Ken Buck Teases More Republican Resignations Are Coming

This is a nice start, and hopefully we'll see it begin a trend. But I don't know if it will matter unless these people get in the media and start speaking out. Seeing Trump's former cabinet members and staffers do the same thing would be helpful too. Get on TV and the internet and SAY IT.

This disaster has to be stopped before the party is wrecked, and/or before we fucking end up with an Orban or a Pinochet.
GOP Rep. Chip Roy reacts to the news that Ken Buck will retire from the House next week:

"Let me ask the question, does it matter? In 2018, we had the House, we had the Senate, we had the White House, and we had a bigger majority than we have today, and we utterly failed to secure the border. Totally dropped the ball. Didn’t do it. Why? I remember why! They would say, “Chip, we don’t have 60 votes in the Senate.”

Let me be very clear to the American people back home, there is always an excuse for why those who campaign to come to this town fail to deliver. Always"

Well, they think reagan was a rino for being willing to get 60% of what he wanted
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This is a nice start, and hopefully we'll see it begin a trend. But I don't know if it will matter unless these people get in the media and start speaking out. Seeing Trump's former cabinet members and staffers do the same thing would be helpful too. Get on TV and the internet and SAY IT.

This disaster has to be stopped before the party is wrecked, and/or before we fucking end up with an Orban or a Pinochet.

Stupid hack. :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Democrats need to get Genocide Joe under control. They should be more concerned about getting their house in order. The anti-semite faction will not simply fall in line because Democrats tell them to. Biden isn't polling well with any demographic beside 'moron'.
Democrats need to get Genocide Joe under control. They should be more concerned about getting their house in order. The anti-semite faction will not simply fall in line because Democrats tell them to. Biden isn't polling well with any demographic beside 'moron'.

anti semite faction?
GOP Rep. Chip Roy reacts to the news that Ken Buck will retire from the House next week:
"Let me ask the question, does it matter? In 2018, we had the House, we had the Senate, we had the White House, and we had a bigger majority than we have today, and we utterly failed to secure the border. Totally dropped the ball. Didn’t do it. Why? I remember why! They would say, “Chip, we don’t have 60 votes in the Senate.” Let me be very clear to the American people back home, there is always an excuse for why those who campaign to come to this town fail to deliver. Always"
As soon as anyone gets to DC they go into campaign mode and take money for their vote from the wealthy.
The simple fact is that it takes 60 senate votes to pass any legislation, and there is rarely a new law that can get 60 votes.

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