Ken Burns: Trump using Nazi playbook

Burns said it, and the alt right can deny it all they want, and the majority of America will laugh at them.

The military is very wary of Trump. If he crosses the line, they very well will dispose him and install Pence with strict instructions to protect liberties of all Americans.
Ken Burns: Trump is using Nazi playbook - CNN Video

I really, really hope that he is wrong, but this is very scary.
Key difference being Trump is flip-flopping on his previous campaign rhetoric because, you know, we have a Constitution here.

He will twist the Constitution as far as he can to implement the Alt-Right doctrine. Bannon is even now formulating how to strike the First Amendment.
We dealt with 8 years of incompetent boobery. Your turn to deal, libstain.
Ken Burns isn't a scholar of anything. He is known for using archival footage and clever editing. His analysis closely parallels novelist, Stephen King, who also fancies himself some sort of scholar.

Someone should propose a crime for misrepresentstion of scholastic achievement. It would be similar to stolen Valor laws.
You are known for being a fool and are proving it ^^^ yet once again.
Burns said it, and the alt right can deny it all they want, and the majority of America will laugh at them.

The military is very wary of Trump. If he crosses the line, they very well will dispose him and install Pence with strict instructions to protect liberties of all Americans.
You guys spent eight years calling Obama a nazi, marxist, socialist, etc.
I never called him any of those things. Ever.

Not once.

Are you trying to set a record for the number of times you can be wrong in one thread?
Oops, just re-read it. I have called Obama a socialist a number of times. Which is like calling my family boxer a dog. Not a Nazi, Marxist, etc. So you were only wrong twice in one post, not three times.
L-A, you are no more an American patriot than Obama is a socialist, or born in Kenya, or a Muslim, or a whatever. Give it up.
You guys spent eight years calling Obama a nazi, marxist, socialist, etc.
I never called him any of those things. Ever.

Not once.

Are you trying to set a record for the number of times you can be wrong in one thread?
Oops, just re-read it. I have called Obama a socialist a number of times. Which is like calling my family boxer a dog. Not a Nazi, Marxist, etc. So you were only wrong twice in one post, not three times.
L-A, you are no more an American patriot than Obama is a socialist, or born in Kenya, or a Muslim, or a whatever. Give it up.
Lol!!! Get a job moron.
Oh good, another documentary director going off the deep end. We love this stuff, it is so cool that people let nuts divide the nation.

I am beginning to like the thought Clinton lost, it has brought out some new crazy people to the forefront.
Democrats should sit in quiet and try to figure out how they lost the presidency, the Senate, the house, 30 governorships and several state legislatures.

The party members need to internalize that Nancy Pelosi is not correct. The democrats are on the floor getting a count out. It is not the time to put the hitler thumb in your mouth and suck harder.

Why do they need to do this? The Republicans didn't figure it out, they didn't want Trump and they got him. When there are two parties all it takes is a slight change and wham, you're back in power. The biggest problem the Democrats have is a system where the Republicans can get less votes and still end up majority in the House, have the presidency, and have the Senate.
I was really concerned during the election process when Trump was talking about the need for invading Canada for lebensraum. It disturbed me but I realized we do need living space and it's only populated by untermensch so they won't use the land to its fullest capacity. 'cause you know, he said this over and over just like Hitler.

Then when he talked over and over about the racial superiority of people born in the U.S. and how we are genetically superior, it took me back a bit.

The last straw was when he talked over and over about putting people in concentration camps, exterminating them in gas chambers then burning their bodies in ovens--all on an industrial scale.

Yeah, I can't believe that a candidate that campaigned on Hitler's policies got elected. 'cause you know that's what he did. Remember?

Neither do I. Or anyone else. It's another strawman fantasy world argument.

"Just like Hitler" is a sign you wear around your neck which reads, "I'm illiterate and ignorant of history".
Democrats should sit in quiet and try to figure out how they lost the presidency, the Senate, the house, 30 governorships and several state legislatures.

The party members need to internalize that Nancy Pelosi is not correct. The democrats are on the floor getting a count out. It is not the time to put the hitler thumb in your mouth and suck harder.

Why do they need to do this? The Republicans didn't figure it out, they didn't want Trump and they got him. When there are two parties all it takes is a slight change and wham, you're back in power. The biggest problem the Democrats have is a system where the Republicans can get less votes and still end up majority in the House, have the presidency, and have the Senate.
Butt hurt loser snowflake....
Ken Burns is recognized as one of the greatest scholars of history and produced detailed and extremely accurate documentaries on cultural diseases, such as Nazism. If there is anyone that can recognize a parallel movement, it would be Burns. The deniers on this board are all being scammed with the racist rhetoric of the Alt-Right movement, as they continue to deny their racist tendencies.

Unless of course, unless they are part of the Alt-Right movement. The movement will flourish in the Trump White House.

And he has no way to forecast his silly conclusions. He isn't in office yet and you have him the second coming Hitler by contriving and twisting history.
He will twist the Constitution as far as he can to implement the Alt-Right doctrine. Bannon is even now formulating how to strike the First Amendment.
He's flip-flopping pretty good now. At least 15 times so far: Trump's flip-flops: Our view

You are free to fear-monger all you like. You are free to distrust the American form of government and propose a Socialist form which negates our Constitution and Congress for our "own good". What you aren't free to do is force me to accept your desire to press Godwin's rule of Hitler analogies.


The alt-right did not invent these tactics. But during this election the trolling reached a sadistic pitch. Journalists who opposed Mr. Trump received photos of themselves — and in some cases their children — dead, or in gas chambers. Jewish and Jewish-surnamed journalists were particular targets, especially those seen to be thwarting Mr. Trump’s rise: Jonah Goldberg, Julia Ioffe and Ben Shapiro, among others. The Daily Stormer has been particularly aggressive in deploying its “troll army” against those with whom it disagrees. A signature punctuation of the alt-right is to mark Jewish names with “echoes,” or triple parentheses, like (((this))).

Professor Swain’s analysis does not just pertain to radicals. It is a plausible account of what is happening in the American electoral mainstream. The alt-right is small. It may remain so. And yet, while small, it is part of something this election showed to be much bigger: the emergence of white people, who evidently feel their identity is under attack, as a “minority”-style political bloc.

We need to ask, "Does Donald J Trump really understand what the Alt-Right is and how White Nationalist are looking to him to "Make American White Again?" Or if he doesn't understand that he is being raised by unabashed racist as their savior, is he aware that he is being used, just as the Russians used him during the campaign?

The fanatic element of the Alt-Right movement may not be that large right now, but will it grow as Trump policies take effect? I don't think it will take long before we will get that answer.

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