Ken Burns Roosevelt Documentary

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

PoliticalChic said:
January: FDR's State of the Union address requests nearly $1.5B for defense (in national budget of $9B) and says arms embargo is unfair and must be reformed: "the frontiers of the United States are on the Rhine," he tells a Senate committee, to "stony silence."

I just LOVE it when you contradict yourself!


You imbecile....that was some one else's post.

Foot in your mouth again, huh?
Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

Typical PoliticalChic misinformed and distorted ideas. She knows less than nothing about the topics and ideas she attempts to promote.

Then how does she manage to make a fool of you every time?
By quoting history deniers and Right-Wing revisionists?

If she is correct - on any of this - why isn't it taught in universities, and why does she only have single sources, none corroborated?

"....why isn't it taught in universities,....."

You know so little that it hardly surprises that you are unaware that Liberals run the universities.....and indoctrinate, rather than teach.

You, of course, are a case in point.
The blood of those airmen and sailors is on the hands of FDR. He could have negotiated with Japan. He refused.

Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack
Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack - Telegraph
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan's devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to "open conflict."

The information, contained in a declassified memorandum from the Office of Naval Intelligence, adds to proof that Washington dismissed red flags signalling that mass bloodshed was looming and war was imminent.

"In anticipation of possible open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii," stated the 26-page memo.

Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled "Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States," it flagged up Japan's surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined "Methods of Operation and Points of Attack."
Hindsight, 20-20 vision of past events does not lend credibility to accusations... They were warned but did not know the exact date, and at the time the Japanese were negotiating with Washington like nothing was going to happen..

Nope, wrong. Your ignorance is glaring. See, you need to STOP watching propaganda, and then stop parroting the lies.

This article is very long, and VERY specific about what they knew. It clearly shows that FDR not only knew, he BAITED THEM. He knew where, when, and with how much strength they would attack. They had broken the Japanese code already. They had intelligence they were not going to let the American people be privy to, because the administration and it's imperialist Keynesian banking allies WANTED war. Blood for debt, the will of the American people be damned. The American corporate imperial elites wanted to open up territory to plunder and gain economic influence over. Asia was ripe for dominance, Japan was in the way.

It's a story as old as man, and the elites are still playing it in the middle east. The story they write for the unwashed masses on the television is a laugh. Small snippet, the article tells all.

That's Ken Burns propaganda is just that, Propaganda.
Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
Pearl Harbor Hawaii Was Surprised FDR Was Not
Prior Knowledge

One of the most important elements in America's foreknowledge of Japan's intentions was our government's success in cracking Japan's secret diplomatic code known as "Purple." Tokyo used it to communicate to its embassies and consulates, including those in Washington and Hawaii. The code was so complex that it was enciphered and deciphered by machine. A talented group of American cryptoanalysts broke the code in 1940 and devised a facsimile of the Japanese machine. These, utilized by the intelligence sections of both the War and Navy departments, swiftly revealed Japan's diplomatic messages. The deciphered texts were nicknamed "Magic."

Copies of Magic were always promptly delivered in locked pouches to President Roosevelt, and the secretaries of State, War, and Navy. They also went to Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall and to the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Harold Stark. However, although three Purple decoding machines were allotted to Britain, none was sent to Pearl Harbor. Intercepts of ciphered messages radioed between Tokyo and its Honolulu consulate had to be forwarded to Washington for decrypting. Thus Kimmel and Short, the Hawaiian commanders, were at the mercy of Washington for feedback. A request for their own decoding machine was rebuffed on the grounds that diplomatic traffic was of insufficient interest to soldiers.

How untrue that was! On October 9, 1941, the War Department decoded a Tokyo-to-Honolulu dispatch instructing the Consul General to divide Pearl Harbor into five specified areas and to report the exact locations of American ships therein.

There is nothing unusual about spies watching ship movements — but reporting precise whereabouts of ships in dock has only one implication. Charles Willoughby, Douglas MacArthur's chief of intelligence, later wrote that the "reports were on a grid system of the inner harbor with coordinate locations of American men of war ... coordinate grid is the classical method for pinpoint target designation; our battleships had suddenly become targets." This information was never sent to Kimmel or Short.

Additional intercepts were decoded by Washington, all within one day of their original transmission:

• November 5th: Tokyo notified its Washington ambassadors that November 25th was the deadline for an agreement with the U.S.

• November 11th: They were warned, "The situation is nearing a climax, and the time is getting short."

• November 16th: The deadline was pushed up to November 29th. "The deadline absolutely cannot be changed," the dispatch said. "After that, things are automatically going to happen."

• November 29th (the U.S. ultimatum had now been received): The ambassadors were told a rupture in negotiations was "inevitable," but that Japan's leaders "do not wish you to give the impression that negotiations are broken off."

• November 30th: Tokyo ordered its Berlin embassy to inform the Germans that "the breaking out of war may come quicker than anyone dreams."

• December 1st: The deadline was again moved ahead. "[T]o prevent the United States from becoming unduly suspicious, we have been advising the press and others that ... the negotiations are continuing."

• December 1st-2nd: The Japanese embassies in non-Axis nations around the world were directed to dispose of their secret documents and all but one copy of their codes. (This was for a reason easy to fathom — when war breaks out, the diplomatic offices of a hostile state lose their immunity and are normally overtaken. One copy of code was retained so that final instructions could be received, after which the last code copy would be destroyed.)

An additional warning came via the so-called "winds" message. A November 18th intercept indicated that, if a break in U.S. relations were forthcoming, Tokyo would issue a special radio warning. This would not be in the Purple code, as it was intended to reach consulates and lesser agencies of Japan not equipped with the code or one of its machines. The message, to be repeated three times during a weather report, was "Higashi no kaze ame," meaning "East wind, rain." "East wind" signified the United States; "rain" signified diplomatic split — in effect, war.

This prospective message was deemed so significant that U.S. radio monitors were constantly watching for it, and the Navy Department typed it up on special reminder cards. On December 4th, "Higashi no kaze ame" was indeed broadcast and picked up by Washington intelligence.

On three different occasions since 1894, Japan had made surprise attacks coinciding with breaks in diplomatic relations. This history was not lost on President Roosevelt. Secretary Stimson, describing FDR's White House conference of November 25th, noted: "The President said the Japanese were notorious for making an attack without warning and stated that we might be attacked, say next Monday, for example." Nor was it lost on Washington's senior military officers, all of them War College graduates.

As Robert Stinnett has revealed, Washington was not only deciphering Japanese diplomatic messages, but naval dispatches as well. President Roosevelt had access to these intercepts via his routing officer, Lieutenant Commander McCollum, who had authored the original eight-point plan of provocation to Japan. So much secrecy has surrounded these naval dispatches that their existence was not revealed during any of the ten Pearl Harbor investigations, even the mini-probe Congress conducted in 1995. Most of Stinnett's requests for documents concerning Pearl Harbor have been denied as still classified, even under the Freedom of Information Act.

It was long presumed that as the Japanese fleet approached Pearl Harbor, it maintained complete radio silence. This is untrue. The fleet barely observed discretion, let alone silence. Naval intelligence intercepted and translated numerous dispatches, some clearly revealing that Pearl Harbor had been targeted. The most significant was the following, sent by Admiral Yamamoto to the Japanese First Air Fleet on November 26, 1941:

The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet and deal it a mortal blow. The first air raid is planned for the dawn of x-day. Exact date to be given by later order.

So much official secrecy continues to surround the translations of the intercepted Japanese naval dispatches that it is not known if the foregoing message was sent to McCollum or seen by FDR. It is not even known who originally translated the intercept. One thing, however, is certain: The message's significance could not have been lost on the translator.

1941 also witnessed the following:

On January 27th, our ambassador to Japan, Joseph Grew, sent a message to Washington stating: "The Peruvian Minister has informed a member of my staff that he has heard from many sources, including a Japanese source, that in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor with all their strength...."

