have gotten confused and disorientated and ended up trying to enter the wrong house thinking it's theres. One man was in the news in the last decade because he was killed that way. Went to the wrong house and was shot. The disappearing can start as early as when the person is in their 50s. I know it started in my mom in her late 50s. She would just disappear and not tell anyone. Not show up at her business she had. My grandmother did the same thing but not as much. Some patients can become violent. They all see things that aren't there. I would go to see my mom, she would run to me saying she had just seem me or one of my siblings killed and was very happy to see me alive.

You might think what I've been posting is evil but it's just facts that I know from dealing with the disease with my mom and grandmother.

Big deal.
Next 'expert', please.....
'“The ‘Tim Apple’ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfather’s birthplace with his father’s, mispronouncing ‘oranges’ for ‘origins,’ and stating out of the blue, ‘I’m very normal,’” recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trump’s mental state for years. “There is no question he needs an examination.”

“I think he’s suffering from pre-dementia. And it’s only getting worse,” said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the president’s behaviors are on full view every single day. “The evidence is right in front of our eyes,” he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trump’s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the president’s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump “see his total command of complex issues” on a daily basis. “These ‘doctors’ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.”

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was “born in a very wonderful place in Germany.” In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the “oranges” of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant “origins.”

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple” ― but later claimed that he had, in fact, said “Tim Cook Apple,” but people missed “Cook” because he’d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

“That was real cognitive slippage,” Gartner said. “And then he tried to cover for it.”

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trump’s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimer’s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

“There aren’t a lot of people that can do that,” Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. “Ronny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ‘fit for duty’ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,” she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trump’s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. They’ve noted both the president’s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power can’t watch television if the wind doesn’t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ― if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? “Rrrrr, rrrrr” ― you know the thing that makes the ― it’s so noisy. And of course it’s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. It’s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ’em all out. It’s true. They wipe ’em out. It’s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasn’t ready for a deal but that’s OK because we get along great. He wasn’t ready. I told him, you’re not ready for a deal. That’s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobody’s ever left. But I said you’re not ready for a deal, but we’ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, “Is the wind blowing? I’d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasn’t blown for three days. I can’t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.” No, wind’s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. They’re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case you’re ― we don’t make ’em here, essentially. We don’t make ’em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then he’d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and he’d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

“He has been growing less and less coherent,” Lee said, pointing to Trump’s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. “His two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.”

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trump’s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ― exhibited by constant lying ― and sadism.

“He has been getting worse in the last few months,” Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trump’s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, “he not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.”

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. “Donald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,” he said. “We observe his behavior every day.”

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.

I watched and took care of my mom that died 2 years ago from Alzheimer's, and what you are posting is bs.
She most certainly had no seizures, nor did she lose all control of body functions, unless maybe when she was in bed actually dying.
It is mean, and it is cruel for you people to try and throw this on Trump just because you can't stand him. Maybe he has it, and maybe not, but one thing for sure, we ALL are declining, and we ALL will die.

I didn't say loss of all body functions. I just say loss of body functions.

My mom and grandmother lost control of body waste function. Not at first. It took a while for that to happen. All the people in the facility and group home my mom and grandmother were in lost control of their body waste functions. It's comes later after the age of 75.

My mom didn't have the brain seizures. My grandmother did. My grandmother was afraid of death so she lived until she was 83. My mom wasn't afraid of death. She died at age 78. She was very afraid of the disease. Her whole body shut down and she died before the seizures happened.

Not everyone with the disease has the exact same symptoms or side effects from the disease. So if your mom didn't lose control of her body waste functions great. If she was like my mom and checked out before the seizure I'm so glad she was able to do that.

The seizures come without warning so when the first one happened no one was expecting it and my grandmother bit off her lower lip. We had to keep a mouth guard in her mouth so she wouldn't bit off more of her mouth with the seizures. There wasn't anything we could do to stop it, the whole body and the tears going down her cheeks. It was horrible for her and those of us who were with her those last weeks.

