Kennedy Jr says Russia acted in good faith in the Ukraine invasion

We invaded Iraq and Afghanistan and dropped the atom bomb on Japan. We also sent troops to South Vietnam to fight their civil war. We are as evil as Russia.

Aside from the fact that America never sought to annex any of those countries, here is what you don't fundamentally don't understand - we are an OPEN DEMOCRACY with capacity for self correction.

After WWII defeat Japan, Germany, Italy have not become American colonies, but prospering, independant countries. Iraq and Afghanistan are also finding their own way.

Russian evil and decline is rooted in their addiction to Czardom - they can't help their sheepish impulse to allow one man to consolidate the entire state under his ass indefinetly. Russia is at this point a kleptocratic, totalitarian state, invading other countries on their Czar's imperialist whims. It is by far more evil than any open society could ever become.
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Well, that’s no different than saying that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist. Pal there’s a nazis in Ukraine so respond to it or not. Do you want to be on the right side of history? Do you wanna stand with those who deny the holocaust.?

Hmmm the same people, the Nazis, who are said to annihilate disabled people. To attempt to destroy people who were stuck in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives. As somebody who suffered a brutal, spinal cord injury as somebody who was told they might not walk again. That means something to me.

You’re talking with an American. I’m so proud of the many heroic Soviet and American heroes who liberated the concentration camps.

And then there are those in Ukraine today men who have pictures of Hitler . Say something about it or not if not you’re an enabler
There are Nazis all over the world.
That is not why Putin invaded Ukraine.
But go ahead with the Republican fabricated reason to support Russia rather than Ukraine.

WWII was then. This is now.
Aside from the fact that America never sought to annex any of those countries, here is what you don't fundamentally don't understand - we are an OPEN DEMOCRACY with capacity for self correction.

After WWII defeat Japan, Germany, Italy have not become American colonies, but prospering, independant countries. Iraq and Afghanistan are also finding their own way.

Russian evil is rooted in it's addiction to Czardom - they can't help their sheepish impulse to allow one man to consolidate the entire state under his ass indefinetly. Russia is at this point a kleptocratic, totalitarian state, invading other countries on their Czar's imperialist whims. It is by far more evil than any open society could ever become.
We are no better and in some ways even worse.
There are Nazis all over the world.
That is not why Putin invaded Ukraine.
But go ahead with the Republican fabricated reason to support Russia rather than Ukraine.

WWII was then. This is now.
Putin invaded Ukraine because of the weak leadership of Joe Biden.
Putin invaded Ukraine because of the weak leadership of Joe Biden.
Oh? So in 2014 Putin annexed Crimea because....Biden?

Interesting theory, and exactly is that "strong leadership" that Biden could've perfomed to prevent 2022 full scale invasion?

Maybe flatter Putin on "smart" invasion the way our strong leader Trump has? Or maybe put our troops on the ground in Ukraine?
So when Nazi's were invading France and made no sense to wave their flags?

Of course it does make sense. It's called understanding the difference between RIGHT AND WRONG.

Russian invasion is a criminal travesty by an athoritarian state and Ukrainian fight against all odds for it's freedom and independance is a rightious cause.
The MAGA cult thinks we need to abandon Ukraine and let Russia continue on their quest to re-establish the old USSR.
I'm uninformed??

You can't even get the propaganda right - it not Russian nationals, it's ethnic Russians.

There were ZERO claims of any "killings" when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014.

20% of Kiev's population is ethnic Russians and places like Zaporozhie it's even more, you know when ethnic Russians there started getting killed? When RUSSIANS rolled in with their insane full scale invasion in 2022.

Armed conflict in Donbas had nothing to do with ethnicity and everything to do with Russian led and armed separatists taking over Ukranian territories.

There, maybe now you know SOMETHING about Ukraine.

Putin: Stop killing Russians in Ukraine
Ukraine: No! And we’re going to join NATO if you don’t like it! Nyah Nyah Nyah
Putin: I don’t like it
Biden: Vlad, you have a green light to invade
Putin: TYVM (that was money well spent!)
Ukraine: We’re going to win!
Reality: Make peace, you fools!
Ukraine: Fuck you, Reality!
RFK never said that Russia acted in good faith in the invasion. Some kid named Nick Visser said he did. RFK said he believes Russia acted in good faith in negotiations to end the conflict.
RFK never said that Russia acted in good faith in the invasion. Some kid named Nick Visser said he did. RFK said he believes Russia acted in good faith in negotiations to end the conflict.
Yep. That’s why I labeled the thread headline a lie. And it is a lie.
Yep. That’s why I labeled the thread headline a lie. And it is a lie.
Maybe RFK jr. tried to make the point that there is so much unaccounted money floating around to arms specialists and other mysterious entities that it's in Ukraine's best interests to keep the conflict ongoing while Russia might be trying to negotiate for an end to it.

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