On November 3rd, still relying on informants, Grew notified Secretary of State Cordell Hull: "War with the United States may come with dramatic and dangerous suddenness." He sent an even stronger warning on November 17th.

Congressman Martin Dies would write:

Early in 1941 the Dies Committee came into possession of a strategic map which gave clear proof of the intentions of the Japanese to make an assault on Pearl Harbor. The strategic map was prepared by the Japanese Imperial Military Intelligence Department. As soon as I received the document I telephoned Secretary of State Cordell Hull and told him what I had. Secretary Hull directed me not to let anyone know about the map and stated that he would call me as soon as he talked to President Roosevelt. In about an hour he telephoned to say that he had talked to Roosevelt and they agreed that it would be very serious if any information concerning this map reached the news services.... I told him it was a grave responsibility to withhold such vital information from the public. The Secretary assured me that he and Roosevelt considered it essential to national defense.

Dusko Popov was a Yugoslav who worked as a double agent for both Germany and Britain. His true allegiance was to the Allies. In the summer of 1941, the Nazis ordered Popov to Hawaii to make a detailed study of Pearl Harbor and its nearby airfields. The agent deduced that the mission betokened a surprise attack by the Japanese. In August, he fully reported this to the FBI in New York. J. Edgar Hoover later bitterly recalled that he had provided warnings to FDR about Pearl Harbor, but that Roosevelt told him not to pass the information any further and to just leave it in his (the president's) hands

......and then bigfoot landed on earth by way of UFO, he tried to tell FDR about JFKs assassination but he ignored the warnings. Damn that FDR.
Hmmm. That's a funny way of saying you're sorry and admitting you were wrong, but I'll take it. Bet you were surprised by all those facts and history, huh?

Now stop your hero worship, and quit spreading those lies. Teach your children and grandchildren the truth. Investigate what is REALLY going on in the Middle East right now. The lies and misinformation are being repeated once again for the benefit of those who rule, generation after generation at the expense of all mankind.

Only peace, freedom, free markets, and a government not involved in banking or commerce will keep the people from being slaves. Anything else inevitably leads to a monoply on violence and war.

No, you misunderstand my meaning in much the same way as you misinterpret history to fit an extremely narrow point of view.
Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

Typical PoliticalChic misinformed and distorted ideas. She knows less than nothing about the topics and ideas she attempts to promote.

Then how does she manage to make a fool of you every time?
By quoting history deniers and Right-Wing revisionists?

If she is correct - on any of this - why isn't it taught in universities, and why does she only have single sources, none corroborated?

"....why isn't it taught in universities,....."

You know so little that it hardly surprises that you are unaware that Liberals run the universities.....and indoctrinate, rather than teach.

You, of course, are a case in point.
Who runs the colleges?
The blood of those airmen and sailors is on the hands of FDR. He could have negotiated with Japan. He refused.

Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack
Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack - Telegraph
Hindsight, 20-20 vision of past events does not lend credibility to accusations... They were warned but did not know the exact date, and at the time the Japanese were negotiating with Washington like nothing was going to happen..

Nope, wrong. Your ignorance is glaring. See, you need to STOP watching propaganda, and then stop parroting the lies.

This article is very long, and VERY specific about what they knew. It clearly shows that FDR not only knew, he BAITED THEM. He knew where, when, and with how much strength they would attack. They had broken the Japanese code already. They had intelligence they were not going to let the American people be privy to, because the administration and it's imperialist Keynesian banking allies WANTED war. Blood for debt, the will of the American people be damned. The American corporate imperial elites wanted to open up territory to plunder and gain economic influence over. Asia was ripe for dominance, Japan was in the way.

It's a story as old as man, and the elites are still playing it in the middle east. The story they write for the unwashed masses on the television is a laugh. Small snippet, the article tells all.

That's Ken Burns propaganda is just that, Propaganda.
Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
Pearl Harbor Hawaii Was Surprised FDR Was Not
Prior Knowledge

One of the most important elements in America's foreknowledge of Japan's intentions was our government's success in cracking Japan's secret diplomatic code known as "Purple." Tokyo used it to communicate to its embassies and consulates, including those in Washington and Hawaii. The code was so complex that it was enciphered and deciphered by machine. A talented group of American cryptoanalysts broke the code in 1940 and devised a facsimile of the Japanese machine. These, utilized by the intelligence sections of both the War and Navy departments, swiftly revealed Japan's diplomatic messages. The deciphered texts were nicknamed "Magic."

Copies of Magic were always promptly delivered in locked pouches to President Roosevelt, and the secretaries of State, War, and Navy. They also went to Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall and to the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Harold Stark. However, although three Purple decoding machines were allotted to Britain, none was sent to Pearl Harbor. Intercepts of ciphered messages radioed between Tokyo and its Honolulu consulate had to be forwarded to Washington for decrypting. Thus Kimmel and Short, the Hawaiian commanders, were at the mercy of Washington for feedback. A request for their own decoding machine was rebuffed on the grounds that diplomatic traffic was of insufficient interest to soldiers.

How untrue that was! On October 9, 1941, the War Department decoded a Tokyo-to-Honolulu dispatch instructing the Consul General to divide Pearl Harbor into five specified areas and to report the exact locations of American ships therein.

There is nothing unusual about spies watching ship movements — but reporting precise whereabouts of ships in dock has only one implication. Charles Willoughby, Douglas MacArthur's chief of intelligence, later wrote that the "reports were on a grid system of the inner harbor with coordinate locations of American men of war ... coordinate grid is the classical method for pinpoint target designation; our battleships had suddenly become targets." This information was never sent to Kimmel or Short.

Additional intercepts were decoded by Washington, all within one day of their original transmission:

• November 5th: Tokyo notified its Washington ambassadors that November 25th was the deadline for an agreement with the U.S.

• November 11th: They were warned, "The situation is nearing a climax, and the time is getting short."

• November 16th: The deadline was pushed up to November 29th. "The deadline absolutely cannot be changed," the dispatch said. "After that, things are automatically going to happen."

• November 29th (the U.S. ultimatum had now been received): The ambassadors were told a rupture in negotiations was "inevitable," but that Japan's leaders "do not wish you to give the impression that negotiations are broken off."

• November 30th: Tokyo ordered its Berlin embassy to inform the Germans that "the breaking out of war may come quicker than anyone dreams."

• December 1st: The deadline was again moved ahead. "[T]o prevent the United States from becoming unduly suspicious, we have been advising the press and others that ... the negotiations are continuing."

• December 1st-2nd: The Japanese embassies in non-Axis nations around the world were directed to dispose of their secret documents and all but one copy of their codes. (This was for a reason easy to fathom — when war breaks out, the diplomatic offices of a hostile state lose their immunity and are normally overtaken. One copy of code was retained so that final instructions could be received, after which the last code copy would be destroyed.)

An additional warning came via the so-called "winds" message. A November 18th intercept indicated that, if a break in U.S. relations were forthcoming, Tokyo would issue a special radio warning. This would not be in the Purple code, as it was intended to reach consulates and lesser agencies of Japan not equipped with the code or one of its machines. The message, to be repeated three times during a weather report, was "Higashi no kaze ame," meaning "East wind, rain." "East wind" signified the United States; "rain" signified diplomatic split — in effect, war.

This prospective message was deemed so significant that U.S. radio monitors were constantly watching for it, and the Navy Department typed it up on special reminder cards. On December 4th, "Higashi no kaze ame" was indeed broadcast and picked up by Washington intelligence.

On three different occasions since 1894, Japan had made surprise attacks coinciding with breaks in diplomatic relations. This history was not lost on President Roosevelt. Secretary Stimson, describing FDR's White House conference of November 25th, noted: "The President said the Japanese were notorious for making an attack without warning and stated that we might be attacked, say next Monday, for example." Nor was it lost on Washington's senior military officers, all of them War College graduates.