It's an evil disease. I don't want trump to have it. I don't want anyone to have it. However it's impossible for me to ignore what I've been seeing for the last 4 years. You don't have to believe it or agree with me. I don't care what you think or believe. You're doing the same thing everyone else does with that disease, deny what's happening. My siblings were deep in denial with my mom until it was impossible to ignore. trump is not at that point yet but he's getting close. He's got a few more years before he will need 24-7 care in a locked facility for his own protection.

Alzheimers patients wonder off. They can disappear for hours. There have been reports in the news that some have gotten confused and disorientated and ended up trying to enter the wrong house thinking it's theres. One man was in the news in the last decade because he was killed that way. Went to the wrong house and was shot. The disappearing can start as early as when the person is in their 50s. I know it started in my mom in her late 50s. She would just disappear and not tell anyone. Not show up at her business she had. My grandmother did the same thing but not as much. Some patients can become violent. They all see things that aren't there. I would go to see my mom, she would run to me saying she had just seem me or one of my siblings killed and was very happy to see me alive.

You might think what I've been posting is evil but it's just facts that I know from dealing with the disease with my mom and grandmother.

You're preaching to the choir.

I totally agree that it is an evil gut wrenching (for those of us that watch or care for them) disease. I do know the ins and outs.
However, I would never be so cruel as to say someone that I do not really know, that I have never met, had it.
Ethical health care professionals do not diagnose people they have not personally examined.
They do when they feel as though the duty to warn takes ethical precedence. And they arent technically diagnosing him anyway, but merely warning people that he is exhibiting the symptoms of some clinical, mental illnesses.

Maybe you would like to use your expertise in this field to argue against their points.

Translation: By Any Means necessary means ethics don't matter.

That may fool morally bankrupt Progs, but Normal People see your corruption.
The natural solution to this is find some "conservative psychologists" to give their own diagnosis.
The core rule of science is to keep personal opinions from affecting the work, including medical science, and especially behavioral science.

No, it's not. The proper solution is to not diagnose people when one is not their health care professional.

non-professionals can see that one, its so obvious.

Pathetic. But you do get 10 Points For Consistency.
All of these amatuer medical experts need to get back to us when Trumps eyes roll around in his head and he needs to get caught from falling down, like Hillary.

Until then, adios amigos.....
I never denied it, just that you couldnt know cause youve not spent anytime with him

and I'm not a repube and didnt vote for trump

what he is is a big government progressive that has trouble keeping his words straight due to his/their deceitful agenda

I never said I spent time with him. I clearly said from what I've observed of him from 2015.

I've seen the signs before. They're too obvious to someone who has seen them before.

You don't have to agree with me. I don't care if you do or not. I'm stating what I see and what I know. I know you don't want to believe it. No one wants to believe that. I certainly don't but the signs are just too obvious for me to ignore it.

From what I've seen of him he has that disease.

So you tell me, what are the reasons why he doesn't know where his dad was born? What are the reasons why he used the word oranges over and over when the word should have been origins? What is the reason for him having to clutch that podium to keep his balance? What is the reason for him to be walking down stairs from a plane with a car directly in front of him but he turns and goes a different direction and needs to be directed back to the car? What are the reasons for his scattered speech when he goes off script? Why isn't he able to give a speech with his thoughts being gathered and coherent? Why can't he speak without forgetting words? Why is he up in the middle of the night? Alzheimers patients don't sleep well. Like all body functions, the disease has destroyed the brain's ability to secrete melatonin and sleep. They stay awake for days then all of a sudden collapse asleep for days but that comes later in the disease. Right now at his age it's sporadic and considered to be insomnia but it's not. It's the Alzheimers.

You can deny things all you want but denying them isn't going to make it go away.

Me pointing out what is very obvious to me isn't a lie nor is it incorrect. It's my opinion from taking care of 2 Alzheimer patients in my life. From beginning to end.

key words being,,,"IN YOUR LIFE"

Yes. Have you taken care of any Alzheimers patients in your life?

I have. My grandmother and my mother.

I watched it first hand from beginning to end with both women.

My oldest sister has the gene and I will watch her go through it from beginning to end.

