Ken Burns Roosevelt Documentary

Your thought process is akin to claiming Hitler was a great leader, because he constructed the autobahn.

There is a difference between an all-powerful dictator and an elected leader who must convince the citizens.

That said, when it came to building Germany's infrastructure, Hitler did what needed to be done to make Germany strong.
Get out and travel a bit all you FDR detractors. His public works projects built thousands of beautiful post offices, court houses, and thousands of beautiful campgrounds for which I will ever be grateful. He put millions of people to work, including painters, writers, and poets. And look at the quality of what all those people produced. For his day, FDR probably pumped more American dollars back into America than any other president. His legacy is secure. He was a great president who loved this country. He didn't poison the wells like latter day democrat presidents. There was nothing hateful about the man.
I think few people realize just how many public projects were completed by the WPA. So much of what you read is about waste, costs, delays, and mistakes. However, the American infrastructure was effective rebuilt providing American the backbone it would needed to support the war effort. The WPA built or improved 651,000 miles of roads, built, repaired, or improved 124,011 bridges 19,700 miles of water mains and 500 water treatment plants. Workers built 24,000 miles of sidewalks; 12,800 playgrounds; 24,000 miles of storm and sewer lines; 1200 airport buildings; 226 hospitals; and more than 5,900 schools.

Other notable public works projects included the Hoover Damn, Grand Coulee Damn, the Overseas Highway that connects Miami and Key West, the Lincoln Tunnel, the Blue Ridge Parkway, the Triborough Bridge, and LaGuardia Airport.

Also, the Empire State Building, the Tennessee Valley Authority, Golden Gate Bridge and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, Shasta Dam in California, and the nation's first freeway in Los Angeles.

What the fuck did Ronald Reagan ever build?

Hmmm...ask the East Germans, and the Poles, and the Lithuanians, and the Latvians, and the Estonians, and...well, you get the picture...I hope. Hope! That's what Ronald Reagan built. Hope!
Well, maybe some hope, but a lot more debt than hope. Reagan managed to triple the debt.

That's because the Democrats refused to do the cuts liked they promised.
Can you say, sequester???
PoliticalChic has either:

  1. Run from this thread as she so often does when she's getting her ass beat
  2. Scouring Right-Wing propaganda to further cloud the facts
  3. Legitimately not on the site because Real Life

I'm hoping #3, but her history is shaky.
Funny how Reagan is responsible for what happened right after his terms ended, but George W. Bush isn't responsible for what happened right after his terms ended.

Funnier how obama isn't responsible for what is happening because of his ineptness right now while he is in office. Hilarious, really.
Had FDR not used his power to ramp up the military on behalf of Britain and the Soviets (and to get Americans working), the Japanese would have rolled right over us.

That is not true.

And on what do you base your opinion?

After Pearl Harbor we had to quickly ramp up our navy anyway. If all this prescient 'ramping up' had taken place prior, as is suggested, things would not have gone so badly in the Pacific at the start of that sphere of the war. And, Japan had neither the manpower nor logistical ability to "roll right over" the continental US. Mere dramatics.
:badgrin: And here we have the USMB version of "common core" ie revisionist history, ladies and gents. The leftists have their own version of everything that's been done to keep them from power, and repair what they did while in power. They tend to like liars with a nice smile, politicians instead of statesmen. They revel in the fact their heroes make a career of politics instead of in the marketplace of competition. Nepotism, waiting one's turn for higher office, backroom deals enforced by neighborhood thugs....that's the Rat party. Leftists can't compete so they strive to be the referees of the game. What you see above is the art of lying to the face of truth....they'll shape any event or leader to fit their narrow definition of history....and they never rest, which is why we can never rest and must strive to correct and defeat them.
And with all that said, this thread gets loaded down with misinformation from posters like you who talk trash but never provide viable links to your imaginary "facts", and smeared with trashy graffiti already rejected and mocked when she used it in her own created threads.

Fuck off can't compete is your shoot from the hip, get corrected, and then plot to pick at your own wounds. I misjudged you in the're not equipped for this.
Had FDR not used his power to ramp up the military on behalf of Britain and the Soviets (and to get Americans working), the Japanese would have rolled right over us.

That is not true.

And on what do you base your opinion?

After Pearl Harbor we had to quickly ramp up our navy anyway. If all this prescient 'ramping up' had taken place prior, as is suggested, things would not have gone so badly in the Pacific at the start of that sphere of the war. And, Japan had neither the manpower nor logistical ability to "roll right over" the continental US. Mere dramatics.