As Robert Stinnett has revealed, Washington was not only deciphering Japanese diplomatic messages, but naval dispatches as well. President Roosevelt had access to these intercepts via his routing officer, Lieutenant Commander McCollum, who had authored the original eight-point plan of provocation to Japan. So much secrecy has surrounded these naval dispatches that their existence was not revealed during any of the ten Pearl Harbor investigations, even the mini-probe Congress conducted in 1995. Most of Stinnett's requests for documents concerning Pearl Harbor have been denied as still classified, even under the Freedom of Information Act.

It was long presumed that as the Japanese fleet approached Pearl Harbor, it maintained complete radio silence. This is untrue. The fleet barely observed discretion, let alone silence. Naval intelligence intercepted and translated numerous dispatches, some clearly revealing that Pearl Harbor had been targeted. The most significant was the following, sent by Admiral Yamamoto to the Japanese First Air Fleet on November 26, 1941:

The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet and deal it a mortal blow. The first air raid is planned for the dawn of x-day. Exact date to be given by later order.

So much official secrecy continues to surround the translations of the intercepted Japanese naval dispatches that it is not known if the foregoing message was sent to McCollum or seen by FDR. It is not even known who originally translated the intercept. One thing, however, is certain: The message's significance could not have been lost on the translator.

1941 also witnessed the following:

On January 27th, our ambassador to Japan, Joseph Grew, sent a message to Washington stating: "The Peruvian Minister has informed a member of my staff that he has heard from many sources, including a Japanese source, that in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor with all their strength...."

On November 3rd, still relying on informants, Grew notified Secretary of State Cordell Hull: "War with the United States may come with dramatic and dangerous suddenness." He sent an even stronger warning on November 17th.

Congressman Martin Dies would write:

Early in 1941 the Dies Committee came into possession of a strategic map which gave clear proof of the intentions of the Japanese to make an assault on Pearl Harbor. The strategic map was prepared by the Japanese Imperial Military Intelligence Department. As soon as I received the document I telephoned Secretary of State Cordell Hull and told him what I had. Secretary Hull directed me not to let anyone know about the map and stated that he would call me as soon as he talked to President Roosevelt. In about an hour he telephoned to say that he had talked to Roosevelt and they agreed that it would be very serious if any information concerning this map reached the news services.... I told him it was a grave responsibility to withhold such vital information from the public. The Secretary assured me that he and Roosevelt considered it essential to national defense.

Dusko Popov was a Yugoslav who worked as a double agent for both Germany and Britain. His true allegiance was to the Allies. In the summer of 1941, the Nazis ordered Popov to Hawaii to make a detailed study of Pearl Harbor and its nearby airfields. The agent deduced that the mission betokened a surprise attack by the Japanese. In August, he fully reported this to the FBI in New York. J. Edgar Hoover later bitterly recalled that he had provided warnings to FDR about Pearl Harbor, but that Roosevelt told him not to pass the information any further and to just leave it in his (the president's) hands

......and then bigfoot landed on earth by way of UFO, he tried to tell FDR about JFKs assassination but he ignored the warnings. Damn that FDR.
Hmmm. That's a funny way of saying you're sorry and admitting you were wrong, but I'll take it. Bet you were surprised by all those facts and history, huh?

Now stop your hero worship, and quit spreading those lies. Teach your children and grandchildren the truth. Investigate what is REALLY going on in the Middle East right now. The lies and misinformation are being repeated once again for the benefit of those who rule, generation after generation at the expense of all mankind.

Only peace, freedom, free markets, and a government not involved in banking or commerce will keep the people from being slaves. Anything else inevitably leads to a monoply on violence and war.

No, you misunderstand my meaning in much the same way as you misinterpret history to fit an extremely narrow point of view.

My point of view isn't narrow. It is yours that is narrow. My mind is freed. Did you even bother to read my evidence? Did you even bother to try to post something that refutes it? NO.

You have been bested. Historical FACTS are on my side. All you have is a tantrum and saying NO NO NO.

Sorry your cognitive dissonance is so strong. But it is time to face the truth. You have been schooled.
The blood of those airmen and sailors is on the hands of FDR. He could have negotiated with Japan. He refused.

Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack
Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack - Telegraph
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan's devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to "open conflict."

The information, contained in a declassified memorandum from the Office of Naval Intelligence, adds to proof that Washington dismissed red flags signalling that mass bloodshed was looming and war was imminent.

"In anticipation of possible open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii," stated the 26-page memo.

Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled "Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States," it flagged up Japan's surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined "Methods of Operation and Points of Attack."

Of course, FDR knew it was coming. This revelation has been known for some time. However the FDR cultists refuse to accept it.

FDR has the blood of millions on his hands.

You evidently have hate blinding you to the truth...
Sunday, December 7 - Washington D.C. - The last part of the Japanese message, stating that diplomatic relations with the U.S. are to be broken off, reaches Washington in the morning and is decoded at approximately 9 a.m. About an hour later, another Japanese message is intercepted. It instructs the Japanese embassy to deliver the main message to the Americans at 1 p.m. The Americans realize this time corresponds with early morning time in Pearl Harbor, which is several hours behind. The U.S. War Department then sends out an alert but uses a commercial telegraph because radio contact with Hawaii is temporarily broken. Delays prevent the alert from arriving at headquarters in Oahu until noontime (Hawaii time) four hours after the attack has already begun..
The History Place - World War II in Europe Timeline December 7 1941 - Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor
The blood of those airmen and sailors is on the hands of FDR. He could have negotiated with Japan. He refused.

Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack
Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack - Telegraph
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan's devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to "open conflict."

The information, contained in a declassified memorandum from the Office of Naval Intelligence, adds to proof that Washington dismissed red flags signalling that mass bloodshed was looming and war was imminent.

"In anticipation of possible open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii," stated the 26-page memo.

Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled "Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States," it flagged up Japan's surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined "Methods of Operation and Points of Attack."
Hindsight, 20-20 vision of past events does not lend credibility to accusations... They were warned but did not know the exact date, and at the time the Japanese were negotiating with Washington like nothing was going to happen..

Nope, wrong. Your ignorance is glaring. See, you need to STOP watching propaganda, and then stop parroting the lies.

This article is very long, and VERY specific about what they knew. It clearly shows that FDR not only knew, he BAITED THEM. He knew where, when, and with how much strength they would attack. They had broken the Japanese code already. They had intelligence they were not going to let the American people be privy to, because the administration and it's imperialist Keynesian banking allies WANTED war. Blood for debt, the will of the American people be damned. The American corporate imperial elites wanted to open up territory to plunder and gain economic influence over. Asia was ripe for dominance, Japan was in the way.

It's a story as old as man, and the elites are still playing it in the middle east. The story they write for the unwashed masses on the television is a laugh. Small snippet, the article tells all.

That's Ken Burns propaganda is just that, Propaganda.
Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
Pearl Harbor Hawaii Was Surprised FDR Was Not
Prior Knowledge

One of the most important elements in America's foreknowledge of Japan's intentions was our government's success in cracking Japan's secret diplomatic code known as "Purple." Tokyo used it to communicate to its embassies and consulates, including those in Washington and Hawaii. The code was so complex that it was enciphered and deciphered by machine. A talented group of American cryptoanalysts broke the code in 1940 and devised a facsimile of the Japanese machine. These, utilized by the intelligence sections of both the War and Navy departments, swiftly revealed Japan's diplomatic messages. The deciphered texts were nicknamed "Magic."