My oldest sister is a doctor. In fact, my family has several doctors, nurses and people who work in the heath care industry. We all were forced to learn about the disease because it was in our family. We now know it's a gene and the gene has been isolated. It's the APOE E gene. There are 4 of them. 1-4. If you have numbers 1&2 you will never get the disease. If you have number 3 you can get the disease or dementia. If you have number 4 you will get the disease. But there are 4 places for them so you need more than one of the number 4 genes to get the disease. If you have only 1 in the number 4 area, you have a slight chance to get it but most likely you won't. The first born child will always have that gene. If the children are born right after one another the second and third child will not have the gene. But if there's a couple years or more between births that gene will be in the next child born. trump's sister just before him was born in 1942. trump was born in 1946. So there's more than 3 years between births. Scientific fact dictates that trump has that gene and will get that disease.

I've researched and learned about the disease. Both from the medical side and the experience side. I know what it is and know what I'm talking about.
never said you didnt,,,just that you have never spent time with him and are going off of a few videos,,,

if you were a doctor you would be laughed out of the profession

I got that from more than a few videos. I got that from daily video of him for the last 4 years.

Why does he walk so slow and slightly bent forward? Alzheimers patients walk slow and bent forward. He will walk slower and more bent forward as time goes on.

You can try to argue with me all you want. It's not going to change anything.

I've asked you questions yet you refuse to answer. Which tells me you don't know much of anything about that disease. So you're not in a position to comment on it.

I do. I've taken care of 2 Alzheimers patients. I spent a lot of time in the 90s learning about it when my grandmother had it. I spent more time in the 2000s learning more about it. My mom had it. She died in 2015 from it. My grandmother died from it. I'm watching my sister now in the first of it showing, she's in her early 60s. It will get more and more obvious as time goes on. Just as it will with trump.

When he's out of office then the announcement will be made. Not before. Just like reagan.

Sounds like Alzheimers runs in your family, Dana! How do we know that YOU don't have it and all of your posts are nothing more than figments of your poor confused mind? (eye roll)
Weirder than Clinton's story about landing in Bosnia under sniper fire and having to "run for it"?

on par with that one. Amazing how alike Trump and Hillary are

Here's the difference between Trump and Clinton though, GG...Trump is prone to over the top statements. He's a promoter...that's what they do. Things aren't good...they are the BEST EVER! Clinton on the other hand just seems to be a congenital liar. She lies about things that there is no reason at all to lie about...like being under sniper fire in Bosnia...and she's been doing it for almost thirty years now! William Safire called her out on that decades ago and he was spot on.
Weirder than Clinton's story about landing in Bosnia under sniper fire and having to "run for it"?

on par with that one. Amazing how alike Trump and Hillary are

Here's the difference between Trump and Clinton though, GG...Trump is prone to over the top statements. He's a promoter...that's what they do. Things aren't good...they are the BEST EVER! Clinton on the other hand just seems to be a congenital liar. She lies about things that there is no reason at all to lie about...like being under sniper fire in Bosnia...and she's been doing it for almost thirty years now! William Safire called her out on that decades ago and he was spot on.

What does he gain by lying about where his dad was born? How is that different than lying about sniper fire?

Sorry, I do not see any difference between the two, both are compulsive liars that have trouble keeping their stories straight

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There is no single diagnostic test that can determine if a person has Alzheimer’s disease.
I'm not claimimg trump has alzheimers. Nor has one single professional diagnosed him from afar as having alzheimers. Irrelevant red herring,ignored.

I am talking about the outward symptoms, as described by professionals of malignant narcissism, sociopathy, and mental decline. Please stay on topic.
There is no single diagnostic test that can determine if a person has Alzheimer’s disease.
I'm not claimimg trump has alzheimers. Nor has one single professional diagnosed him from afar as having alzheimers. Irrelevant red herring,ignored.

I am talking about the outward symptoms, as described by professionals of malignant narcissism, sociopath, and mental decline. Please stay on topic.
Don't want to know the truth, huh? That site takes you to a site about Alzheimers AND DEMENTIA which the OP alludes to.
See, I told you that you're an ignorant dolt. But, just "ignored."
What does he gain by lying about where his dad was born? How is that different than lying about sniper fire?

Sorry, I do not see any difference between the two, both are compulsive liars that have trouble keeping their stories straight

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Let me run this by you again......

