Kennedy Jr says Russia acted in good faith in the Ukraine invasion

Moron, the cogent argument is that Russia invading Ukraine is alsmot exactly like Germany invading other countries.

They use all the same excuses about Germany being the self-defending victim.
All the same excuses about ethnic Germans needing to be protected from prosecution in other countries.
All the same historic ownership claims to territories.

Danzig was and is a German city. The Corridor was and is German. Both these territories owe their cultural development exclusively to the German people. Danzig was separated from us, the Corridor was annexed by Poland. As in other German territories of the East, all German minorities living there have been ill-treated in the most distressing manner.

- Hitler justifying invasion of Poland

No, it's nothing like your analogy. Go learn history before spouting such stupid opinions. This is embarrassing.
If RFK somehow managed to win, a consolation prize would be watching the Dems try to reconcile their conflicting marching orders. "The President says Ukraine war bad, says vaccines bad, says illegal immigration bad. What are we to believe?".

If RFK somehow managed to win, a consolation prize would be watching the Dems try to reconcile their conflicting marching orders. "The President says Ukraine war bad, says vaccines bad, says illegal immigration bad. What are we to believe?".

MAGA Trash
When you finally arrive at facts, let me know.

Fact free post.
Well, that’s no different than saying that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist. Pal there’s a nazis in Ukraine so respond to it or not. Do you want to be on the right side of history? Do you wanna stand with those who deny the holocaust.?

Hmmm the same people, the Nazis, who are said to annihilate disabled people. To attempt to destroy people who were stuck in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives. As somebody who suffered a brutal, spinal cord injury as somebody who was told they might not walk again. That means something to me.

You’re talking with an American. I’m so proud of the many heroic Soviet and American heroes who liberated the concentration camps.

And then there are those in Ukraine today men who have pictures of Hitler . Say something about it or not if not you’re an enabler
Really important to point out. Is that the message in the original post not the original poster… but his article is a propaganda Hit piece . Robert F Kennedy, Junior has a very close relative a nephew who is fighting for Ukraine.

Sixties Fan

@ the 5% of Americans that support getting all this money and weapons to Ukraine

Ok so you’re going to tell me with the tens of thousands maybe millions of injustices going around the world so you’re going to tell me to put up a flag of Ukraine. No I’m not going to be your slave. And you guys should not be slaves to people in the media don’t give a damn about you. What do you say to the billions of people in the world who are living in poverty living, a slaves, or who are homeless?

Pentagon recently just said that $6 billion is gone they don’t know where it went. It’s somewhere in Ukraine but they said you know what just let them have it because we’re gonna give it to them anyways.

But that’s just one of probably hundreds or thousands of reasons why we should not be involved in Ukraine.
Well, that’s no different than saying that Al-Qaeda doesn’t exist. Pal there’s a nazis in Ukraine so respond to it or not. Do you want to be on the right side of history? Do you wanna stand with those who deny the holocaust.?

Hmmm the same people, the Nazis, who are said to annihilate disabled people. To attempt to destroy people who were stuck in wheelchairs for the rest of their lives. As somebody who suffered a brutal, spinal cord injury as somebody who was told they might not walk again. That means something to me.

You’re talking with an American. I’m so proud of the many heroic Soviet and American heroes who liberated the concentration camps.

And then there are those in Ukraine today men who have pictures of Hitler . Say something about it or not if not you’re an enabler
Teabaggers learned well from their Russian friends.

When Russia calls others 'Nazis', it should be taking a hard ...​

Euronews › News › World › View

Apr 13, 2023 — The Kremlin's need to justify the war grew to embrace the most radical voices, including those peddling Nazi creed, as its ideologues became

Russian Neo-Nazis Participate in 'Denazifying' Ukraine​

The Moscow Times › Ukraine War

May 23, 2022 — At least two neo-Nazi groups are fighting for Russian forces in Ukraine, throwing into question Moscow's claims of “denazifying” its ...

Russia is the World's Breeding Ground for Neo-Nazi Culture -​

EU Political Report › russia-is-the-worlds-...

Apr 20, 2022 — Russian Neo Nazis. Putin has said that “De-Nazification” of Ukraine is one of his key objectives, and that it is the main justification for ...
I totally makes sense that a Ukrainian would support their country. Of course, many in eastern Ukraine support Russia. It makes no sense for someone who is an American to wave the flag of Ukraine. They only do it because that’s how they were told to think by the media. If they actually cared about humanity, what about the millions of injustices is going on all over the world.

Watch just watch out the far left in the neocons respond to this. They actually can’t respond what they do is they convinced themselves they pack them selves on the back for waving that Ukraine flag without, addressing the millions of injustice is going on in the world.
If there ever was something such as white privilege or white racism, subconsciously, we might be seeing that from those in America, who support Ukraine. They do it because the Ukrainians are white. I mean the fact of the matter are there are billions of people who are brown and black skin, who are living in poverty who are homeless who are such a beautiful people these are fellow Christians these are Muslims. These are wonderful, beautiful people. What about them? What about their lives ?

Ahhhh riiiiight

Who cares ?

I mean, there are conflicts all over Africa. There are better people in Africa than there are in Ukraine when you compare the common African man to the corrupt Ukrainian oligarch. So take that to corrupt billionaire yI mean, there are conflicts all over Africa. There are better people in Africa than there are in Ukraine when you compare the common African man to the corrupt Ukrainian oligarch.

We have the The corrupt Ukrainian oligarch compared to the African Christian man who wants to set a good example for his son, and who refuses to wave an LGBT flag, because of his beliefs he doesn’t hate anybody, but he doesn’t want to give in. That man in Africa is viewed as a monster, while the billionaire corrupt Ukraine oligarch who steals from the poor, is hailed as a hero by the neocons.
So be the "peacemaker" I thought you liberals, progressives, Democrats, and other assorted hippies were all about peace, goodwill, tolerance, inclusion, and all that other anti-war hippie claptrap. Was I wrong about you guys and girls?

Actually if you think about it, ya'll are no longer the "counter-culture." You're become the "establishment." What happened to the good old days when you folks protested wars and just wanted everyone to be groovy? I guess all that flower-power and not trusting anyone over 30 turned out to be a big letdown, right?

And now you've become the old dinosaurs of the American political spectrum. A bunch of aged establishment elitists who control the reigns of power, but can't figure out what to do with it. And whether can accept this or not, we "MAGAtards" have become the counter-culture. We've become the anti-war party. I mean we still do have some GOP "establishment" goobers in our party, left over from the Bush years. But they're losing more power every day. Maybe we'll just re-brand them and send them over to join you.


All in all you're just a... nother brick in the wall. That's what they've become.
I was listening to NPR about the threatened violence against election workers all over the country, this morning. We can all thank that POS named trump for the nut cases showing up at the polls with guns and knives. Yes, Junior is as crazy as trump. So they would make a good pair.
Riiigght jimboliar.....Trump supporters show up with American flags and baby carriages your ilk brings guns and matches.

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