Copies of Magic were always promptly delivered in locked pouches to President Roosevelt, and the secretaries of State, War, and Navy. They also went to Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall and to the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Harold Stark. However, although three Purple decoding machines were allotted to Britain, none was sent to Pearl Harbor. Intercepts of ciphered messages radioed between Tokyo and its Honolulu consulate had to be forwarded to Washington for decrypting. Thus Kimmel and Short, the Hawaiian commanders, were at the mercy of Washington for feedback. A request for their own decoding machine was rebuffed on the grounds that diplomatic traffic was of insufficient interest to soldiers.

How untrue that was! On October 9, 1941, the War Department decoded a Tokyo-to-Honolulu dispatch instructing the Consul General to divide Pearl Harbor into five specified areas and to report the exact locations of American ships therein.

There is nothing unusual about spies watching ship movements — but reporting precise whereabouts of ships in dock has only one implication. Charles Willoughby, Douglas MacArthur's chief of intelligence, later wrote that the "reports were on a grid system of the inner harbor with coordinate locations of American men of war ... coordinate grid is the classical method for pinpoint target designation; our battleships had suddenly become targets." This information was never sent to Kimmel or Short.

Additional intercepts were decoded by Washington, all within one day of their original transmission:

• November 5th: Tokyo notified its Washington ambassadors that November 25th was the deadline for an agreement with the U.S.

• November 11th: They were warned, "The situation is nearing a climax, and the time is getting short."

• November 16th: The deadline was pushed up to November 29th. "The deadline absolutely cannot be changed," the dispatch said. "After that, things are automatically going to happen."

• November 29th (the U.S. ultimatum had now been received): The ambassadors were told a rupture in negotiations was "inevitable," but that Japan's leaders "do not wish you to give the impression that negotiations are broken off."

• November 30th: Tokyo ordered its Berlin embassy to inform the Germans that "the breaking out of war may come quicker than anyone dreams."

• December 1st: The deadline was again moved ahead. "[T]o prevent the United States from becoming unduly suspicious, we have been advising the press and others that ... the negotiations are continuing."

• December 1st-2nd: The Japanese embassies in non-Axis nations around the world were directed to dispose of their secret documents and all but one copy of their codes. (This was for a reason easy to fathom — when war breaks out, the diplomatic offices of a hostile state lose their immunity and are normally overtaken. One copy of code was retained so that final instructions could be received, after which the last code copy would be destroyed.)

An additional warning came via the so-called "winds" message. A November 18th intercept indicated that, if a break in U.S. relations were forthcoming, Tokyo would issue a special radio warning. This would not be in the Purple code, as it was intended to reach consulates and lesser agencies of Japan not equipped with the code or one of its machines. The message, to be repeated three times during a weather report, was "Higashi no kaze ame," meaning "East wind, rain." "East wind" signified the United States; "rain" signified diplomatic split — in effect, war.

This prospective message was deemed so significant that U.S. radio monitors were constantly watching for it, and the Navy Department typed it up on special reminder cards. On December 4th, "Higashi no kaze ame" was indeed broadcast and picked up by Washington intelligence.

On three different occasions since 1894, Japan had made surprise attacks coinciding with breaks in diplomatic relations. This history was not lost on President Roosevelt. Secretary Stimson, describing FDR's White House conference of November 25th, noted: "The President said the Japanese were notorious for making an attack without warning and stated that we might be attacked, say next Monday, for example." Nor was it lost on Washington's senior military officers, all of them War College graduates.

As Robert Stinnett has revealed, Washington was not only deciphering Japanese diplomatic messages, but naval dispatches as well. President Roosevelt had access to these intercepts via his routing officer, Lieutenant Commander McCollum, who had authored the original eight-point plan of provocation to Japan. So much secrecy has surrounded these naval dispatches that their existence was not revealed during any of the ten Pearl Harbor investigations, even the mini-probe Congress conducted in 1995. Most of Stinnett's requests for documents concerning Pearl Harbor have been denied as still classified, even under the Freedom of Information Act.

It was long presumed that as the Japanese fleet approached Pearl Harbor, it maintained complete radio silence. This is untrue. The fleet barely observed discretion, let alone silence. Naval intelligence intercepted and translated numerous dispatches, some clearly revealing that Pearl Harbor had been targeted. The most significant was the following, sent by Admiral Yamamoto to the Japanese First Air Fleet on November 26, 1941:

The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet and deal it a mortal blow. The first air raid is planned for the dawn of x-day. Exact date to be given by later order.

So much official secrecy continues to surround the translations of the intercepted Japanese naval dispatches that it is not known if the foregoing message was sent to McCollum or seen by FDR. It is not even known who originally translated the intercept. One thing, however, is certain: The message's significance could not have been lost on the translator.

1941 also witnessed the following:

On January 27th, our ambassador to Japan, Joseph Grew, sent a message to Washington stating: "The Peruvian Minister has informed a member of my staff that he has heard from many sources, including a Japanese source, that in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor with all their strength...."

On November 3rd, still relying on informants, Grew notified Secretary of State Cordell Hull: "War with the United States may come with dramatic and dangerous suddenness." He sent an even stronger warning on November 17th.

Congressman Martin Dies would write:

Early in 1941 the Dies Committee came into possession of a strategic map which gave clear proof of the intentions of the Japanese to make an assault on Pearl Harbor. The strategic map was prepared by the Japanese Imperial Military Intelligence Department. As soon as I received the document I telephoned Secretary of State Cordell Hull and told him what I had. Secretary Hull directed me not to let anyone know about the map and stated that he would call me as soon as he talked to President Roosevelt. In about an hour he telephoned to say that he had talked to Roosevelt and they agreed that it would be very serious if any information concerning this map reached the news services.... I told him it was a grave responsibility to withhold such vital information from the public. The Secretary assured me that he and Roosevelt considered it essential to national defense.

Dusko Popov was a Yugoslav who worked as a double agent for both Germany and Britain. His true allegiance was to the Allies. In the summer of 1941, the Nazis ordered Popov to Hawaii to make a detailed study of Pearl Harbor and its nearby airfields. The agent deduced that the mission betokened a surprise attack by the Japanese. In August, he fully reported this to the FBI in New York. J. Edgar Hoover later bitterly recalled that he had provided warnings to FDR about Pearl Harbor, but that Roosevelt told him not to pass the information any further and to just leave it in his (the president's) hands

Yes he knew and they tried alerting the fleet when they deciphered the last message the morning of the 7th, but communication break downs delayed the message until 4 hours after the attack...
Hindsight, 20-20 vision of past events does not lend credibility to accusations... They were warned but did not know the exact date, and at the time the Japanese were negotiating with Washington like nothing was going to happen..

Nope, wrong. Your ignorance is glaring. See, you need to STOP watching propaganda, and then stop parroting the lies.

This article is very long, and VERY specific about what they knew. It clearly shows that FDR not only knew, he BAITED THEM. He knew where, when, and with how much strength they would attack. They had broken the Japanese code already. They had intelligence they were not going to let the American people be privy to, because the administration and it's imperialist Keynesian banking allies WANTED war. Blood for debt, the will of the American people be damned. The American corporate imperial elites wanted to open up territory to plunder and gain economic influence over. Asia was ripe for dominance, Japan was in the way.

It's a story as old as man, and the elites are still playing it in the middle east. The story they write for the unwashed masses on the television is a laugh. Small snippet, the article tells all.

That's Ken Burns propaganda is just that, Propaganda.
Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
Pearl Harbor Hawaii Was Surprised FDR Was Not
Prior Knowledge

One of the most important elements in America's foreknowledge of Japan's intentions was our government's success in cracking Japan's secret diplomatic code known as "Purple." Tokyo used it to communicate to its embassies and consulates, including those in Washington and Hawaii. The code was so complex that it was enciphered and deciphered by machine. A talented group of American cryptoanalysts broke the code in 1940 and devised a facsimile of the Japanese machine. These, utilized by the intelligence sections of both the War and Navy departments, swiftly revealed Japan's diplomatic messages. The deciphered texts were nicknamed "Magic."