German immigrants are on a boat to the US with an infant in tow.

They land and get let in.

A few weeks later, they show up with the baby at Vital Statistics and ask for a Certificate of Live Birth because they claim the baby was just born here last week. Even though he wasn't. He was born three weeks earlier

Why would they do that?

Any clues??

Of course not. Comedy Central hasn't told you what to think on that topic
What does he gain by lying about where his dad was born? How is that different than lying about sniper fire?

Sorry, I do not see any difference between the two, both are compulsive liars that have trouble keeping their stories straight

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com

Let me run this by you again......

German immigrants are on a boat to the US with an infant in tow.

They land and get let in.

A few weeks later, they show up with the baby at Vital Statistics and ask for a Certificate of Live Birth because they claim the baby was just born here last week. Even though he wasn't. He was born three weeks earlier

Why would they do that?

Any clues??

Of course not. Comedy Central hasn't told you what to think on that topic

Trump’s granddad came to the US when he was 16 in 1885. Trump’s dad was born in 1905.

You just won the award for the dumbest fucking moron on the forum.

Sent from my iPhone using USMessageBoard.com
'“The ‘Tim Apple’ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfather’s birthplace with his father’s, mispronouncing ‘oranges’ for ‘origins,’ and stating out of the blue, ‘I’m very normal,’” recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trump’s mental state for years. “There is no question he needs an examination.”

“I think he’s suffering from pre-dementia. And it’s only getting worse,” said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the president’s behaviors are on full view every single day. “The evidence is right in front of our eyes,” he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trump’s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the president’s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump “see his total command of complex issues” on a daily basis. “These ‘doctors’ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.”

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was “born in a very wonderful place in Germany.” In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the “oranges” of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant “origins.”

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple” ― but later claimed that he had, in fact, said “Tim Cook Apple,” but people missed “Cook” because he’d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

“That was real cognitive slippage,” Gartner said. “And then he tried to cover for it.”

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trump’s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimer’s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

“There aren’t a lot of people that can do that,” Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. “Ronny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ‘fit for duty’ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,” she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trump’s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. They’ve noted both the president’s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power can’t watch television if the wind doesn’t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ― if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? “Rrrrr, rrrrr” ― you know the thing that makes the ― it’s so noisy. And of course it’s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. It’s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ’em all out. It’s true. They wipe ’em out. It’s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasn’t ready for a deal but that’s OK because we get along great. He wasn’t ready. I told him, you’re not ready for a deal. That’s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobody’s ever left. But I said you’re not ready for a deal, but we’ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, “Is the wind blowing? I’d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasn’t blown for three days. I can’t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.” No, wind’s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. They’re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case you’re ― we don’t make ’em here, essentially. We don’t make ’em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then he’d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and he’d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

“He has been growing less and less coherent,” Lee said, pointing to Trump’s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. “His two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.”

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trump’s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ― exhibited by constant lying ― and sadism.

“He has been getting worse in the last few months,” Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trump’s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, “he not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.”

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. “Donald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,” he said. “We observe his behavior every day.”

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.

I watched and took care of my mom that died 2 years ago from Alzheimer's, and what you are posting is bs.
She most certainly had no seizures, nor did she lose all control of body functions, unless maybe when she was in bed actually dying.
It is mean, and it is cruel for you people to try and throw this on Trump just because you can't stand him. Maybe he has it, and maybe not, but one thing for sure, we ALL are declining, and we ALL will die.

I didn't say loss of all body functions. I just say loss of body functions.

My mom and grandmother lost control of body waste function. Not at first. It took a while for that to happen. All the people in the facility and group home my mom and grandmother were in lost control of their body waste functions. It's comes later after the age of 75.

My mom didn't have the brain seizures. My grandmother did. My grandmother was afraid of death so she lived until she was 83. My mom wasn't afraid of death. She died at age 78. She was very afraid of the disease. Her whole body shut down and she died before the seizures happened.

Not everyone with the disease has the exact same symptoms or side effects from the disease. So if your mom didn't lose control of her body waste functions great. If she was like my mom and checked out before the seizure I'm so glad she was able to do that.