Nobody has claimed the Japs could have INVADED the continental USA. I believe it was Tojo himself who claimed there "was a gun behind every blade of grass" here. But if he'd destroyed our Carrier Fleet at Peal Harbor...and it's only luck or Divine intervention that they didn't, the west coast would have terrorized by Jap naval shelling.
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
That's because the Democrats refused to do the cuts liked they promised.

Explain, please, with documentation.

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982 (TEFRA) — was $3 in spending cuts for every $1 in tax increases.

You don’t have to be a Washington veteran to predict what happened next. The tax increases were promptly enacted — Congress had no problem accepting that part of the deal — but the promised budget cuts never materialized. After the tax bill passed, some legislators of both parties even claimed that there had been no real commitment to the 3-to-1 ratio.

The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982
Regan agreed to the tax hikes on the promise from Congress of a $3 reduction in spending for every $1 increase in taxes.

Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982

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:badgrin: And here we have the USMB version of "common core" ie revisionist history, ladies and gents. The leftists have their own version of everything that's been done to keep them from power, and repair what they did while in power. They tend to like liars with a nice smile, politicians instead of statesmen. They revel in the fact their heroes make a career of politics instead of in the marketplace of competition. Nepotism, waiting one's turn for higher office, backroom deals enforced by neighborhood thugs....that's the Rat party. Leftists can't compete so they strive to be the referees of the game. What you see above is the art of lying to the face of truth....they'll shape any event or leader to fit their narrow definition of history....and they never rest, which is why we can never rest and must strive to correct and defeat them.
And with all that said, this thread gets loaded down with misinformation from posters like you who talk trash but never provide viable links to your imaginary "facts", and smeared with trashy graffiti already rejected and mocked when she used it in her own created threads.

Fuck off can't compete is your shoot from the hip, get corrected, and then plot to pick at your own wounds. I misjudged you in the're not equipped for this.
You told me not to tangle with you and proceeded to add a misinformed opinion about Ike and the Interstate Highway System. I chose to tangle with you by posting factual data that informed you and others reading this thread how you were misinforming readers and taking credit away from FDR for conceiving the Interstate Highway System and getting the ball rolling on it. Seemed like the reasonable thing to do since this thread is about a documentary about the Roosevelt's, FDR included. Rather than respond to my post with an intellectual response to challenge my assertions you provide a typical Bull response of bull. So, how about if you defend your original post, or fuck off yourself.
Isolationists were in both parties not just Republicans. Half of the country was divided on the war issues.

Very true. I would even say that half is being generous. Most of the country wanted nothing to do with the war in Europe.

That's where FDR's leadership came into play. He knew it was coming our way, especially if Britain fell.

That ideology went out the window when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, so no we would not be speaking or typing in German or Japanese no matter who was in the White House.

Do you have any clue what our military strength was before FDR built it up to send equipment to Britain and the USSR? It was pathetic. Our experience in WWI turned the country against spending on the military, and the policies of Coolidge and Hoover during the 1920s had no emphasis on defense spending.

Had FDR not used his power to ramp up the military on behalf of Britain and the Soviets (and to get Americans working), the Japanese would have rolled right over us.

You really need to watch this documentary.

Whenever America is attacked we all come together and agree on war, against anyone who attacks us, be it in WWII or the World Trade Center.


Well, that was easy.

That was not on American Soil
Isolationists were in both parties not just Republicans. Half of the country was divided on the war issues.

Very true. I would even say that half is being generous. Most of the country wanted nothing to do with the war in Europe.

That's where FDR's leadership came into play. He knew it was coming our way, especially if Britain fell.

That ideology went out the window when the Japs bombed Pearl Harbor, so no we would not be speaking or typing in German or Japanese no matter who was in the White House.

Do you have any clue what our military strength was before FDR built it up to send equipment to Britain and the USSR? It was pathetic. Our experience in WWI turned the country against spending on the military, and the policies of Coolidge and Hoover during the 1920s had no emphasis on defense spending.

Had FDR not used his power to ramp up the military on behalf of Britain and the Soviets (and to get Americans working), the Japanese would have rolled right over us.

You really need to watch this documentary.

Whenever America is attacked we all come together and agree on war, against anyone who attacks us, be it in WWII or the World Trade Center.


Well, that was easy.