Copies of Magic were always promptly delivered in locked pouches to President Roosevelt, and the secretaries of State, War, and Navy. They also went to Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall and to the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Harold Stark. However, although three Purple decoding machines were allotted to Britain, none was sent to Pearl Harbor. Intercepts of ciphered messages radioed between Tokyo and its Honolulu consulate had to be forwarded to Washington for decrypting. Thus Kimmel and Short, the Hawaiian commanders, were at the mercy of Washington for feedback. A request for their own decoding machine was rebuffed on the grounds that diplomatic traffic was of insufficient interest to soldiers.

How untrue that was! On October 9, 1941, the War Department decoded a Tokyo-to-Honolulu dispatch instructing the Consul General to divide Pearl Harbor into five specified areas and to report the exact locations of American ships therein.

There is nothing unusual about spies watching ship movements — but reporting precise whereabouts of ships in dock has only one implication. Charles Willoughby, Douglas MacArthur's chief of intelligence, later wrote that the "reports were on a grid system of the inner harbor with coordinate locations of American men of war ... coordinate grid is the classical method for pinpoint target designation; our battleships had suddenly become targets." This information was never sent to Kimmel or Short.

Additional intercepts were decoded by Washington, all within one day of their original transmission:

• November 5th: Tokyo notified its Washington ambassadors that November 25th was the deadline for an agreement with the U.S.

• November 11th: They were warned, "The situation is nearing a climax, and the time is getting short."

• November 16th: The deadline was pushed up to November 29th. "The deadline absolutely cannot be changed," the dispatch said. "After that, things are automatically going to happen."

• November 29th (the U.S. ultimatum had now been received): The ambassadors were told a rupture in negotiations was "inevitable," but that Japan's leaders "do not wish you to give the impression that negotiations are broken off."

• November 30th: Tokyo ordered its Berlin embassy to inform the Germans that "the breaking out of war may come quicker than anyone dreams."

• December 1st: The deadline was again moved ahead. "[T]o prevent the United States from becoming unduly suspicious, we have been advising the press and others that ... the negotiations are continuing."

• December 1st-2nd: The Japanese embassies in non-Axis nations around the world were directed to dispose of their secret documents and all but one copy of their codes. (This was for a reason easy to fathom — when war breaks out, the diplomatic offices of a hostile state lose their immunity and are normally overtaken. One copy of code was retained so that final instructions could be received, after which the last code copy would be destroyed.)

An additional warning came via the so-called "winds" message. A November 18th intercept indicated that, if a break in U.S. relations were forthcoming, Tokyo would issue a special radio warning. This would not be in the Purple code, as it was intended to reach consulates and lesser agencies of Japan not equipped with the code or one of its machines. The message, to be repeated three times during a weather report, was "Higashi no kaze ame," meaning "East wind, rain." "East wind" signified the United States; "rain" signified diplomatic split — in effect, war.

This prospective message was deemed so significant that U.S. radio monitors were constantly watching for it, and the Navy Department typed it up on special reminder cards. On December 4th, "Higashi no kaze ame" was indeed broadcast and picked up by Washington intelligence.

On three different occasions since 1894, Japan had made surprise attacks coinciding with breaks in diplomatic relations. This history was not lost on President Roosevelt. Secretary Stimson, describing FDR's White House conference of November 25th, noted: "The President said the Japanese were notorious for making an attack without warning and stated that we might be attacked, say next Monday, for example." Nor was it lost on Washington's senior military officers, all of them War College graduates.

As Robert Stinnett has revealed, Washington was not only deciphering Japanese diplomatic messages, but naval dispatches as well. President Roosevelt had access to these intercepts via his routing officer, Lieutenant Commander McCollum, who had authored the original eight-point plan of provocation to Japan. So much secrecy has surrounded these naval dispatches that their existence was not revealed during any of the ten Pearl Harbor investigations, even the mini-probe Congress conducted in 1995. Most of Stinnett's requests for documents concerning Pearl Harbor have been denied as still classified, even under the Freedom of Information Act.

It was long presumed that as the Japanese fleet approached Pearl Harbor, it maintained complete radio silence. This is untrue. The fleet barely observed discretion, let alone silence. Naval intelligence intercepted and translated numerous dispatches, some clearly revealing that Pearl Harbor had been targeted. The most significant was the following, sent by Admiral Yamamoto to the Japanese First Air Fleet on November 26, 1941:

The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet and deal it a mortal blow. The first air raid is planned for the dawn of x-day. Exact date to be given by later order.

So much official secrecy continues to surround the translations of the intercepted Japanese naval dispatches that it is not known if the foregoing message was sent to McCollum or seen by FDR. It is not even known who originally translated the intercept. One thing, however, is certain: The message's significance could not have been lost on the translator.

1941 also witnessed the following:

On January 27th, our ambassador to Japan, Joseph Grew, sent a message to Washington stating: "The Peruvian Minister has informed a member of my staff that he has heard from many sources, including a Japanese source, that in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor with all their strength...."

On November 3rd, still relying on informants, Grew notified Secretary of State Cordell Hull: "War with the United States may come with dramatic and dangerous suddenness." He sent an even stronger warning on November 17th.

Congressman Martin Dies would write:

Early in 1941 the Dies Committee came into possession of a strategic map which gave clear proof of the intentions of the Japanese to make an assault on Pearl Harbor. The strategic map was prepared by the Japanese Imperial Military Intelligence Department. As soon as I received the document I telephoned Secretary of State Cordell Hull and told him what I had. Secretary Hull directed me not to let anyone know about the map and stated that he would call me as soon as he talked to President Roosevelt. In about an hour he telephoned to say that he had talked to Roosevelt and they agreed that it would be very serious if any information concerning this map reached the news services.... I told him it was a grave responsibility to withhold such vital information from the public. The Secretary assured me that he and Roosevelt considered it essential to national defense.

Dusko Popov was a Yugoslav who worked as a double agent for both Germany and Britain. His true allegiance was to the Allies. In the summer of 1941, the Nazis ordered Popov to Hawaii to make a detailed study of Pearl Harbor and its nearby airfields. The agent deduced that the mission betokened a surprise attack by the Japanese. In August, he fully reported this to the FBI in New York. J. Edgar Hoover later bitterly recalled that he had provided warnings to FDR about Pearl Harbor, but that Roosevelt told him not to pass the information any further and to just leave it in his (the president's) hands

......and then bigfoot landed on earth by way of UFO, he tried to tell FDR about JFKs assassination but he ignored the warnings. Damn that FDR.
Hmmm. That's a funny way of saying you're sorry and admitting you were wrong, but I'll take it. Bet you were surprised by all those facts and history, huh?

Now stop your hero worship, and quit spreading those lies. Teach your children and grandchildren the truth. Investigate what is REALLY going on in the Middle East right now. The lies and misinformation are being repeated once again for the benefit of those who rule, generation after generation at the expense of all mankind.

Only peace, freedom, free markets, and a government not involved in banking or commerce will keep the people from being slaves. Anything else inevitably leads to a monoply on violence and war.

No, you misunderstand my meaning in much the same way as you misinterpret history to fit an extremely narrow point of view.

My point of view isn't narrow. It is yours that is narrow. My mind is freed. Did you even bother to read my evidence? Did you even bother to try to post something that refutes it? NO.

You have been bested. Historical FACTS are on my side. All you have is a tantrum and saying NO NO NO.

Sorry your cognitive dissonance is so strong. But it is time to face the truth. You have been schooled.

You seem to be confusing facts with speculation and opinion.
Nope, wrong. Your ignorance is glaring. See, you need to STOP watching propaganda, and then stop parroting the lies.