The seizures come without warning so when the first one happened no one was expecting it and my grandmother bit off her lower lip. We had to keep a mouth guard in her mouth so she wouldn't bit off more of her mouth with the seizures. There wasn't anything we could do to stop it, the whole body and the tears going down her cheeks. It was horrible for her and those of us who were with her those last weeks.

It's an evil disease. I don't want trump to have it. I don't want anyone to have it. However it's impossible for me to ignore what I've been seeing for the last 4 years. You don't have to believe it or agree with me. I don't care what you think or believe. You're doing the same thing everyone else does with that disease, deny what's happening. My siblings were deep in denial with my mom until it was impossible to ignore. trump is not at that point yet but he's getting close. He's got a few more years before he will need 24-7 care in a locked facility for his own protection.

Alzheimers patients wonder off. They can disappear for hours. There have been reports in the news that some have gotten confused and disorientated and ended up trying to enter the wrong house thinking it's theres. One man was in the news in the last decade because he was killed that way. Went to the wrong house and was shot. The disappearing can start as early as when the person is in their 50s. I know it started in my mom in her late 50s. She would just disappear and not tell anyone. Not show up at her business she had. My grandmother did the same thing but not as much. Some patients can become violent. They all see things that aren't there. I would go to see my mom, she would run to me saying she had just seem me or one of my siblings killed and was very happy to see me alive.

You might think what I've been posting is evil but it's just facts that I know from dealing with the disease with my mom and grandmother.

You're preaching to the choir.

I totally agree that it is an evil gut wrenching (for those of us that watch or care for them) disease. I do know the ins and outs.
However, I would never be so cruel as to say someone that I do not really know, that I have never met, had it.

No it's not.

In fact the same thing was said about Reagan in his second term. Was that cruel? Especially when it turned out he did have alzheimers.

You can disagree with me all you want. What is wrong is to say that it's cruel to say someone has that disease. It's not cruel. It's my opinion and the opinion of many other people. Including the doctors in the OP.

What I find cruel is to deny what's going on. Denying it won't make it go away. In fact, denying it will allow things to get worse. Facing it head on and dealing with the disease is the proper and responsible response.
'“The ‘Tim Apple’ episode a few weeks ago, his calling Venezuela a company, and then yesterday, confusing his grandfather’s birthplace with his father’s, mispronouncing ‘oranges’ for ‘origins,’ and stating out of the blue, ‘I’m very normal,’” recited Bandy Lee, a professor of psychiatry at Yale University who has been waving red flags about Trump’s mental state for years. “There is no question he needs an examination.”

“I think he’s suffering from pre-dementia. And it’s only getting worse,” said John Gartner, a clinical psychologist with practices in New York City and Baltimore.

Both acknowledged that they have not given Trump a full examination and could not offer a definitive diagnosis, but Gartner noted that the president’s behaviors are on full view every single day. “The evidence is right in front of our eyes,” he said.

Lee and Gartner are among the relatively few mental health professionals speaking out about Trump’s condition because of guidelines against speculating about patients a doctor has not personally examined. Both said those standards should not apply in situations where the safety of the nation is at stake and the president’s behavior is on public display.

White House spokesman Hogan Gidley denied that Trump had any cognitive difficulties and said that those who actually work with Trump “see his total command of complex issues” on a daily basis. “These ‘doctors’ are disgusting, and they should be ashamed of themselves for trying to use their titles to push their own personal political views.”

Speaking in the Oval Office Tuesday, Trump said that his father was “born in a very wonderful place in Germany.” In fact, his father was born in the Bronx. It was his paternal grandfather who emigrated from Germany. The president also said repeatedly that he wanted to take a look at the “oranges” of the special counsel investigation against him, when he clearly meant “origins.”

Last month, Trump called Apple CEO Tim Cook “Tim Apple” ― but later claimed that he had, in fact, said “Tim Cook Apple,” but people missed “Cook” because he’d said it very rapidly, and finally claimed that he was trying to save time by skipping some words.

“That was real cognitive slippage,” Gartner said. “And then he tried to cover for it.”

The White House this year did not make available the doctor who performed Trump’s annual physical exam and released scant information about its results.