I did watch it and yes our military strength was pathetic.
The majority of Americans were for the war after Pearl Harbor was bombed.
I don't know what you think I said but Americans were against the war because of WWI until after Pearl Harbor.
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.

Foreign Affairs . FDR . WGBH American Experience PBS

Roosevelt understood early on that territorial concessions would not satisfy Adolf Hitler and his fascist counterparts, Benito Mussolini of Italy and Emperor Hirohito of Japan. In 1931, Japan took Manchuria. In 1935, Mussolini took Ethiopia. In 1936, Nazi troops swept into the Rhineland. In 1938, Hitler annexed Austria, and at the Munich conference, Britain and France surrendered Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland to the Germans.

In early 1939, Roosevelt asked Congress to repeal the Neutrality Act, so the U.S. could sell arms to the free European forces. Congress refused. In September, World War II began as Germany invaded Poland. Roosevelt spoke before Congress again, and on November 4, it approved the Pittman Bill, which allowed America to sell arms to nations who could pay for their weapons in cash.

FDR Library
Adolf Hitler and Nazi followers
FDR realized Hitler must be stopped yet knew the value of consensus rule. Publicly, Roosevelt promised that America would not fight unless attacked. He condemned the fascists and suggested that the way to keep the peace was to create a strong national defense. Privately, he prepared America for battle.
Roosevelt dramatically increased the defense budget from 1939 on and began to convert America to a military economy. Using powerful industrialists who could skillfully cut through governmental red tape, Roosevelt began to build the "Arsenal of Democracy."
The first peace time draft in the US is indicative of the feelings of the time. That draft was passed requiring one year of service and at the end of the year FDR asked that the draft be extended and those already in the military were to stay in. This was a couple of months before Pearl Harbor. The draft extension passed by one vote.
Had FDR not used his power to ramp up the military on behalf of Britain and the Soviets (and to get Americans working), the Japanese would have rolled right over us.

That is not true.

And on what do you base your opinion?

After Pearl Harbor we had to quickly ramp up our navy anyway. If all this prescient 'ramping up' had taken place prior, as is suggested, things would not have gone so badly in the Pacific at the start of that sphere of the war. And, Japan had neither the manpower nor logistical ability to "roll right over" the continental US. Mere dramatics.

That doesn't even begin to make sense. How would we have been at all prepared for war without the industrial and military infrastructure being built up over the previous two years?
:badgrin: And here we have the USMB version of "common core" ie revisionist history, ladies and gents. The leftists have their own version of everything that's been done to keep them from power, and repair what they did while in power. They tend to like liars with a nice smile, politicians instead of statesmen. They revel in the fact their heroes make a career of politics instead of in the marketplace of competition. Nepotism, waiting one's turn for higher office, backroom deals enforced by neighborhood thugs....that's the Rat party. Leftists can't compete so they strive to be the referees of the game. What you see above is the art of lying to the face of truth....they'll shape any event or leader to fit their narrow definition of history....and they never rest, which is why we can never rest and must strive to correct and defeat them.
And with all that said, this thread gets loaded down with misinformation from posters like you who talk trash but never provide viable links to your imaginary "facts", and smeared with trashy graffiti already rejected and mocked when she used it in her own created threads.

Fuck off can't compete is your shoot from the hip, get corrected, and then plot to pick at your own wounds. I misjudged you in the're not equipped for this.
You told me not to tangle with you and proceeded to add a misinformed opinion about Ike and the Interstate Highway System. I chose to tangle with you by posting factual data that informed you and others reading this thread how you were misinforming readers and taking credit away from FDR for conceiving the Interstate Highway System and getting the ball rolling on it. Seemed like the reasonable thing to do since this thread is about a documentary about the Roosevelt's, FDR included. Rather than respond to my post with an intellectual response to challenge my assertions you provide a typical Bull response of bull. So, how about if you defend your original post, or fuck off yourself.

I have nothing to defend....Ike got the interstate highway system built to provide our tank and artillery units to respond to an attack on the US homeland. That's documented and accepted fact. You've chosen to quibble that some of the bridges used were built by the CCC or WPA. So what? Roosevelt didn't build those bridges....most were state built. And all of them were reconfigured to handle heavier military traffic. You can whimper about this was all FDR's doing because "he thought of it first". That's like saying now that the oceans are receeding that it's Obozo who gets the credit for claiming he could do that for his moonbats. :deal:

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