This article is very long, and VERY specific about what they knew. It clearly shows that FDR not only knew, he BAITED THEM. He knew where, when, and with how much strength they would attack. They had broken the Japanese code already. They had intelligence they were not going to let the American people be privy to, because the administration and it's imperialist Keynesian banking allies WANTED war. Blood for debt, the will of the American people be damned. The American corporate imperial elites wanted to open up territory to plunder and gain economic influence over. Asia was ripe for dominance, Japan was in the way.

It's a story as old as man, and the elites are still playing it in the middle east. The story they write for the unwashed masses on the television is a laugh. Small snippet, the article tells all.

That's Ken Burns propaganda is just that, Propaganda.
Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
Pearl Harbor Hawaii Was Surprised FDR Was Not

......and then bigfoot landed on earth by way of UFO, he tried to tell FDR about JFKs assassination but he ignored the warnings. Damn that FDR.
Hmmm. That's a funny way of saying you're sorry and admitting you were wrong, but I'll take it. Bet you were surprised by all those facts and history, huh?

Now stop your hero worship, and quit spreading those lies. Teach your children and grandchildren the truth. Investigate what is REALLY going on in the Middle East right now. The lies and misinformation are being repeated once again for the benefit of those who rule, generation after generation at the expense of all mankind.

Only peace, freedom, free markets, and a government not involved in banking or commerce will keep the people from being slaves. Anything else inevitably leads to a monoply on violence and war.

No, you misunderstand my meaning in much the same way as you misinterpret history to fit an extremely narrow point of view.

My point of view isn't narrow. It is yours that is narrow. My mind is freed. Did you even bother to read my evidence? Did you even bother to try to post something that refutes it? NO.

You have been bested. Historical FACTS are on my side. All you have is a tantrum and saying NO NO NO.

Sorry your cognitive dissonance is so strong. But it is time to face the truth. You have been schooled.

You seem to be confusing facts with speculation and opinion.
Birch society members, gotta love em...
If FDR hadn't drastically built up our industry, which made tanks and planes for Britain and the USSR, Germany would have taken Europe, then attacked America from the East as Japan attacked from the west. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, New York, Washington, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore - all in ruins. Most likely Pittsburgh because of Big Steel, and Detroit, too, since it was the center of our large transportation industry.

All highly unlikely.
Care to explain why?

We had basically no defense against airplanes dropping bombs before the Roosevelt buildup in the 1930s. What was going to stop Germany and Japan? Farmers with hunting rifles shooting from the cornfields?

You're a military genius... :rolleyes:

That's funny coming from you.
I loved the part where the Army(in the 1930's) was practicing with wooden guns and fake tanks, using biplanes , and had no idea of using combined arms attacks...
The blood of those airmen and sailors is on the hands of FDR. He could have negotiated with Japan. He refused.

Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack
Pearl Harbour memo shows US warned of Japanese attack - Telegraph
Now, on the 70th anniversary of Japan's devastating bombardment of the US Pacific Fleet at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii, evidence has emerged showing that President Franklin D.Roosevelt was warned three days before the attack that the Japanese empire was eyeing up Hawaii with a view to "open conflict."

The information, contained in a declassified memorandum from the Office of Naval Intelligence, adds to proof that Washington dismissed red flags signalling that mass bloodshed was looming and war was imminent.

"In anticipation of possible open conflict with this country, Japan is vigorously utilizing every available agency to secure military, naval and commercial information, paying particular attention to the West Coast, the Panama Canal and the Territory of Hawaii," stated the 26-page memo.

Dated December 4, 1941, marked as confidential, and entitled "Japanese intelligence and propaganda in the United States," it flagged up Japan's surveillance of Hawaii under a section headlined "Methods of Operation and Points of Attack."
Hindsight, 20-20 vision of past events does not lend credibility to accusations... They were warned but did not know the exact date, and at the time the Japanese were negotiating with Washington like nothing was going to happen..

Nope, wrong. Your ignorance is glaring. See, you need to STOP watching propaganda, and then stop parroting the lies.

This article is very long, and VERY specific about what they knew. It clearly shows that FDR not only knew, he BAITED THEM. He knew where, when, and with how much strength they would attack. They had broken the Japanese code already. They had intelligence they were not going to let the American people be privy to, because the administration and it's imperialist Keynesian banking allies WANTED war. Blood for debt, the will of the American people be damned. The American corporate imperial elites wanted to open up territory to plunder and gain economic influence over. Asia was ripe for dominance, Japan was in the way.

It's a story as old as man, and the elites are still playing it in the middle east. The story they write for the unwashed masses on the television is a laugh. Small snippet, the article tells all.

That's Ken Burns propaganda is just that, Propaganda.
Pearl Harbor: Hawaii Was Surprised; FDR Was Not
Pearl Harbor Hawaii Was Surprised FDR Was Not
Prior Knowledge

One of the most important elements in America's foreknowledge of Japan's intentions was our government's success in cracking Japan's secret diplomatic code known as "Purple." Tokyo used it to communicate to its embassies and consulates, including those in Washington and Hawaii. The code was so complex that it was enciphered and deciphered by machine. A talented group of American cryptoanalysts broke the code in 1940 and devised a facsimile of the Japanese machine. These, utilized by the intelligence sections of both the War and Navy departments, swiftly revealed Japan's diplomatic messages. The deciphered texts were nicknamed "Magic."

Copies of Magic were always promptly delivered in locked pouches to President Roosevelt, and the secretaries of State, War, and Navy. They also went to Army Chief of Staff General George Marshall and to the Chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Harold Stark. However, although three Purple decoding machines were allotted to Britain, none was sent to Pearl Harbor. Intercepts of ciphered messages radioed between Tokyo and its Honolulu consulate had to be forwarded to Washington for decrypting. Thus Kimmel and Short, the Hawaiian commanders, were at the mercy of Washington for feedback. A request for their own decoding machine was rebuffed on the grounds that diplomatic traffic was of insufficient interest to soldiers.

How untrue that was! On October 9, 1941, the War Department decoded a Tokyo-to-Honolulu dispatch instructing the Consul General to divide Pearl Harbor into five specified areas and to report the exact locations of American ships therein.

There is nothing unusual about spies watching ship movements — but reporting precise whereabouts of ships in dock has only one implication. Charles Willoughby, Douglas MacArthur's chief of intelligence, later wrote that the "reports were on a grid system of the inner harbor with coordinate locations of American men of war ... coordinate grid is the classical method for pinpoint target designation; our battleships had suddenly become targets." This information was never sent to Kimmel or Short.

Additional intercepts were decoded by Washington, all within one day of their original transmission:

• November 5th: Tokyo notified its Washington ambassadors that November 25th was the deadline for an agreement with the U.S.

• November 11th: They were warned, "The situation is nearing a climax, and the time is getting short."

• November 16th: The deadline was pushed up to November 29th. "The deadline absolutely cannot be changed," the dispatch said. "After that, things are automatically going to happen."

• November 29th (the U.S. ultimatum had now been received): The ambassadors were told a rupture in negotiations was "inevitable," but that Japan's leaders "do not wish you to give the impression that negotiations are broken off."

• November 30th: Tokyo ordered its Berlin embassy to inform the Germans that "the breaking out of war may come quicker than anyone dreams."

• December 1st: The deadline was again moved ahead. "[T]o prevent the United States from becoming unduly suspicious, we have been advising the press and others that ... the negotiations are continuing."

• December 1st-2nd: The Japanese embassies in non-Axis nations around the world were directed to dispose of their secret documents and all but one copy of their codes. (This was for a reason easy to fathom — when war breaks out, the diplomatic offices of a hostile state lose their immunity and are normally overtaken. One copy of code was retained so that final instructions could be received, after which the last code copy would be destroyed.)

An additional warning came via the so-called "winds" message. A November 18th intercept indicated that, if a break in U.S. relations were forthcoming, Tokyo would issue a special radio warning. This would not be in the Purple code, as it was intended to reach consulates and lesser agencies of Japan not equipped with the code or one of its machines. The message, to be repeated three times during a weather report, was "Higashi no kaze ame," meaning "East wind, rain." "East wind" signified the United States; "rain" signified diplomatic split — in effect, war.

