Kendrick Johnson's family asking federal investigation be reopened


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2017
All of this corruption that is going on in the CIA , FBI and on Capitol Hill, That it has people thinking. Pres.Trump is doing a good thing by playing dumb as if he don't knows what is going on. So that the Deep state can expose themselves to the world. I guess that all Black folks doesn't have all their eyes on Whoopi any more. That theyu are getting their information from other sources.

What is this thread about?
It is about corruption that is at the highest level. I don't here BLM or any other of the Leftist groups race baiting or raising up an uproar about this cover up. But they are causing havoc about Trevon Martin and other Black murdered victims by White people. The only thing different from this case and the others. That the organs are missing. Like the guy said in the video. That his son wasn't the only organ that has been coming up missing lately. And so they are covering up about that there is a invasion of body snatchers. That they don't care about this Black man being murdered. But that they are only worried about his organs. And so organ harvesting is at the federal level As the way Liz Crokin has been warning us.
They want to hurry and get rid of Pres.Trump before he exposes them.

VALDOSTA – Just before the parents of Kendrick Johnson were ordered to pay lawyers’ fees to dozens of individuals they accused of being involved in their son’s death, the Johnson’s lawyer filed a statement from a man claiming to have heard a spontaneous confession from one of the brothers wrapped up in the Johnsons’ massive conspiracy theory.

The man was later arrested on trespassing charges, and Jackie Johnson, Kendrick’s mother, has claimed the arrest was “bogus” and an attempt to silence supposed new evidence in the Kendrick Johnson case.

Was a witness silenced? Is there new credible evidence to be presented in this case?
Was a potential witness in the Kendrick Johnson case silenced? | Valdosta Today

First they have to open a federal investigation into whether the Clinton's had anything to do with the death of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and then maybe they can go down to Ga. If the do-nothing democrat majority in congress wasn't busy with a political coup maybe they could help out the Johnson family but don't count on it.
First they have to open a federal investigation into whether the Clinton's had anything to do with the death of pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and then maybe they can go down to Ga. If the do-nothing democrat majority in congress wasn't busy with a political coup maybe they could help out the Johnson family but don't count on it.
Like they said that Loretta Lynch didn't wanted to help them. She the one who threw out their case. And so the Dems already knew about this case years ago.


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