Ken Buck Teases More Republican Resignations Are Coming


Diamond Member
Mar 28, 2018
When asked by Axios whether he was coming under pressure from colleagues over his decision to resign, Buck replied: "I think it's the next three people that leave that they're going to be worried about."

More evidence that the republican party is all but deceased.

When was the last time a party lost the majority in the middle of the term?

More evidence that the republican party is all but deceased.

When was the last time a party lost the majority in the middle of the term?

jeffords and spector changed parties in 2001 to give the dems a senate majority, but i can't remember any cases of majority congresscritters quitting because their fellow repubs are nuts.
With the MAGA coup against the old Republican leadership nearly complete, the real conservatives will form a splinter party. The MAGA pretenders are now in the process of consuming the corpse of the once-great Republican Party.
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Buck's possibly the least hypocritical budget hawk in congress. He's a bit wingnut for me sometimes, but he represents a very large and agricultural area ... and some of it's damn poor.
GOP Rep. Chip Roy reacts to the news that Ken Buck will retire from the House next week:

"Let me ask the question, does it matter? In 2018, we had the House, we had the Senate, we had the White House, and we had a bigger majority than we have today, and we utterly failed to secure the border. Totally dropped the ball. Didn’t do it. Why? I remember why! They would say, “Chip, we don’t have 60 votes in the Senate.”

Let me be very clear to the American people back home, there is always an excuse for why those who campaign to come to this town fail to deliver. Always"


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