In contrast, last year Trump authorized physician Ronny Jackson to field questions about his health for nearly a full hour. The president himself bragged about his performance on the Montreal Cognitive Assessment, a screening tool for Alzheimer’s disease that asks the patient, for instance, to identify a camel and to draw a clock.

“There aren’t a lot of people that can do that,” Trump said days later, boasting of his 30-out-of-30 score to a Republican National Committee audience.

That test, though, was never designed to be an in-depth analysis of cognitive function, Lee and other experts said. “Ronny Jackson declared his boss and commander-in-chief ‘fit for duty’ based on a 10-minute cognitive screen on which full-blown Alzheimer patients and hospitalized schizophrenia patients are known to score in the normal range,” she said.

Large numbers of Americans who are not mental health professionals have also started to question Trump’s mental condition, including prominent critics like George Conway, the husband of top White House aide Kellyanne Conway. They’ve noted both the president’s actions and his televised speeches and public remarks, in which he is frequently incoherent and goes off on long, unrelated tangents.

On Tuesday night, during his speech at the National Republican Congressional Committee spring dinner, Trump, who was then in the middle of 90 minutes of rambling remarks, veered off on a two-minute, 22-second detour that touched on how wind turbines kill bald eagles and other birds, moved on to how North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un was not ready for a deal, came back to how people who use wind power can’t watch television if the wind doesn’t blow, and finished with former President Barack Obama playing golf in Hawaii:

Hillary wanted to put up wind. Wind. If you ― if you have a windmill anywhere near your house, congratulations: Your house just went down 75 percent in value. And they say the noise causes cancer. You tell me that one, OK? “Rrrrr, rrrrr” ― you know the thing that makes the ― it’s so noisy. And of course it’s like a graveyard for birds. If you love birds, you’d never want to walk under a windmill because it’s a very sad, sad sight. It’s like a cemetery. We put a little, we put a little statute for the poor birds. It’s true. You know in California, if you shoot a bald eagle, they put you in jail for five years. And yet the windmills wipe ’em all out. It’s true. They wipe ’em out. It’s terrible. And I told the other day at CPAC. Great people at CPAC. We had an incredible thing. I had nothing to do. It was early on a Saturday morning. I had just gotten back from dealing with Kim Jong Un. We had a walk. He wasn’t ready for a deal but that’s OK because we get along great. He wasn’t ready. I told him, you’re not ready for a deal. That’s the first time anybody has ever told him that and left. It never happened to him before. Nobody’s ever left. But I said you’re not ready for a deal, but we’ll make a deal. We have a good relationship. We have a good relationship. But I told a story about, at CPAC. The woman, she wants to watch television. And she says to her husband, “Is the wind blowing? I’d love to watch a show tonight, darling. The wind hasn’t blown for three days. I can’t watch television, darling. Darling, please tell the wind to blow.” No, wind’s not so good. And you know, you have no idea how expensive it is to make those things. They’re all made in China and Germany, but the way, just in case you’re ― we don’t make ’em here, essentially. We don’t make ’em here. And by the way, the carbon, and all those things flying up in the air, you know the carbon footprint? President Obama used to talk about the carbon footprint, and then he’d hop on Air Force One, a big 747 with very old engines, and he’d fly to Hawaii to play a round of golf. You tell me, the carbon footprint.

“He has been growing less and less coherent,” Lee said, pointing to Trump’s appearance a month ago at the Conservative Political Action Conference, which Trump referenced on Tuesday night. “His two-hour CPAC speech revealed a lot of rambling sentences, tangential thought trails, word-finding difficulties and repetition.”

That exhortation followed up on a string of Conway tweets listing the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition.

Gartner, though, said Trump’s condition appears to be an even worse variant of that disorder and a condition that is common to dictators: malignant narcissism, whose traits include narcissism, paranoia, sociopathy ― exhibited by constant lying ― and sadism.

“He has been getting worse in the last few months,” Gartner said, adding that he agrees with Conway that earlier interviews show how far Trump’s decline has progressed. In the past, Gartner said, “he not only spoke in complete sentences, he spoke in complete paragraphs.”