This prospective message was deemed so significant that U.S. radio monitors were constantly watching for it, and the Navy Department typed it up on special reminder cards. On December 4th, "Higashi no kaze ame" was indeed broadcast and picked up by Washington intelligence.

On three different occasions since 1894, Japan had made surprise attacks coinciding with breaks in diplomatic relations. This history was not lost on President Roosevelt. Secretary Stimson, describing FDR's White House conference of November 25th, noted: "The President said the Japanese were notorious for making an attack without warning and stated that we might be attacked, say next Monday, for example." Nor was it lost on Washington's senior military officers, all of them War College graduates.

As Robert Stinnett has revealed, Washington was not only deciphering Japanese diplomatic messages, but naval dispatches as well. President Roosevelt had access to these intercepts via his routing officer, Lieutenant Commander McCollum, who had authored the original eight-point plan of provocation to Japan. So much secrecy has surrounded these naval dispatches that their existence was not revealed during any of the ten Pearl Harbor investigations, even the mini-probe Congress conducted in 1995. Most of Stinnett's requests for documents concerning Pearl Harbor have been denied as still classified, even under the Freedom of Information Act.

It was long presumed that as the Japanese fleet approached Pearl Harbor, it maintained complete radio silence. This is untrue. The fleet barely observed discretion, let alone silence. Naval intelligence intercepted and translated numerous dispatches, some clearly revealing that Pearl Harbor had been targeted. The most significant was the following, sent by Admiral Yamamoto to the Japanese First Air Fleet on November 26, 1941:

The task force, keeping its movement strictly secret and maintaining close guard against submarines and aircraft, shall advance into Hawaiian waters, and upon the very opening of hostilities shall attack the main force of the United States fleet and deal it a mortal blow. The first air raid is planned for the dawn of x-day. Exact date to be given by later order.

So much official secrecy continues to surround the translations of the intercepted Japanese naval dispatches that it is not known if the foregoing message was sent to McCollum or seen by FDR. It is not even known who originally translated the intercept. One thing, however, is certain: The message's significance could not have been lost on the translator.

1941 also witnessed the following:

On January 27th, our ambassador to Japan, Joseph Grew, sent a message to Washington stating: "The Peruvian Minister has informed a member of my staff that he has heard from many sources, including a Japanese source, that in the event of trouble breaking out between the United States and Japan, the Japanese intended to make a surprise attack against Pearl Harbor with all their strength...."

On November 3rd, still relying on informants, Grew notified Secretary of State Cordell Hull: "War with the United States may come with dramatic and dangerous suddenness." He sent an even stronger warning on November 17th.

Congressman Martin Dies would write:

Early in 1941 the Dies Committee came into possession of a strategic map which gave clear proof of the intentions of the Japanese to make an assault on Pearl Harbor. The strategic map was prepared by the Japanese Imperial Military Intelligence Department. As soon as I received the document I telephoned Secretary of State Cordell Hull and told him what I had. Secretary Hull directed me not to let anyone know about the map and stated that he would call me as soon as he talked to President Roosevelt. In about an hour he telephoned to say that he had talked to Roosevelt and they agreed that it would be very serious if any information concerning this map reached the news services.... I told him it was a grave responsibility to withhold such vital information from the public. The Secretary assured me that he and Roosevelt considered it essential to national defense.

Dusko Popov was a Yugoslav who worked as a double agent for both Germany and Britain. His true allegiance was to the Allies. In the summer of 1941, the Nazis ordered Popov to Hawaii to make a detailed study of Pearl Harbor and its nearby airfields. The agent deduced that the mission betokened a surprise attack by the Japanese. In August, he fully reported this to the FBI in New York. J. Edgar Hoover later bitterly recalled that he had provided warnings to FDR about Pearl Harbor, but that Roosevelt told him not to pass the information any further and to just leave it in his (the president's) hands

......and then bigfoot landed on earth by way of UFO, he tried to tell FDR about JFKs assassination but he ignored the warnings. Damn that FDR.
Hmmm. That's a funny way of saying you're sorry and admitting you were wrong, but I'll take it. Bet you were surprised by all those facts and history, huh?

Now stop your hero worship, and quit spreading those lies. Teach your children and grandchildren the truth. Investigate what is REALLY going on in the Middle East right now. The lies and misinformation are being repeated once again for the benefit of those who rule, generation after generation at the expense of all mankind.

Only peace, freedom, free markets, and a government not involved in banking or commerce will keep the people from being slaves. Anything else inevitably leads to a monoply on violence and war.

So now you support ISIS and other extreme terrorist groups....Peace and free markets ain't worth shit if you have disruptions in the whole system by those that seek to destroy it..
There are two basic types of FDR-hater loon.

There are the more common "Commies still make me piss myself!" types, which are the majority of the loons on this thread.

And there are the "I hate FDR for not allying the USA with the Nazis" types, representing the lowest forms of life on the planet. PC would be the example there. It's always amusing to ask her about that topic, just to see her run again. Like this.

PC, do you think the USA should have allied with the Nazis in WWII?
I enjoyed it immensely. I didn't know TR's wife died after childbirth and his mother also died the same day in the same house. I can't imagine the emotions he went through.
There are two basic types of FDR-hater loon.

There are the more common "Commies still make me piss myself!" types, which are the majority of the loons on this thread.

And there are the "I hate FDR for not allying the USA with the Nazis" types, representing the lowest forms of life on the planet. PC would be the example there. It's always amusing to ask her about that topic, just to see her run again. Like this.

PC, do you think the USA should have allied with the Nazis in WWII?

1. Improper usage of "hate."
Offhand...I don't hate anyone....although, given time, I might find a few in that category.

2. Why would you suggest that revealing the truth about many of Franklin Roosevelt's errors, mistakes, gaffes and outright blunders could be called 'hate'?

Just one more of your many mis-comprehensions.

3. As I am won't to do...let's see what an expert on the matter says:

a. "Hanson Baldwin, military analyst for The New York Times since 1937, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for his dispatches from Guadalcanal and the western Pacific in 1943, a dependably pro-military reporter. He had infuriated the president with an article on the Soviets’ efforts to protect their intercontinental ballistic missile launch sites with concrete bunkers. His reporting accurately stated the conclusions of the C.I.A.’s most recent national intelligence estimate."

4. If one wishes to understand the current geopolitical scene, his 1949 book, "Great Mistakes of the War," is de rigueur! Hanson, more than our elected leaders, and certainly more than Roosevelt or you, understood the psychology of US-USSR relations. He wrote of the "four great- and false- premises" of the war.

a. That the Soviet Union had abandoned its policy of world revolution.

b. That "Uncle Joe" Stalin was a 'good fellow,' someone we could 'get along with.'

c. That the USSR might make a separate peace with Germany.

d. That the Soviet Union's entry into the war against Japan was essential to victory or necessary to save thousands of American lives.

5. Here is the answer to your silly question:

The decision to fight a land war against Germany was the first of a long series of tragic mistakes in the prosecution of the war. Hanson Baldwin, military critic of the New York Times, declares in his book, "Great Mistakes of the War:" 'There is no doubt whatsoever that it would have been to the interest of Britain, the United States, and the world to have allowed and indeed to have encouraged-the world's two great dictatorships to fight each other to a frazzle.'

Baldwin writes that the United States put itself "in the role-at times a disgraceful role-of fearful suppliant and propitiating ally, anxious at nearly any cost to keep Russia fighting. In retrospect, how stupid!"

Those last two you've heard them quite a bit, huh?
My point is that if FDR had not started to build the military defense industry to help Britain and the Soviets, we would have been unable to respond to Pearl Harbor in any effective way. It takes years to ramp that industry up, and change auto factories into tank factories, etc.