Gartner pointed out that one of the symptoms of narcissism is repeated lying. “Donald Trump is the most documented liar in human history,” he said. “We observe his behavior every day.”

This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley." data-reactid="36" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">This story has been updated with comment from White House spokesman Hogan Gidley.

  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.'
Tim Apple. Oranges. German Dad. Mental Health Experts Warn That Trump Is In Decline.

The guy is clearly losing it.

Anyone who says he is showing no/hardly any signs of dementia either is delusional and/or does not know the symptoms of dementia.

I watched Alzheimers from beginning to end with 2 relatives.

I see the same behavior with trump.

He's right on schedule with the other 2 I watched. When they hit 70 the signs start to come out so blatantly that it's impossible to ignore it. By the time they're 75 they need to be in a facility for they own protection.

Alzheimers is a gene passed from one generation to the next. trump's father died of Alzheimers. The first born child always gets the gene. The second won't. The third might. If there's any break between births of children the next child born will usually have the gene.

There was nearly 3 years divide between trump and his next oldest sibling. Which means that trump most likely got the gene.

You can't out run your genes. You can't be cured of Alzheimers. It's an automatic death sentence but a drawn out and horrible death.

The brain is basically killed by the disease. Brain cells are supposed to stuff off when they die but with Alzheimers they don't. It creates scar tissue which creates more of the dead brain cells and more Alzheimers. They lose their sense of balance. They lose control of their body functions. They lose control of their thoughts. They see things that aren't there and believe things that aren't real. It's not just memory but the whole brain and it's functions. The brain controls all the functions of the body.

At the end of the disease they have horrible brain seizures. It's horrible to see. The whole body is racked with it and it goes on for weeks until they die.

I've watched trump since 2015. I believed then that he was in the beginnings of the middle stages. Alzheimers starts years before it shows. He holds that podium and I can see he does that to keep his balance at times. I see him getting off a plane with the car right there in front of him but he walks away from it and needs someone to guide him back to the car. I see him saying some of the most ridiculous things. These are stages of the disease. I've seen it before in two relatives. I'm seeing the same thing with trump.

The very sad thing about this is that his followers don't care. They could careless that he is in distress. All they care about is that he does what they want him to do. Not that he has a problem. Not that he needs help.

I saw the same behavior with Reagan. He also was in the throws of Alzheimers when he was president but it was covered up. Not very well though. Just after he left office it was announced he had Alzheimers. No one cared when he was president and no one cared when he wasn't president. The republicans just moved on to the next republican candidate.

I watched and took care of my mom that died 2 years ago from Alzheimer's, and what you are posting is bs.
She most certainly had no seizures, nor did she lose all control of body functions, unless maybe when she was in bed actually dying.
It is mean, and it is cruel for you people to try and throw this on Trump just because you can't stand him. Maybe he has it, and maybe not, but one thing for sure, we ALL are declining, and we ALL will die.

I didn't say loss of all body functions. I just say loss of body functions.

My mom and grandmother lost control of body waste function. Not at first. It took a while for that to happen. All the people in the facility and group home my mom and grandmother were in lost control of their body waste functions. It's comes later after the age of 75.

My mom didn't have the brain seizures. My grandmother did. My grandmother was afraid of death so she lived until she was 83. My mom wasn't afraid of death. She died at age 78. She was very afraid of the disease. Her whole body shut down and she died before the seizures happened.

Not everyone with the disease has the exact same symptoms or side effects from the disease. So if your mom didn't lose control of her body waste functions great. If she was like my mom and checked out before the seizure I'm so glad she was able to do that.

The seizures come without warning so when the first one happened no one was expecting it and my grandmother bit off her lower lip. We had to keep a mouth guard in her mouth so she wouldn't bit off more of her mouth with the seizures. There wasn't anything we could do to stop it, the whole body and the tears going down her cheeks. It was horrible for her and those of us who were with her those last weeks.

It's an evil disease. I don't want trump to have it. I don't want anyone to have it. However it's impossible for me to ignore what I've been seeing for the last 4 years. You don't have to believe it or agree with me. I don't care what you think or believe. You're doing the same thing everyone else does with that disease, deny what's happening. My siblings were deep in denial with my mom until it was impossible to ignore. trump is not at that point yet but he's getting close. He's got a few more years before he will need 24-7 care in a locked facility for his own protection.

Alzheimers patients wonder off. They can disappear for hours. There have been reports in the news that some have gotten confused and disorientated and ended up trying to enter the wrong house thinking it's theres. One man was in the news in the last decade because he was killed that way. Went to the wrong house and was shot. The disappearing can start as early as when the person is in their 50s. I know it started in my mom in her late 50s. She would just disappear and not tell anyone. Not show up at her business she had. My grandmother did the same thing but not as much. Some patients can become violent. They all see things that aren't there. I would go to see my mom, she would run to me saying she had just seem me or one of my siblings killed and was very happy to see me alive.

You might think what I've been posting is evil but it's just facts that I know from dealing with the disease with my mom and grandmother.

You're preaching to the choir.

I totally agree that it is an evil gut wrenching (for those of us that watch or care for them) disease. I do know the ins and outs.
However, I would never be so cruel as to say someone that I do not really know, that I have never met, had it.

No it's not.

In fact the same thing was said about Reagan in his second term. Was that cruel? Especially when it turned out he did have alzheimers.

You can disagree with me all you want. What is wrong is to say that it's cruel to say someone has that disease. It's not cruel. It's my opinion and the opinion of many other people. Including the doctors in the OP.

What I find cruel is to deny what's going on. Denying it won't make it go away. In fact, denying it will allow things to get worse. Facing it head on and dealing with the disease is the proper and responsible response.

Disgusting, you are. Why would I deny anything? I went through it. Duh. I have already said that maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't have it. One thing I know as a fact....YOU do not know. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Trump’s granddad came to the US when he was 16 in 1885. Trump’s dad was born in 1905.

You just won the award for the dumbest fucking moron on the forum.

Please accept a sincere and heartfelt oopsie.

I don't follow the Super Market Tabloid news of celebrities.

You win that award. You;re welcome to it.

Why would Trump lie about his daddy being born here? Makes no sense to me at all.

People of German ancestry aren't the least bit loyal to the Fatherland. At all. Not like the Irish or Italians. Or Mexicans or Ricans or French or whatever tribe is in vogue this year.

Oh yeah, I forgot.

He's suffering from dementia.

Does pretty good considering. He's president and you're delivering flowers :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
Disgusting, you are. Why would I deny anything? I went through it. Duh. I have already said that maybe he does, and maybe he doesn't have it. One thing I know as a fact....YOU do not know. :lol: :lol: :lol:

How dare you refute something they heard on the Tube or read in some rag.

Take two minutes and read about the Murray Gell-Mann effect.

Wet Streets Cause Rain: Michael Crichton on the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect

Have you ever read an article about a topic you know well, and found that the writer got everything wrong? Not just little things, but basic things, like the decade that Kate Bush released her first album, or the sport that Joe Montana played professionally. And did you then turn to another section and read about something you don't know well, such as foreign policy or the economy or domestic politics, and take that story more or less at face value?

If you have, then you've experienced the Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect. The term was coined by Michael Crighton in his 2005 essay "Why Speculate?" From the essay:

Briefly stated, the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect works as follows. You open the newspaper to an article on some subject you know well. In Murray’s case, physics. In mine, show business. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues. Often, the article is so wrong it actually presents the story backward––reversing cause and effect. I call these the “wet streets cause rain” stories. Paper’s full of them.

In any case, you read with exasperation or amusement the multiple errors in a story-and then turn the page to national or international affairs, and read with renewed interest as if the rest of the newspaper was somehow more accurate about far-off Palestine than it was about the story you just read. You turn the page, and forget what you know.

That is the Gell-Mann Amnesia effect. I’d point out it does not operate in other arenas of life. In ordinary life, if somebody consistently exaggerates or lies to you, you soon discount everything they say. In court, there is the legal doctrine of falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus, which means untruthful in one part, untruthful in all.

But when it comes to the media, we believe against evidence that it is probably worth our time to read other parts of the paper. When, in fact, it almost certainly isn’t. The only possible explanation for our behavior is amnesia. <snip>

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