Even with the buildup, it was a close war. Japan and Germany were not paper tigers.

It took only WEEKS to bend the sheet metal into different shapes in Detroit. You're a rude idiot posing as some kind of authority on subjects you know nothing about. :blahblah:

You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Sheet metal? Are you fucking kidding or what? Is an M-1 rifle made out of sheet metal? How about a Sherman Tank? Did Ford start producing B-24s on December 8th?

Hey dickhead....Detroit wasn't building the M-1...what about the Sherman Tank? Do you have any idea how a tank is armored? Do you think nobody was building bombers before 1942? Fact of the matter is you don't know your pecker from your pinky.....idiot leftist twit. :badgrin:

This is a subject on which I can crush you any don't know anything about anything. And by the way dummy, Sherman tanks were constructed from welded castings.

:lmao:There ain't a subject in this UNIVERSE you could "crush" me on, ya little runt. Ever worked in a Detroit car plant? I have. Got any relatives who fought in WW2....I do; my dad and uncle. Ever served in combat? I did a tour in the RVN, '67-'68 during the Tet Offensive (both parts). I do sheet-metal work in a full machine shop as a hobby.....I doubt you could work a pair of tin snips. You don't know your ass from a hole in your sock and I can prove it any time you like.
I enjoyed it immensely. I didn't know TR's wife died after childbirth and his mother also died the same day in the same house. I can't imagine the emotions he went through.

I had no idea that the documentary included Teddy.....the thread had me believing it as about Franklin.

But....hagiography abounds.

I wonder if you could tell me if Burns includes Theodore's Progressive disregard of the Constitution....e.g....

"Well known is TR's outburst, when told the Constitution did not permit the confiscation of private property: "To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!" Less well known is that at one point TR summoned General John M. Schofield, instructing him: "I bid you pay no heed to any other authority, no heed to a writ from a judge, or anything else except my commands."
(p. 138) "33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask," by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.
Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

Typical PoliticalChic misinformed and distorted ideas. She knows less than nothing about the topics and ideas she attempts to promote.

I just produced a fact.....

And you replied with.......


It should be clear as to which of us know about the 'topics.'

You base your assertion on a comment made by Marshall. He made that comment you use as your fact, but he made it knowing FDR had prepared the nation by developing and readying the production of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced weapons in the world. After developing them he produced limited numbers of them, but enough so that the producers were ready to swing into mass production as soon as funding became available. Marshall didn't have to deal with that facet of building up the military.

All three Yorktown Class carriers were built under FDR's administration, Yorktown CV 5, Enterprise CV 6 and Hornet CV 8. Not satisfied with these new carriers, FDR put the Navy to work in development of the Essex Class carrier and began producing them. Three would be built or begin construction before Pearl Harbor, the last, would be started only six days before Pearl harbor. The important thing about this is that the ship building yards were ready to swing into production after having built the first ones. As soon as the funds became available they began producing more of them, 19 more to be exact. They are what gave us control of the Pacific.

Cruisers were advanced and the development of the New Orleans Class cruisers were added to the fleet. Seven of them were built under FDR ready for the War. Add to this the Farragut Class destroyers. Six of them were produced. Once again, the importance of producing these warships was secondary to getting the ship yards prepared to mass produce them.

Apparently building six modern aircraft carriers, seven modern cruisers and six modern destroyers is doing "nothing" to some. How convenient it must be to be able to omit and disregard facts when attempting to rewrite history.

FDR prepared for war and created a military doctrine that is used to this very day. Develop and produce the most sophisticated and technologically advanced weaponry in the world. When you send your forces off to war, send them with the best weapons and support possible. Send them with weapons that out class and out shoot the enemy.

FDR did the same advanced development and limited production method of preparing with everything from the Sherman Tank to the M-1 Garand. The B-17's and B-24's and B-26 as well as the fighters like the P 38 and P 51 and the Navy/Marine F4U Corsair all went through FDR's method of development, limited production and eventual mass production
with industry prepared to meet the challenge of arming the nation as soon as they were asked to do so. And they did.
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I enjoyed it immensely. I didn't know TR's wife died after childbirth and his mother also died the same day in the same house. I can't imagine the emotions he went through.

I had no idea that the documentary included Teddy.....the thread had me believing it as about Franklin.

But....hagiography abounds.

I wonder if you could tell me if Burns includes Theodore's Progressive disregard of the Constitution....e.g....

"Well known is TR's outburst, when told the Constitution did not permit the confiscation of private property: "To hell with the Constitution when the people want coal!" Less well known is that at one point TR summoned General John M. Schofield, instructing him: "I bid you pay no heed to any other authority, no heed to a writ from a judge, or anything else except my commands."
(p. 138) "33 Questions About American History You're Not Supposed to Ask," by Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

Here is where you can see the first episodes about TR. :)

Watch Videos The Roosevelts PBS
Is there absolutely not bottom to your ignorance????

Not only do you know nothing and appear proud of same....
...but you will simply make things up!!!!

There was no Roosevelt 'military buildup' in the 1930s.

FDR did very little for the Army either with its size or weapons and during the 1930s, his defense budgets were cut to the bone.

Typical PoliticalChic misinformed and distorted ideas. She knows less than nothing about the topics and ideas she attempts to promote.

I just produced a fact.....

And you replied with.......


It should be clear as to which of us know about the 'topics.'

You base your assertion on a comment made by Marshall. He made that comment you use as your fact, but he made it knowing FDR had prepared the nation by developing and readying the production of the most sophisticated and technologically advanced weapons in the world. After developing them he produced limited numbers of them, but enough so that the producers were ready to swing into mass production as soon as funding became available. Marshall didn't have to deal with that facet of building up the military.

All three Yorktown Class carriers were built under FDR's administration, Yorktown CV 5, Enterprise CV 6 and Hornet CV 8. Not satisfied with these new carriers, FDR put the Navy to work in development of the Essex Class carrier and began producing them. Three would be built, the last, the would be started only six days before Pearl harbor. The important thing about this is that the ship building yards were ready to swing into production after having built the first ones. As soon as the funds became available the began producing more of them, 19 more to be exact. They are what gave us control of the Pacific.

Cruisers were advanced and the development of the New Orleans Class cruisers were added to the fleet. Seven of them were built under FDR ready for the War. Add to this the Farragut Class destroyers. Six of them were produced. Once again, the importance of producing these warships was secondary to getting the ship yards prepared to mass produce them.

Apparently building six modern aircraft carriers, seven modern cruisers and six modern destroyers is doing "nothing" to some. How convenient it must be to be able to omit and disregard facts when attempting to rewrite history.

FDR prepared for war and created a military doctrine that is used to this very day. Develop and produce the most sophisticated and technologically advanced weaponry in the world. When you send your forces off to war, send them with the best weapons and support possible. Send them with weapons that out class and out shoot the enemy.

FDR did the same advanced development and limited production method of preparing with everything from the Sherman Tank to the M-1 Garand. The B-17's and B-24's and B-26 as well as the fighters like the P 38 and P 51 and the Navy/Marine F4U Corsair all went through FDR's method of development, limited production and eventual mass production
with industry prepared to meet the challenge of arming the nation as soon as they were asked to do so. And they did.

"You base your assertion on a comment made by Marshall."

1. So....the quote is accurate..."George Marshall's words to FDR in May 1940: "If you don't do something...and do it right away, I don't know what is going to happen to this country"...

Well....either Marshall knew what he was talking about....or you do.

And you, being regularly revealed to be a Roosevelt boot-licking dunce....leaves little in the way of puzzlement.

2. Once the veracity of Marshall's statement is seen.....the absurdity of your attempt to shield Roosevelt from well deserved vituperation is risible.

Your claim is that, yes, Marshall said it...but FDR was already taking care of business.
No...he wasn't....that's why Marshall said that to dope.

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